
时间:2023-02-11 08:50:05 公文范文 来源:网友投稿






  1. what might Tony’s cousin do?

  A. a worker B. a doctor C. a teacher

  2. How does Bill get to school every day?

  A. on foot B. by bus C. by bike

  3. what’s the relationship between the two speakers?

  A. teacher and student B. doctor and patient C. salesman and customer

  4. what did the doctor ask him to do?

  A. take a rest B. take some medicine C. stay in hospital

  5. how much will the man pay for the room?

  A. ¥120 B. ¥240 C. ¥360




  6. where’s Maria now?

  A. in France B. in American C. in England

  7. who is Maria with?

  A. her brother B. her friend C. her parents

  8. how’s the weather in Beijing?

  A. warm and sunny B. hot and dry C. hot and sunny


  9. what’s the time now?

  A. 5:15 B. 4:45 C. 5:45

  10. where might the two speakers be?

  A. at school B. at a store C. at the girl’s home

  11. how long has it been raining?

  A. since this morning B. since this afternoon C. since this evening

  12. what will the boy do after he goes school?

  A. do his homework B. look after his sister C. take his umbrella for Gina


  13. what does the woman’s daughter look like?

  A. she looks much older B. she’s taller than other girls

  C. she’s shorter than other girls

  14. what size shoes does the woman take for her daughter?

  A. size 6 B. size 7 C. size 8

  15. what color shoes does the woman choose?

  A. red B. black C. pink

  16. what can the woman do if the shoes do not fit her daughter well?

  A. bring them back to the store and get a new pair

  B. telephone the shoe store and they will send her a new pair

  C. ask the officer to help her change a new pair


  17. why did John go the south?

  A. to meet his friends B. to find a new job C. to have a trip

  18. how did John go there?

  A. by car B. by plane C. by train

  19. what did the man want John to do?

  A. to give him the money B. to give him the gun C. to give him the ticket

  20. which of the following is TRUE?

  A. John could find a job in the northeast

  B. John gave some money to the man

  C. John got on the train without a ticket

  请同学们翻到第II卷非选择题, 完成“第VI大题,听力填空”(56-60小题)



  21. wish you a pleasant journey, my son!

  Thanks, mom. I’ll give you a __as soon s I arrive in Beijing

  A. call B. courage C. ride D. touch

  22. Eliza, I’m going on business for about a week.

  Don’t worry about me. I can take good care of ____

  A. me B. mine C. myself D. it

  23. who plays the piano___, Linda, Lucy or Meimei?

  Lucy. She often wins the prize in the piano competition.

  A. good B. fine C. better D. best

  24. hey, Alice. You___ on the phone a moment ago. But you weren’t here and I took a message for you.

  Oh? I was in the library.

  A. are wanted B. were wanted C. are called D. have called

  25. what does the instruction say?

  You should use cold water to wash the dress, or the colors in the dress will___

  A. appear B. run C. drop D. fall

  26. most of the children in my time liked to play together under that big tree.___ during the summer holidays

  A. although B. exactly C. especially D. probably

  27. we’ll go to the Great Wall___ there is heavy rain tomorrow.

  OK! Walking on the Great Wall must be great fun.

  A. as soon as B. when C. unless D. if

  28. Joy, what happened to the plane?

  It ___ at midnight, but it didn’t land on the airport on time.

  A. took off B. put off C. turned off D. got off

  29. do your friends often communicate with you on wechat微信?

  Yes. Sometimes. It’s ___ we enjoy doing at weekends.

  A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing

  30. could you tell me___?

  Yes. Walk on, you can find a shoe store

  A. where can I buy a pair of shoes B. where I can buy a pair of shoes

  C. what can I buy a pair of shoes D. what I can buy a pair of shoes



  A man and his wife had a dog to keep their house. When they went out, they always 31 the dog inside the house.

  One evening they wanted to go to the cinema, 32 they left the dog in the house and locked the door and their garden gate. They went there 33 their car.

  When the film finished, they came back home. They opened the 34 and put the car away. But when they came to the front door, they found that part of the glass on the door was35. The door was unlocked and half-open. A robber (抢劫犯)! They went in and quickly looked in all the rooms to see 36 things the robber had taken. But everything was in the right place and nothing at all was 37.

  The dog was sleeping in the sitting room on the floor. The lady was 38 the dog. "Why didn‘t you keep the house ?" she said. The dog was pleased to see its owners. It began to wag (摇) its tail (尾巴) and then it went to a corner of the room and picked up something in its 39.It went to the lady and 40 the thing at her feet. When the lady had a look at it, she was very surprised. Can you guess what the dog’s present was? It was …a …man’s finger.


  阅读下列短文,从每篇短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项 。


  Teaching English to your family members is a great way to improve your own English. Learning something new together can make you closer to your family members, too.

  Here is some advice for you:

  Film night: choose an English film with Chinese subtitles字幕. You can stop the film at any time and help your family learn new words and expressions according to subtitles on the screen.

  Sports night: you can invite your family members to go skating or swimming. You can teach a few words when you play sports together. For example, “you fell down” or “your skates look cool”.

  Novel night: choose a classical English story that your family members may know. You can read it to your family members and tell them about the novel in English

  Make an English family tree together: you can teach your family members what each person is called in English, such as “father” and “cousin”. It is a good way to make your family members interested in English.

  41. you can learn English by ___ according to the passage.

  A. listen to the radio B. teaching English to your family members

  C. taking to your English teachers D. having a party and talking in English

  42. you can help your family members___ when you watch an English movie

  A. listen to English songs B. review some sentences

  C. copy some conversation D. learn some words

  43. which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  A. you can only help your family members learn English at night

  B. translating a classical English story can help your family members learn English

  C. going skating can help your family members improve their speaking skills

  D. an English family tree can your family members interested in English


  Life is important. You should always have fun and new experiences, because you never know what day will be your last. You shouldn’t hold anger. You never know what could happen next. I learn all this at the age of nine.

  It was the summer before fifth grade. My best friend Nessa and I were playing. We got angry with each other and had a fight. My older cousin, Tiffany, broke up our fight. I remember Nessa storming out of my grandmother’s house saying, “ I hope we never speak again !”

  I replied, “good, I don’t need you as a friend!”

  I went into the house and tried to be quiet. Then I heard people shouting outside. My cousin rushed in. she said that Nessa had been hit by a street truck as she crossed the road. The driver didn’t see her. I felt sad. I wished it had been me instead. It could have been avoided if we hadn’t had that fight!

  When the ambulance救护车arrived a few minutes later, they said she was dead. I was a real mess. I had to see a psychologist心理医生for the rest of the summer.

  I miss Nessa so much and I think of her always. She taught me how valuable and important life is and that you should never hold anger because you never know when you’ll see that person again.

  44. the story happened when___

  A. the writer was Grade Five B. summer vacation was coming

  C. Nessa was nine years old D. the writer was nine years old

  45. Nessa and the writer were playing ___ on that day

  A. at Nessa’s house B. at the house of the writer’s grandma

  C. at the writer’s house D. at the house of the writer’s cousin

  46. which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  A. Nessa and Tiffany got angry with each other and had a fight

  B. the writer played games happily with Nessa all the time

  C. Nessa was hit by a truck after they had a fight

  D. Nessa was sent to the hospital and saved by the doctors

  47. from the last paragraph we can infer 推断that the writer___

  A. has never thought of Nessa since then

  B. didn’t regret for what had happened that day

  C. will be more kind to others

  D. lives a good life because of Nyssa


  You may laugh when you see dog owners talk to their pets as though they were human. Although dogs cannot speak a human language, they seem to understand how you feel. Sounds strange? Now scientists have found that dog and human brains deal with sound and emotion情感in a similar way. This may help to explain the language problem.

  To compare human and dog brains, a scientist called Attila Antics and his team tested 11dogs and 22 humans. Both group listened to almost 200 dogs and human sounds. From crying to laughter and playful barking吠. At the same time, the team scanned扫描both group’s brain activity.

  The scientists found that a similar part in both brains was activated激活when animals ad people heard human voices and emotional sounds, such as crying and laughter. Also, emotional dog voices, such as angry barking also caused a similar action from human and dog volunteers.

  We know very well that dogs are good at tuning和..协调into the feeling of their owners, and we know a good dog owner can find emotional changes in their dog. But we now begin to understand that this similarity may help to explain this can be.

  48. we can know from the first paragraph that ___

  A. god owners can speak a dog language

  B. dogs can speak a human language

  C. dog owners can explain the language problem

  D. dogs seem to understand how people feel

  49. while the dog and human volunteers listened to different sounds. Andics and his team____

  A. watched their actions B. scanned their brains

  C. recorded their sounds D. activated their brains

  50.according to the article, which of the following is TRUE?

  A. the brains of dogs and humans deals with sounds and emotions in a similar way

  B. only human voices can activate a certain part of the brain

  C. pets are good at tuning into the feeling of their owners

  D. dog owners can’t pay attention to the emotional changes in their dogs

  51. what is probably the best title for this passage?

  A. dogs, friends of human B. dogs feel human emotions

  C. human and dog brains D. a new research on dogs


  Last week, my granddaughter started primary school. And I wished her every success. But part of me didn’t. I really wanted her to fail in some ways because I believe that failure can be good for us to grow up. Success is that you can do something that you already know you can do, or doing something correctly the first time. First –time success is usually a luck. First-time failure, in fact, is supposed to be the natural order of things. Failure is how we learn.

  I make my living by writing articles for a daily newspaper. Each week I thought that the article that I write would be the worst. I try my best every day. A successful article usually means that I am discussing the subjects I know well, writing in the way I am used to or saying the same things as anyone else but in an excellent way.

  My younger daughter is a trapeze artist荡秋千演员.she spent three years putting together a show, and she did it successfully for years. There was no reason for her to change it but she did anyway. She was afraid to be bored. She met failure when she tried some new ways in her show. But she did his only in order to feed her soul心灵

  My granddaughter is a perfectionist. She will feel her failures, and I will want to comfort her. But I will also, I hope, remind her of what she learned, and how she can do better next time. I hope I can tell her, though, that it’s not the end of the world. With luck, it is the beginning.

  52. why id the writher want his granddaughter to fail?

  A. success is boring though it can bring us something good

  B. she would learn more form failure

  C. it’s impossible to do everything successfully

  D. he wanted her to be strong enough to face failure

  53. the writer talked about his own experience to show that___

  A. we cannot depend on luck to live a good life

  B. we should try every possible way to avoid failure

  C. past failures made him afraid of writing more

  D. the thought of failure will make you work even harder

  54. the underlined word “comfort” in the last paragraph probably means___

  A. 表扬 B.磨炼 C.安慰 D.批评

  55. the writer develop the article mainly by ___

  A. giving examples B. following the time order

  C. comparing different ideas D. presenting the reasons of failure

  第II卷 非选择题(五大题,共50分)



  56. when did the story happen? On ____ _____

  57. what were the students doing in class? They were busy____ ____

  58. who got angry after class? ____ _____

  59. did Tom draw anything on the paper? ____, he ____

  60. what did Tom say to his teacher?

  He said he had drawn a ____ and some___ on the paper.


  A) 根据句子意思和音标、首字母提示填词。(5分)

  61. if we eat the wrong food, we may get_____ [sik]

  62. would you mind ___ [‘teikiŋ] care of my dog while I’m away for a few days?

  Of course not. Your dog, Fido is so lovely

  63. you had better not look up in a dictionary every time you come to a new w _____ while reading.

  64. I’m afraid a car is too expensive for me.

  But more and more Chinese can a _____ to buy one

  65. every year, t _____ of Chinese middle school students go to study in foreign countries such as the USA, Canada and so on.


  66. dad, have you finished fixing the clock?

  No, Betty. I can’t put all these _____(piece) together

  67. Sandy, do not forget to put your name on the cover. You should be ____(care) when doing things.

  Oh, sorry, Mrs. White

  68. there were a lot of travelers on the _____(nine) train, so the police couldn’t find the thief easily

  69. My_____(big) problem is that I’ve run out of all the money. I don’t have a ticket to go back.

  70. my wife is Chinese and I come from Canada. Chinese, Canadians, I think there is no ______ (different) between us.

  VIII、完成句子。(共10分, 每小题词1分)


  71. please remember_______ the lights when you leave the classroom. (turn)


  72. what do you want to be when you _____?(grow)


  I want to be an English teacher.


  73. the visitors from Hong Kong ______ reach Beijing at 9:35 tonight. (be)


  74. he is very clever and knows how to ______(make)


  75. poor Tom had to stay in bed for a few days because he _____(have)


  76. Great changes _________ in Jinghou last year. (take)


  77. he is still raising money for charity and never _____ the poor children. (give)


  78. Ann was so hungry that she ________ the whole cake. (eat)


  79. I feel very excited about the coming Provincial Games, I do hope I can ______it. (take)


  80. “your homework ______ before this Wednesday.” Mr. King told his students. (hand)




true both work good say before only call radio bad kill

  The M25, the highway around London, opened in 1986. Today people 81 it the largest car park in Europe. Every morning on the 82 we hear about traffic jams, road repairs, and accidents, and which part of the M25 to avoid. One day soon we will hear “there’s a traffic jam all the way round the M25 in 83 directions. If you are driving to 84, then it may be better for you to go back home”

  Winston Churchill once said that the car was the 85 thing of the 20th century. This may be 86 of the next century, too. Every year about 5,000 people are 87 on British roads. For children, road accidents are a major 主要的cause of death.

  The newspaper usually 88 that the car is a good thing. But when you have a car and can 89 drive at the speed of a walking man, is it 90 to spend a lot of your money sim* getting a car for the speed?








  Dear Leo,

  Don’t worry about your study too much. You should learn how to relax yourself.





  第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共60分)


  1. ─ Has Tim got ______ first place in the race?

  ─ No, he hasn’t. But he will have ______ second try.

  A. a; the B. the; the C. a, a D. the, a

  2. ─ Have you sent your grandparents an e-mail telling them you arrived already?

  ─ No, ______ of them can use a com*r.

  A. none B. both C. neither D. all

  3. ─ Tina, mother says we can have a pet! How about a dog?

  ─ I prefer a cat. It is ______ to take care of.

  A. easy B. easier C. easiest D. the easiest

  4. The match between Spurs and Heat in the NBA finals was really fantastic, ______ when Leonard scored in the last minute.

  A. probably B. exactly C. especially D. mostly

  5. ─ I think the man over there must be Douglas.

  ─ It ______ be him. He has ______ to Australia.

  A. can’t, gone B. can’t, been C. may not, been D. mustn’t, gone

  6. ─ There’s a sign over there. What does it say?

  ─ It says we are not allowed to enter the exhibition ______ we have a ticket.

  A. if B. when C. unless D. because

  7. Sam gave Ann some ______ to look after the parrot while he was away.

  A. decisions B. inventions C. instructions D. conclusions

  8. ─ There’s too much salt in the Chinese diet.

  ─ So there is. The WHO says only 1.5 grams of salt ______ for each man every day.

  A. is needed B. is needing C. will need D. has needed

  9. ─ Alice, would you mind not playing the guitar? I ______ on the phone.

  ─ Oh, sorry, mom.

  A. talked B. talk C. was talking D. am talking

  10. ─ These three problems are too hard to ______. Will you give me some advice?

  ─ There are many ways. The most important is to have a careful plan.

  A. work out B. look out C. hand out D. break out

  11. All of us find ______ necessary to make good use of time every day.

  A. this B. that C. it D. them

  12. The girl is so helpful that she devoted all her spare time she had ______ others.

  A. to help B. helping C. to helping D. helped

  13. ─ Peter, is there anything else you want to know about China?

  ─ Yes, I am still wondering ______.

  A. when Chinese people eat rice dumplings

  B. whether the Summer Palace is a nice place for the emperors

  C. that the Forbidden City was turned into a museum in 1925

  D. what do Chinese people do to celebrate the Spring Festival

  14. ─ Have you seen the film Alice in Wonderland?

  ─ Yes. ______ wonderful film it is! I want to see it again.

  A. What B. What a C. How D. How a

  15. ─ I’ve been waiting for the phone since 5 o’clock.

  ─ ______ He is not only a skillful driver but he also knows the road very well.

  A. How long has he been away?

  B. What’s the matter with John?

  C. I don’t think you should worry about John.

  D. I’m afraid there"s something wrong with the telephone.


  My first memories of acts of kindness are from when I was about 12 years old. When I found people in trouble, I always 16 them with whatever they needed as soon as possible.

  At that time, I noticed that many 17 people had difficulty going to the shopping mall after heavy snow. I would spend part of a 18 Saturday knocking on my elderly neighbor’s apartment doors to ask if they 19 anything from the mall. The mall was down a huge hill and I would bring back a couple of bags of necessities (必需品) for them every time. I liked it and it made them so 20 , too.

  My friends asked me 21 I was doing and after some time some of them joined in and it became a 22 as time went by. I 23 asked for money for these, but sometimes the old ladies would 24 some in my pocket without telling me. The next time I would buy some flowers or cards for them.

  When I went to college, many of these people would ask my mother about me, 25 my mother didn’t always know who they were. I had never told her about what I 26 to do for these people. And then she knew it through the 27 between these people and her. I started helping others when I was 12 and it has 28 until today. Now I’m a teacher and teaching my students the art of true 29 . At first I wrote this for my diary, but my mother said why not share it with 30 . I hope this inspires (激励) younger people and the older ones as well.

  16. A. offered B. helped C. cared D. gave

  17. A. disabled B. sick C. lazy D. old

  18. A. snowy B. fine C. free D. busy

  19. A. had B. needed C. got D. took

  20. A. pleased B. relaxed C. surprised D. bored

  21. A. whether B. when C. why D. what

  22. A. case B. hobby C. tradition D. custom

  23. A. never B. usually C. always D. sometimes

  24. A. put B. use C. find D. save

  25. A. so B. as C. but D. or

  26. A. planned B. used C. remembered D. learned

  27. A. speeches B. discussions C. sentences D. conversations

  28. A. stopped B. finished C. continued D. kept

  29. A. culture B. kindness C. love D. stress

  30. A. others B. friends C. strangers D. mothers





  Disneyland will bring you into a magic world. As you walk around Disneyland, you may see Snow White and Mickey Mouse in a parade or on the street. If you want to have fun and more than fun, come to Disneyland!

  Dollywood, in the beautiful Smoky Mountains in the southeastern USA. Although Dollywood has rides, the park’s main attraction is its culture. You can even take a ride on the only steam-engine train still working in the southeast USA. Come to Dollywood to have fun learning all about America’s historical southeast culture!

  If you want to experience the ancient days, England’s Camelot Park is the place for you. Every area of the park is modeled after life in the days of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. To enter a world of ancient England, come to Camelot Park!

  Some theme parks are not only for fun but also educational. Take the Polynesian Cultural Center(PCC) in Hawaii as an example. It not only shows visitors the Polynesian way of life but also protects their skills and culture for the future.

  31. You may read this passage in a ______.

  A. fashion magazine B. story book

  C. comic strip D. travel agency’s leaflet

  32. If Mr. White wants to experience the ancient England, which park should he visit?

  A. Disneyland. B. Dollywood. C. Camelot Park. D. The PCC.

  33. What’s Dollywood’s main attraction?

  A. Magic shows. B. King Arthur’s life.

  C. Polynesian culture. D. America’s southeast culture.


  My 10-year-old Donna said, “Mom, I made a new friend at school today. Can she come over tomorrow?” Donna was a shy girl and I wanted her to make some friends to bring her out of her shell.

  “Sure, honey, that sounds great.” I said, thinking back to my own best friend, Lillian. We lived across the street from each other in Washington Heights, New York. We met at the age of 10, too. Like my daughter, I was shy, but Lillian drew me out. She was one of the friendliest people in school, with shiny black hair and a mile-wide smile.

  In senior high school, Lillian went on a trip to Florida. This was the first time we had to be away from each other for a few days. “I’ll be back soon.” she told me. But three days later, Lillian’s sister told me that she had fallen into a river and hadn’t come out any more. Soon, my family moved to New Jersey. Whenever I thought of her, tears came into my eyes.

  The next day Donna brought her new friend home. “Hi, Mrs. Loggia.” the little girl said. Her hair was so shiny and black and she shot me a big smile. “My name is Laura.”

  My daughter’s new friend was so much like Lillian. I was still puzzled (迷惑) when Laura’s mom came to pick her up later that afternoon. I opened the door to let her in. “Judy!” she cried. “It’s me, Lillian’s sister, from Washington Heights.” Yes, my daughter’s friend looked familiar (熟悉的). She was Lillian’s niece (侄女).

  34. The underlined words in the first paragraph “to bring her out of her shell” mean ______.

  A. to help her live happily B. to help her become smart

  C. to help her become less shy D. to help her walk out of her house

  35. Laura looked familiar to the writer because she ______.

  A. was Lillian’s sister B. was as old as her daughter

  C. was from Washington Heights D. had shiny black hair and a big smile, too

  36. “I knew she would live in my heart forever.” is a sentence from the passage and should be put at the end of ______.

  A. Paragraph 2 B. Paragraph 3 C. Paragraph 4 D. Paragraph 5

  37. We can infer (推断) from the passage that ______.

  A. Laura is outgoing (开朗的,乐于助人的)

  B. Laura is a shy girl

  C. Laura and Donna are of the same age

  D. Judy moved to New Jersey because of Lillian’s death


  We may know that there are four basic periods for human beings to pass through when you enter and live in another country. This process (变化过程) helps you deal with culture shock (文化冲击).

  Culture shock begins with the “honeymoon period”: This is the time when you first arrive in a place where everything about the new cu1ture is strange and exciting. You see new things, hear new sounds and language, eat new kinds of food. This period can last for quite a long time because you feel very happy.

  Unluckily, the second period can be more difficu1t. After you have got used to your new life, you can become very uncomfortable and begin to miss your motherland, your family, your friends, your pets and so on. Al1 the little prob1ems in life seem to be much bigger and more worrying when you face them in a foreign country. This period can be very difficult and lead to moving backwards quickly.

  The third period is called the “adjustment (调整) period”. This is when you begin to realize that things are not so bad in the new country. Your sense of humor usually becomes stronger and you realize you are becoming stronger by 1earning to take care of yourself in the new place. Things are still difficult, but you are now a survivor.

  The fourth period can be cal1ed “at ease at last”. Now you feel quite comfortable in your new place. You can deal with most problems that you have. You may still have prob1ems with language, but you know you are strong enough to deal with them. At this time, you may feel a little uncomfortable if you go back to your motherland.

  38. According to the passage, culture shock usually happens when you ______.

  A. get married to a foreigner B. live in a big city

  C. go to live in a foreign country D. meet foreigners in your motherland

  39. During the first period of the process, you feel ______.

  A. sad and lonely B. happy and excited

  C. angry but strong D. easy but uncomfortable

  40. If you organize a party without difficulties and enjoyed the good time with your buddies in the USA, you are probably in ______.

  A. the lst period B. the 2nd period

  C. the 3rd period D. the 4th period

  41. We can conclude from the passage that ______.

  A. living in another country is fun

  B. it’s boring to live in another country

  C. knowing about culture shock is hard

  D. it’s not easy to dea1 with culture shock


  One windy spring day, I noticed young people having fun using the wind to fly their kites. Colorful creations of different shapes and sizes filled the skies like beautiful birds flying and dancing. As the strong winds blew against the kites, a string (线) kept them in control.

  Instead of blowing away with the wind, they rose against it to achieve great heights. They shook and pulled, but the restraining (控制的) string and the cumbersome (笨重的) tail kept them in control, facing upward and against the wind. As the kites struggled against the string, they seemed to say, “Let me go! Let me go! I want to be free!” They rose beautifully even when they fought the restriction of the string. Finally, one of the kites succeeded in breaking loose (松散的). “Free at last,” it seemed to say. “Free to fly with the wind.”

  Yet freedom (自由) sim* put it in the control of an unkind wind. It fell down to the ground and landed in a mass of weeds and string against a dead bush. “Free at last”, free to lie powerlessly in the dirt, to be blown helplessly along the ground, and to stop lifelessly against the first obstacle (障碍物).

  How much like kites we sometimes are. The Heaven gives us adversity (逆境) and rules, rules to follow from which we can grow and get strength. Some of us break away from the rules so hard that we never reach the heights we might get to. We keep part of the rules and never rise high enough to get our tails off the ground.

  Let us each rise to the great heights, knowing that some of the rules that we may be angry about are in fact the strong force that helps us achieve.

  42. Why does the writer write the first paragraph?

  A. Because it was the first time that he had seen young people flying kites.

  B. Because he wants to share his feelings in nature with the readers.

  C. Because he wants to tell the readers how to make beautiful kites.

  D. Because he wants to use readers’ similar life experience to understand the article better.

  43. By writing the second and third paragraphs, the writer seems to let the readers know ______.

  A. anyone who wants no restraints is sure to be a sad end

  B. what a pity it is that one kite flew down to the ground

  C. man with freedom can’t be like that kite which fell down

  D. the unkind wind is the cause of the fallen kite’s failure

  44. What does the underlined word “restriction” in the second paragraph probably mean?

  A. control B. freedom C. shake D. guide

  45. In the writer’s opinion, ______.

  A. without restrictions and rules we can make endless progress

  B. kites are good examples to those who want to get freedom

  C. restrictions are necessary for us human beings

  D. we don’t need any freedom at all



  A. 请根据括号中的中文提示,英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。

  46. ─ Do you like reading?

  ─ Yes, and (诗歌) are my favourite.

  47. The days are becoming longer and longer and the (温度) rises a lot, soon the hot season will begin.

  48. ─ I hate the raniy days. They often make me feel sad.

  ─ Yes. Sometimes weather can (make something change) our moods.

  49. ─ Will you be able to (finish) your task on time?

  ─ I will manage to do so.

  50. ─ Is it summer in Australia now?

  ─ No, it’s winter. As you know, Australian seasons are the of ours.

  B. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。

  success he twenty Europe treat

  51. When Gulliver woke up, he found unable to move.

  52. ─ What does “Every dog has its day.” mean?

  ─ It means everybody will be lucky or sometime in their life.

  53. East or west, Guilin landscape is best. Many came and visit Guilin because of its fantastic landscape.

  54. ─ Do you know Broadway?

  ─ Of course. It has been famous for its theatres since the early century.

  55. Like the UK, Spain is also a country with kings and queens.

  C. 根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。

  not be hate wait see re*

  56. ─ Do you know whether David will go cycling or not tomorrow?

  ─ David? Never! He outdoor activities.

  57. ─ Is your father at home, May?

  ─ No, he isn’t. And he back until next Friday.

  58. Mr. Wu heard from his mother yesterday and he to her at once.

  59. ─ you the film Furious 7?

  ─ Yes, twice. I love it very much. It’s really exciting.

  60. Sandy for the bus when she saw Mr. Wu. Then they went to school together.


  61. The students" projects will be on show in three days. (对画线部分提问)

  will the students’ projects be on show?.

  62. We publish our school newspaper twice a month (改为被动语态)

  Our school newspaper twice a month.

  63. The poor child was so lucky that she received many books from Project Hope.(改为简单句)The poor child was receive many books from Project Hope.

  64. Nancy has dinner with her cousin once a month. (改为一般疑问句)

  Nancy Nancy dinner with her cousin once a month?

  65. You shouldn’t wake up your sister, she needs a good sleep. (改为祈使句)

  up your sister, she needs a good sleep.



  Are you the kind of person who likes to move with music?It’s a natural thing to do. Even little children start jumping up and down when they (66)h music.

  Scientists say that animals dance, too. But their dancing is (67)d . The “dances” of animals send messages to other animals. But when people dance, they express (68)f about life and love, or about these very human experiences.

  Dances are really good for you in many (69)w . For one thing, dancing is good for your(70) b . It makes your heart work and makes you breathe fast. It also makes you use your arms and your legs. If you go dancing often, you can keep (71)h . You may feel very (72)t after dancing, but you’ll probably also feel relaxed and happy at the same time. This is (73)a important point about dancing. It offers you an opportunity to express yourself and feel better about yourself. If you are angry or upset about something, dancing sometimes helps you (74)f those unpleasant things.

  And finally, it’s a social activity. Some dances are for couples and some are for groups. But all kinds of dances give you a (75)c to meet new people or to do something enjoyable with friends.



  It’s lunchtime. You’re hungry and want to get your favorite meal in the restaurant, but there is a queue of people nearly reaching the door. Don’t worry-in cyber world (网络世界), you can get your meal just by a few clicks.

  “Shopping has never been so easy. With just a single click on your mouse, anything that you order online can be taken to your door in no time,” said Bian Jing, who is twenty years old. She took part in an online survival (生存) competition held in Beijing. Each compe* had to go online and buy enough food and drink to last them for 100 hours using the little money given. “I don’t want to spend too much time shopping, so I do it online rather than in an ordinary (普通的.) store,” said a girl from a middle school. “It’s easy to find the things you want online as they have catalogues. Shoppers who go online can also find lower prices and wider choices of things they want to buy.

  But many teachers and parents are worried that online shopping is becoming too popular.

  “It’s not a good way for middle school students to spend their money,” said a teacher. “I don’t like them to shop online.” As all the students’ money is from their parents, it’s said that they aren’t ready to pay for what they have bought online.” There’s also the danger that they’ll lose the money at online stores that just want to cheat (欺骗) shoppers,” one of the teachers said.

  Most parents, though, don’t want to pay the bills when their children spend too much on the Internet.” I hate having to pay unexpected bills,” said one father. “But my son always surprises me with them”

  76. What would be the suitable title for this passage?

  77. What was the online survival competition about?

  78. What are the advantages of shopping online? (Choose two of them)

  79. Why are most parents worried about shopping online?

  80. Would you like to do some shopping online? Why or why not? (请自拟一句话作答)


  81. 今年年初,你们学校组织同学学习“八礼四仪”,并开展了一个“争做文明市民”的活动。同学们在人际交往,社会公德方面都比以前有了很大进步。请你根据下表所提示的要点,以To be a civilized citizen为题,用写一篇英语短文,介绍同学们现在的表现,并谈谈你对这个活动的看法。

  表现 人际交往 尊敬他人 诚信友善

  乐于助人 礼貌待人

  社会公德 遵守交规 护环境

  宽容礼让 (自拟一点)

  感受 你对这个活动的看法(请考生自拟一点内容)


  1. 表达中必须包括所给要点,可以适当发挥,不要简单翻译。

  2. 词数90左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。

  3. 表达中请勿提及真实校名及姓名。

  To be a civilized citizen

  Our school organized an educational activity called “To be a civilized citizen” at the beginning of the year. All the students took part in this activity and they have improved a lot in many ways.







  I. 听小对话, 选择图片(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)

  1. What will the weather be like tomorrow?

  A. B. C.

  2. What is not allowed?

  A. B. C.

  3. What’s the boy’s father’s job?

  A. B. C.

  4. How may the boy go to school tomorrow?

  A. B. C.

  5. What animals does the girl like?

  A. B. C.

  Ⅱ. 听长对话,回答问题(共10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)


  6. What kind of music does the woman like?

  A. Classical music. B. Pop music. C. Dance music.

  7. How does the man feel when he hears classical music?

  A. Happy. B. Sad. C. Sleepy.

  8. How many cups of coffee did the man have?

  A. One. B. Two. C. Three.


  9. What is Rose busy with?

  A. Her trip plan. B. Her summer report. C. Her school exam.

  10. Who will go camping with Rose?

  A. Bill. B. Her sister. C. Her classmate.

  11. How does Rose find Bill’s suggestion about camping?

  A. Wonderful. B. Crazy. C. Strange.


  12. What happened to the girl?

  A. Her car stopped working. B. She had a car accident.

  C. She was caught in a traffic jam.

  13. What is the girl?

  A. A student. B. A worker. C. A bus driver.

  14. How far is it from the girl’s home to school?

  A. 13 minutes’ walk. B.15 minutes’ bus ride. C. 30 minutes’ bus ride.

  15. What will the girl think about?

  A. Getting a new car. B. Taking the bus. C. Doing part-time jobs.

  Ⅲ. 听短文,回答问题(共5小题; 每小题1 分,满分5 分)

  16. What should you do first for your pets in winter?

  A. Give them enough food. B. Take them for a check-up. C. Keep them inside.

  17. How do you decide how long your pets can stay outside?

  A. By thinking about the weather. B. By thinking about the time.

  C. By thinking about the pets’ health.

  18. What should you do if you live near a lake?

  A. Take your pets out for a walk along the lake.

  B. Be careful when walking your pet along the lake.

  C. Always keep your pets at home.

  19. Which can be dangerous for your pets?

  A. Light a fire at home. B. Give a bath to the pet. C. Open all the windows.

  20. What’s the main idea of the passage?

  A. How to protect the pets in winter. B. Why you should take care of the pets.

  C. Where to go with your pets in cold winter days.

  IV.单项填空(共l 5小题;每小题l分,满分l 5分)


  21. – What do you think of the birthday cake in our shop?

  – I like the ______. It is really delicious.

  A. color B. price C. taste D. size

  22. – Which of these two books will you take?

  – I’ll take _________. I need them to kill time on my journey.

  A. either B. none C. all D. both

  23. – Is there a cinema in Fubang Century Plaza(广场)?

  – Yes, there is _____ on Floor 4.

  A. one B. that C. it D. some

  24. – I’ve never seen someone else who draws _____ than Sally at this age.

  – Yes. She’s known as a talented painter in our community(社区).

  A. worse B. worst C. better D. best

  25. – What a hardworking doctor! He _________ has time to play with his son.

  – That’s true. Even on Sundays he is busy with his work.

  A. often   B. always   C. hardly D. sometimes

  26. – How about the Winter Olympics in Sochi this year, Miss Hunter?

  – It was very wonderful, and Chinese team really _______ me a lot.

  A. impressed B. changed C. bothered D. annoyed

  27. – I found my sister ______ my things and took my new magazines. What should I do?

  – I guess you should tell her to say sorry.

  A. looking up B. looking through C. looking after D. looking for

  28. – I didn’t see you at the meeting yesterday.

  – I _______ an important report at that moment.

  A. write B. wrote C. am writing D. was writing

  29. Think before you write, ______ you will get good grades in the exam.

  A. or B. though C. and D. but

  30. – Who didn’t turn off the light after school yesterday?

  – It ______ be Lucy. She told me she was the last one to leave the classroom.

  A. must B. mustn"t C. might D. can"t

  31. – _____ do you think of studying abroad, Lingling?

  – Well, it all depends! I prefer studying at home.

  A. Where B. When C. Why D. What

  32. – I think we can have a long time to relax this summer!

  –______. We should get ready for high school.

  A. I think so B. I disagree C. That sounds good D. Good luck

  33. – Do you know ________?

  – Oh, I know he was born in 1929.

  A. how old my grandpa is B. how old is my grandpa

  C. where my grandpa was born D. when was my grandpa born

  34. –Joe always leaves his dirty socks everywhere.

  – Don’t be so angry. You know “_________”.

  A. Old habits die hard B. Rome was not built in a day

  C. Bad news travels fast D. There is no smoke without fire

  35. – Alice, you are the winner of the English speech contest.

  – _____. Spoken English is the weakest for me.

  A. Sound great B. I think so C. Of course not D. You are kidding

  V.完形填空(共1 5小题;每小题l分,满分l 5分)


  Do you remember the name of your kindergarten(幼儿园) teacher? I do. Her name was Mrs White.

  I don’t remember much about 36 we learned in her class, but my mother once told me that we 37 write a lot. And I would bring back what I wrote and she could see there were so many mistakes. 38 no red corrections. And always a star. Sometimes even a Good! It worried my mother, so one day she went to 39 Mrs White and asked her why she 40 corrected my mistakes.

  And my mother says Mrs White said “The children are just 41 to get excited about using words, about forming sentences. I don’t want to lose the interests with red ink(墨水). 42 and grammar can wait. The wonder of 43 won’t... ”.Maybe she didn’t say it exactly like that at that moment. And what my mother gave me was the main idea of what she could remember.

  I 44 now and think Mrs White must have been a rather 45 teacher. She encouraged joy, wonder and excitement — even if our expression of it was 46 . Because she believed a bud(花蕾)once nipped(掐断) never opens.

  I used to misspell “beautiful” a lot. Never could quite remember that the e went 47 the a. It annoyed my teacher in high school very much. If I was going to use the word so often, she considered the 48 I could do was spell it right. Finally the e’s and a’s were in their right places. Am glad I didn’t wait on them though. Pretty is 49 to spell but it doesn’t hold as much as you mean sometimes.

  And 50 Mrs White I had no worries about writing what I meant. Because Life isn’t Pretty. It’s Baeutiful.

  36. A. where B. what C. why D. when

  37. A. liked to B. supposed to C. used to D. happened to

  38. A. But B. So C. And D. Because

  39. A. chat B. criticize C. show D. meet

  40. A. often B. always C. never D. sometimes

  41. A. beginning B. staring C. thinking D. opening

  42. A. Speaking B. Reading C. Listening D. Spelling

  43. A. exams B. words C. exercises D. homework

  44. A. look forward B. look after C. look for D. look back

  45. A. excellent B. strict C. hardworking D. careless

  46. A. right B. wrong C. good D. bad

  47. A. behind B. after C. before D. below

  48. A. best B. worst C. most D. least

  49. A. easy B. easier C. funny D. funnier

  50. A. think of B. come up with C. thanks to D. remind of




  English name:Turbo

  Director: David Soren

  Main actors: Ryan Reynolds, Samuel Jackson, Maya Rudolph

  Kind of the movie:a cartoon

  The show time:July 19, 2013

  The running time: 96 minutes

  Turbo Theme Music: 1. Let the Bass Go. 2.Clean 3.Another Day At the Plant 4. It’s Tricky 5.What’s New Pussycat?

  Turbo review: It’s nowhere near as inventive as its off-the-wall premise might suggest, but Turbo boasts just enough colorful visual thrills and sharp voice acting to recommend as undemanding family-friendly fare.

  51. Who’s the director of the movie?

  A. Ryan Reynolds. B. Maya Rudolph. C. David Soren. D. Samuel Jackson.

  52. What kind of movie is Turbo according to the passage?

  A. An action movie. B. A cartoon. C. A comedy. D. A documentary.

  53. How long will it take us to finish watching the movie ?

  A. 96 minutes. B. 106 minutes. C. 69 minutes. D. 109 minutes.

  54. How many pieces of theme music does the movie have?

  A. Two . B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.

  55. What kind of passage is it?

  A. A poem. B. A movie poster. C. A movie review. D. An instruction.


  Having friends, and finding new friendships is an important developmental task for preteens and teens. While they have learned to play well with others during their childhood, developing independent friendships is a different thing. Preteens and teens will be allowed to use their own resources to decide whether to be someone’s friend or not, instead of being taught by their parents. Parents must give their teenagers some freedom in choosing who they want to hang out with.

  You can help your teens to choose their friends, although it’s your teenagers who make the final decision. You can use teachable moments to talk about what makes a good friend. Here are some points to remember when you talk about friendships with your teenagers:

  1) You are allowed to have many friends;

  2) Honesty is important in a friendship;

  3) Friends sometimes hurt each other, but they can say sorry and forgive(原谅);

  4) Friends can influence each other, sometimes they will help you but sometimes they will hurt you, too.

  5) Who you choose to be your friend is important, so choose wisely;

  6) It takes many learned skills to make and keep a friendship, and it also takes many skills to end a friendship;

  7) It is okay and even helpful to make friends with the opposite gender(异性);

  8) It takes time to make a good friend, but it is worth the effort;

  9) Spending time together will help you get to know your friends well and you will feel comfortable sharing feelings;

  10) A good friendship will make you feel good about yourself.

  56. What should their parents do when teenagers make friends?

  A. Do nothing but give them all the freedom.

  B. Talk with them and give some help.

  C. Decide and choose friends for them.

  D. Stop them from making friends with opposite gender.

  57. Which point is about how to end a friendship?

  A. Point 3. B. Point 4. C. Point 5. D. Point 6.

  58. Which of the following is NOT needed in making friends?

  A. Honesty. B. Effort. C. Lies. D. Skills.

  59. Who is the passage mainly written for?

  A. Teachers. B. Parents. C. Preteens. D. Teens.

  60. Which of the following statement is true?

  A. Friends never hurt each other.

  B. There is no need to forgive friends.

  C. Teenagers are allowed to have many friends.

  D. Girls should never make friends with boys.


  Nobel Prize winner Gabriel Garcia Marquez passes away at 87

  Nobel Prize winning Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez passed away on April 17 in his home in Mexico City at the age of 87, local media reported.

  Colombian Ambassador(大使)to Mexico Jose Gabriel Ortiz confirmed(确认) the news.

  The author of the famous novel “One Hundred Years of Solitude(孤独),” an outstanding work of literature(文学) that introduced the world to magic realism(魔幻现实主义), had been checked into a hospital on April 3 to be treated for the serious disease.

  Garcia Marquez, who worked as a reporter for many years before dedicating himself to writing fictions, had been living in Mexico City since the 1960s.

  A master(大师) of magic realism, along with Latin American writers Julio Cortazar, Juan Rulfo, Carlos Fuentes and Mario Vargas Llosa, Garcia Marquez, wrote many well-known novels, such as “No One Writes to the Colonel” and “Autumn of the Patriarch.”

  “One Hundred Years of Solitude,” his masterpiece(杰作) published in 1967, has been translated into 35 languages and sold more than 30 million copies. (Xinhua, April 18, 2014)

  61. Where can we possibly read the passage?

  A. In a movie poster. B. In a sports magazine.

  C. In a newspaper. D. In a comic book.

  62. What happened to Gabriel Garcia Marquez on April 17?

  A. He won the Nobel Prize. B. He died in Mexico City.

  C. He celebrated his 87th birthday. D. He met the Colombian Ambassador.

  63. What was Garcia Marquez before he started writing fictions?

  A. A Nobel Prize winner. B. A master of magic realism.

  C. A reporter. D. An ambassador.

  64. What’s the meaning of the underlined words “dedicating himself to”?

  A. 奉献给 B. 全神贯注于

  C. 坚持 D. 竭尽全力于

  65. Which of the following is the most famous novel written by Garcia Marquez?

  A. Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out. B. No One Writes to the Colonel.

  C. Autumn of the Patriarch. D. One Hundred Years of Solitude.


  Are some people born clever, and others born stupid? Or is intelligence (智力) developed by our environment and our experience? Strangely enough, the answer to these questions is yes. In some degree, our intelligence is given to us at birth, and no education can make a genius (天才) out of a child born with low intelligence. On the other hand, a child who lives in a boring environment will develop his intelligence less than one who lives in rich environment. Therefore, the limits(限度) of person’s intelligence are fixed at birth, whether or not he reaches those limits will depend on his environment. This point of view, now is held by most experts.

  It is easy to show that intelligence is something that we are born with. The closer the blood relationship between two people, the closer they are likely to be intelligence. If we take two strangers by chance from the population, it seems that their degree of intelligence will be completely different. If, on the other hand, we compare two twins, they will very likely be as intelligent as each other. Relations like brothers and sisters, parents and children, usually have similar intelligence, and this clearly suggests that intelligence depends on birth.

  Imagine now that we take two twins and put them in different environments. We might send one, for example, to a university and the other to a factory separately where the work is boring. We would soon find differences in intelligence developing, and this shows that environment as well as birth plays an important part. This result is also suggested by the fact that people who live in close contact with each other, but who are not related at all are likely to have similar degree of intelligence.

  66. How is man’s intelligence given?

  A. At birth.

  B. Through education.

  C. Both at birth and through education.

  D. Neither at birth nor through education.

  67. According to the passage, if a child is born with low intelligence, what might happen to him later?

  A. Become a genius.

  B. Still become a genius if he should be given special education.

  C. Reach his intelligence limits in rich environment.

  D. Never reach his intelligence in his life.

  68. What can we learn from the example of the twins going to a university and to a factory?

  A. The importance of their intelligence. B. The role of environment on intelligence.

  C. The importance of their jobs. D. The part that birth plays.

  69. What statement is TRUE according to the passage?

  A. No education can help make a genius.

  B. Personality is important as intelligence which was given to people at birth.

  C. People who have similar degree of intelligence must be relatives.

  D. Environment influences people in intelligence developing.

  70. How does the writer make his idea clear?

  A. By giving explanation. B. By giving an example.

  C. By giving figures(数字). D. By giving suggestions.


  请仔细阅读Mr. Smith对Sam说的话,从A、B、C、D中找出可以替换71—74小题中划线部分的选项, 并完成第75小题。

  A. be more patient B. be yourself

  C. understand D. no chance

  71. “Sam, you’re usually so outgoing and friendly. Don’t be afraid to show your true colors.”

  72. “If you get the picture. Please do it again.” Mr. Smith.

  73. “Keep your shirt on and don’t be nervous. They’ll be here before the class starts.”

  74. “Sam, don’t be so confident. We will have a fat chance to pass the test.”

  75. What’s the relationship between Mr. Smith and Sam?

  A. Father and son. B. Doctor and patient.

  C. Teacher and student. D. Driver and passenger.




  76. Deng Ziqi is my favorite ___▲___ (歌手) , she’s very popular now.

  77. Every ▲ (硬币) has two sides, so don’t worry about the disadvantages too much.

  78. My ▲ (第九) visit to Guiyang meant a lot to me.

  79. My mom often ▲ (争吵) with dad. It is like a big black cloud hanging over our home.

  80. Jenny likes to play the piano to relax ___▲___ (自己) after doing homework.

  (B) 在下列各句的空格内填上一个适当的完整的单词,该词的首字母已给出。

  81. Talking with her is like playing the lute to a cow. I don’t want to w__▲ __ my time.

  82. Believe what I’ve told you! I never tell lies, I am h___▲____.

  83. Tim was so l__▲___ that the bus was about to leave when he arrived there.

  84. I bought a new iPhone yesterday, it c__▲____ me more than 5,000 yuan.

  85. It’s sad that all 239 passengers in the flight of MH370 lost their lives, i ▲ 154 Chinese.


  grass clear do for be

  Everyone knows that eyes are one of the most important parts of our body. Having good eyesight means we can not only see things 86 , but also enjoy some beautiful scenes. There is also a saying going that eyes are the window of our mind. But how can we protect our eyes?

  Here 87 some tips for you. First, it is a good habit not to read your books or newspapers 88 a long time because our eyes need rest, too. Second don’t read books in a strong or poor light, otherwise, the light would harm our eyes. At last, remember to keep 89 eye-exercises and watch more green 90 and other plants.



  请你结合以上内容,以“How to protect ourselves in the haze weather?”为题,适当拓展自己观点,写一篇短文。(字数在80词左右。注意:文中不得出现真实的姓名、校名)

  How to protect ourselves in the haze weather?

  Since the winter last year, the smog has occurred a lot of times in Ningbo. It has done great harm to our daily life._____________________________________________________________









  6. What does Helen think of Shanghai?

  A. Modem. B. Noisy. C. Crowded.


  7. When did Jane take part in the activity?

  A. Last Friday. B. Last Saturday. C. Last Sunday.


  8. Whose watch is it?

  A. David’s. B. Lily’s. C. Sally’s.


  9. What kind of fruit does Maria like best?

  A. Bananas. B. Apples. C. Oranges.


  10. What does the woman want to buy?

  A. A skirt. B. A blouse. C. A T-shirt.

  11. What size does the woman wear?

  A. Size S. B. Size M. C. Size L.


  12. Where are the two speakers?

  A. In a gym. B. In a hospital. C. In a musuem.

  13. What was wrong with Lucy yesterday?

  A. She had a cold. B. She had a cough. C. She had a toothache.


  14. What will Nancy do?

  A. Wash the dishes. B. Tidy the living room. C. Clean the windows.

  15. What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

  A. Brother and sister. B. Father and daughter. C. Mother and son.


  Ways to Protect Your Body

  Protect your teeth Brush your teeth 16 a day.

  Avoid too much 17 and soft drinks.

  Protect your ears Don’t listen to 18 music.

  Protect your eyes Take a rest every 19 minutes when using the computer.

  Make sure you always 20 in good light.



  21. Jack is such__________friendly boy. He gets along well with his classmates.

  A. a B. an C. the

  22. China successfully hosted the Belt and Road Forum_________May, 2017.

  A. on B. in C. by

  23. — Our English teacher will work for 2017 BRICS Summit (金砖峰会)this September.

  —Great! I am so proud of_____.

  A. she B. her C. hers

  24. —Joan has made great progress in speaking Chinese.

  —She_________works hard at it, you know.

  A. never B. seldom C. always

  25. The scientist has failed in the test many times, ______he never gives up.

  A. but B. so C. or

  26. — Do you know the Color Run, a five-kilometer race?

  —Yes. So far it______into quite a few cities in our country.

  A. comes B. came C. has come

  27. TFBOYS has a lot of fans. It____________thousands of young people.

  A. is popular with B. is satisfied with C. is strict with

  28. — Mum, may I go swimming now?

  —Yes, dear, but remember that you___________go with your dad.

  A. may B. can C. must

  29. — Nowadays more and more foreigners are becoming interested in Beijing Opera.

  —That’s true. It’s an important part of Chinese____________.

  A. culture B. invention C. custom

  30. —_____________ has Hong Kong been back to our motherland?

  —For 20 years. How time flies!

  A. How soon B. How long C. How often

  31. Eleven Chinese films ___________ during the 7th Chinese Film Festival in France last month.

  A. showed B. are shown C. were shown

  32. The students were singing happily_________ I passed the school hall.

  A. when B. unless C. though

  33. — Don’t__________the waste paper. We can collect and recycle it.

  —You" re right. Everyone should be a greener person.

  A. blow away B. put away C. throw away

  34. — Do you like the weekly talk show, The Reader,on CCTV?

  —Sure. It" s a great TV programme__________brings the habit of reading back into the public

  A. who B. that C. what

  35. — Michael, could you tell me_______________?

  —I" d like to join the dancing club.

  A. why you like the dancing club

  B. which club you are going to join

  C. whether there are any clubs in your school



  Jadav Payeng is a forestry worker from Jorhat, India. Over the past 38 years, he has planted trees on a sandbar (沙洲)of the Brahmaputra River and has 36 it into a forest.

  One day in 1979,16-year-old Payeng was walking 37 the bank of the Brahmaputra River. He saw many snakes on the sandbars. These snakes died in a few days’ time 38 the heat and the absence of trees. Payeng felt very 39 when he saw this. He decided to plant some trees. Single-handedly, he started planting bamboo trees, as only bamboo trees could survive (存活)in the sandbars.

  To water the trees was a difficult 40 for one man. With his hard work and great effort, day by day the 41 bamboo trees grew into a forest. His tree planting has changed the soil (土壤).Now the sandbar is a thick forest and 42 to thousands of plants and animals. A large group of around 100 elephants visit the forest every year and 43 there for a few months.

  Payeng is now in 44 fifties. He has planted close to 1,400 acres (英亩)of forests and is 45 as the Forest Man of India. In 2015,he was honored with Padma Shri, one of the top awards in India.

  36. A. divided B. put C. turned

  37. A. along B. through C. across

  38. A. according to B. because of C. as for

  39. A. lonely B. sad C. tired

  40. A. task B. journey C. condition

  41. A. wild B. tall C. young

  42. A. way B. guide C. home

  43. A. stay B. lie C. sit

  44. A. her B. his C. its

  45. A. invited B. served C. known


  第一节阅读下面A、B、C、D四篇短文,根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)


  46. The text is mainly about how to____________.

  A. be a careful driver B. buy MTR tickets

  C. be a good passenger D. keep safe at home

  47. People who will get on the train should___________.

  A. wait in line B. open the door C. ask for help D. leave the seats

  48. When you hear a “beep” sound, ______________ .

  A. close the door B. rush onto the train

  C. get off the train at once D. stop and wait for the next train

  49. Which picture shows the good behavior on the train according to the text?

  50. The text is probably a________________.

  A. report B. notice C. diary D. poem


  I was traveling alone through the UK. To reach places that were off the public transportation map,I bought an old car, which cost most of my money. I couldn’t afford to stay in the hotel, so I had to camp in my car for the rest of the trip.

  One morning I awoke in my old car on a country road in Ireland and saw a single house. The water in my thermos (保温瓶)had gone cold, so I knocked on the door of the house. A woman opened it. I asked her for some hot water. But she wouldn’t let me get away with just that! I was invited indoors. She asked me to sit at the table and have breakfast with her family. They filled my thermos before I left.

  I was greatly moved. And I decided to pass the kindness on. The other day I met a young man who had been driving around to look for a parking lot. He looked increasingly upset. I was glad that I was able to point one out to him. His thankful smile was the hugest reward (奖赏)for me.

  51. The writer bought the car in order to______________.

  A. serve the public B. travel more easily

  C. take the trip alone D. save more money

  52. Why did the writer camp in his car?

  A. He was short of money. B. It was his habit.

  C. He could have a better rest. D. It would be warmer.

  53. The writer asked the woman for______________.

  A. a map B. a thermos C. some hot water D. a light breakfast

  54. How did the young man feel at last?

  A. Funny. B. Upset. C. Disappointed. D.ThankfuL

  55. What’s the main idea of the text?

  A. Traveling alone is interesting. B. Sharing food is a pleasure.

  C. Kindness is the sunshine in life. D. Smile is important to everybody.


  No one knows when the first kite was made. The first record of a kite was more than 2,000 years ago in China. Han Xin, the leader of an army, wanted to bring down a king. He decided to dig a tunnel (隊道)into the king’s palace. He flew a kite over the wall of the palace to make sure the length (长度)of its string (线).In this way, he could determine how long the tunnel should be.His men in the tunnel took the kite string with them. When they reached the end of the string, they knew to dig up.

  Kites have been flown in Japan for hundreds of years. In the 1700s, kites were flown in autumn to give thanks for a good harvest. They were also flown to send good wishes to couples who had their first son. Today in Japan, kites are often flown as part of a celebration, such as the beginning of a new year. And kite festivals are held each year in many parts of the country.

  Kites have been used for scientific purposes in the western world. In 1752,Benjamin Franklin tied a key to a kite and flew it in a storm to find out that lightening was a form of electricity. In the 1890s,Lawrence Hargrave invented the box kite to test ideas about flight. From 1898 until 1933,the United States Weather Bureau (气象局) used box kites to collect weather data. The Wright brothers also experimented (试验)with kites. What they learnt helped them make the first airplane flight in 1903.

  56. Why did Han Xin want to dig a tunnel?

  A. To pull down the palace. B. To fight against the king.

  C. To search for the king’s treasure. D. To find out the length of the kite string.

  57. What does the underlined word “determine” in Paragraph 1 probably mean in Chinese?

  A.测定 B.选择 C. 了解 D.考察

  58. One of the purposes of flying kites in Japan is_.

  A. to give thanks for a good harvest in summer

  B. to express good wishes to the first-born daughter

  C. to celebrate the beginning of a new year

  D. to hold kite festivals all over the country

  59. When did the United States Weather Bureau begin to use box kites?

  A. In 1752. B. In 1898. C. In 1903. D. In 1933.

  60. What would be the best title for the text?

  A. The History of Kites B. The Experiments of Kites

  C. The Invention of a Kite D. The First Record of a Kite


  On May 5,2017, China’s home-made passenger aircraft (飞机)G919 completed its 90-minute first flight and landed safely back at Pudong Airport in Shanghai.

  G919 is developed by COMAC, a Chinese aircraft company. It is designed to compete with Boeing 737 and Airbus A320. The first C919 aircraft can carry 168 passengers and is able to fly a distance between 4,075 and 5,555 kilometers. It,s reported that a C919 costs around 50 million dollars,less than half of a Boeing 737 or an Airbus A320. Up to now, more than 570 aircrafts have been ordered from 23 customers,mostly Chinese,but also American and Thai companies or airlines. COMAG aims to take one fifth of the world’s narrow-body aircraft market and one third of the Chinese market by 2035.

  The name G919 has its special meanings. The letter C stands for both “COMAC"“China”. The number 9 is pronounced as jiu in Chinese, which means “forever”. And the number 19 refers to its capacity (容量)of 190 passengers.

  The large passenger aircraft is praised as “ the flower of modern industry ”. It is a symbol of the nation’s industrial and technological standards as well as the comprehensive (综合的)power. In order to realize the century dream of flying in the sky and the strategy (战略)of the nation, COMAC bears the nation’s dream and people’s trust. China considers it as a national pride.

  61. G919 is produced by________.

  A. Boeing B. a Thai aircraft company

  G. Airbus D. a Chinese aircraft company

  62. Which of the following is TRUE about the first C919 aircraft?

  A. It can carry 190 passengers at most. B. It can only fly a distance of 4,075 km.

  G. It costs less than half of a Boeing 737. D. It costs more than half of an Airbus A320.

  63. Which picture shows COMACs aim to take the narrow-body aircraft market by 2035?

  64. The letter C in C919 stands for______.

  A. “company” B. both “COMAC” and “China”

  C. “customer” D. both “cost” and “capacity”

  65. The news report is written mainly to ___________.

  A. introduce the design of C919

  B. describe the first flight of C919

  C. explain “the flower of modern industry”

  D. show China’s achievements in aircraft industry

  第二节阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的五个选项中选出能填入短文空白处的最佳选项,使短文通顺、连贯, 意思完整。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


  Teenage life — better now,or in the past?

  Does this situation sound familiar (熟悉)?

  You are complaining (抱怨)to your parents about something. Maybe your computer isn"t powerful enough to play the latest games. 66 Then you hear...

  When I was your age, there weren’t any computers or video games. And I didn’t get a bike until I was sixteen. And it was second-hand. 67 ”

  So, is it really true that life is better for teenagers now? It is certainly true that many teenagers have got more things nowadays. 68 So parents have got more money to spend on each child. And many things are cheaper than they were when our parents were children.

  69 Forty years ago, no one could imagine a world with tiny computers and amazing smartphones. And now these things are necessary — we can’t imagine living without them!

  However, technology often means we spend more time at home. And often it,s just us, with our computer or television. Teenagers don’t do enough exercise. 70 And, although young people still get on well with their friends,some people think teenagers today don’t have so many social activities as they did in the past.

  What do you think? How is teenage life better these days?

  A. And it was too big for me.

  B. A typical family is smaller now.

  G. Or your friends’ bikes are better than your!

  D. So they aren’t as healthy as they were in the past.

  E. Technology is probably the greatest change in our life.








  Excuse me, ____________________________________________________







  VII 短文填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

  阅读下面短文,根据语境、音标或所给单词的提示,在每个空格内填入一个恰当的词,要求所填的词意义 准确、形式正确,使短文意思完整、行文连贯。

  The Chongyang Festival is a Chinese traditional festival. It is celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month. It’s also 81 (call) the Double Ninth Festival.

  The festival started as 82 /ˈɜ:li/ as the Warring States Period (475—221 BC) . It has a history of more than 1,700 years. Among the numbers from zero to nine, nine is the 83 (high) odd number (奇数). People believe that two “nines” meeting together stand for a long life. So it is a special holiday 84 Chinese people to show love and respect for their elders. They hold many 85 (kind) of activities in honor of old people, wishing them good 86 /helθ/ and a long life.

  The festival comes during the golden time of 87 /fɔ:l/. On the day, people traditionally drink chrysanthemum (菊花)wine, eat Double-Ninth Cakes 88 climb mountains. They also carry a kind of plant named dogwood. People in ancient times believed that 89 plant could drive away evil (邪恶的)spirits and prevent them from 90 (catch) an illness in winter.







  Hi,John, I’m glad to hear that you"re planning to travel around China during the summer vacation. I"d like to invite you to my hometown Fujian for a visit.

  Fujian lies __________________________________________________________________



  I"m looking forward to meeting you!





  1、On average, a successful lawyer has to talk to several _______ a day.






  2、 Tom, what did you do with my documents? I have never seen such a _____ and disorder!






  3、Many people watched the boys ______the mountain at that time.



  C:to climb



  4、On ________ side of the street there are some trees.






  5、Never before _______ see such a terrible car accident on the road!

  A:I have

  B:have I

  C:I did

  D:did I



  Climate change is one of the most fundamental challenges ever to confront humanity. Its impacts are already showing and will intensify over time __21__ left unchecked. There is overwhelming scientific evidence, __22__ shown in the Fourth Assessment Report (第四次评估报告的综合报告)of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)*间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC), that climate change will threaten __23__ growth and long-term prosperity, as well as the very survival of the most vulnerable populations. IPCC projections indicate that if emissions continue to rise at their current __24__ and are allowed to double from their pre-industrial level, the world will face an average temperature__25__ of around 3°C this century. Serious impacts are associated __26__ this scenario (情景), including sea-level rise, shifts in growing seasons, and an __27__ frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as storms, floods and droughts.

  The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December in 20xx offers a __28__ opportunity to step up international action on climate change. A Copenhagen deal is __29__ the global transition into green economic growth, and, most urgently, to help the world, especially the most vulnerable, to adapt to impacts __30__ are now inevitable.






































  A:being increased



















  B:of which






  1、On average, a successful lawyer has to talk to several _______ a day.






  2、 Tom, what did you do with my documents? I have never seen such a _____ and disorder!






  3、Many people watched the boys ______the mountain at that time.



  C:to climb



  4、On ________ side of the street there are some trees.






  5、Never before _______ see such a terrible car accident on the road!

  A:I have

  B:have I

  C:I did

  D:did I



  Climate change is one of the most fundamental challenges ever to confront humanity. Its impacts are already showing and will intensify over time __21__ left unchecked. There is overwhelming scientific evidence, __22__ shown in the Fourth Assessment Report (第四次评估报告的`综合报告)of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)*间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC), that climate change will threaten __23__ growth and long-term prosperity, as well as the very survival of the most vulnerable populations. IPCC projections indicate that if emissions continue to rise at their current __24__ and are allowed to double from their pre-industrial level, the world will face an average temperature__25__ of around 3°C this century. Serious impacts are associated __26__ this scenario (情景), including sea-level rise, shifts in growing seasons, and an __27__ frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as storms, floods and droughts.

  The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December in 20xx offers a __28__ opportunity to step up international action on climate change. A Copenhagen deal is __29__ the global transition into green economic growth, and, most urgently, to help the world, especially the most vulnerable, to adapt to impacts __30__ are now inevitable.






































  A:being increased



















  B:of which







  ( )1. I don‘t know how to play bridge and ________.

  A. my wife doesn‘t neither

  B. my wife does either

  C. neither does my wife

  D. neither my wife does

  ( )2. He asked ________ since he had been chairman for seven years.

  A. not to have been re-elected

  B. to not be re-elected

  C. not to be re-elected

  D. to have not been re-elected

  ( )3. The guests said that they wouldn‘t mind _______.

  A. to have a little light music

  B. have a little light music

  C. having a little light music

  D. that they have a little light music

  ( )4. Last night we caught a thief _______ John‘s car.

  A. when stealing

  B. that be stole

  C. to steal

  D. stealing

  ( )5. Without the invention of writing,a man ________ to remember so many things which he can write down or find in a book.

  A. is forced

  B. will be forced

  C. forced

  D. would be forced

  ( )6. What would you ________ to eat tonight?

  A. like

  B. wish

  C. want

  D. hope

  ( )7. I ________ my bicycle on the left side.

  A. get off from

  B. get down

  C. get down from

  D. get off

  ( )8. Coal ________ electricity very often.

  A. is used to producing

  B. is used to produce

  C. used to produce

  D. used to producing

  ( )9. Why can‘t you do this small _______ for me? I’ve helped you often enough in the past.

  A. work

  B. demand

  C. favour

  D. good

  ( )10. Never _______ till tomorrow what may be done today.

  A. put on

  B. put away

  C. put off

  D. put up

  ( )11. Mother kept inviting Mrs. Smith to stay for lunch,and finally she _______.

  A. gave out

  B. gave off

  C. gave in

  D. gave away

  ( )12. <<<>>> is ________ only European country I have visited.

  A. an

  B. a

  C. the


  ( )13. The problem of pollution in this city is more serious than ______ in other cities.

  A. that

  B. it

  C. this

  D. those

  ( )14. Dick found himself walking _______ the direction of the post office.

  A. to

  B. by

  C. along

  D. in

  ( )15. _______ that we were late,we started to run.

  A. Know

  B. To know

  C. Knowing

  D. Being known

  ( )16. This room is _______ any of the others in the building.

  A. the biggest than

  B. big as

  C. bigger than

  D. the biggest of

  ( )17. Just think Ann got the house _______ all by herself!

  A. paint

  B. be painted

  C. to paint

  D. painted

  ( )18. The policeman caught the man _________ the arm.

  A. by

  B. with

  C. on

  D. at

  ( )19. To get an education,_______.

  A. one must work hard

  B. working hard is important

  C. to work hard is necessary

  D. it is needed to work hard

  ( )20. The old man could not decide ________ the money or to put it in the bank.

  A. if he spent

  B. whether to spend

  C. that he spent

  D. what to spend

  ( )21. I wish you‘d consider _______ to Miami with us this vacation.

  A. going

  B. that you‘ll go

  C. to go

  D. to going

  ( )22. I think I‘ll wait until the mail _______.

  A. should come

  B. is coming

  C. comes

  D. will come

  ( )23. We found ________.

  A. the work hard for doing

  B. hard to do the work

  C. it hard for doing the work

  D. the work hard to do

  ( )24. Professor Bixby warned his students ________ late for the examination.

  A. not be

  B. to be not

  C. not to be

  D. be not

  ( )25. I don‘t know what I’d have done if I _______ to make that decision.

  A. would have

  B. had had

  C. have had

  D. did have


  1.C 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.C

  11.C 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.C 16.C 17.D 18.A 19.A 20.B

  21.A 22.C 23.D 24.C 25.B




  笔试部分 (100分)


  ( )1. My brother wants ____ orange, not ____ orange juice.

  A. an; / B. an; an C. a; / D. a; a

  ( )2. —What about something to drink?


  A. Not at all. B. That’s right.

  C. All right. D. You are welcome.

  ( )3. —____ does your father wo rk?

  —He works in a hospital.

  A. What B. How C. Who D. Where

  ( )4. Miss Wang teaches ______ English. We all like ______.

  A. us; her B. we; her C. our; her D. we; she

  ( )5. —Boys and girls, welcome to my home and ______.

  —Thank you.

  A. help yourselves B. help yourself C. helps yourself D. help you

  ( )6. —What can I do for you?

  —I want two ____.

  A. bottle of milk B. bottles of milk

  C. bottles of milks D. bottle of milks

  ( )7.—Do you like elephants?

  —No. I don’t like them ______.

  A. at all B. a little C. a lot D. very much

  ( )8. Lisa and Lucy look______, but they come from ______ families.

  A. same; the different B. different; the same

  C. the same; different D. different; same

  ( )9. —Would you like to have lunch with me?


  A. Yes, I’d love to. B. No, you can go.

  C. Yes, I have something to do. D. No, I don’t.

  ( )10. —Could you please ask Mary _____ this evening?

  A. call me back B. to call me back

  C. call back me D. to call back me


  My uncle is a farmer. He has ninety 11 trees on his farm. My uncle and my 12 can’t pick(采摘) all the apples in fall(秋天). 13 they ask my parents and me to 14 them every year. It’s Sunday. My parents don’t go to 15 and I don’t go to school. So we’ll go to the 16 . We get up early(早) in the 17 . My mother is in 18 old clothes. My father buys many kinds of food for my uncle’s 19 in a shop. She likes them very much. My uncle and aunt 20 us many apples, too. I like to work on the farm.

  ( )11. A. apple B. orange C. banana D. family

  ( )12. A. mother B. sister C. brother D. aunt

  ( )13. A. If B. So C. But D. And

  ( )14. A. look B. buy C. help D. take

  ( )15. A. work B. shop C. school D. home

  ( )16. A. office B. hospital C. home D. farm

  ( )17. A. evening B. afternoon C. morning D. Sunday

  ( )18. A. her B. his C. she D. hers

  ( )19. A. son B. daughter C. father D. parents

  ( )20. A. take B. bring C. get D. give



  In many English homes, people have four meals(餐) a day: breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea(茶) and dinner.

  People have breakfast from 7:00 to 9: 00 in the morning. They eat eggs or(或者) bread. English people dr ink tea or milk for breakfast, too. Lunch comes at about 13:00. Afternoon tea is from 16:00 to 17:00, and dinner is about 19:30. They often have soup(汤), and they have some chicken or fish with vegetables. Then they eat some bananas, apples or oranges. But not all English people have meals like that. Some of them don’t have their dinners in the evening(晚上).


  ( )21. Many English people have ____ meals a day.

  A. one B. two C. three D. four

  ( )22. Usually, people in English don’t have ____ for their breakfast.

  A. bread B. fish C. milk D. eggs

  ( )23. People in English have lunch ____.

  A. from 7:00 to 9:00 B. at about 13:00

  C. at 19:30 D. from 16:00 to 17:00

  ( )24. Usually, people in England have ____ for their dinner.

  A. bananas, apples or eggs B. soup, bananas or milk

  C. soup, chicken or fish with vegetables D. soup, milk and vegetables

  ( )25. Do all the English people eat in the same way(方式)?

  A. No, not all the English people eat in the same way.

  B. Yes, all the English people eat in the same way.

  C. No, some of them don’t have lunch at all.

  D. Sorry, we don’t know.


  It is Sunday today. Anna goes shopping with her mother. She wants her mother to buy a new coat for her. In Hongxing Shop, she finds a green coat. She tries it on. It’s too small. She wants a big one, but the big one is not green. Anna doesn’t like other colors.“Let’s go to another(另外的) shop to have a look.”her mother says. Then they go to Jiajiale Shop. The shop is big and they see many kinds of coats in different colors and sizes(尺码). Anna tries on a green one. It looks nice on her. So they take it for forty-five yuan.


  ( )26. Anna goes shopping with her ____.

  A. mother B. father C. friends D. sister

  ( )27. Anna wants a new ____.

  A. shirt B. skirt C. coat D. dress

  ( )28. The green coat is too ____ for Anna in Hongxing Shop.

  A. long B. big C. short D. small

  ( )29. ____ is Anna’s favorite color.

  A. Blue B. Green C. Red D. Yellow

  ( )30 . Anna’s new coat is ____ yuan.

  A. 40 B. 45 C. 50 D. 55


  SDTV Station (电视台)

  Wang Tao, Offi ce worker

  20 Quancheng Road(路), Ji’nan

  Tel: 0531-76453210


  Email: wangtao888@163.com


  ( )31. Wang Tao works in ____.

  A. SDTV Station B. Pudong No.1 Restaurant

  C. Renmin Hospital D. Shuntong Taxi Company

  ( )32. We can call Xu Guoqing at ____.

  A. 0531-76453210 B. 0755- 6357617

  C. 13872205368 D. 15823017699

  ( )33. If your friend is ill (生病的), he can call ____.

  A. Wang Tao B. Xu Guoqing

  B. C. Xia Zhanhui D. Liu Yong

  ( )34. You can’t get in touch with (与……联系) ____ by Email.

  A. Wang Tao B. Xu Guoqing

  C. Xia Zhanhui D. Liu Yong

  ( )35. Liu Yong lives in ____. He is a ____.

  A. Ji’nan; worker B. Shanghai; manager

  C. Shenzhen; doctor D. Tianjin; driver


  My name is Job. Today is Sunday. _ 36 After breakfast I go to the zoo with my parents. We get to the zoo at half past eight. It’s time for tigers to have breakfast. The zoo has three tigers. They come from India(印度). The worker in the zoo says, “A tiger can eat three kilos of meat a day.” 37 They are Mina and Sam. 38 They drink milk from their mother. 39 My mothe r and I like the two baby tigers, but my father likes the mother tiger. 40 It loves its baby tigers very much.




  A: May I take your order?

  B: Wait a moment(等一下), please. Do you like some apple juice?

  C: No, I don’t like apple juice. 41

  B: OK. A glass of apple juice and a glass of milk.

  A: 42

  B: I’d like some hamburgers. 43

  C: Let me see. 44

  A: OK. A glass of apple juice, a glass of milk, some hamburgers and some chicken. Forty yuan, please.

  B: 45

  A: Thanks a lot.

  A. And something to eat?

  B. It’s my favorite food.

  C. I’d like some milk.

  D. Yes, I’d love to.

  E. Here you are.

  F.Oh, I’d like some chicken.

  G. What about you?


  A: Who is the letter from ?

  B: It’s from my pen pal, Sam.

  A: Does he 46 (speak) Chinese?

  B: No, he doesn’t. He speaks English. But he 47 (know) a lot about China.

  A: Does he live in 48 (English)?

  B: Yes, he does.

  A: What does he say in the letter?

  B: He wants 49 (visit) Beijing.

  A: Oh, he can help you 50 your English.

  B: Yes, you’re right.

  五、翻译句子, 每空一词。(10分)

  1. 你认为这件短裙怎么样?

  ________ do you ________ the skirt?

  2. 在周日早上,我哥哥经常8点起床。

  On Sunday morning, my brother usually ________ ________at eight.

  3. 我的*朋友们对我非常友好。

  My Chinese friends are very _________ ________ me.

  4. 穿红衣服的女孩是我妹妹。

  The girl ________ ________ is my sister.

  5. 明天去钓鱼怎么样?

  _______ about _______fishing tomorrow?


  Hello! Boys and girls! I’m Lisa. 1.我来自加拿大,但现在在*北京。I’m a student of a junior high school in Beijing.

  Look! This is my bedroom(卧室). It’s big but nice. The walls(墙) are green. You can see some photos on the wall. What is it? Yes, it is a map of China. Can you spell “map”? Right. M-A-P. It has different colors.

  Whose pen is it? It’s my sister’s. We share(共享) the same bedroom. Her name is Sara. She is 11 years old now. This is my bed(床). That is hers. I like white and blue , but Sara’s favorite color is pink. Those white dresses are mine, and those pink dresses are hers. Whose are those shoes? 2 .Those blue ones are mine and hers are pink.

  This is our bedroom.


  1. What color are the walls of Lisa’s bedroom?


  2.How old is Sara?


  3.Whose dresses are pink?



  ____________________________ ____________________________




  请你以David的身份给Mary写一封信, 介绍你自己和你家人


  和末尾已经给出。你需要用下面的提示词: family, happy,

  teacher, doctor, fish, chicken, vegetables。要求60-70词。

  Dear Mary,

  I’m David. I’m from America. __________________________









  1 下列词语中加点字的注音完全正确的一项是

  A嗔视chēnɡ  喑哑yīn   地窖jiào   面面相觑qù

  B窥伺sì    瓦砾lì    伧俗cānɡ   引弦而战 xián

  C洗濯zhuó   劫难nàn   吊唁yàn   日薄西山bǎo

  D锃亮cènɡ   骈进pián   睥睨pì    合辙押韵 zhé

  2 下列词语中有错别字的一项是

  A羸弱   蹂躏   尽态极妍  温声细

  B凛冽   葱茏   荒草凄凄  黯然缥缈

  C愧怍   攫取   衰草连天  睡眼惺松

  D藩篱   逞辩   引颈受戮  啸聚山林

  3 依次填入下面句子中横线处的词语,恰当的一项是

  ① 不管我走到哪里,即使我睡得很沉,或者在睡梦中突然惊醒的时候,我  会突然想到是我应该回去的时候了。

  ② 他们制作石料的工艺极其  ,能把石料切成整块大石碑,又能把石块雕刻成各种形象。

  ③ *表面说是避疫免灾,主要作用还是传歌。由老一代把记忆中充满智慧和热情的东西全部传给下一辈。反复唱下去,到大家  为止。

  ④ 他咬了咬嘴唇,  地举起右手,眼睛一眨不眨地望着程老师。

  A 都  精致  熟悉  郑重

  B 也  精致  熟习  庄重

  C 都  精巧  熟习  郑重

  D 也  精巧  熟悉  庄重

  4 下列各句中加点的成语使用正确的一句是

  A 在这个喧嚣浮躁的世界上,芸芸众生都在为生活忙碌奔波,很少有人能“停下脚步来等等自己的灵魂”。

  B 宋濂求学的经历说明,是否学有所成,关键在于自己学习的不求甚解和勤奋与否。

  C 伫立海边,他不仅望洋兴叹:“多美的大好啊!浩渺阔大而又幽微蕴藉。”

  D 面对美味大餐,我们却常有味同嚼蜡的感觉,是物质生活过于丰富让我们无法选择,还是我们的味觉麻木了呢?


  A “蛟龙号”潜海成功,对于完善我国海洋科学研究和海洋装备制造业发展,提升我国认识、保护、开发海洋的能力,将产生深远的影响。

  B 高速公路上交通事故的主要原因是司机违反交通规则或操作不当造成的,交通部门要加强安全宣传,提高司机的安全意识。

  C 对改革公费医疗制度、实现医疗保险的问题,文件从理论和政策上作了深刻的说明和详细的规定。

  D 近年来,我国日渐增多的灰霾天气不仅给人体健康带来巨大威胁,而且影响了人们的正常生活。




  —— 选自《说苑·敬慎》


  A 孙叔敖正衣冠而见之 胡不见我于王

  B 使臣受吏民之垢 使人之所恶莫甚于死者

  C 位已高而擅权者君恶之 货恶其弃于地也

  D 孙叔敖再拜曰 一鼓作气,再而衰


  A 孙叔敖为楚令尹 公输般为楚为云梯之械

  B 楚王不知臣之不肖 夫专诸之刺王僚也

  C 君谨守此三者 食马者不知其能千里而食也

  D 足以治楚矣 域民不以封疆之界






  第二部分(非选择题 共126分)






  (1)不以物喜,不以己悲。 (范仲淹《岳阳楼记》,2分)


  10阅读下面这首唐诗,回答问题。 (4分)


  岑 参



  (2) 请仔细品味并说说“忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开”中“忽如”二字的妙处。(2分)

  11 在横线上写出古代诗文的原句。(12分)

  (1)水何澹澹, 。   ——曹操《观沧海》

  (2) ,野渡无人舟自横。  ——韦应物《滁州西涧》

  (3) ,我言秋日胜春朝。  ——刘禹锡《秋词》

  (4)“是进亦忧,退亦忧”中的“进”指“ ”,“退”指“ ”。 ——范仲淹《岳阳楼记》

  (5)群臣吏民能面刺寡人之过者,受上赏。上书谏寡人者,受中赏; ,闻寡人之耳者,受下赏。 ——《邹忌讽齐王纳谏》

  (6)文天祥在《过零丁洋》中运用比喻表现国家局势危急,个人身世坎坷的句子是“ , 。”













  12 文章的中心论点是什么?(2分)

  13 根据选文内容加以概括,说说如何有效使用时间。(6分)

  14 文章第⑤段运用了什么论证方法?论述了什么观点?(4分)

  五 散文阅读(18分)













  16下列句中的水与清溪河水的特点相符的一项是 (3分)

  A游鱼细石,直视无碍。急湍甚箭,猛浪若奔。 (吴均《与朱元思书》)

  B衔远山,吞长江,浩浩汤汤,横无际涯。 (范仲淹《岳阳楼记》)

  C素湍绿潭,回清倒影……悬泉瀑布,飞漱其间。 (郦道元《三峡》)

  D潭中鱼可百许头,皆若空游无所依。 (柳宗元《小石潭记》)

  17 第③段中加点的“异曲同工之妙”指什么?(2分)

  18 品味第④段划线句子,回答问题。(6分)




  19 根据文意回答,清溪河上的“太极神图”为什么“最令人称绝”?(4分)

  六、综合性学习 (14分)







  《读书心情》 《开卷斋》 《尺牍之上》 《万卷林》 《尚读》

  我喜欢 ,理由 。

  22 文学常识和名著阅读 (6分)


  ①贝多芬 ②保尔·柯察金 ③阿廖沙

  示例:孙悟空是《西游记》中的人物,他被推入八卦炉中遭三味真火淬炼,遭压五行山下五百年,又历经九九八十一难,保唐僧西天取经,足见其意志坚强; 是 中的人物,他 ,足见其意志坚强。





——荆州市单间房屋租赁合同 (菁华1篇)





第一条  租赁房屋的基本情况


第二条  租赁期限及用途



第三条  租金及支付方式


第四条  履约保证金


第五条  其他相关费用的承担


第六条  乙方应合理使用承租房屋及其附属设施,不得改变房屋结构或加建其他设施


第七条  合同的解除











第八条  合同的终止

1、合同终止时,乙方应在期满后______个工作日内将房屋交还甲方,未按期交还的,每逾期一日,乙方向甲方支付违约金_____元 ,逾期______个工作日仍未交还的,甲方可强制其搬迁。


第九条  争议的解决


第十条  其他事项









  第一部分 听力测试(25分)





  1. A. Fine. B. Twelve. C. Sunny.

  2. A. Yes, itis. B.Yes, itdoes. C. Yes, quitealot.

  3. A. A worker. B. A cooker. C. A farm.

  4. A. Yes, I would. B. Thanks. C. Of course not.

  5. A. No. B. With pleasure. C. Thanks.


  第一节:听5段小对话,每段对话后有 一个小题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,



  6.Will Tim go on a trip for the summer holiday?

  A. Yes, he will. B. No, hewon"t. C. Maybe.

  7. What time is Sally"s uncle meeting her?

  A. At 5 a. m. B. At 3 a. m C. At 3 p. m.

  8. How long has the woman learnt English?

  A. 12 years. B. 14 years. C. 16 years.

  9. Is the woman near the hospital?

  A. Yes, sheis. B. No, sheisn"t. C. Yes, itis.

  10. What would the man like?

  A. Orange juice. B. Some hamburgers. C. Some rice.



  听第11段材料,回答第1 1至12小题。听之前你有5秒钟时间阅读相关小题,听完后你


  11. What does Judy cook best?

  A. Fish. B. Cake. C. Dishes.

  12. What does Steve think of Judy?

  A. Lazy. B. Excellent. C. Quiet.



  13. How was the party?

  A. Interesting. B. Exciting. C. Boring.

  14. What did Michael do at the party?

  A. He sat silently. B. He chatted on QQ. C. He bought something online.

  15. Will the woman take part in such a party?

  A. Maybe. B. Yes , she will. C. No, she won"t.





  16. In the future, ____will appear,which makes traveling cheaper and more convenient.

  A. personal planes B. personal cars C. personal trains

  17. The cars using solar power in the future will be

  A. cleaner but noisier B. cleaner and safer C. safer but dirtier

  18. With the help of robots in the future, people can keep away from ____ work.

  A. interesting B. safe C. dangerous

  19. Which change is NOT mentioned in the passage?

  A. Energy. B. Computer. C. Medical treatment.

  20. Which of the following is true?

  A. People will be busier at work in the future.

  B. People can use solar power to cook in the future.

  C. Cancer will still be a problem in the future.




  21. The young man from European country has stayed in the room for hour.

  A. a; an B. an; a C. an; an

  22. -May I take your order, sir?

  A. Chicken with vegetables and two bowls of rices

  B. Chicken with vegetables and two bowls of rice.

  C. Chickens with vegetable and two bowl of rice.

  23. -Why did she shout just now?

  -The traffic was too noisy and she had to make herself clearly.

  A. hear B. hearing C. heard

  24. Last Sunday, a group of pupils talked happily __a loud voice as they went to the countryside bike.

  A. by; by B. in; on C. in; by

  25.-Hurry up! The movie is beginning.

  -Don"t worry. There is stilltime left.

  A. little B. a little C. a few

  26. I ______ the whole afternoon in shopping _a birthday present.

  A. spent; in B. paid; for C. spent; for

  27. Nowadays,______ of the old people in the area_____ used to dancing on the square after supper.

  A. two third; is B.two thirds;is C. twothirds; are

  28. _________ his partner ______he has been to Paris, so they know Paris well.

  A. Neither; nor B. Not only; butalso C. Either;or

  29. -There are so me boys ______ basketball over there.

  -Let"s go and join them.

  A. are playing B. playing C. to play

  30. -Why didn"t you write down what the teacher said?

  -He spoke___ ___ fast _______ I didn"t follow him.

  A. so; that B. too; to C. very; that

  31. –The movie star,ZhaoYazhi, looks so young.

  -So she does. I can"t really tell _______.

  A. how old is she B. how old she is C. how is she old

  32. The _______ show on Zhejiang TV, RunningMen, makeslots of people _______.

  A. interesting; relaxing B. interesting; relaxed C. interested; relaxed

  33. --Where is your father?

  -I don"t know, but he _______ the car when I left just now.

  A. is washing B. washed C. was washing

  34. --Does he need _____ there at once?

  --No, he _______ leave so hurriedly because he has enough time.

  A. to go; doesn’t need B. go; needn’t C. to go; needn’t

  35. --Would you help us make a plan to explore Tibet?


  A. No, thanks. B. Yes, of course. C. It’s very kind of you.



  One day, several young people went for a picnic. They walked in the open air with 36 .

  As soon as they came to a river, they 37 by the clear and calm water. They played with cool water excitedly. Suddenly, a lovely 38 passed by Tom. He tried to catch it, 39 the fish was just swimming a few feet ahead of him. He ran 40 it, hoping to catch it.

  Gradually, Tom came to the water with waist deep. He felt 41, so he wanted to jump out of the water. 42 up a nd down in the water, he went farther and farther away from the bank. Just at that time, Barry saw this, he offered 43 help to Tom at once. Tom saw someone 44 to him, he caught the person 45 was close to him. Unfortunately, Barry was dragged into the water. The two struggled in the water 46 . Amy, on the bank, noticed that, and she 47 others near the bank.

  Hearing their cries, two farmers near the river took a long rope there. They threw one end of the rope to 48 of them in the water. Together, all the people on the bank pulled 49 end.

  Finally, thetwo boys weresaved !

  The experience has told us 50 we should do something to help others correctly.

  36. A. sad B. sadness C. joy D. joyful

  37. A. are attracted B. were attracted C. attract D. attracted

  38. A. fish B. frog C. bird D. insect

  39. A. so B. then C. or D. but

  40. A. before B. after C. beside D. back

  41. A. happy B. bored C. excited D. nervous

  42. A. Laughing B. Jumping C. Driving D. Playing

  43. A. them B. their C. him D. his

  44. A. swimming B. is swimming C. be swimming D. to swim

  45. A. which B. whose C. whom D. who

  46. A. tired B. hardly C. hard D. weak

  47. A. turned off B. turned on C. turned to D. turned down

  48. A. all B. neither C. both D. none

  49. A. another B. either C. the others D. the other

  50. A. what B. how C. why D. when







  Phone The first telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. It made communications easier. But the telephones were only fixed in post offices. People had to go there to make calls to faraway people and the fees were very high. Later, a cellphone was developed in 1973 in America. It was one of the most useful inventions. People can use cellphones to communicate with others much more easily. They can take them anywhere to make private calls, even vision calls (可视电话). Cellphones have many other functions, such as sending messages, taking photos and reading online.

  TV The first TV set was invented by an English scientist, John Baird, in 1926. The invention helped people watch films at home instead of going to the cinema as before. At first, TV sets only broadcast black - white pictures. Several years later, colored TV sets made the pictures lively. However, they were heavy and thick, so itwas difficult to move them. Then, digital TV sets came into being. They are light and thin. Many TV programs are available (可获得的) at any time. At present, people can use the IPTV( 网络电视) to record and replay programs.

  Computer The first modern computer was invented in America in 1946. It was as big as a room. It improved the speed and exactitude of calculation (计算). In the 1950s, desktop computers were invented in the same country. They became smaller and could be put on the desk. Since then, they have become very important in many fields of work and leisure. Before the 1970s, the computers were single. It was the Internet that joined the computers into a big family, so they could share information with one another. Around 1985, laptops were developedin Japan. They were much smaller and could be put on people"s laps. They were light and easy to take.

  51. The first cellphone was invented.

  A. in 1876 B. in 1926 C. in 1946 D. in 1973

  52. People could watch filmsbefore 1926.

  A. in the cinema B. on the computer

  C. on the cellphone D. on TV

  53. A scientist from _invented desktop computers.

  A. China B. the USA C. the UK D. Japan

  54. The first modem computer was used for?

  A. calculating B. joining the computers into a big family

  C. playing games D. sharing information with one another

  55. Which of the following is right?

  A. Cellphones can"t be used for making vision calls.

  B. Digital TV sets are light and thick

  C. The first modem computer was as big as a desktop computer.

  D. The Internet connects computers together.


  Five years ago, my mother gave birth to a brother for me when I was 8. I have learned a lot from getting along with him.

  After he was born, I almost became a babysitter. I had to amuse him after school. I would make faces and sing to him when he was crying. Sometimes I even carried him everywhere in our yard to refresh him while my parents were busy. What I liked to do best was to feed him when looking after him. How cute he was as he tasted his favorite food!My parents often praised me happily. As an elder brother, you"ve made contributions to looking after your younger brother. "

  I have got happines s from sharing. When I was young, I was the only child in my family. I could get what I wanted from my parents and get my parents" whole love. I was a" Little Emperor".

  But now, as long as I get something good, I will share it with him. I remembered the year when he was three, he was fond of Rubik cubes(魔方)I bought one for him with my lucky money as a birthday present. When he got the toy, he was so happy that he laughed, hugged me and said,

  " Brother, I love you ! "

  Thanks for spending these years together with my family. It has taught me what responsibility means, what unselfishness means and what friendship means. Not only should I look after myself, but also I should pay attention to my family and my friends.

  56. The underlined word "amuse" in the second paragraph means_________.

  A. 开他玩笑B. 令他开心C. 令他生气D. 令他讨厌

  57. When looking after his younger brother, the writer did the following EXCEPT________

  A. carrying him everywhere B. making faces and singing to him

  C. feeding him D. telling stories to him

  58. How old was the writer when he bought the birthday present for his younger brother?

  A. 3. B. 8. C. 11. D. 13.

  59. Before his younger brother was born, the writer.

  A. was a babysitter in his family B. was a “Little Emperor”in his family

  C. cooked for his family D. bought a Rubik cube for himself

  60. If you have a brother or a sister in your family, you might learn to be ______from the passage.

  A. responsible B. selfish C. lonely D. puzzled


  The 31st Olympic Games will be hosted in Riode Janerio(里约热内卢 ), Brazil this year. It will last from August 5thto August 21st. I am leaving for Brazil to be a volunteer to serve the Games.

  Do you know ①? Firstly, I want to practice my oral English. I have learned English for about eight years and I have made only a few pen pals by sending e-mails in English, but I haven’t really talked with native speakers. I am looking forward the day②. I also want to show the world that we Chinese care about what happens around us. We are friendly and open, and we are one member of the living space. At last, I hope the people all over the world accept the fact that China is helpful to international events.

  What will I do to be a volunteer in Brazil Olympic Games? I’ll do all I can to help the players, such as showing them the way, taking care of their luggage, keeping the traffic order and so on. I’ll also introduce China to them, o ur achievements, out kindness and our wishes to make friends with other people.

  I can’t wait to fly to Brazil and I hope that you can join me.


  A. when I can speak English with them face to face

  B. how I can become a volunteer in Brazil Olympic Games

  C. why l want to become a volunteer in Brazil Olympic Games

  ①_________________ ② ________________

  62. Where does the writer come from?


  63. 请将文中划线部分“I"ll do all I can to help the players”翻译成汉语。


  64. 根据文中内容,判断正、误。正确写T,错误写F。

  ( )The writer will go to Brazil to compete in the Olympic Games.

  65. 找出文中的主题句。






  66.The weather wasterrible, butthe busthey tookarriveds_________ at last.

  67. W________ the help of my friend,l won"t be able to do the job well.

  68. A Chinese scientist called YouyouTu won the Nobel Prize in 2015 and she is the p________ of all Chinese people.

  69. Nobody is a___________ to smoke in the park because there is a sign“ No smoking” here.

  70. The t__________ number of the students in our class is 45, twenty girls and twenty-five boys.

  B. 根据所给汉语意思完成句子,每空限填一词。(共5小题,计10分)

  71. 暑假期间我父母将带我去参观恩施高中。

  My parents will __________ me ___________ Enshi High School during the summer holidays.

  72. 因为水严重受到污染,所以池塘里的鱼死光 了。

  The fish in the pond have __________ ____________ because the water was polluted seriously.

  73. 多亏中国的好政策,那个贫困家庭过上了幸福生活

  ________ _________ the good policy in China, the poor family has lived a happy life.


  He looked _______ _______ what I"d expected.


  Don"t take _______ food _______ you need in the restaurant‘



  A: Hello,Enshi Railway Station. Can I help you?

  B:Yes, I’d like to book a ticket to Wuhan on June 26.

  A:OK. The train 76 at1 :20 p. m. and arrives at Wuhan Railway Station at 3:40 p. m.

  B: Great! What about the 77 ?

  A: 105 yuan.

  B: OK. I"d like to book a ticket.

  A: AII right. Please pay 78 the ticket before 11 :30 a. m. May I have 79 name and telephone number?

  B: 80 . I"m Li Ming and my telephone number is 15350891018.

  A: Li Ming. 15350891018.

  B:Right.Thank you.

  A:You"re welcome.










  1. 文中必须包含提示中的所有要点。



  4.条理清晰,书写规范,词数不少于80 0词


  Nowadays, we people love hiking very much. ________________________________________






  John D. Rockefeller was born in 1839 on a farm near Richford, New York, a small town in the western part of the state. He worked hard both in school and outside school and he also showed the skill and ability to produce new things, especially works of art.

  Rockefeller began to look for work when he finished high school at the age of sixteen. Since the age of five, he had worked at odd jobs, such as raising turkeys or working in potato fields. Now he looked for better opportunities.

  At first, Rockefeller worked in an office, where he was successful and where he learned a great deal about business. But he wanted to go into business for himself. So he and a friend formed a partnership to buy and sell grain, hay, and other farm products.

  The business was successful, but Rockefeller decided to go into the new oil industry. He formed his own company so that he could make free use of his skill and imagination in business.

  The company Rockefeller started became the Standard Oil Company. It took the oil from wells and refined it, that is, changed it into products such as kerosene (煤油) and grease (油脂).

  Rockefeller’s business grew until it was worth millions of dollars. Almost everyone who bought oil products had to buy them from the Standard Oil Company. Finally, the government and the courts ordered the Standard Oil Company to be divided up to give other oil companies a chance.

  John D. Rockefeller earned a great fortune and he gave away much money. By the time of his death, Rockefeller had created a special fund of money to be used to improve health and education and another fund to improve “the well-being of mankind throughout the world.” During his lifetime, Rockefeller had gained almost one billion dollars; he gave away about half of it. But Rockefeller"s personal life was fairly frugal.

  71. What kind of boys was Rockefeller when he was young? (No more than 7 words)

  72. Why did Rockefeller decide to go into the new oil industry? (No more than 10 words)

  73. What policy did the government and the courts give to the Standard Oil Company? (No more than 15 words)

  74. What is the meaning of the underlined part in the last Paragraph? (No more than 5 words)

  75. How does Rockefeller’s story inspire you to deal with money when you become rich? Put it in your own words. (No more than 20 words)








  参考词汇北京大学 University

  Dear Mary,

  How time flies! ___________________________________________________________










  Yours truly,

  Li Jin

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