
时间:2023-03-05 18:25:06 公文范文 来源:网友投稿





  这是用具体例子来说明人或事物的特征、本质及其规律的方法,所用例子必须有代表性、典型性,能体现人或事物的本质特征。这是用特殊来说明一般的方法。通常在主题句后,用 For example 或 For instance 等短语引导出具体的例子。例如:

  Our life today depends very much on energy. For example, machines have made our life easier than it used to be. The machines use energy, and energy is needed for heating, lighting, communications, carrying goods-everything. Factories use a great deal of energy to make the things that we use and buy and sell.




  An ideal teacher must have the following characteristics. He should know his subject, but he can make mistakes if he is willing to learn. His personality is as important as his scholarship. An ideal teacher must be enthusiastic. He should be a bit of an actor and he shouldn"t be afraid to show his feelings and express his likes and dislikes. An ideal teacher is one who grows, learns, and improves himself along with his students.

  本段的展开是通过对"一个模范教师"下定义的方法,关键词"ideal teacher"在文中多次重复,能加深读者的印象。



  As far as political views are concerned, people fall into three categories. First are the conservative people. Conservatives are opposed to sudden or great changes. Second are the liberal people. These people are in favor of progress and reform. But their opinions often seem too idealistic. Third are the moderate people. The moderates keep everything within reasonable limits. They are more practical in this hard world. In my opinion, most people seem to belong to this group.

  本段把人按政治观点分为三类:保守派(conservative people)、自由派(liberal people)和温和派(moderate people),并对他们各自的特征进行了简要的分析。


  事物变化的原因和结果是紧密相关的。如果某个现象的存在必然引起另一个现象的发生,那么,这两个现象之间就具有因果关系。因果关系包括"由果推因"(由结果去推测原因)和"由因推果"(由原因去推测结果)两种情况。因果关系符合人们的日常思维逻辑,因而在写作中得到广泛应用,常用 because, as, since, so, now that, if...then, the reason is that...等表示因果关系。例如:

  Of the four seasons, I like spring best. I prefer spring because it is a season of much joy and gaiety. New life bursts out everywhere. Plants wear a green coagain and colorful flowers blossom in gardens and mountains. The old come outdoors for fresh air and the young plan for outdoor activities. Life becomes so energetic and happy.

  第一句为本段主题句,末句是总结句。在主题句后, 作者用了四个句子阐述自己喜欢春天的理由。



  进行比较对照通常有两种方式。第一种方式采用"先A后B"的结构,即A1,A2,A3...; B1, B2, B3...。第二种方式采用"AB交错"结构,即A1,B1;A2,B2;A3,B3...。第一种方式采用先A后B的`结构实际上是把一个段落(或一篇文章)分割为两部分,先全面讲A,再全面讲B,这样做较难收到强烈的对比效果。多数人认为第二种方式比较好,因为把对比的双方AB逐点交错,可以避免行文的单调沉闷,对比的效果也会更鲜明突出。例如:

  It is easy to be a winner. A winner can show his joy publicly. He can laugh and sing and dance and celebrate his victory. People love to be with winners. Winners are never lonely. Unlike winners, losers are the lonely ones of the world. It is difficult to face defeat with dignity. Losers can not show their disappointments publicly. They can not cry or grieve about their defeat. They may suffer privately, but they must be composed in public. They have nothing to celebrate and no one to share their sadness.


  I like having a twin sister. When she’s happy, I’m happy. When she feels unhappy, I feel the same. Often, I know what she’s going to say. Sometimes, I know what she’s thinking. I like what she likes. I hate what she hates. We like the same music, the same food and the same books.



  过程分析法就是把事物发展过程分为若干步骤,然后逐一加以分析说明。这种写法在说明文中使用得相当广泛。过程分析与叙事和因果关系等写法有密切关系,但彼此又有明显区别:叙事研究的对象是"What happens";因果关系研究的对象是"Why it happens",而过程分析研究的对象是"How it happens"。例如:

  There are several steps to plant a tree. First, dig a hole large enough for the tree, but the hole should not be too deep. Second, put the tree in the hole so that it is straight. Third, put the earth back into the hole again. Push it down hard with your foot several times. Finally, water the tree well, as often as possible.

  这段分析了植树过程中的几个步骤。全段层次分明,连接词语(first, second, third, finally)的使用加强了语句的连贯性。








  Directions: For this part ,your are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topicTrying to Be A Good University Student .You should write at least 100 words and you shouldbase your composition on the outline (given in Chinese ) below :




  通过审题,我们可以看出四级作文大都是三段式。如上例第一段为议论体,第二段为说明体,地三段为描述体。而各种文体又不同的写作方式: 议论文;要有论点和论据,而且往往从正反两方面来论述。例如上面第一段的思路是:做合格大学生,会怎末样(这是从正面论述);不能做合格的大学生,会怎末样(从反面论述);所以我们要做合格的大学生(结了论)。说明文:可以从几方面或几条来说明一个问题,就上作文而言,可以从方面(德智体)来说明合格大学生的必要性。

  描述文:一"人"为中心描述一个"做"的过程。与上两段相比,本段的主语多为人称代词,他要与第二段相互应进行描述。 二:确定主题句通过审题,我们知道该如何确定正确的写作思路。下边我们就谈如何些。第一部就是要写主题句。主题句是确保不跑题的前提,只有不跑题才有可得及格分。写主题句嘴保险的方法就是把中文提纲的各句译成英语。

  例如上述三段主题句分别为:1.It is very necessary to be a good university student . (议论体的主题句)2.There are several respects of necessities to be a good university student .(说明体的主题句)3.What I will do in the future is the following .(描述体主题句)如果要求句是英语就可以把它变成主题句,例如这样一篇作文:Good Health1.Importance of good health2.Ways to keep fit3.My own practice这样的作文的要求句就可以扩充成主题句。扩充后三段的主题句分别为:1.It is very important to have good health .(将名词 importance变成形容词important)2.There are four ways to keep fit for me .(用 there be 句型)3.My own practices are the following .(采用原词)


  保证不跑提示写作当中第一任务,第二个重要任务就是要做到条理清楚。对于议论文来说,正反面要清楚,对于说明文来说条理要清楚,对于描述文来说,谁干什么要清楚。就拿上例Good health 来说,第一段保持正反面要清楚救应这样写:正面(With good health ,we can...),反面(Without good health ,we cando nothing .We can"t do...)

  为了使文章更具有条理性,我们可以用first(ly) second(ly) third(ly)等副词,他们可以是文章的条例性更加突出。作文是主观题,想得告分就必须引起老师的主意,老师的时间很短(每篇作文只有一两分钟就要阅完),所以我们在列调试最好不用: To be with,... after that ,...And then, ... The next , ... Thefollowing , ... As last ... 。因为用这样的词语不利于老师看出你作文的条理性。









  The chart / graph/ table/ picture describes that the figure declines/ falls smoothly/ markedly. It indicates that…图表显示数字下降*缓,这表明…

  There may be a combination of factors which contribute to / are responsible for …可能是好几个因素造成的"结果。

  There may be several possible reasons to this phenomenon, which will be demonstrated as follows. 可能有几个原因导致了我们下面所要阐述的现象。

  The significant effects of this phenomenon are undeniable, which can be concluded as the following aspects.这一现象的重大影响是不可忽略的,可大致归结为以下几个方面

  On one hand, …; On the other hand,…一方面,…;另一方面,…





  在文章开始时提出需要说明的东西和观点,然后常用first,second,…and finally加以罗列说明。罗列法广泛地使用于各类指导性的说明文之中,下面这篇学生作文就是用罗列法写成的:

  Early Rising

  Early rising (早起) is helpful in more than one way. First,it helps to keep us fit (健康)。 We all need fresh air. But air is never so fresh as early in the morning. Besides,we can do good to our health from doing morning exercise (做早操)。

  Secondly,early rising helps us in our studies. We learn more quickly in the morning,and find it easier to remember what we learn in the morning.

  Thirdly,early rising enables (使能够) us to plan the work of the day. We cannot work well without a good plan. Just as the plan for the year should be made in the spring,so the plan for the day should be made in the morning.

  Fourthly,early rising gives us enough time to get ready for our work,such as to wash our faces and hands and eat our breakfast properly.

  Late risers may find it very difficult to form the habit of early rising. They ought to make special efforts to do so. As the English proverb says,“Early to bed and early to rise,makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise.”


  There are several good reasons why we should learn a foreign language. First of all,…Secondly,…And finally,…

  We should try our best to plant more trees for several good reasons First of all,…Secondly,…And finally,



  举例法是用具体的例子来说明我们要表达的意思,常用for example,for instance,still another example is…等词语引出。下面这篇学生作文就是用举例法写成的:


  It is impossible to keep in good health unless we take enough recreation (娱乐)。 The mind,too,needs change to make it fresh and vigorous (有活力的) There is much truth in the old saying,All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.“

  There are many games which boys and girls can play after their school work is done,for instance,football,tennis,and kite-flying. Other examples of recreation are boating,fishing,gardening,cycling,walking,chess-playing,and reading. Persons who sit much at their business should take a kind of recreation that will sup* their muscles (肌肉) with exercise. Those who spend most of their time in the open air and do manual work (体力活) should adopt (采纳) reading or some other quiet form of recreation.

  Cycling is said to be an important means of recreation,but many persons foolishly tire out themselves by cycling too much. The same may be said in regard to football. Tennis is a pleasant form of recreation. Many persons take great delight in boating. Fishing requires much patience,and there is much danger of taking cold by sitting still on a cold day too long. A good brisk (轻松) walk is one of the finest forms of exercise. For persons engaged in outdoor labor,chess-playing is another excellent form of recreation.


  3.比较法(comparison and contrast)


  From Paragraph to Essay

  Although they are different in length (长度),the paragraph and the essay are quite similar in structure (结构)。 For example,the paragraph starts with either a topic sentence (主题句) or a topic introducer followed by a topic sentence. In the essay,the first paragraph sets up the topic focus (主题所在) Next,the sentences in the body of a paragraph develop the topic sentence. Similarly,the body of an essay consists of a number of paragraphs that discuss and support the ideas given in the introductory (引导的) paragraph. Finally,a concluding sentence (结束句) ——whether a restatement,conclusion,or observation——ends the paragraph. The essay,too,has a concluding paragraph which ends the essay logically and satisfactorily. Although there are some exceptions (例外),most well written expository (说明文的) paragraphs and essays are similar in structure.

  可以看出,在比较相同点的时候,常用到similarly,also,too,in the same case,in spite of the difference等这样的词语。

  European Football and American Football

  Although European football is the parent of American football,the two games show several major differences. European football,sometimes called association football or soccer,is played in 80 countries,making it the most widely played sport in the world. American football,on the other hand,is popular only in North America (the United States and Canada)。 Soccer is played by eleven players with a round ball. Football,also played by eleven players in somewhat different positions (位置) on the field,is played with an elongated (拉长的) round ball. Soccer has little body contact (接触) between players and therefore needs no special protective equipment. Football,in which players make the greatest use of body contact to stop a running ball-carrier and his teammates,needs special protective equipment. In soccer,the ball is advanced toward the goal by kicking it or by butting (顶) it with the head. In American football,on the other hand,the ball is passed from hand to hand or carried in the hands across the opponent"s (对手) goal. These are just a few of the features which distinguish (区别) association and American football.

  这是一篇用比较不同点的手法写的说明文。从文章中可以看出:however,on the other hand,in contrast,but,nevertheless等表示转折的词语常用来引导对不同点的比较。





  A bat is a small mouse-like animal that flies at night and feeds on(以……为食品)fruit and insects but is not a bird.

  其实,在英—英词典中,对英语单词的英文解释就是定义法的典型例子。比如,看看Longman词典对student和teacher的定义是很有意思的:A student is a person who is studying at a place of education or training. A teacher is a person who gives knowledge or skill to sb. as a profession (专业)。

  5.顺序法(sequence of time,space and process)



  Coal underwent (经受) many changes before it became the bright,brittle (脆的),black substance which we now use. During ancient times (在上古时代),when the earth enjoyed a very warm and wet climate,the land was covered with large forests and big plants. As time went on,the ground changed and began to sink (下沉) a little. These very large numbers of trees and vegetables received a deposit (沉淀) of sand and clay. This layer of sand and clay pressed upon the layer beneath and prevented it from contact with air. These trees and plants received the pres sure and changed its appearance.

  Generations after generations (几世纪后),as the ground kept gradually sinking,another layer of sand and clay was again deposited (积聚) above the layers already formed. A great pressure was thus exerted (作用) and the peat (泥煤) was changed into the black and brittle substance which is known as coal.

  Coal is a kind of mineral which is formed by nature as above stated. It is an important industrial material and is chiefly used as fuel. It is very valuable in the industrial world. The place where coal deposit is called a coal mine (煤矿)。 In China,coal mines are largely found in the north-west part of the country. Shanxi is a famous province for producing coal. It has the most coal of China.


  分类法是将写作对象进行分类说明的一种写作手法。比如:著名的英国哲学家弗朗西斯·培根(Francis Bacon)在其脍炙人口的《谈读书》(Of Studies)一文中就用到了分类法:

  Some books are to be tasted,others to be swallowed,and some few to be chewed and digested,that is,some books are to be read only in parts,others to be read,but not curiously,and some few to be read wholly,and with diligence and attention. Some books also may be read by deputy,and extracts made of them by others; but that would be only in the less important arguments,and the meaner sort of books…




















  Directions: For this part, your are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic

  Trying to Be A Good University Student。

  You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline(given in Chinese)below:











  It is very necessary to be a good university student。(议论体的主题句) There are several respects of necessities to be a good university student。(说明体的主题句)

  What I will do in the future is the following。(描述体的主题句)


  确定主题句后,接下来的工作就是展开论述。许多考生真正犯难的也是这一步。最基本的解决办法是扩大词汇量,丰富自己的语法存储。在写作时,语法和词汇都是最基本的。然而,组织段落的能力也是尤为重要的(接下来的连贯与衔接部分,我们更为详细的为大家讲解)。行文时,不只是提供一些information,还要学会运用一些examples, personal experiences, comparisons, descriptions等等,只有这样,才不会觉得无话可“写”。





  注意 to (介词&动词不定式)

  to的短语接动名词 :abandon oneself to(沉溺于), adhere to(坚持), stick to(坚持,信守), cling to(坚持,忠于), admit to(承认), confess to(承认), contribute to(做贡献), feel up to(感觉能胜任), get down to(开始着手做), give one’s mind to(专心), give way to(让步), yield to(屈服), lead to(导致), look forward to(渴望), object to(反对),take to(开始从事,喜欢), turn to(求助), succumb to(屈服), see to(照顾,料理), get used to, be accustomed to, be addicted to, be committed to, be dedicated to, be devoted to, be opposed to, be reduced to, be subject to(受支配的,常遭受), submit to(顺从,屈服)




  A) gravely B) respect C) limited

  D) specialize E) seriously F) promoting

  G) involves H) relieved I) significant

  J) magnificent K) range L) issues

  M) result N) determining O) complicated

  Today, we take pain______.

  (此处应用副词做状语,考查近义词辨析.Take sth. seriously为固定搭配)



  1 n./pron. vt. n./pron. 前有名后有名,中间谓动

  2 n./pron. vi. 前名后无名,谓动不及物

  3 n./pron. vi. adv./prep.前名后介副,谓动不及物

  4 n./pron. link v./be adj.前名后形容,be动或系动

  5 to v. 前有to,后原型




  1has/have/had p.p(完成时态)

  2be p.p(被动语态)

  3p.p n.或 n. p.p(过去分词做形容词,表示被动或已发生)


  1be -ing(进行时态)

  2-ing n.或n.-ing(现在分词做形容词,表示主动或正在进行)

  3prep. –ing(介词宾语)



  1a/the n. 前有冠词

  2n. V. 空白后为谓语动词

  3prep. n. 空白前为介词,则空白处为名词或动名词



  1adj. n. n. adj. 空白前后是名词

  2adv. adj. 空白前是副词

  3link v./be adj. be动或系动后考虑形容词做表语


  1adv. v.或 v. adv.副词修饰动词,表示程度状态

  2adv. adj.副词可修饰形容词



  Sample: Husband and children now do some of these jobs, a ____ that has changed the target market for many products.

  (scale, potential, gap, extreme, purchase, situation)


  Sample: The classroom (offers) opportunities for children to replace angry, violent behaviors with _______ , peaceful ones.

  (根据语法判断此处为形容词,与peaceful有一样具有积极意义,与前文的angry, violent词义色彩相反,那么comprehensive, cooperative, entire应选择cooperative)



  (respect, result, range)

推荐访问:说明文 作文 英语四级 英语四级作文说明文写作技巧 英语四级作文说明文写作技巧1 英语四级作文说明文写作技巧100字 英语四级作文说明文写作技巧10篇 英语四级作文说明文写作技巧1篇