
时间:2023-01-07 12:35:04 公文范文 来源:网友投稿

英文合同1  编号:  ContractNo:  日期:  Date:  签约地点:  Signedat:  卖方:  Sellers:  地址:  Address:  邮政编码:  PostalC下面是小编为大家整理的英文合同【10篇】,供大家参考。




  Contract No:




  Signed at:






  Postal Code:










  Postal Code:


  Tel: 传真:



  The Seller hereby confirms selling the following goods on terms and conditions


  Tolerance: With _____% more or less both in amount and quantity allowed at the

  sellers option.

  (2) 原产地

  Country of Origin:

  (3) 付款方式:30%预付,70%发货前一周付清.

  Payment terms: 30% deposit, 70% payment within one week before delivery.

  (4) 交货时间:收到预付款后15天内完成装运。

  Time of shipment: Within15 days after deposit received.

  (5) 贸易方式:FOB Shanghai

  Terms of Shipment: FOB Shanghai

  (6) 包装:胶合板木盘外封铁皮

  Packing: Plywood drum with steel sheet cover.

  (7) 保险:由卖方按发票全额110%投保至_____为止的_____险。

  Insurance: To be effected by seller for 110% of full invoice value covering _____ up to _____ only.

  (8) 装运口岸:*上海港

  Port of Loading: Shanghai Port, China

  (9) 转运:允许

  Transshipment: Allowed

  (10 分批装运:允许分批装运

  Partial Shipment: Allowed

  (11) 目的口岸:

  Port of Destination:

  (12) 唛头:Shipping Marks:

  (13) 单据:Documents:

  (14) 品质与数量、重量的异义与索赔:Quality/Quantity Discrepancy and Claim:

  (15) 逾期发运:如果由于买方原因造成逾期发运,买方承担责任。造成自签订合同之日起超过45天不能发运的,卖方将每日按货物金额的3%收取保管费;如果由于买方原因造成逾期发运超过6个月,卖方有权自行处置定金和货物。如果是卖方原因造成的逾期发运,卖方需提前告知买方并得到买方的确认并承担其他相关费用。

  LAST SHIPMENT: if the late delivery is caused by the buyer, the buyer shall bear the

  responsibility. If the delay has being made more than 45 days from the signing of the Sales Contract hereof, the buyer shall pay 3% of total amount each day, and if the delay is more than 6 months, the Seller has the right to dispose the down payment and the goods. If the late delivery is caused by the Seller, the Seller shall inform the Buyer in advance and get confirmation from the Buyer, and the related expense shall be born by the Seller.

  (16) 质量/数量异议:对于质量方面的异议,买方必须在货物抵达目的港后30天之类提出:对于数量方面的异议,买方必须在货物抵达目的`港后15天之内提出。对由于保险公司、运输公司、其他运输机构或邮局的原因所造成的货物差异,卖方不负任何责任。 QUALITY/QUANTITY DISCREPANCY: In case of quality discrepancy, claim shall be filed by the Buyer within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at port of destination; while for quantity discrepancy, claim shall be filed by the buyer within 15 days after the arrival of the goods at port of destination. It is understood that the Seller shall not be liable, for any discrepancy of goods shipped due to causes for which the Insurance Company, Shipping Company, other transportation organization or Post Office are liable.

  (17) 不可抗力:卖方对由于下列原因而导致不能或暂时不能履行全部或部分合同义务的,不负责任:水灾、火灾、地震、干旱、战争或其他任何在签约时卖方不能预料、无法控制且不能避免和克服的事件。但卖方因尽快地将所发生的事件通知对方,并应在事件发生后15天内将有关机构出具的不可抗力事件的证明寄交对方。如果不可抗力事件之影响超过120天,双方应协商合同继续履行或终止履行的事宜。

  FORCE MAJEURE: Seller shall not be responsible for failure or delay in performance of entire or portion of these Sale Contract obligations in consequence of Force Majeure incidents: flood, fire, earthquake, drought, war, or any other * couldn’t be foreseen or controlled or couldn’t be avoided. But Seller shall inform the incidents to Buyer immediately, and shall delivery the certificate of Force Majeure incidents issued by related organization within 15 days after the incidents happened. If the incidents influence more than 120 days, both parties shall negotiate to decide whether to execute or terminate the Sales Contract.

  (18) 仲裁:因履行本合同所发生的一切争议,双方应友好协商解决,如协商仍不能解决争议,则应将争议提交*国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(北京),依据其仲裁规则仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方都有约束力。仲裁费应由败诉一方承担,但仲裁委员会另有裁定的除外。在仲裁期间,除仲裁部分之外的其他合同条款应继续执行。

  ARBITRATION: All dis*s across from the execution of, or in connection with this Sales Contract shall be settled friendly through negotiation, in case no settlement can be reached, the case shall then be submitted to China International Economic and

  Trade Arbitration Commission, Beijing for arbitration in accordance with its provisional rules of procedure. The result of arbitration shall be born by the losing party except for the condition the Commission has other judgment. During the arbitration period, clauses beside of the arbitrated parts shall be executed.

  (19) 本合同为中英文对应,一式两份,买卖双方各执一份;合同自卖方签字盖章、买方签字后生效(传真件以及扫描具有正版相等法律效应)。

  The Sales Contract is concluded in Chinese and English with same effectiveness, and will come into effect on stamp of Seller and signing by Buyer. The Sales Contract is in dual original and each party shall have one original copy of this Sales Contract. (Any scanned and faxed copy shall have the same legal effect as the original one.)

  (20) 备注:


  买方确认签署: 卖方确认签署:

  For and on behalf of Buyer: For and on behalf of Seller:


  买 方: (The ;Buyers)

  卖方: (The Sellers)


  This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers; whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter:

  (1) 商品名称:

  Name of Commodity:

  (2) 数 量: Quantity:

  (3) 单 价: Unit price:

  (4) 总 值: Total Value:

  (5) 包 装: Packing:

  (6) 生产国别: Country of Origin :

  (7) 支付条款: Terms of Payment:

  (8) 保 险: insurance:

  (9) 装运期限: Time of Shipment:

  (10) 起 运 港: Port of Lading:

  (11) 目 的 港: Port of Destination:



  Within 45 days after the arrival of the goods at the destination, should the quality, Specifications or quantity be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the contract except those claims for which the insurance company or the owners of the vessel are liable, the Buyers shall, have the right on the strength of the inspection certificate issued by the C.C.I.C and the relative documents to claim for compensation to the Sellers


  Force Majeure :

  The sellers shall not be held responsible for the delay in shipment or non-deli-very of the goods due to Force Majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. The sellers shall advise the Buyers immediately of the occurrence mentioned above the within fourteen days there after . the Sellers shall send by airmail to the Buyers for their acceptancea certificate of the accident. Under such circumstances the Sellers, however, are still under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the deliveryof the goods.


  Arbitration :

  All dis*s in connection with the execution of this Contract shall be settled friendly through negotiation. in case no settlement can be reached, the case then may be submitted for arbitration to the Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in accordance with the Provisional Rules of Procedure promulgated by the said Arbitration Commission . the Arbitration commi* shall be final and binding upon both parties. and the Arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing parties.

  买方: 卖方:

  (授权签字) (授权签字)


  1.前言 Preamble

  一份标准英文合同通常可以分为前言(Preamble)、正文(Operative part)、附录(Schedule)及证明部分即结束词(Attestation)四大部分组成。



  I. 以下为“Parties”的常用表达方式:

  1. This Agreement is entered into by and between ____ and ____.

  本协议由以下双方____和___ 签署。

  2. This Agreement is entered into by and between ____ (hereinafter referred to as____) and ____ (hereinafter referred to as "_____"), whereby it is agreed as follows:



  This Agreement is entered into through friendly negotiations between _____ Co.

  (hereinafter referred to as the “Party A”) and _____ Co. (hereinafter referred to as the “Party B”) based on equality and mutual benefit to develop business on the terms and conditions set forth below:


  This Agreement is entered into between _____ (hereinafter referred to as "Company"), and ______, (hereinafter referred to as "Employee") pursuant to paragraph VIII(2) of the Employee Handbook, whereby it is agreed as follows:


  II. 以下为标准的“Parties”条款:

  3. This Agreement is made and entered into this _____th day of _____ in the year of ____ by and between ______, a company duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of ______, with its principal place of business at _____ (hereinafter referred to as “_____”), and ______, a company duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of _____, with its principal place of business at _____ (hereinafter referred to as “_____”), whereby it is agreed as follows:


  III. “Recitals” 由数个以"Whereas"字样开头的句子所组合而成(这些句子俗称为“Whereas Clauses”),表示当事人乃是在基于对这些事实(例如订约的目的、背景来由等)的共同认识,订立此合约。

  4. This Agreement is made and entered into this _____ day of _____ in the year of ____ by and between _______, a company duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of ______, with its principal place of business at ______ (hereinafter referred to as “_____”), and ______, a company duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of ______, with its principal place of business at ______ (hereinafter referred

  to as “_____”)


  WHEREAS, NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows:





  IV. 在很多美国常用合同中,在很多情况下直接用RECITALS引导数个陈述语句或“Whereas Clauses”。下面为一个资产购买协议实例:

  This ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of May 19, 1997 by and among AAA, a Delaware corporation ("AAA"), BBB, a Delaware corporation and wholly-owned subsidiary of AAA ("Buyer"), CCC ("Summit"), and DDD, an Oregon corporation and wholly-owned subsidiary of Summit ("Seller").


  A. The Boards of Directors of each of Summit, Seller, AAA and Buyer believe it is in the best interests of each company and their respective security holders that Buyer acquire certain listed assets and assume certain listed liabilities of Seller (the "Acquisition").

  B. On the date hereof, Buyer has executed a $2,000,000 irrevocable purchase order to purchase 400 time-based licenses for Summit"s Visual HDL interfaces for Visual Test bench ("VTB") software on AAA"s standard form of purchase order, which is payable within five (5) business days after the date hereof.

  NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants, promises and representations set forth herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows:

  2. 定义 Definition



  I. 常见的定义语句常用mean, refer to, be construed as, include等来表达。如:

  1. "Territory" means the United States of America.“销售地区”是指美利坚合众国。

  2. “Commencement date” shall mean the date of signing this agreement by the last signing party hereto.


  3. The “agreement” herein referred to shall mean this agreement of agency by entrustment.


  4. “Code” shall refer to the current and applicable Internal Revenue Code.


  5. Reference to any statutory provision shall be construed as a reference to the same as it may have been, or may from time be, amended, modified or re-enacted.


  6. "Expenses" include costs, charges and expenses of every description.


  II. 还有一类特殊的定义语句,即对于「单、复数」及「阴、阳性」名词的范围定义。通常都是用include来表达:

  1. "Stock Certificate" includes "stock certificate" and "stock certificates".


  2. "He" includes "he" and "she".


  3. Words using the singular or plural number also include the plural or singular number.


  III. 定义语句中,有时需限定范围。而通常用得最多的是:“for the purpose of ”及“in relation to” 某概念的定义条款,如果适用范围仅限于合同的“特定部份”,可以用“for the purpose of ”来为定义条款起头。而如果定义条款是针对合同的“特定概念”,就用“in relation to”来界定。如下例:

  1. For the purpose of this Agreement, "Products" means all types of the machineries manufactured by Manufacturer as are specified in Attachment A hereto.


  2. "Address" means-

  (a) 就自然人而言in relation to an individual, his usual residential or business address; and

  (b) in relation to a corporation, its registered or principal office in the Republic of China.


  IV. 在定义条款中,在定义语句前有时会加上一些陈述语句来引导,如:

  1. For the purpose of this Agreement, each of the following terms shall have the following meaning respectively:


  2. In this Agreement, the following words or expressions shall have the meanings given to them respectively below:


  3. In this agreement unless the context otherwise requires, the following words and expressions shall have the meanings assigned to them hereunder:


  4. The following are the definitions of various terms used in this Agreement:


  3. 有效期 Period of validity


  I. 以下为“Term”的常用表达方式:

  The term of this contract is for a _____ year period.合同的有效期为_____年。

  如:The term of this contract is for a one (1) year period.

  2. The contract is for a _____ month period, commencing _____.


  a. The contract is for a 12 month period, commencing September 17, 20xx thru September 16, 20xx.

  b. The contract is for a 6 month period, commencing 4-1-03 and ending 9-30-20xx.

  3. This agreement remains valid for _____ year(s), i.e. commencing on ______, _____and terminating on ______, _____.


  4. The contract term is hereby extended for the period____.


  如:The contract term is hereby extended for the period____ in accordance with Section E, Paragraph 10, Term of Contract and Contract Extension.

  II. Term条款除了规定合同的期限外,通常另外合同期限的延展“Extension”。

  1. The contract period is for _____ year with option to re-new for _____ year.


  2. The contract is for a _____ month period, commencing _____. The contract may be renewed for up to _____ year option periods.


  3. This agreement shall commence on the commencement date and shall endure for a continuous period of _____ years. Thereafter it will be automatically renewed for successive periods of _____ years on the same terms and conditions unless one of the parties had given _____days notice of termination.


  III. Term条款并没有十分固定的表达方式,以下即是一些合同中Term的实例:

  1. This Agreement shall be valid and remain in force for a period of three (3) years commencing from the date appearing first above written upon the signing of both Party A and Party B and shall be extended for another period of three (3) years on the same terms and conditions unless either of the parties hereto gives the other party at least thirty (30) days prior written notice to terminate this Agreement prior to the expiration of the original term.


  2. At any time and from time to time during the period commencing on the date hereof and terminating on ______, 20___, party A may in writing advise party B.


  3. The term of this Agreement shall be three years from the effective date, unless terminated in accordance with Article VI- (3) and Article IX.


  4. The contract is valid from _______ until _______.

  The contract period is automatically extended for any leave of absence allowed for in law.


  5. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the _____ day of _____ and end on the _____ day of _____ Upon expiration of the above initial term, this Agreement shall automatically be renew and extended for a like period of time unless terminated in writing by either party _____ days prior to the date for such renewal.


  4. 不可抗力 Force Majeure

  Force Majeure条款是一种免责条款,即免除由于不可抗力事件而违约的一方的违约责任。一般应规定的内容包括:不可抗力事件的定义(Definition of Force Majeure)以及不可抗力事件的后果(Consequences of Force Majeure) 。在Force Majeure条款中,两者属于因果关系,难以截然分开。

  I. 对于Force Majeure的定义,《合同法》定义如下:


  For purposes of this Law, force majeure means any objective circumstance, which is unforeseeable, unavoidable and insurmountable.

  II. 以下是Force Majeure条款的举例:

  1. Neither party shall be responsible for delays or failures in performance resulting from acts or facts reasonably beyond the control of that party.


  2. Either Party shall not be liable for any delay caused by any unpredictable factor or any factor which is unavoidable or insurmountable by reasonable means at the time of conclusion of this Agreement, or any loss caused by failure in fulfillment of obligations as stipulated herein.



  3. Neither party of this Agreement, directly or indirectly owing to any causes or circumstances beyond its control, including Acts of God, Governmental orders or restriction, war, warlike conditions, revolutions, strike, lockout, fire and flood.


  注: Acts of God通常也译为“不可抗力”,但主要是指自然灾害;而Force Majeure则包括自然及人为两方面。

  4. Neither party will be liable for nondelivery, misdelivery or late delivery (other than the payment of money due hereunder) caused by circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including, among others, war, civil strife or commotion, riots, strikes, fires, floods, acts of God, i*lity to obtain materials, failure of carriers or compliance with any law, regulation or governmental order.


  5. Should either of the parties to the contract by prevented from executing the contract by force majeure, such as earthquake, typhoon, flood, fire and war and other unforeseen events, and their happening and consequences are unpreventable and unavoidable, the prevented party shall notify the other party by cable without any delay, and within 15 days thereafter provide the detailed information of the events and a valid document for evidence issued by the relevant public notary organization

  for explaining the reason of its i*lity to execute or delay the execution of all or part of the contract. Both parties shall, through consolations, decide whether to terminate the contract or to exempt the part of obligations for implementation of the contract or whether to delay the execution of the contract according to the effects of the events on the performance of the contract.

  由 于地震、台风、水灾、火灾、战争以及其它不能预见并且对其发生和后果不能防止或避免的不可抗力事件出现,致使直接影响合同的履行或者不能按约定的条件履行 时,遇有上述不可抗力的一方,应立即电报通知对方,并应在十五天内,提供不可抗力详情及合同不能履行、或者部分不履行、或者需要延期履行的理由的有效证明 文件。此项证明文件应由事故发生地有权证明的机构出具。按其对履行合同影响的程度,由双方协商决定是否解除合同,或者部分履行合同,或者延期履行合同。

  6. Force majeure shall hereof consist of the following events:


  Where such cases as war, earthquake, serious windstorms, snow, or fire or other events which no party can foresee and prevent from happening occur;


  The related laws and regulations in collection with the execution of duties by any party to this Agreement undergo changes, under which this Agreement will be illegal or the transfer cannot be fulfilled.


  In event of the occurrence of the above-mentioned events, if any party (hereinafter referred to as the “Effected Party ”) has been delayed or deterred from performing the duties of this Agreement in the course of its execution, the Affected Party shall be free from any liabilities for breach of the agreement and for compensation.


  In event of the force majeure, the affected party shall, within _____days from the date of the occurrence, notify the other party of the impact of such events on the execution of the duties in this Agreement, by telex, telegraph or in any other lawful written form, and simultaneously submit the relevant official credentials concerning the force majeure herein.


  Should the effect of the force majeure cases last more than _____ days, both parties shall consult each other about the alterations of this Agreement; in case they fail to reach an agreement, Chapter 8 shall thereupon ap*.


  7. Force Majeure不可抗力

  (1) No party to this Contract shall be liable to the other party for any failure of or delay in performance of its obligations hereof nor be deemed to be in breach of this Contract, if such failure or delay has arisen from "force majeure."


  "Force Majeure" means circumstances and conditions beyond the control of either parties, that would render it impossible for either the Owner or the Contractor to fulfill their obligations under this Contract, or delay such fulfillment. Any of the following * are considered "force majeure."


  a. war, hostilities, act of foreign enemy, invasion, warlike opera-tions (whether war to be declared or not) or civil war;

  b. mutiny, civil commotion assuming the proportions of or amounting to a popular rising, military rising, insurrection, rebellion, revolution, military or usurped power, or any act of any person acting on behalf of or in connection with any organization with activities directed towards the overthrow by force of the Government de jure or de facto, or to the influencing of it by terrorism or violence;

  c. earthquake, flood, fire or other natural physical disaster;

  d. denial of the use of all ports, airports, shipping services or other means of public transport;

  e. strike or lock out or other industrial concerted action by workers, affecting the fulfillment of Contractor"s and subcontractors" obligations;

  f. and other unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the parties so affected rendering the fulfillment of their obligations impossible.

  a. 战争、敌对事件、外敌行动、入侵、类似战争的军事行动(不管是事宣战)、内战;

  b. 士兵哗变、民众*乱、军事叛乱、起义、造反、革命、篡权、或者任何个人代表某个组织或与某个组织有联系、旨在以暴力推翻合法或现存*、或以*或暴力对*施加影响的行为;

  c. 地震、洪水、火灾或其他自然灾害;

  d. 所有港口、机场、船运或其他公共交通工具的使用均遭拒绝;

  e. 工人*、工厂停工、或其他的劳工联合行动,影响了承包商和分包商履行其义务;

  f. 当事人无法控制、从而使其不能履行义务的其他任何意外情况。

  (3) If either party to this Contract is prevented or delayed from or in performing any of his obligations under this Contract by force majeure, then he may notify the other party of the circumstances constituting the force majeure and of the obligation performance of which is thereby delayed or prevented and the party giving the notice shall thereupon be excused from the performance or punctual performance, as the case may be, of such obligation for so long as the circumstances of prevention or delay may continue.


  (4) If by virtue of the preceding sub-clause dither party shall be excused from the performance or punctual performance of any obligation for a continuous period of ________ months, then either party may at any time thereafter terminate this Contract by giving a written notice to the other party.


  5. 修改 Modification

  合同修订 (Modification)条款为合同常用条款.主要规定了合同修订的方式与途径。例如:书面合同,只能以书面方式进行修订,口头修订内容无效。

  I. Modification条款通常较为简单,以下为一些常用比较简约的表达方式:

  1. The contract can be amended only after the amendment is agreed upon by both parties.


  2. This Agreement may be amended only by a written instrument signed by duly authorized representatives of both parties.


  3. This Agreement may not be amended or modified except by written instrument signed

  by each of the Parties hereto.


  4. Any alterations or amendments of this Agreement shall be subject to agreement through consultation between both parties in writing.


  5. This Agreement shall not be modified or amended except by a written instrument, signed by the parties hereto.


  6. Any modification, amendment or waiver of any of the provisions of this Agreement must otherwise be made in writing and duly signed by the parties hereto.


  7. During the period of validity of the agreement, either party shall be entitled to make proposal of amendment to the agreement and the agreement amended shall go into effect with the signature of the two parties.


  II. 在实际运用中,由于内容环境不同,表达可能有所不同,以下为一些实例:

  1. If the loan contract affiliated to this Contract has to be abridged, amended, or revised, both parties shall negotiate to amend and revise this Contract in line with the provisions of the loan contract.


  2. If this Contract shall be abridged, revised, or amended on account of force majeure, the responsibilities assumed by the Party A under this Contract shall not be exempted or reduced, and the rights and interests of the Party B under this Contract shall not been affected or infringed.


  3. The amendment of the contract or other appendices shall come into force only after the written agreement signed by Party A and Party B and approved by the original examination and approval authority.


  4. This Agreement may be amended in writing signed by both Parties. Unless otherwise expressly agreed to in such amendment, all terms and conditions of this Agreement shall ap* to any such addition and all rights granted to Licensee under this Agreement shall terminate as to any such deletion.


  6. 补偿 Indemnification




  I. Indemnification 条款常用“indemnify and hold harmless from……”来表达:

  1. Party A agrees to indemnify and hold Party B harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys" fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of



  Party A agrees to indemnify and hold Party B harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys" fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of Party A"s use of the Site, the violation of this Agreement by Party A, or the infringement by Party A, or other user of the Site using Party A"s login name and password, of any intellectual property or other right of any person or entity.


  2. Party A shall indemnify and hold party B and each of party B officers, directors, stockholders, employees and agents harmless against, and in respect of, any damage, loss, liability, cost or expense, including attorneys, fees, resulting or arising from or incurred in connection with this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby, except such as may result from willful malfeasance if party B or such officer, director, stockholder, employee of agent, as the case may be.


  3. Each party will defend, indemnify and hold the other harmless from and against all actions, proceedings, claims, demands, suits, losses, damages and expenses, including reasonable attorneys fees and costs reasonably incurred in defending any proceedings in which the damages sustained arose from a failure of the other party to meet its obligations under this agreement. In no event will either party be liable to the other in connection with this agreement for special, incidental, indirect or consequential or punitive damages regardless of whether either or both parties knew of the possibility of such damages.



  4. Contractor agrees to protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless company, its parent, subsidiaries and affiliated companies, and its and their employees, subcontractors and its and their insurers from and against any claim, demand, cause of action, loss, expense award, obligation to indemnify another, judgment or liability on account of illness, injury or death to the employees of contractor and contractor’s subcontractors and/or damage to or loss or destruction of the property of contractor arising directly or indirectly out of the performance of this contract regardless of omissions or negligence, in whole or in any part, of company.

  承包商同意保护、辩护、赔偿和保证公司、其上级公司、下属公司和关联公司、及其雇员、次承包商和其保险公司不承担在履行本合同过程中,不论公司是否存在部分 或全部的不作为或疏忽的责任,直接或间接所导致的承包商和次承包商的雇员生病、受伤或死亡以及承包商的财产所遭受的毁损灭失相关的任何诉求、要求、诉因、 损失、费用、对他方的赔偿义务、判决或赔偿责任。

  II. Indemnification 条款还有多种表达方式,但并不固定。

  1. Notwithstanding any of indemnities and liabilities specifically referred to above, neither company or contractor shall be liable to the other with respect to any consequential loss including, but not limited to, loss of anticipated profit, loss of anticipated revenue, loss of anticipated production, loss of product, or loss of use of money, arising or alleged to arise out of either company’s or contractor’s failure to property carry out its obligations hereunder or due to omissions or negligence, in whole or any part, of the part at fault, its subcontractors or vendors or the un-seaworthiness of vessel, or strict liability, and regardless of whether pre-existing the execution of the agreement.


  2. All remedies specified herein or otherwise available shall be cumulative and in addition to any and every other remedy provided hereunder or now or hereafter available at law or in equity. No waiver or failure to act with respect to any breach or default hereunder, whether or not the other party has notice thereof, shall be deemed to be a waiver with respect to any subsequent breach or default, whether of similar or different nature.


  III.在大型合同中,Indemnification 条款往往非常复杂,以下即为。

  Indemnification 补偿

  (a) Each party shall indemnify and hold harmless the other party, its shareholders, directors, officers, employees, agents, designees and assignees, or any of them, from and against all losses, damages, liabilities, expenses, costs, claims, suits, demands, actions, causes of actions, proceedings, judgments, assessments, deficiencies and charges (collectively, "Damages") caused by, relating to or arising from the performance by such party in accordance with this Contract of its obligations hereunder, and Buyer shall also indemnify Seller, without limiting the foregoing, for any such item caused by, relating to or arising from (a) the programming services which are authorized for viewing sing the System, including any assertion that any such programming service involves copyright infringement, (b) any dis*s between Buyer and any of its program distributors or other distributors or affiliates, (c) any dis*s or claims involving the subscribers for Buyer"s programming services, or (d) any assertion that Buyer has been involved in, that Buyer"s conduct of subscription involves, or that Buyer"s use of the System involves, any unfair competition or violations of laws, rules or regulations.


  (a)授权对viewing sing系统提供的服务;(b)买方与项目分包商、分支机构之间的纠纷;(c) 任何用户针对买方的该项目服务的纠纷或索赔;(d) 针对买方所涉该系统的不正当竞争或违法指控。

  (b) In the event of a third-party claim, with respect to which a party’s entitled to indemnification hereunder, a party (the "Indemnified Party") shall notify the other party (the "Indemnifying Party") in writing s soon as practicable, but in no event later than ______ days after receipt of such claims. The Indemnified Party"s failure to provide such noticed shall not preclude it from seeking indemnification hereunder unless such failure has materially prejudiced the Indemnifying Party"s ability to defend such claim. The Indemnifying Party shall promptly defend such claim with counsel of its own choosing) and the Indemnified Party shall cooperate with the Indemnifying Party in the defense of such claim, including the settlement of the matter on the basis stipulated by the indemnifying Party (with the Indemnifying Party being responsible for all costs and expenses of such settlement).


  If the Indemnifying Party within a reasonable time after notice of a claim fails to defend the Indemnified party, the Indemnified Party shall be entitled to undertake the defense, compromise or settlement of such claim at the expense of the Indemnifying arty. Upon the assumption of the defense of such claim, the Indemnifying arty may settle, compromise or defend as it sees fit. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth in this Section, seller will defend any suit, claim, action or proceeding brought against buyers to the extent that such suit, claim, action or proceeding is based on a claim that goods manufactured and sold by Seller to Buyer infringe patent, copyright, mask work, trademark, trade secret or any other intellectual property rights of any third party and Seller shall pay all damages and costs awarded by final judgment (from which no appeal may be taken) against Buyer, as well as its actual expenses and costs, on condition that Seller


  (i) is promptly informed and furnished a copy of ach communication, notice or other action relating to the alleged infringement, (ii) is given sole control of the defense (including the right to select counsel), and the sole right to compromise and settle such suit or proceeding; provided however, that Seller"s liability hereunder, if any, shall be strictly and solely limited to the amount of royalties which would be payable in respect of revenues derived by Seller from Buyer from sales of the infringing goods. Seller shall not be obligated to defend or be liable for costs and damages if the infringement arises out if a combination with, an addition to, or modification of the goods after delivery by Seller, or from use of the goods, or any part thereof, in the practice of a process.


  If any goods manufactured and supplied by Seller to Buyer are held to infringe any valid patent and Buyer is enjoined from using the same, or if seller believes such infringement is likely, Seller will exert all reasonable efforts at its option and expense (i) to procure for Buyer the right to use such goods free of any liability for such infringement, or (ii) replace or modify such goods with a noninfringing substitute otherwise com*ing substantially with all the requirements of this contract, or (iii) upon return of the goods, refund the purchase price and the transportation costs of such goods (less reasonable allowance for their use and benefit derived therefrom for the period of time from delivery to Buyer, such allowance being based on a straight-line depreciation period of _______ years from the date of shipment by Seller).


  If the infringement is alleged prior to completion of delivery of the goods, Seller has the right to decline to make further shipments without being in breach of contract. If Seller has not been enjoined from selling such goods to Buyer, Seller may (at Seller"s sole election), at Buyer"s request, sup* such goods to Buyer, in which event Buyer shall be deemed to extend to Seller the same patent indemnity hereinabove stated. The same patent indemnity shall be deemed to be extended to Seller by buyer if any suit or proceeding is brought against Seller based on a claim that the goods manufactured by Seller in compliance with Buyer"s specifications infringe any valid patent. Buyer shall promptly notify Seller of any infringement by a third party of intellectual property rights licensed to Buyer under this contract. In the event that a third party infringes such intellectual property rights, the Parties shall cooperate with one another to take appropriate action to cause such infringement to cease. The foregoing states the sole and exclusive liability of the parties hereto for infringement of patents, copyrights, mask works, trade secrets trademarks, and other proprietary rights, whether direct or contributory, and is in lieu of all warranties, express, implied or statutory, in regard hereto, including, without limitation, the warranty against infringement specified in the uniform commercial code.







  This Commission Agreement ("Agreement") is between the parties concerned on August , 20xx in Beijing, China on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follow: In consideration of the mutual agreements and covenants herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: 合约号码:

  Contract No. :


  本协议从 ___________ , 20xx开始生效。 This agreement enters into force on _______________ , 20xx.

  2. 协议方: PARTIES:


  This agreement is made and entered by and between:

  甲方: PARTY A:

  公司: COMPANY:

  地址: ADDRESS:

  国家: COUNTRY:

  电话: TEL:

  传真: FAX:

  电子邮件: E-MAIL:

  AND 和

  乙方: PARTY B:

  公司: COMPANY:

  地址: ADDRESS:

  国家: COUNTRY:

  电话: TEL:

  传真: FAX:

  电子邮件: E-MAIL:

  金 协 议 本佣金协议书于20xx年08月 日在*北京由双方在*等互利基础上达成,按双方同意

  3. 委任: Appointment


  The Party A appoints the Party B as its Exclusive Purchasing Agency in China, purchasing the goods as Part A refers. Olefins, Aromatics Hydrogenation and Isomerisation Catalysts,Gas Oil Desulfurization Catalyst(AGO+VGO),Light Naphtha Hydrotreater Catalyst.(Details as per Purchase Contract)

  4. 双方的职责: Duties of two parties:

  (1) 甲方所需的采购业务应提交给乙方详细的采购产品信息,比如材质、尺寸、数量、品质等具体要求。Party A shall provide all the information of the purchasing products to Party B, such as material, size, quantity, quality and other concrete requirements.


  Party B shall provide Party A customers’information and agent information, consultancy service on agents chartering. Besides, he shall find and confirm the products resources and sup* channel, then introduce these information totally to Party A.

  (2) 因甲方购买的产品涉及专利产权和产品生产者指定代理的情况,乙方负责促成甲方与产品生产者或产品生产者代理商之间签署采购协议,实现贸易,并负责为甲方对采购产品取样、验货、出货等的环节进行服务。

  Party B shall help and facilitate Party A sign the Purchasing Agreement with the suppliers or agents, also should provide services in many aspects, such as sampling, inspection, delivery and other *.

  5. 货款的支付方式:Payment of goods


  Party A will sign Purchasing Agreement directly with producers or its agents, and the

  payment term of goods will be negotiated and agreed by Party A and the Seller.

  6. 佣金的计算、给付方式、给付时间: Commission calculation, payment methods, payment time 甲方同意按照采购产品总金额的(1-5)%支付佣金给乙方,支付日期为付款给卖方的同一天,佣金汇入乙方指定银行账户。如甲方以预付款或分期付款的形式向卖方支付货款,在甲方向卖方支付第一笔货款的同时向乙方全额支付采购产品总金额的佣金。

  For the Purchasing Agent"s services, the Party A shall pay the Party B the following commission percentage:(1-5)% of Part B’s purchasing aggregate amount of the invoice value,simultaneously within the same banking day as the party A makes payment to the Seller. Commission should be remitted to Party B’s designated bank account. If the Party A makes advance payments to the Seller or payment by installments, he should pay the commission to Party B simultaneously with the first payment he made to the Seller.

  7. 违约责任:

  (1) 甲方若不按本合同第6条的执行,逾期一天应支付乙方滞纳金,滞纳金系数为:总佣金的5‰/天。

  Party A if not in this agreement and article 6, execution of expired day shall pay party B overdue fine, fine for delaying payment coefficient for: the total commission 5‰/ day.

  8. 协议的修改: Modification


  This Agreement may not be modified except by amendment reduced to writing and signed by both Parties.

  9. 不可抗力: Force Majeure


  Either party shall not be held responsible for failure or delay to perform all or any part of this agreement due to flood, fire, earthquake, draught, war or any other events which could not

  be predicted, controlled, avoided or overcome by the relative party. However, the party

  affected by the event of Force Majeure shall inform the other party of its occurrence in writing as soon as possible and thereafter send a certificate of the event issued by the relevant authorities to the other party within 15 days after its occurrence.

  10. 仲裁: Arbitration


  All dis*s arising from the performance of this agreement shall be settled through friendly negotiation. Should no settlement be reached through negotiation, the case shall then be submitted for arbitration to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration

  Commission (Beijing) and the rules of this Commission shall be applied. The award of the arbitration shall be final and binding upon both parties. Arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party, unless otherwise awarded.

  11. 协议有效期: Validity of Agreement

  本协议经有关双方如期签署后生效,有效期为年,从20xx年08月 日到 年 月 日。

  This agreement, when duly signed by the both parties concerned, shall remain in force for years, from August , 20xx to XX , XX .

  12. 协议的终止: Termination


  During the validity of this agreement, if either of the two parties is found to have violated the stipulations herein, the other party has the right to terminate this agreement.

  13. 本协议于20xx年08月 日在北京签订,一式两份,双方各执一份。

  This Agreement is signed on ... in Beijing and is in two originals;each Party holds one.

  14. 甲方与产品生产者或产品生产者代理商签署的采购协议要向乙方提供一份原件,并在采购协议中将乙方作为甲方代理的身份体现。

  The Party A shall provide Party B an original Purchasing Contract signed between him and the Seller, and in the Purchasing Contract, shall show Party B is the Agency of Party A.

  甲方: Party A:乙方: Party B:

  (签字) (签字)





  BETWEEN 协议订立双方为:

  (1) VOLKSWAGEN GROUP IMPORT CO., LTD.(company name in Chinese: (formerly known as Volkswagen Import Co., Ltd),a wholly foreign owned limited liability company incorporated under the laws of PRC whose registered address is at Room 519-3 Tengda Building, No. 18, International Trade Road, Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone (the “VGIC”); and

  大众汽车(*)销售有限公司 (以前叫做“大众汽车销售有限公司”),该公司为外商独资有限公司,依据中华人民共和国的法律组建而成,注册地址为:

  ). (下文中称为“经销商”)。

  Each of VGIC and the Dealer is a “party”, and collectively are the “parties”.


  WHEREAS: 鉴于:

  A. The parties entered into a Contract with Authorized Purchaser (Dealer) of Lamborghini Import “Dealer Contract”).

  协议双方于 日签署了一份兰博基尼授权买家(经销商)合同(下文中称为“经销商合同”)。

  B. The parties agree to terminate the Dealer Contract in accordance with, and subject to, the terms and conditions of this Agreement.


  THEREFORE the parties hereby agree as follows: 故此,本协议双方现此约定如下:

  1. Termination 第一条 协议的终止 “Effective Date”). 本协议双方约定从日起终止所述经销商合同(生效日期)。

  1.2 Each party’s rights and obligations under the Dealer Contract shall cease immediately on termination, except for the clauses which are expressed to survive termination. The Dealer hereby renounces and surrenders any and all rights granted pursuant to or in relation to Dealer Contract.


  1.3The termination of the Dealer Contract does not of itself give rise to any liability on the part of VGIC to pay any compensation to the Dealer, including but not limited to, for loss of profits or goodwill.


  1.4 The Dealer hereby waives, releases and forever discharges VGIC,VGIC’semployees and affiliates, and any replacing dealership appointed by VGIC against any actions, proceedings, claims, demands, costs and expenses which the Dealer may now have or would have had for the termination of the Dealer Contract, including but not limited to any applicable rights upon termination of agreements it has may have had under the Dealer Contractor any applicable law. 经销商现此放弃、免除并永远解除大众公司、大众公司的雇员和附属公司、大众公司指定的任何替代经销商就经销商针对所述经销商合同的终止可能享有的、将会享有的任何起诉、诉讼程序、索赔、权利主张、花费和开支而应当承担的责任,包括但不限于所述经销商合同终止时经销商依据任何适用的法律而享有的、可能享有的任何适用权利。

  1.5 The Dealer by executing this Agreement, for and on behalf of Dealer and all persons and entities who at present, in the past or in the future may have, have had or may hereafter have a legal or beneficial ownership or other interest in Dealer, and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns (collectively the “Releasors”), hereby agrees to and does hereby unconditionally, irrevocably and forever voluntarily terminate and surrender to VGIC, as of the Effective Date, the Dealer Contract and any other agreements relating to the sale of the Lamborghini brand products and waives, terminates and surrenders to VGIC any and rights arising out or relating to the Dealer Contract or in connection with the Dealer Contract, including, without limitation, any and all rights, if any, to a continuation, extension or renewal of the Dealer Contract or any related business relationships between VGIC and the Dealer or any of the other Releasors after the Effective Date, which they, or any of them, may now or hereafter have or acquire.


  1.6 The parties hereto intend that this Agreement constitute a general release of all claims, demands, actions, causes of action, whether known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, that the Dealer and/or any of the other Releasors had, may have or may claim to have to the Effective Date.


  2. Obligations Following Signing of This Agreement 第二条 签署本协议产生的义务

  2.1 Following the signing of this Agreement, both parties shall make best efforts to cooperate with each other, including providing and executing all necessary documents and materials and

  taking all necessary actions, to ensure an uninterrupted sup* of parts and after sales services as required by customers after the date of termination of the Dealer Contract.


  2.2 Following the signing of this Agreement, the Dealer undertakes to VGIC that it shall: 本协议一经签署,经销商即向大众公司保证:经销商应当

  (a)Immediately inform its customers (especially owners of vehicles sold by the Dealer) of the Dealer’s closure using the mutually agreed template attached to this Agreement, and obtain the customers’ consent to the transfer of the customer’s information to VGIC and VGIC’s use of such informationsubject to the applicable laws and regulations of PRC;


  (b) Immediately execute the necessary contracts for the transfer of its repair, return and replacement obligations pursuant to the applicable laws and regulations and the Dealer’s sales contracts for vehicles sold by the Dealer to a mutually agreed affiliate;


  (c) immediately transfer, and ensure its affiliated companies transfer, to VGIC or other Volkswagen Group companies respectively, without any consideration, the trademarks registered in the PRC and/or trademark registration applied in the PRC, which belong to VGIC or other Volkswagen Group companies, and any domain names registered in the PRC, which contain the Lamborghini trademarks or name of VGIC or other Volkswagen Group companies;


  (d) immediately cease using, and ensure its subsidiaries and branches (if any) to cease using,the Lamborghini trademarks and “Lamborghini” or its Chinese translations in its corporate name; 立即停止使用并确保其子公司和分公司(如果有的话)停止在其公司名称中使用兰博基尼商标、“Lamborghini”和Lamborghini 的汉语译文 “兰博基尼”;

  (e) not ap*, and ensure its affiliated companies not ap*, directly or indirectly, for registration of any trademarks or names (including any Chinese translations) belonging to VGIC or other Volkswagen Group companies. Otherwise, VGIC or other Volkswagen Group companies are entitled to request such trademarks and/or names transferred to VGIC or other Volkswagen Group companies, free of charge, at any time;


  (f) immediately remove and return to VGIC (or otherwise dispose of as VGIC may instruct) all signboard and symbols containing the Lamborghini trademarks; and


  (g) immediately return to VGIC or otherwise dispose of as VGIC may instruct all equipment and tools, samples, instruction books, technical pamphlets, catalogues, advertising materials, specifications and other materials, documents or papers whatsoever provided by VGIC to the Dealer and relating to VGIC’s business (other than correspondence which has passed between the parties) which the Dealer may have in its possession or under its control.


  大众公司同意把 元人民币归还给经销商,这个金额包括:

  ’s dealership account; and 元人民币的经销商经销账户余额;以及

  bank transfer within 30 working days from the execution of this Agreement by the parties. 元人民币的依据本协议规定归还招牌和标识的费用,本协议签署后三十天内,通过银行电子转账支付经销商。

  2.4 Within 30 days following the signing of this Agreement, the Dealer should ap* to deregister itself with the relevant government authorities as an authorized dealer of Lamborghini brand products, including revising its business scope shown on the business license accordingly.


  2.5 The Dealer agrees to maintain strict confidentiality regarding all VGIC’s confidential information, including any data, information, plans, drawings, specifications, documents, know-how, physical objects (such as models, parts or devices) or materials of or relating to the production, engineering, technology, financing, marketing of Volkswagen and Lamborghini products, personnel of VGIC, their parent corporation or their subsidiaries or affiliates, if such confidential information is not known or available to the public (“Confidential Information”). The Dealer undertakes that it will not, at any time, reveal, communicate, divulge or make available any Confidential Information to anyone, other than to such extent and to such persons as may specifically be designated by VGIC in writing.


  DATE :C/NO :

  Inv. No:
















  Confirmed By:


  DATE :C/NO :

  Inv. No:








  AMOUNT: EURO116,806.20






  Confirmed By:



  买方 The Buyer:

  地址 Address

  Tel: Fax:

  卖方 The Seller:

  地址: Address

  Tel: Fax:


  This Contract is made by and between the Buyers and Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:

  (1) 货名及规格 Commodity & Specification

  (2) 数量 Qty.

  (3) 单价 Unit Price

  (4) 总价Total Amount

  (5) 原产公司:COUNTRY OF ORIGIN :

  (6) 装运期限:TIME OF SHIPMENT:

  (7) 装运口岸:PORT OF SHIPMENT:

  (8) 到货目的地:DESTINATION:

  (9) 保险: INSURANCE:


  All Risks and War Risk for 11% contract value to be covered by the Seller.

  (1) 运输方式:TERM OF SHIPMENT: 空运 By air

  (11) 包装:PACKING:


  To be packed in new strong wooden case(s) suitable for long distance air/land transportation and well protected from dampness, moisture, shock, rust and rough handling. The Sellers shall be liable for any damage to the goods on account of improper packing and for any rust damage and break damage attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the Sellers, and in such case or cases any and all losses and / or expenses incurred in consequence thereof shall be borne by the Sellers. One full set of service and operation manuals concerned shall be enclosed in the case(s). The wood packaging the Seller used shall be fumigated and marked with “IPPC” on the surface of wood packaging.

  (12) 唛头:SHIPPING MARK:


  On the surface of each package, the package number, measurements, gross weight, net weight, the lifting positions, such cautions as “THIS SIDE UP”, “HANDLE WITH CARE”,“KEEP AWAY FROM MOISTURE” and the following shipping mark:

  (13) 付款条件:TERMS OF PAYMENT:

  1%的合同金额通过电汇支付。1% contract value by T/T.


  The Buyer shall pay 1% advance payment to the Seller within two week after contract effected.

  (14) 单据:Documents,

  1. 正本空运单(收货人联),标明“运费已付”及唛头,买方为收货人及通知方。

  Original Airway Bill (copy for Consignee) marked “freight prepaid” and shipping mark, consign to and notify the Buyer.

  2. 涵盖1%合同金额的商业发票三正三副,注明合同号、唛头。

  Commercial invoice covering 1% of contract amount in 3 originals and 3 copies, indicating contract number, shipping mark.

  3. 装箱单三正三副,注明毛、净重、尺码和所装货物的包装形式及数量。

  Detailed Packing List in 3 originals and 3 copies indicating both gross and net weights, measurements and packing condition and quantity of each item packed.

  4. 卖方出具的质量及数量证书正本三份。

  Certificate of quality and quantity issued by seller in 3 originals.

  5. 卖方出具的原产地证书一正一副。

  Certificate of origin in 1 original and 1 copy issued by Seller.

  6. 货物装运后24小时内卖方发给买方装运通知传真复印件一份。

  Copy of fax from seller to the buyer advising the particulars of shipment within 24 hours after shipment is made.

  7. 保险单或保险证明一正一副,按照合同金额11%投保一切险及战争险。

  Insurance Policy or Certificate for 11% contract value, covering All Risks and War Risk in 1 original and 1 copy.

  8. 卖方声明外包装表面标有IPPC标识证书正本一份, 或卖方出具的非木质包装证明正本

  Seller’s Certificate in 1 original certifying IPPC has been marked on surface of the wooden cases / seller’s Certificate certifying no wood package is used in the shipment.

  (15) 装运通知:SHIPPING ADVICE:

  The Sellers shall fax to the Buyer the Readiness Notification one week before the goods to be shipped.


  The Sellers shall, immediately upon the completion of the loading of the goods in 24 hours, send the Buyers Air Waybill, Invoice and Packing list by fax.



  甲方名称:文化传播有限公司Party A: Entertainment Management Co., Ltd

  联系地址:Address: .

  公司注册代码:Company registration code:

  乙方演员名称Party B artist name:

  护照号码 Passport number:


  联系方式 Tel:

  紧急情况联系方式/联络人Emergency Contact / Contact Person:

  联系地址:Contact Address:

  邮箱地址:Email Address:

  有无病史:Sick history or not:


  In accordance to “The Contract Law of the People"s Republic of China”, based on the principles of mutual benefit and win-win situation, Party A and Party B reach an agreement on both sides through friendly negotiation, whereby it is agreed as follow:

  That Party A agrees to engage, Party B accepts the engagement and both sides recognize and agree to the terms and conditions herein set forth.

  第一条:合约期限Article 1: Period of Engagement

  20xx年 月 日 至20xx年 月 日。总计3+3 个月;合约开始日期按照实际开始工作日期计算,续约须在本合同结束前的15日内与甲方协商确定。

  Party A shall be engaged for a period from to , totally 3+3 months, the start date of the contract will be determined by the actual working date.

  The parties can extend this contract through both sides consultation 15 days before the expiration of this contract.

  第二条:演出内容Article 2: Performance Content

  1.演出节目: 歌唱表演, 乙方需要服从甲方的安排进行节目的配合演出。

  The performance programs: SINGING show, Party B should cooperate with the arrangement of the club to make the show, need to work with other artists in the club.

  2.每天工作时间为 22:00 至次日凌晨02:30,包括休息,化妆和换装的准备时间。每位艺人需化妆且着好演出服于演出前30分钟就位。

  Party B is to work from 22:00 --02:30, including call times and prep time. All artists must ready with makeup and costumes and standby 30 minutes before the performance.

  3.乙方每天演出2节,每节6首歌。每天演出时长总计30分钟内; 必须配合甲方演出形式的安排;

  Party B should work 2 sets per night, every set sing 6 songs. Should cooperate with the work arrangement of Party A.


  The time for performance standby will be determined by location specific situation.


  Rehearsal time: Party B need to follow Party A’s arrangements, Party A will notice Party B in advance.

  6. 乙方在入境*前必须准备好 6 套不同的演出服装,30首符合酒吧演出需求的演唱曲目,包括编舞,音乐,道具等,演员需自备演出高跟鞋,要求黑色同款,需自备黑色丝袜,内衣裤等。

  Party B should provide 6 different costumes and 30 songs which needed at Clubs before come to China (including Finished choreographer, costumes, music, props and etc) and shall ensure sexy and hot shinning stage costumes, Party B artists shall prepare the high heels, black long socks, underwear for show, which must match with the costumes.

  7. 签约后3日内,乙方须将办理工作签证所需的资料(45分钟排练视频,彩色护照及签证扫瞄件)及高清宣传照片传至甲方.

  Within the 3 days after sign the contract, Party B must send all the material needed for work permit to Party A (including 20 min rehearsal video, colored passport and visa scanned copies) and High quality promotional photos to Party A.


  The working cities of Party B: The working places may be all over the China, The artists should be able to accept transfer to different cities during the contract period.

  第三条:付款及薪酬Article 3: Remuneration

  (一)、演出报酬Performance salary:


  Party A shall pay Party B a total net fee of 20xx USD/month.

  2、乙方每月带薪休息2 天。休息日不会为周五或周六及*的重大节假日。每月的休息日不可沿用至下个月使用。计薪时间从演出之日起计算(如果没有演出,第五天起都应当计薪),到达*当天为休息日,无薪;

  Party B has 2 Days off per month with salary, If the artists not take the day offs, daily salary will be refund for the day offs not take as compensation. Day off will not be Friday, Saturday or major holidays in China. Unused day offs can not be continued to the next month. The salary will be counted from the first working day, if not work, the salary will be counted on the fifth day after arrival. The first day of arrival is for rest, no salary.


  After one year work in HZ agency, Party B will have 6 days vacation with salary.

  4、付款方式如下Method of Payment:

  A. 每月15号发放上月整月演出报酬,最后一个月的工资由合约最后一天发放。

  Salary will be paid on the 15th of the following calendar month. Payment for the final month will be paid on the last day of the contract.

  B. 银行转账 Bank transfer

  乙方账号Party B’s artist Bank account number:

  开户行名称Bank Name:

  开户名Account name:

  (二)、行程安排Schedule Arrangement

  1、演出日行程:Schedule for Performance days:

  (1)甲方向乙方提供并支付所有演出相关的国际、国内经济舱机票,轮渡,大巴或火车票,乙方必须严格按照甲方预订的行程准时到达指定场所,否则视为乙方违约。甲方需要负责乙方艺人国际往返机票费用,乙方的双程机票为:A to B.

  Party A provides Party B all performance related domestic and international economy class air transport, Boat, bus or train tickets, Party B must strictly follow the schedule arranged by Party A, and arrive at the assigned location on time, otherwise Party B will be regarded have an action of breach of contract. Party A shall cover all costs and flights from and to home. The round trip tickets for Party B are:


  Party A allow Party B bring one personal non-overweight suitcase and one performance/costume suitcase during the period of performance in China. Party B is responsible for any excess baggage charges on personal bags/suitcase.


  Schedule for Non-performance days: Party B shall notice Party A two weeks in advance in case of going out for activities unrelated with performance, such as traveling and etc, Party B can go only with the approval of Party A. Party B shall assure to come back on time for the rehearsals and performances arranged by Party A. In the mean time, in case Party B has any accident, fines, police levies, legal related issues or other financial hardships incurred during this time, its Party B’s responsibility, and thus caused Jointly and Severally Liable For Party A, Party A has the right to recover the loss from Party B.

  (三)、饮品福利Drink benefit

  乙方每场演出当天获得1支饮用水,2 杯鸡尾酒饮料。

  Party B can get 1 bottle of water, 2 cocktails every performance day.

  (四)、演出住宿Performance accommodation

  1、此协议期间如乙方为驻场演出时,甲方提供一间单间的符合标准的宿舍,每间房住1人;住房配套齐全,包括洗衣机、电视机、等家电. 甲方支付公寓的租金和物业管理费,公用事业费用: 电费,水费,煤气费,公司给予200元/人标准,超出部分费用将由乙方与室友*摊。乙方必须合法使用该住房,任何在住房内的人身、财产安全、扰民投诉均由乙方承担负责,由此造成甲方损失的,甲方有权向乙方追偿。

  During this agreement period, when party B work as resident performance, Party A will provide one standard apartment (1 person share one room) with complete facilities, including washing machine, TV, other electronic appliances for duration of stay. Party A pay for apartments rent fee and property management fees, as for public fees: Electricity, water, gas, the company offer 200RMB/person for free as standard usage, over used fees Party B need to share with roommates. Party B must legitimate use this apartment, Party B is responsible for any personal and property safety within the apartment, No disturb to the neighbors. In case any loss caused, Party A has the right to recover from Party B.


  During this agreement period, if Party B perform in clubs which not belong to HZ club groups, Party A need to provide Party B with standard hotel rooms (one room with 2 beds), accept for pre-approved meals, Party B need to bear other service fees. During live in hotel period, Party B need to pay for projects but not limited to: mini bars, Pay TV, room service, telephone, Internet, fax, massages, gym, beauty salon, KTV, cigarettes, laundry, tips etc.

  (五)、签证& 护照Visa & Passport

  1、为保证演出按时进行,乙方应于离他们所在城市最近的"**自行获得*单次或多次入境签证(旅行签证),甲方承担乙方首次入境*签证(旅行签证)的费用。乙方入境*后,甲方支付乙方签证费用. 乙方须提供甲方**开据的发票方可进行实报实销.(甲方不承担任何签证加急费和旅行社中介费)。乙方来华后办理工作签证由甲方负责。

  To ensure the performance is held on time, Party B shall get China single or multiple entry visa (tourist L visa) in the nearest Chinese embassy. Party A will reimburse Party B for Visa application fees for the first time entering China from the mother country of the Artist upon presentation of the official receipts from Chinese Embassy after Party B’s arrival to China. Party A will pay according to the amount on the invoices. (Party A will not bear any urgency visa fee or travel agency fee). Party A will be responsible for issuing the work visa for Party B after their arrival to China.


  After Party B’s arrival to China, during the contract period, Party A shall assist Party B to get the required materials for China"s performance license and work permit.


  Party B must ensure their passports are within the validity period and can be used to enter and leave China.


  During the tour performance period, in case Party B lost the passport or other traveling certificates, Party B need to handle it by oneself and bear all costs and consequences.

  (六)、通讯方式Communication Method


  During the contract period, Party B need to keep mobile /network communication work, to ensure Party A is able to contact with Party B in time.


  During the contract period, both sides acknowledged that work instruction is usually made via E-mail, mobile messages, wechat messages and phone call. As long as Party A issue an order through the communicate methods listed above, Party B will be regarded as received and will com* with the instructions, these instructions are the annex to this contract and has the same legal effects as this contract.

  第四条:甲方责任Article 4: Responsibility of Party A


  Party A is responsible to arrange the performances for Party B. Party A has the right to make the overall performance plan ,make related arrangement and implementation for Party B, Party A has the right to make the final decision.


  During the contract period, Party B shall only work with Party A, Party A has the right to arrange all the performances for Party B, Party B must not perform with any other third party without the written consent of Party A.


  Party A has the right to control the performance quality of Party B, give suggestions and requirements if needed. For the artists whose performance quality can not meet the requirement, Party A has the right to stop the work and start a training process for the artist. In case Party B still unable to perform as required after training, Party A has the right to terminate this agreement.


  Party A ensures to provide safe and healthy working environment, which accord with state regulations, to ensure the personal and property safety of Party B to work without harmful environmental conditions. In case Party B has physical injury due to the security management issue of the venue, Party A is responsible to cover the costs. Except the injuries caused by the mistake of Party B.

  5乙方艺人自身身体能力有限达不到甲方场地需要的基本工作要求,经过调整仍然无法正常满足演出要求的。乙方艺人长时间不提高自身业务水*与演出质量, 水*停留不动, 表演质量处于同一种状态或不能达到要求无法满足客户与时俱进要求的,甲方有权解除本协议。

  Because of Party B’s own physical limitation that can not meet the basic job requirements of Party A’s venue, and after adjustment still can not satisfy the performance requirement; and If Party B not improve their professional skills and performance quality for a long time, and the performance quality stays in same status and unable to satisfy customers requirements, Party A has the right to terminate this agreement.

  第五条:乙方责任Article 5: Responsibility of Party B

  1、 所有演出内容, 演出时间, 演出行程表, 以及可能出现的不可预计临时调整将始终由甲方负责并最终决定,乙方必须遵守,始终配合并执行甲方制定的演出计划,试音彩排,以及行程时间表。

  All performance content, Performance time, performance schedules, and unpredictable temporary adjustment of the show will be at all times arranged by Party A, Party B must com* and cooperate with the performance schedules, interview rehearsal and all performance related plans made by Party A.


  Party B should not smoke or drink on the stage, meanwhile when Party B accepts this job, professional competence is only half of what the Artiste needs to bring. The other half is a good attitude and a willingness to complete his/her agreement to the best of his/her ability. Management agrees to honor all of the terms of this contract and do their best to see that the Artiste is treated in a professional and respectful manner at all times, to the best of their ability.


  Party B has obligation to inform Party A the behavior of any third party attempting to interfere or booking Party B. when Party A confirm the situation is true, and get the booking confirmation contract and full payment from the third party, Party B will be rewarded 80USD.

  5、乙方须遵守*法律,严禁吸毒,盗窃,*和暴力活动, 不得有任何违法犯罪行为。否则,甲方有权解除合同.

  This contract is governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China. Party B must not take drugs, involve in the violent and Pilferage behavior or do the prostitute activities. In this case, the contract between the artist and the company will be terminated.


  Party B shall be responsible for the installation, test, packing all the related musical instruments and equipment before and after the show. Such as: CD, USB disk, costumes, musical instruments, effects units and etc. If the items are lost or broken by the operational error of Party B, Party B will bear full responsibility. At the same time Party B should keep good care of all the personal and performance stuff during traveling period.


  Before this contract is signed, if party B has performance/agent/and other contracts with other third party, Party B shall dissolute their contracts and bear all the legal liabilities with others, Party A has nothing to do with it, in case caused loss to Party A, Party B should bear all the compensation.


  During the contract period, in case Party B performs in places not assigned by Party A without the written consent from Party A, Party B is severely breach the contract, Party B should compensate Party A for 3000USD/show.

  9、乙方承诺在合约期间,不得自行去合纵文化集团旗下以外的娱乐场所玩耍。违者一经发现,应支付 300美金/次的违约金。如乙方在其他娱乐场所出现意外情况,甲方一概不承担任何责任。

  During the contract period, Party B promised not to go to the entertainment places outside the Alliance Art Group (Truecolor and Soho clubs), offenders will be fined 300USD each time. If party B has any incident in these entertainment places, Party A has no responsibility.

  第七条 合同的评估,终止和注销 Evaluation, Termination and Cancellation of Contract


  If Party B is unable to attend work for reasons of illness, then certification from 3A hospital should be presented. Any sick leave without the hospital certification, Party A will deduct 2 working days’ salary from Party B’s month salary. This amount will be deducted for each time occurred, if this situation happened for more than 3 times, Party A has the right to terminate this agreement.


  According to Party B’s performance behavior and customers and location feedback, Party A has the right to retain the continuous evaluation of Party B’s ability and make appropriate adjustments.


  In case Party B breach of the contract and caused loss from Party A which need pay for the liquidated damages, compensation or any other fees, Party A has the right to cut from Party B’s performance salary.


  In case of termination of the contract for whatever reason, Party A has the right to cancel the visa of Party B

  第八条:责任免除 Article 8 : Exclusion of liability


  Any cause beyond either party’s control including, but not limited to, acts of government or any public authority, strikes, lockouts, fire, war, civic commotion and etc, The contract can be terminated naturally.

  第九条:争议的解决方式Article 9: Dis* Resolution


  If any dis*s happen when conducting this contract, both sides will negotiate and solve dis*s friendly first, if both sides cannot get any settlement, both parties have the right to file a suit to the local people’s court.

  第十条:其他Article 10: Others


  This contract will come into force after both Parties sign and stamped.


  This contract is in duplicate; both sides hold one copy, Print/email/fax copies of this agreement has the same legal force.


  This contract applies to the “ Contract Law of the People"s Republic of China” and relevant laws and regulations, Chinese contract terms are identical to the English contract terms or contract is not valid.

  甲方:文化传播有限公司 Party A: Entertainment Management Co., Ltd

  签字:Signature: 日期:Date:

  乙方: Party B:







  ID number:




  Bank No:




  ID number:

  出租方 (以下简称甲方)与承租方(以下简称乙方)于年 月日,双方一致就以下各项条款达成协议。(本合同以中文为准)

  An agreement made on the date of between the landlord(hereinafter referred to as Party A) and the tenant as Party B) is hereby mutually agreed by and between the said parties to be as


  一、 租赁标的:


  甲方同意将 室 及其家具电器设备在良好状态下

  租给乙方,租用分户面积总计约 *方米。家具与电器设备清单见


  Party A hereby agrees to and the furniture and

  electrical appliances therein in clean and tenantable condition to Party B, the size of

  the leased property being Please see appendix for the list of furniture

  and electrical appliances.

  二、 租期:

  Term of Tenancy:

  2.1 租赁期为年,自年月日起至年月日止。

  The above property is hereby leased for a term of year, commencing on

  and expiring on 2.2 租赁届满,甲方有权收回全部出租房屋及家俱、电器,乙方应如期交还


  On expiry of this lease, Party A has the right to take back the leased property with furniture and electrical appliances in full, and Party B must deliver the leased property on the date of expiry (fair wear and tear, structural and inherent defeats excepted). After the leasing term, the apartment has to maintain the reasonable condition. If Party B wishes to extend the lease, Party B shall have the priority to renew the lease with the same condition and is required to give written notice to Party A One month prior the expiry of this lease , the revised rental rate and period should be negotiated between the two parties



  3.1 ,取暖,家具,电器(另见附件1)(家

  具及电器预算人民币 元整).

  The rent month, including furniture, electrical appliances,management fee,heating fee.

  3.2 租金支付方式为年付(十二个月)一次性支付,共计人民币 for one year rental。

  3.3 租金以人民币支付。乙方在收到甲方的付款通知后须尽快付款,甲方


  The rent is payable in rmb. Party B has to pay the rent as soon as possible after receiving the note of payment from Party A. Party A then should issue a reciept of the total payment to Party B.

  3.4 在本租约有效期内,租金不予调整。

  The rental cannot be adjusted during the term of this Tenancy Agreement.

  四、 押金:


  4.1 本租约签订之日,乙方应向甲方缴付壹个月租金额的租赁押金计人民币


  The day after the signature of this Tenancy Agreement, Party B must pay to Party A one months rental as deposit, totaling On completion of the tenancy period. if Party B does not continue to rent the leased property, Party A must return the deposit in full to Party B (excluding interest) within ten days after the termination or early of the Lease Agreement under the condition that Party B has paid all the utilities fee such as water, electricity, gas and telephone.

  4.2 乙方如违反租约规定,致使甲方未能如期收取租金或因而发生费用开 支,甲方可以根据凭证扣留全部或部分押金抵付。不足部分甲方有权要 求乙方赔偿。

  If Party B breaks any part of this contract, such as not paying the rent punctually, or causing additional expenses to Party A, Party A has the right to retain part of or all of

  the deposit as compensation according to its actual losses. If the said deposit is insufficient to cover Party A’s costs, Party A has the right to ask for compensation if any.

  4.3 发生4.2条款情况,押金不足抵付时,乙方必须按接到甲方付款通知后 十日内补足。

  If Clause 4.2 is brought into effect, and the said deposit is insufficient to cover Party A’s costs, Party B should pay the extra amount to Party A within ten days of receipt of Party A’s invoice notice.

  4.4 押金以人民币支付。甲方收到押金后付给乙方全额收据。

  The deposit is payable in RMB. Party A should issue a receipt to Party B after receiving the deposit.

  五、 其它费用:

  Other Charges:

  5.1 乙方在租赁期内所用的水、电、煤气,电话等费用由乙方缴付。 Party B’s utilities expenses during the lease term will be paid by Party B.

  六、 甲方的责任:

  Landlord’s Responsibilities:

  6.1 租赁期内甲方不得无故收回房屋,如甲方中途要求收回房屋,乙方可以


  Party A is not permitted to take back the leased property during the term of the contract without any reason. If Party A wishes to do so, Party B has the right to object.

  6.2 负责对乙方正常使用中发生的房内家具、电器及其他设施损坏或故障进


  To undertake responsibility and assume such costs for timely repairs to furniture, electrical appliances and other facilities that are damaged or have malfunctioned through normal usage by Party B.

  6.3 督促物业公司提供充分的保安、消防工作及安静清洁的居住环境。 To supervise the estate management office to provide adequate security, fire prevention and quirt & circumstance.

  * 督促管理公司向乙方提供所应提供的服务,如冷水、热水、电的供应及


  To ensure the estate manager to provide proper service to Party B, such as sup* of cold water, hot water, electricity, proper maintenance of all kinds of equipment (including air-conditioners), and to provide free access to public areas and facilities such as gymnasium, children’s room and other recreational areas. To clean public areas and facilities; to illuminate public areas and provide signs; to repair access ways and public areas; to repair, maintain, and replace security, fire fighting and electrical appliances, transformer, gas, sewage, air conditioning systems, elevators, lifts and other facilities of the building.

  6.5 保证物业的合法性,保证有合法权利出租该物业。

  Ensure the legality of the leased property. Ensure its legal rights to lease the property.

  6.6 负责因违反上述责任而对乙方造成的所有损失的赔偿。

  To compensate Party B for all loss arising from any breach of the above-mentioned responsibilities.


  七、 乙方责任:

  Tenant’s Responsibilities:

  7.1 乙方应按本租约三、四、五条款规定交付租金,押金和各项费用,如有


  Party B should promptly pay the rent, deposit and other charges as set out in Clauses 3,4 and 5of the Agreement. Non-payment of these charges constitutes a breach of this Agreement.

  7.2 租赁期内未经甲方同意,乙方不能转租其所租房屋,私自转让无效。 During the period of Tenancy, unless with the agreement of Party A, Party B cannot sub-let or let in part or in full the leased property to other Party.

  7.3 乙方应爱护房屋及其设备,如因使用不当导致损坏应负责赔偿。

  Party B must take care of the property and its contents, otherwise Party B should pay compensation to Party A for his improper use of the property.

  7.4 在房内已有的装饰和设施之外,乙方如要增加设备或其他装修须征得甲


  In addition to the decoration and equipment already in the property, if Party B wishes to make any alterations or decorate the property, Party B should get the permission from Party A. On completion of the tenancy, Party B must hand-over the property to Party A in its original condition ( fair wear and tear, structural and inherent defects expected), and all fees arising from such work have to be borne by Party B.

  7.5 保证赔偿由于乙方或乙方有关系的官员、上司、雇员、客人、来访者、


  To indemnify Party A for any loss or damage to the leased property from negligent act or omission of Party B or any officer, director, employee, guest, visitor, servant, agent licensee or in invitee of Party B (each referred to hereinafter individually as an “associate” ), to permit Party A or his authorized representatives, with an advance notice, to enter the leased property to repair any such loss or damage at the expense of Party B.

  7.6 在甲方预先通知后,乙方应允许甲方或其代理人在有理由的情况下在合


  With Party A’s notice in advance, Party B should permit Party A and the person authorized by Party A under reasonable circumstances to enter and view the leased property at reasonable hours, to carry out any work and repairs which is necessary to be done. During the last one months of the Tenancy, Party A has the right to show the

  leased property to prospective lessors or purchasers, unless according to clause 2.2, Party B has informed Party A of its intention to renew the Lease.

  7.7 在未经甲方书面同意下,乙方不得擅自设立、安装或移动设施及设备,


  Not to erect, install or remove any fixtures or partitioning, or to make any structural additions and alterations without the prior written consent of Party A.

  7.8 租赁房屋过程中,必须严格遵守中华人民共和国的有关法律、细则、规


  Strictly to com* and adhere in the use of the leased property with all laws, regulations and decrees of the People’s Republic of China applicable to such use, and specifically not to permit or suffer the leased property to be used for any purpose that is unlawful or immoral.

  7.9 房屋除供乙方居住之外,未经甲方书面同意,房屋不可作办公或协议未


  To use the leased property exclusively as the residence of his family and not to use the leased property as an office or for any other purpose without the prior written consent or Party A , which consent shall not be ueasonably withheld.

  7.10 未经甲方书面同意,屋外不得擅自放置标示板及陈列任何设施,不允许


  Not to affix or display any signboard or other device visible from outside the leased property without the prior written consent of Party A, which consent shall not be ueasonably withheld, and not to use the outside of the leased property or any doors or windows to hang any washing.

  7.11 租客必须遵守物业条例准则,如出现纠纷需与业主来协商调解。

  To obey the regulation is set by the management office, in case any dis* arises, the two parties shall negotiate friendly.

  八、 房屋不能居住时其他事件:

  Other things:



  If the leased property are substantially destroyed or damaged by fire, bad weather, war, force major, or other causes beyond the control of Party A and not attributable directly or indirectly to the negligence or malice of Party B or are otherwise rendered unfit for use or occupation, the rent shall cease to be payable from the date the leased property become unfit for use or occupation until the leased property shall again be rendered accessible and fit for use, if the lessor’s property can not be properly used for any reasons beyond 10 days, Party B has the right to terminate the agreement without any




  合同号码: Date: Contract No.:

  买 方: (The Buyers)

  卖方: (The Sellers)

  兹经买卖双方同意按照以下条款由买方购进,卖方售出以下商品: This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers; whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter:

  (1) 商品名称: Name of Commodity:

  (2) 数 量: Quantity:

  (3) 单 价: Unit price:

  (4) 总 值: Total Value:

  (5) 包 装: Packing:

  (6) 生产国别: Country of Origin :

  (7) 支付条款: Terms of Payment:

  (8) 保 险: Insurance:

  (9) 装运期限: Time of Shipment:

  (10) 起 运 港: Port of Lading:

  (11) 目 的 港: Port of Destination:

  (12)索赔:在货到目的口岸45天内如发现货物品质,规格和数量与合同不符,除属保险公司或船方责任外,买方有权凭*商检出具的检验证书或有关文件向卖方索赔换货或赔款。 Claims: Within 45 days after the arrival of the goods at the destination, should the quality, Specifications or quantity be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the contract except those claims for which the insurance company or the owners of the vessel are liable. The Buyers shall, have the right on the strength of the inspection certificate issued by the C.C.I.C and the relative documents to claim for compensation to the Sellers.

  (13)不可抗力:由于人力不可抗力的原由,发生在制造、装载或运输的过程中导致卖方延期交货或不能交货者,卖方可免除责任。在不可抗力发生后,卖方须立即电告买方及在14天内以空邮方式向买方提供事故发生的证明文件,在上述情况下,卖方仍须负责采取措施尽快发货。 Force Majeure: The sellers shall not be held responsible for the delay in shipment or non-deli-very of the goods due to Force Majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. The sellers shall advise the Buyers immediately of the occurrence mentioned above the within fourteen days there after. The Sellers shall send by airmail to the Buyers for their acceptance certificate of the accident. Under such circumstances the Sellers, however, are still under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the delivery of the goods.

  (14)仲裁:凡有关执行合同所发生的一切争议应通过友好协商解决,如协商不能解决,则将分歧提交*国际贸易促进委员会按有关仲裁程序进行仲裁,仲裁将是终局的,双方均受其约束,仲裁费用由败诉方承担。 Arbitration: All dis*s in connection with the execution of this Contract shall be settled friendly through negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached, the case then may be submitted for arbitration to the Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in accordance with the Provisional Rules of Procedure promulgated by the said Arbitration Commission. The Arbitration commi* shall be final and binding upon both parties. And the Arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing parties.

  买方: 卖方:

  (授权签字) (授权签字)


  关于英文合同(转)来源: 郑旭江的日志


  买方 buyer

  卖方 seller

  项目名称 Project name

  地址 address

  电话 phone

  传真 fax

  联系人 contact person

  本合同由买卖双方签订,根据本合同条款,买方同意购买,卖方同意出售以下产品。This contract is made by and between the buyers and sellers, whereby the buyers agree to buy and the sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned. Commodities according to the terms and conditions stipulated below.

  1. 详细货物清单 Detail sup* list

  2. 合同价格 Contract value

  序号 item 型号 model 尺寸 size, dimension 数量 amount, unit 单价 unit price 总价 total price 备注 remark 货物,运费 freight, transportation 合同总额(含安装费与税金) Contract amount incl. VAT installation

  3. 付款条件 payment conditions, payment terms

  4. 交货地点 delivery place

  5. 发货期 delivery time

  6. 安装条款 installation clause

  7. 验收条款 inspection clause

  8. 保证条款 guarantee clause

  9. 不可抗拒条款 Force Majeure Clause

  10. 违约条款 Breach clause

  11. 其他条款 Miscellaneous clause

  12. 买卖双方信息 buyer and seller information

  此合同一式二份,由双方各持一正本。This contract is made in two originals that should be held by each party.





  1. 订约日期和地点

  Date and place of signing

  2. 合同当事人及其国籍、主营业所或住所

  Signing parties and their nationalities, principal place of business or residence addresses

  3. 当事人合法依据

  Each party"s authority,比如,该公司是“按当地法律正式组织而存在的”(a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of XXX)

  4. 订约缘由/说明条款

  Recitals or WHEREAS clause


  1. 定义条款(Definition clause)

  2. 基本条款(Basic conditions)

  3. 一般条款(General terms and conditions)

  a. 合同有效期(Duration)

  b. 合同的终止(Termination)

  c. 不可抗力(Force Majeure)

  d. 合同的让与(Assignment)

  e. 仲裁(Arbitration)

  f. 适用的法律(Governing law)

  g. 诉讼管辖(Jurisdiction)

  h. 通知手续(Notice)

  i. 合同修改(Amendment)

  j. 其它(Others)

  四、结尾条款(WITNESS clause)

  1. 结尾语,包括份数、使用的文字和效力等(Concluding sentence)

  2. 签名(Signature)

  3. 盖印(Seal)




  Sales Agency Agreement






  This Agreement is entered into between the parties concerned on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows:

  1. 订约人 Contracting Parties




  Supplier: (hereinafter called "party A")

  Agent:(hereinafter called "party B")

  Party A hereby appoint Party B to act as his selling agent to sell the commodity mentioned below.

  2. 商品名称及数量或金额 Commodity and Quantity or Amount

  双方约定,乙方在协议有效期内, 销售不少于**的商品。

  It is mutually agreed that Party B shall undertake to sell not less than…… of the aforesaid commodity in the duration of this Agreement.

  3. 经销地区 Territory


  In …… only.

  4. 订单的确认 Confirmation of Orders


  The quantities, prices and shipments of the commodities stated in this Agreement shall be confirmed in each transaction, the particulars of which are to be specified in the Sales Confirmation signed by the two parties hereto.

  5. 付款 Payment


  After confirmation of the order, Party B shall arrange to open a confirmed, irrevocable L/C available by draft at sight in favour of Party A within the time stipulated in the relevant S/C. Party B shall also notify Party A immediately after L/C is opened so that Party

  A can get prepared for delivery.

  6. 佣金 Commission


  Upon the expiration of the Agreement and Party B"s fullfilment of the total turnover mentioned in Article 2, Party A shall pay to Party B…… % commission on the basis of the aggregate amount of the invoice value against the shipments effected.

  7. 市场情况报告 Reports on Market Conditions


  Party B shall forward once every three months to party A detailed reports on current market conditions and of consumers" comments. Meanwhile, Party B shall,from time to time, send to party A samples of similar commodities offered by other suppliers, together with their prices, sales information and advertising materials.

  8. 宣传广告费用 Advertising & Publicity Expenses


  Party B shall bear all expenses for advertising and publicity within the aforementioned territory in the duration of this Agreement and submit to Party A all patterns and/or drawings and description for prior approval.

  9. 协议有效期 Validity of Agreement



  This Agreement, after its being signed by the parties concerned, shall remain in force for…… days from …… to …… If either Party wishes to extend this Agreement, he shall notice, in writing, the other party one month prior to its expiration. The matter shall be decided by the agreement and by consent of the parties hereto. Should either party fail to implement the terms and conditions herein, the other party is entitled to terminate this Agreement.

  10. 仲裁 Arbitration


  All dis*s arising from the execution of this Agreement shall be settled through friendly consultations. In case no settlement can be reached, the case in dis* shall then be submitted to the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade for arbitration in accordance with its provisional rules of procedure. The decision made by this Commission shall be regarded as final and binding upon both parties. Arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party ,unless otherwise awarded.

  11. 其他条款 Other Terms & Conditions

  (1) 甲方不得向经销地区其他买主供应本协议所规定的商品。如有询价,当转达给乙方洽办。若有买主希望从甲方直接订购,甲方可以供货,但甲方须将有关销售确认书副本寄给乙方,并按所达成交易的发票金额给予乙方*%的佣金。

  Party A shall not sup* the contracted commodity to any other buyer(s) in the above mentioned territory. Direct enquiries, if any, will be referred to Party B. However, should any other buyers wish to deal with Party A directly, Party A may do so. But party

  A shall send to Party B a copy of Sales Confirmation and give Party B……% commission on the basis of the net invoice value of the transaction(s)concluded.

  (2) 若乙方在*月内未能向甲方提供至少**订货,甲方不承担本协议的义务。

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