
时间:2023-02-12 08:15:06 公文范文 来源:网友投稿

托福口语集训题练习题1  Inyouropinion,whatarethecharacteristicsofagoodsonordaughterinafamily?Usespecificexampl下面是小编为大家整理的托福口语集训题练习题(全文完整),供大家参考。



  In your opinion, what are the characteristics of a good son or daughter in a family? Usespecific examples and details to explain your answer.


  In answering this question, you are supposed to talk about your opinion on characteristics agood son or daughter should have in a family. Please don"t forget to include reasons anddetails.


  A good son or daughter should take good care of her/his parents; communicate well withparents and can always come to the mutual understanding on most of things; don"t make manytroubles for their family.


  Topic sentence, normally one sentence.

  Supporting ideas, like examples, reasons, figures or personal experience, which should be easyto understand.

  Transition: First, because, second, finally etc.


  initially 起初地;obedient 言听计从的;do well in school 学业优良;bring up sb 抚养*;set agood example树立一个好的.榜样;provide sb with sth向某人提供某物

  A possession is an object that you own. If you were asked to choose one possession thatyou prize highly, which one would you choose? Why? What makes this possession especiallyvaluable to you? Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice.


  In answering this question, you are supposed to talk about what kind of possession isespecially important to you. Please don’t forget to include reasons and details.


  My family, they gave me everything; most importantly, my parents taught me how to be abetter person, etc.


  Topic sentence, normally one sentence.

  Supporting ideas, like examples, reasons, figures or personal experience, which should be easyto understand.

  Transition: First, because, second, finally etc.


  good reputation 好名声;value sth 珍视某物;be attracted to sth 被…所吸引;fail to do sth 没能做成某事;guard sth as my most prized possession 守卫…作为我最宝贵的财富

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