
时间:2023-01-23 12:00:04 公文范文 来源:网友投稿

安徽省景点英语导游词1  ThemainparkofbalihescenicspotislocatedinNanhuParkofbaliheinYingshangCounty,includingw下面是小编为大家整理的安徽省景点英语导游词3篇【通用文档】,供大家参考。



  The main park of balihe scenic spot is located in Nanhu Park of balihe in Yingshang County, including "world scenery", "Splendid China" and "Bibo tourist area", covering an area of 3600 mu. Enter the gate of "Splendid China" and come to the Suzhou style garden, where the green willows are dancing and the flowers are blooming; the artificial rockery is superb; and the corridor built by the lotus pond is full of ups and downs. I really doubt that I have arrived in Suzhou, which is known as heaven.

  "Flying down 3000 feet, it is suspected that the Milky way is falling into the nine sky", which is used to describe the "nine sky waterfall" on the south side of the splendid Chinese garden. Jiutian waterfall is 90 meters long and 20 meters high, plus 9 meters. The 9-meter-high statue of Avalokitesvara and its base are about 32 meters high. 9 meters, three-dimensional frame 1750 meters. From afar, the waterfall is magnificent and impressive. The 9.9-meter-high audio and video of the spectators, standing on the rockery, can be called a unique. It is believed that Li Bai"s poetry will flourish when he comes here. "If you don"t get to the Great Wall, you are not a hero". You can also climb the great wall here. "Zhanggong mountain" stands near the lake, and the majestic "Great Wall" hovers up, which is full of the charm of the scenery outside the great wall; climbing the beacon tower, you can enjoy the outstanding beauty of Nanhu Park. "Splendid China" also has nine dragon walls, white monk temple and other attractions, which combines the characteristics of Oriental architectural art and blend the essence of Chinese traditional culture.

  Walk out of "Splendid China Gate" and come to "Bibo tourist area". On the 3000 mu lake, there are 12 islands, connected by soft and hard bridges. Through the exciting and frightening Buyun bridge, you can reach the lake embankment. More than 30 small wooden houses and some animal houses are dotted on the island around the lake. The peacocks on the dyke are strolling leisurely with their gorgeous tails; groups of black swans in the lake are floating on the water, as if enjoying their own beautiful shadows; wild ducks and mandarin ducks are playing in the water; the bird island in the middle of the lake is a paradise for birds, with luxuriant trees, birds, geese singing and crane dancing. According to the guide, a large number of migratory birds from the south are attracted here every year. Due to the good environment, climate and water quality, they will not fly away. On the other island, there is a birdsong forest, which is covered with glue woven net, raising nearly 100 species of birds, including Green Peacock, white tailed sea eagle, etc., which are the first-class national protected animals; Mandarin Duck, red bellied Caragana, etc., which are the second-class protected animals.

  From south to north, Seal Island, YEMA island and HEMA island are on the west side of the lake embankment, and guishe island is on the north side of the office area. There are two islands in the east of the lake, boar island in the South and deer island in the north. In Seal Island, seals roll and play in the water, and some tourists praise their vigorous swimming posture from time to time. In Hippo Island, a big Hippo eats more than 300 Jin of grass a day, which is amazing.

  Balihe scenic spot is just like the holy land of Taoyuan and Penglai fairyland. It is a pure land for people living in noisy cities for a long time.

  The vast lake, the beautiful park, the birdsong forest, the Lianxin bridge and the resort are all poetic and picturesque. Chinese and Western architecture complement each other with exquisite creativity and neat layout. Balihe scenic spot not only has landscape architecture, but also abounds in more than 30 kinds of aquatic products such as Wuchang fish, mandarin fish, turtle, silver carp, eel, etc. It is not only the habitat of 136 species of birds and waterfowls, but also an important production base of rare fishery products in Northern Anhui, Fuyang water resources reserve and provincial Wetland Nature Reserve. Balihe town was awarded "global top five hundred" by the United Nations in 1994.

  Balihe scenic spot is the gift of nature, balihe scenic spot is the wisdom crystallization of balihe people. The main park, which covers an area of 3600 mu, was originally a swamp. Under the leadership of Zhang Jiawang, the Secretary of the town Party commi*, the industrious and intelligent balihe people, after years of hard work, have turned the barren beach into an oasis and the depression into a park.


  Dear tourists

  Hello, everyone. On behalf of Anhui travel agency, I welcome you to Yixian County for sightseeing. I"m Wang Bing, your tour guide of Xidi Hongcun. Please call me Xiao Wang. I hope that Xiao Wang"s explanation and service will make your trip more enjoyable. Sitting in the driver"s seat is our driver, Master Wang, who has been driving for nearly 20 years, so we can rest assured about safety.

  Xidi Hong Village is located in Yi County of Huangshan City. In 20xx, it was listed as a world cultural heritage by UNESCO. In 20xx, it was rated as a 4A tourist area by the National Tourism Administration, and became one of the first batch of famous historical and cultural villages in China. In 20xx, it was also recognized by the central government The TV station rated it as "China"s charming town". When it comes to Yi County, I would like to ask you a question. Surely you all know Tao Yuanming"s Peach Blossom Land? Do you know where the paradise described by Mr. Wu Liu is? Yes, the tourist is right. It"s in Yi county. His descendants imagined that Yi county was the ideal state they pursued in the Peach Blossom Land described by their ancestors, so they moved here. Therefore, Yi county is also known as "small Taoyuan". Li Bai, a great poet, once wrote a poem praising Gu Yi: "Yi county"s small Taoyuan is a place with thousands of miles of haze. The land is full of trees and plants, and people respect ancient clothes."

  Ladies and gentlemen, this morning we will visit Xidi Village, which is known as the "Museum of ancient Chinese dwellings", and in the afternoon we will visit Hongcun village, which is known as the "village of Chinese paintings". Xidi village is an ancient village built in the Northern Song Dynasty, where the Hu family lived together. It has a history of more than 900 years. Xidi village has beautiful scenery, surrounded by mountains and continuous peaks. All its streets have been paved with blue stones in Yixian County. Most of the ancient buildings are of wood structure. Huizhou three carvings (wood carvings, stone carvings and brick carvings) are rich and colorful. Due to the less invasion of war in history, it has not been affected With the impact of economic development, the original form of the village is well preserved.

  When it comes to Xidi, I think many friends would like to know why it is called Xidi. In fact, there are two versions: one is that the village is surrounded by two streams, and the water flows from east to west. It is called Xidi when the East water flows to the West; the other is that Xidi is located in the west of Huizhou Prefecture, where there was a delivery shop in the past, so it is called Xidi. Xidi village is shaped like a ship. What are its mast, sail, cabin and sea? Now let"s find out.

  Ladies and gentlemen, Hu Wenguang"s memorial archway is standing tall at the entrance of the village to welcome us. Originally, there were 13 memorial archways arranged in turn, most of which were demolished. Hu Wenguang"s memorial archway was fortunately preserved because of painting and "s quotations. You can see that this archway is made of fine Yixian green, which is the treasure of stone archways in China. When it comes to Hu Wenguang, he is very famous. In Jiajing of Ming Dynasty, when he was the magistrate of Wanzai County in Jiangxi Province, he benefited the people and was loved by the people. He was promoted to the rank of governor of Jiaozhou with outstanding achievements. He was also the chief historian of Jingwang Mansion in Hubei Province. He was honored as the "Prime Minister of Jingfan" by the four officials of the imperial court. Emperor Shenzong of the Ming Dynasty granted permission to build this archway to carry forward his achievements and spread it to later generations. Let"s have a look again. There are 32 round decorative patterns carved on the bucket arch under the eaves, which are quite exquisite. It symbolizes Hu Wenguang"s 32 years as an official, and also expresses his gratitude for the great kindness of the emperor.

  Members, let"s move on. Now we are standing in front of the gate of Jingai hall. It is the ancestral hall rebuilt in the Qing Dynasty. It has always been the meeting place of the Hu people. It is a brick and wood structure building with a span of 30 meters. Let"s have a look. The two black marble columns with a height of 6 meters in the lower hall and the two ginkgo wood columns with a diameter of nearly 2 feet in the upper hall face each other and are symmetrical Liang Jia, how magnificent! Do you see the huge "filial piety" character in the back hall? It was written by Zhu Xi, a neo Confucianism of the Southern Song Dynasty. Let"s take a closer look at the word "Shou". Is it that you can see a handsome young man bowing on his back and kneeling on the ground to show filial piety to his elders, while his hindbrain is like a sharp mouthed monkey head, which means that filial piety is human and unfilial is animal It fully embodies the Chinese virtue of respecting the elderly.

  Now we are entering tujing hall. This is a residence of Hu Ji hall. As soon as we enter the hall, the first thing we see is a portrait of Hu Ji hall and his three wives. Let"s guess which of the three wives is the eldest, which is the second and which is the third. Hehe, most people think that the old and the frail are the eldest Guess, that"s a big mistake. Let"s tell you, his eldest wife is very young and died young, so she is still pretty. Therefore, it"s more accurate to judge according to their order. Then let"s take a look at Hu Jitang"s clothes. He wears sapphire plumes and patchwork clothes. At a glance, we can see that he is a top three. How can we see that In ancient times, ruby is the first grade, red coral is the second grade, and sapphire is the third grade. Civil servants wear the pattern of poultry, and military officers wear the pattern of beast. If you look closely, Hu Jitang"s clothes are decorated with the pattern of poultry, so we say he is a civil servant of three grades. The unique couplet on both sides of Dujing hall is "it"s good to study, to do business, to work well, to start a business is difficult, to keep a business is difficult, to know whether it"s difficult". The couplet compares business with reading, expressing the desire of Huizhou merchants to improve their status.

  Well, tourists, we visited dijitang, zhuimutang, yuanyangtang and other scenic spots. The Xidi tour is over. After lunch, we will go to Hongcun, which is also an ancient village in southern Anhui. What"s special about Hongcun? Hongcun is also known as niuxing village. What about Niutou, Niuwei, Niujiao and Niudu 》Where is the spot of dragonflies? Let"s have a look in the afternoon!


  Shifang is located at xibakou of Chaohu Lake, the entrance of Hubin Avenue. It was built in the midsummer of 1994. It is an antique brand style square with ancient cultural landscape. It stands on the lakeside with great momentum, symbolizing the east gate of Chaohu Lake. There are four couplets on both sides of the stone square, written by Fang Keyi himself. Among them, Liu Zishan, Wang Gongshou and other calligraphers inscribed "the five lakes in which the water shows a thousand Li brocade of the Ming Dynasty; the four seas in which the name is rich, the place is smart and the people are outstanding for thousands of years". Hubin Avenue, 53 kilometers long, starts from Chaohu City in the East and ends at Zhongmiao town in the West. It integrates tourism, flood control, transportation and high-tech agriculture. It was built in 1991 after the flood, with a total investment of 200 million yuan. Lakeside Avenue is a three-level asphalt pavement, with pavilions and waterside pavilions along the way, with luxuriant flowers and grass, naturally becoming interesting. Xibakou section of the urban area has become a place for morning exercise, holiday outing, weekend fishing and summer night cool. It is similar to the Bund of Shanghai. Lakeside Avenue is also the forefront of enjoying Chaohu scenery and experiencing Chaohu people"s feelings. The scenery of lakes and mountains and the local customs and people"s feelings often blend into one. The planned lakeside Avenue will build leisure resorts, lakeside baths and water upstream parks, and eventually become a long corridor of eating, living, traveling, shopping and entertainment in central Anhui. Now you can see Chaohu Lake on the left. The water area of Chaohu Lake is 800 square kilometers. It is a lake in the whole province and is listed as one of the five largest freshwater lakes in China. Compared with Dongting Lake, Poyang Lake, Taihu Lake and Hongze Lake, Chaohu Lake occupies a small area, but has its own characteristics. Chaohu has 23 villages and towns along the lake, with a coastline circumference of 180 km, a water surface length of 55 km from east to west, and a north-south width of 15 km. When the water level is 12 meters, it has an area of 800 square kilometers and a volume of 4.8 billion cubic meters. Chaohu Lake is named because it looks like a bird"s nest from a distance.

  Here is another story. Chaohu Lake has developed water system, known as "360 branches" since ancient times. The existing rivers into the lake are mainly distributed in the West and southwest of the lake area. For example, the Nanfei river originates from the Dabie Mountains in Western Anhui, the Pai River flows through the upper, middle and lower schools, the Fengle river flows through the three rivers, the Baishan river flows through the Jinniu River, and the Mawei River excavated by Cao Cao is said to originate from the zhegao river at the eastern foot of the feicha mountain. Yuxi River, also known as yuncaohe River, was called ruxu River in ancient times. It starts from donghukou of Chaohu Lake in the West and flows to Yuxikou in the southeast. It has a total length of 75 kilometers and connects with the Yangtze River. It is a river system of Chaohu Lake. Chaohu Lake basin covers an area of 32345 square kilometers. Due to its rich water resources and suitable climate, it is a land of fish and rice in central Anhui.

  On the right, you can see Guishan mountain. When you climb the mountain and look at the lake, you can see that ten thousand hectares of green waves suddenly contract here and rush to the East. There is a tendency that the water of the lake is pouring from the West. This mountain is the first of the three turtles in Chaohu Lake. The other two turtles are nanguishan and dongguishan. Nanguishan is located in taoxizui on the South Bank of Chaohu Lake. It is far away from this Guishan. Dongguishan, also known as ruxushan, is located in the East Diaoyutai of lake. Opposite to Guishan mountain is a stone turtle, which is quite different from the others because it is the dragon head, phoenix claw, turtle body, etc. this turtle is the turtle of our Chaohu Lake. It is said that a long time ago, there was a water monster in the lake. It was always making waves in the lake, which made the people around restless, and the crops suffered from seedling and no harvest. Later, people heard that the water monster was afraid of dragons, phoenixes, turtles and People built this stone statue by the lake. Because it is opposite to Guishan, it is called Shigui. Chaohu Lake is also called Jiaohu lake. There is a moving story about its formation in Chaohu Lake. It is said that a long time ago, there was a Chaozhou City in East China (the story is short). To the front is the Middle Temple - Laoshan Scenic spot. Zhongmiao is known as Zhongmiao. It is located in Zhongmiao Town, Juchao District, Chaohu City, 48 kilometers away from the urban area. In ancient times, it was named Zhongmiao because it was between Juchao and Luzhou, so it is known as "a beautiful place in the lake". Due to the strong fragrance in the past dynasties, it is known as "South Jiuhua, North Temple". The Zhongmiao temple was first built in the Han Dynasty. The temple, rebuilt in the first year of the Dragon era of the late Tang Dynasty, is "made of yuanwa and Hongliang, which are exquisite and beautiful.". In the second year of Baoda University in the Southern Tang Dynasty, it was rebuilt. There were 6 rows and 24 rooms in total. The statues of "red face, pink eyebrows and willow green eyebrows" stand in the treasure room and are listed in the incense altar. In the Yuan Dynasty, the temple base circle was arched into a bridge, which was called "Aobei cave", and a hall was built on the cave. In the Qing Dynasty, there were "Jiege, Baidian, Tingting and lanxie" in the temple. In the 15th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu, Li Hongzhang proposed to raise funds for reconstruction. There are three halls, namely the front hall, the middle hall and the back hall, with more than 70 rooms. The back hall has three storeys of Sutra Pavilion, eight windows, four corner cornices and corner bells. It was decorated in the 10th year of the Republic of China. At the end of the 27th year of the Republic of China, the back hall was destroyed by fire, leaving only the front hall, the middle hall and the wing room. Since 1986, the temple has been renovated many times, and the frescoes on the walls and beams of the temple have been more colorful. The Zhongmiao temple is located on the jushiji, one hundred meters from the North Bank of Chaohu Lake. Shiji was cinnabar color, burst into the lake, shaped like a Phoenix, known as phoenix platform. The ancient temple faces south, facing the lake bank, reflecting waves in the sky and clouds in the hall. On the gate of the temple, there are inscriptions of "temple in Chaohu Lake". The double eaves of the whole temple Pavilion fly out, like the crown of Danfeng, shining in the sunset. The temple is now dedicated to Guan Yu, Guanyin and the gods. It is said that there are also Taishan jade girl and Chaohu Jiao grandma in the original temple

  It is located in the water center of Chaohu Lake, 4km away from Zhongmiao Town, and the Laoshan Mountain in Chaohu and Hefei. It is said that when she was trapped in Chaozhou, she sacrificed her life to help the world and became this mountain, so it is named. Laoshan is actually an island in the middle of a lake formed by volcanic eruption more than 100 million years ago, with an altitude of 105 meters and an area of 0.86 square kilometers. The mountain is oval in shape, with three mountains in the distance and nine peaks in the near. According to the annals of Nantang, Laoshan is also called Nantang There is a Wenfeng pagoda on Laoshan Mountain, standing on the top of Bijia mountain. It is a magnificent place to enjoy the scenery of Chaohu Lake. It is said that grandma Jiao can visit Gushan better when she ascends the pagoda, so she is also famous for her pagoda. The tower was first built in the fourth year of Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty. Yan Ergui, the magistrate of Luzhou, advocated the construction of the tower. It was built with four floors and stopped working because of the peasant uprising. In the fourth year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty, Li Hongzhang advocated donation and commissioned Wufen, Jiangsu Province, to continue the construction of the third floor. The pagoda has 7 floors, 133 levels, and 51 meters high. It is made of stone green brick. It is octagonal, with cornices on each floor and iron bells hanging on each eaves. There are 802 brick Buddha statues and 25 inscriptions. Because the tower was built to show the victory of local culture, it was named Wenfeng tower. There is a folk saying: "the pagoda of Laoshan is sharp, and the number one scholar comes out of Luzhou." It is a key cultural relic protection unit at the county level. The body of the tower is composed of three parts: the outer wall, the gallery and the core of the tower. The tower gate is engraved with the word "ladder".

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