
时间:2022-12-29 09:20:03 公文范文 来源:网友投稿

压力是否是一件坏事英语作文1  “Icantstandthepressureandcompetition,”explainedonefriendofminewhenaskedwhyhedecide下面是小编为大家整理的压力是否是一件坏事英语作文【10篇】【通用文档】,供大家参考。



  “I can"t stand the pressure and competition,” explained one friend of mine when asked why he decided to quit his highly-paid but demanding position in his company recently. My friend may have his own reasons, but I don"t think his decision is wise in reality.

  It"s true that my friend"s case is not unique. In the last few years quite a number of men and women have chosen to do something less competitive at the cost of a comfortable, easy life a highly-paid job can obtain. They are afraid that the stresses and strains of work will rob them of joy and happiness and do them harm both physically and mentally. In fact, however, stress isn"t the bad thing it is often supposed to be. Unless it gets out of control, a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and challenge, and to give purpose and significance to an otherwise meaningless, idle life. People under stress tend to express their full range of potential and to actualize their own personal worth——the very aim of a human life.

  Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. What we can do is to develop our adaptive abilities to deal with it rather than to escape from it.


  Everyone has pressure, too much pressure will crush people, and the appropriate pressure can become power.

  I also have pressure, which my mother gave me. On the first day of last semester, my mother said to me, "if you do badly in this semester, I will let you go back to your hometown to study." I panicked and said, "if I fail in the exam, do you really want me to transfer?" "Who lied to you! As long as you do well in the exam, I"ll keep you reading here. " My mother replied solemnly.

  After listening to those words, I really worried that my mother would one day send me back to my hometown to study, so I changed my learning attitude: in the morning, I got up early and arrived at school as early as possible; during the break, others went to play, but I was fighting in the classroom; after school, I went home to do my homework seriously. I don"t know how long this kind of life has passed. I find that since I have the pressure, I have become diligent and full, and my academic performance has also improved.

  Finally, the final exam is coming. I answer every question carefully. After the exam, my heart is waiting for the fate of the judgment, as long as it can"t be relaxed. When the teacher told me that both Chinese and mathematics had been "excellent", I was ecstatic, and ran home as fast as I could, saying loudly to my mother, "you can"t send me back to my hometown to study!" "What are you talking about?" "You didn"t say..." "Oh, that"s a lie to X." After listening, I said angrily, "Mom, don"t make such a joke in the future. But I still want to thank you for the pressure you put on me. It"s your pressure that makes me find the motivation to learn and makes me make great progress in my study. "


  Stress can be a motivator. For example, if your"re stressed out because you have a big assignment due, this may motivate you to work on it and complete it. The stress can help you to put in your very best effort. If you"re afraid of losing your job, stress may encourage you to raise your own standards and make improvements you most likely would not have made without the threat of unemployment.

  Stress is a disadvantage because it can potentially raise your heart rate and weaken your immune system. Also, it can be a factor in poor decision making because under stress we may not think logically or consider the consequences of the choices we make.

  While we all experience stress frequently in our daily lives, not everyone handles it in positive ways. The key for us all is to learn what strategies and behaviors help us to cope with stress in a postive manner.

  Finding a friend or family member who"ll listen as you vent about the stresses in your life is a much better way to handle tension than isolating yourself and worrying.

  Going for a walk, listening to music or doing something you enjoy are much better ways to clear your mind than drinking, eating, smoking etc.

  To me the key is realizing that some of the ways we choose to deal with stress can make our situation worse than just weathering out the hectic time.

  Realizing that we always have choices when dealing with stress is the first key to making stress work for us and not against us.


  If you feel overwhelmed by stress, you"re not alone. Stress affects most people today, thanks to our fast-paced world and hectic lives. Some stress is normal and can get you going and help you focus. However, too much stress can have a negative effect on your mind and body.

  Stress is the pressure of having too much to handle. The body"s reaction to stress is the "fight-or-flight" response. It helped early humans fight or flee from an enemy. In fact, our bodies still react to stress in the same way. If this happens often, it can lead to unwanted symptoms.

  Stress is not all bad. On the upside, it can help you cope with change. Or, stress can help you handle challenging situations, like talking in front of a group. On the downside, stress can make you feel out of control. And constant stress can harm your health. But by learning to deal with stress better, you can avoid its negative effects.


  As the pace of life continues to increase, we are fast losing the art of relaxation.Once you are in the habit of rushing through life, being on the go from morning till night,it is hard to slow down. But relaxation is essential for a healthy mind and body.

  Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. In fact, it is not the bad thing as it is often supposed to be. A certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and give purpose to life. It is only when the stress gets out of control can it lead to poor performance and ill health.

  The amount of stress a person can withstand depends very much on the individual. Some people are not afraid of stress, and such characters are obviously prime material for managerial responsibilities. Others lose heart at the first signs of unusual difficulties. When exposed to stress, in whatever form, we react both chemically and physically. In fact, we make a choice between "flight or fight"and in more primitive days the choices made the difference between life or death.The crises we meet today are unlikely to be so extreme, but however little the stress, it involves the same response. It is when such a reaction lasts long, through continued exposure to stress, that health becomes endangered. Such serious conditions as high blood pressure and heart diseases have established links with stress. Since we cannot remove stress from our lives (it would be unwise to do so even if we could), we need to find ways to deal with it.


  with the fast are pace of modern life, more and more people are living under great pressure. some people are afraid of pressure. they think that the stresses and strains of work deprive them of joy and happiness. in their view, stress does harm to them both physically and mentally. that is why they prefer something less competitive and strenuous to something more demanding and challenging. others argue that stress isn’t as bad as it often supposed to be. unless it is overwhelming, a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and stimulation. with out stress, you may slack off and idle away your time. it gives purpose and meaning to an otherwise meaningless, dull life. people under stress tend to bring their potential into full play and to realize their goals. in my opinion, we shouldn’t escape from stress but to face it as it is. what we can do is to adapt to the stress and to profit from it rather than to avoid it.


  As everyone knows, stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. As the pace of modern life continues to increase, we are always feeling on the go from morning till night. And it is hard to slow down. Therefore, stress goes hand in hand with the life in a competitive society.

  Different people, however, think of stress quite differently. Some believe that stress is not the bad thing it is often supposed to be. They are of the opinion that a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and give purpose to life. Others argue that stress contributes to one’s mental decline and hence endangers his health. According to them, relaxation, the opposite of stress, is essential for a healthy mind and body.

  Personally, I’m in favor of the former view. I think it is impossible to avoid stress when one is entirely devoted to the career he pursues. In my opinion, it is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health.


  Today"s students complain: "it"s too stressful!" "How come so much pressure?" And I think we should be thankful for the stress.

  For example, take me to say: very not easy summer vacation, I really want to relax greatly, but father and mother give me pressure, want me to practice sports, to finish the homework. And I, at the request, had completed the task carefully, and now suddenly I found my body strong, with perseverance, and my writing improved. So I thought, if my parents didn"t give me the pressure to do it seriously, and let me manage myself, I"m afraid there wouldn"t be any progress.

  Stress not only leads to progress, but there is also a goal of stress, and there is an incentive to move forward, and everything will be done better and faster.

  In times of stress, try to turn the stress into motivation, instead of cutting corners.

  Stress limits us, sets goals and gives us the motivation to get things done. It can be said that stress makes our task better, faster and more efficient!

  So, stress is not necessarily a bad thing. We need to change the pressure for motivation and the goal. To be honest, I think pressure gives us efficiency and success. Isn"t it?


  Have a scientific career plan. According to the need of society and their own conditions, early do their career planning, strengthen employment and entrepreneurship ability, for college students is very important to the smooth employment in the future. For many graduates is not so much "employment difficulty", "jobs lost" rather, the lack of scientific planning for their future development, it often becomes a feel overwhelmed when they face the employment pressure is an important reason. A survey showed that 62.2 percent of college students had no plans for their future development and career, with a 32.8 percent ambiguity and only 4.9 percent having a clear design. As the saying goes, chances are always good for those who are prepared. College students to find the ideal career in the future, the first thing to save for a rainy day, as soon as possible a clear career goals, career planning in advance, targeted for knowledge reserve and social practice; At the same time, through the scientific method and means of cognition, for their own interests, temperament, personality and ability to conduct a comprehensive *ysis, the right to know their own advantages and disadvantages, trying to make their own "long board", the "short board" for long. In addition, "where there is a will there is a way", as long as it has persistence and perseverance, it is bound to succeed.

  Have a good career mindset. Employment is itself a competition. Because college graduates are young, they often have a tendency to rush for success. Once you encounter setbacks in employment, it is easy to be demoralized and demoralized. Therefore, it is also important to maintain a good attitude of employment and to obtain employment for college graduates. Faced with the severe employment situation, university graduates should be confident, brave to face the competition, cannot little, timid, afraid to "sell" yourself; Also can not be arrogant, be choosy to the unit, finally "gao no, inferior". Should know clearly that employment difficulties, setbacks, injustice is temporary, inevitable, blindly complaining doesn"t solve problems, the key is to be fully prepared for setbacks and firmly believe that "inherent my material will be useful", positioned, adjust the mentality, variable pressure, make oneself can calm, calmly facing the employment the important in life, and make a correct and rational choice. ,


  There are so many people under the unbearably high pressure in China. Heavy work demands and intense competition pile enormous pressure on the individuals who desperately try to pursue a more well-paid salary and push for a higher position. For students, exam pressure makes them overburdened and overwhelmed. Stress is a personalized phenomenon but confronts everyone at different degrees.

  This phenomenon divides people. Some have a depressing and gloomy attitude toward the physical and mental strain. So stress is always blamed for someone‘s mental disorder, violence and even xxxx. In contrast to their negatively reacting to stress, others may face up to the mounting pressure and keep a excellent mood.

  How to properly and effectively cope with the huge pressure? First, people under the tremendous pressure can select a proper way to relax, such as pampering themselves with a long hot bath and immersing themselves in the favorite CD. Repetitive tasks and no break will propel people to pay a hefty health price. Second, the over-high expectations leading to the strong strain must be lowered. Third, a chat with close friends is a favorably good way. Talking to them will alleviate enormous pressure.





  “I can"t stand the pressure and competition,” explained one friend of mine when asked why he decided to quit his highly-paid but demanding position in his company recently. My friend may have his own reasons, but I don"t think his decision is wise in reality.

  It"s true that my friend"s case is not unique. In the last few years quite a number of men and women have chosen to do something less competitive at the cost of a comfortable, easy life a highly-paid job can obtain. They are afraid that the stresses and strains of work will rob them of joy and happiness and do them harm both physically and mentally. In fact, however, stress isn"t the bad thing it is often supposed to be. Unless it gets out of control, a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and challenge, and to give purpose and significance to an otherwise meaningless, idle life. People under stress tend to express their full range of potential and to actualize their own personal worth——the very aim of a human life.

  Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. What we can do is to develop our adaptive abilities to deal with it rather than to escape from it.


  If you feel overwhelmed by stress, you"re not alone. Stress affects most people today, thanks to our fast-paced world and hectic lives. Some stress is normal and can get you going and help you focus. However, too much stress can have a negative effect on your mind and body.

  Stress is the pressure of having too much to handle. The body"s reaction to stress is the "fight-or-flight" response. It helped early humans fight or flee from an enemy. In fact, our bodies still react to stress in the same way. If this happens often, it can lead to unwanted symptoms.

  Stress is not all bad. On the upside, it can help you cope with change. Or, stress can help you handle challenging situations, like talking in front of a group. On the downside, stress can make you feel out of control. And constant stress can harm your health. But by learning to deal with stress better, you can avoid its negative effects.


  In modern society, most people are under the higher pressure than everbefore and some people cannot handle the stress well and choose some extremeways to avoid or settle their stress.However, is stress a bad thing? As far as Iam concerned, everything has two coins, and we also need to realize it from twoaspects.

  For one thing, stress is a kind of mental burden caused by nervousness oranxiety. In modern society, stress is mostly caused by the high requirements orheavy burden from surroundings or us, such as stress from peers or stress ineconomy. If we cannot handle the stress well, we would be easy to be in anegative mood and lost our motivation and courage to keep going or struggle withdifficulties. In this aspect, stress is a threat for our body and mental.

  However, for another, stress can also be changed into a kind of motivationif we handle it well. For example, when you find that you are surpassed by yourclassmates in an examination, you feel stressful but at the same time, you alsotell yourself that you need to work harder to surpass him next time. Under thisstress, you will find yourself have more motivation and energy to study. In thispoint, stress is a propeller for us to get more improvements.

  Thus, we need to use a dialectical method to treat stress and handle itproperly.


  With the harsh competition in today"s society, more and more peoplecomplain about their stress in their daily life. Stress mainly comes from ourwork, study and families. When we feel stressed, we often have bad moods on theday and can"t sleep well at night. That"s too bad for our health. To help easestress, some good ways are suggested. Firstly, we can chat with our parents andfriends. Maybe they can give us some good advice. Secondly, we ought to do someexercise, which can help us have a nice sleep at night. Moreover, we aresupposed to balance our life with more outdoor activities, so as to make ourlife more colorful and vivid.


  As everyone knows, stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. As the pace of modern life continues to increase, we are always feeling on the go from morning till night. And it is hard to slow down. Therefore, stress goes hand in hand with the life in a competitive society.

  Different people, however, think of stress quite differently. Some believe that stress is not the bad thing it is often supposed to be. They are of the opinion that a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and give purpose to life. Others argue that stress contributes to one’s mental decline and hence endangers his health. According to them, relaxation, the opposite of stress, is essential for a healthy mind and body.

  Personally, I’m in favor of the former view. I think it is impossible to avoid stress when one is entirely devoted to the career he pursues. In my opinion, it is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health.


  People in modern society live under a lot of pressure from many aspects such as education, career or family.It is important to keep a good mood in your daily life.In the following context I am going to justify my point from two aspects.

  First, individually speaking, to keep a good mood makes everything easier to you.Just like the grease smoothing a machine, keeping a good mood optimizes your life.If you are happy, work would not seem to be that hard.You may learn to enjoy the process.Second, for the sake of people around you, you should keep a good mood.If you are very cheerful everyday, you are apt to throw your positive influence upon others who are also faced with varied pressure.Just like a shining sun, keeping a good mood enables you to radiate your happiness to everyone around you and then they respond to you with an enlightening smile.

  To keep a good mood helps to start a positive recycle around you which may free pressures.Why not meet your life with a smile?


  Today"s students complain: "it"s too stressful!" "How come so much pressure?" And I think we should be thankful for the stress.

  For example, take me to say: very not easy summer vacation, I really want to relax greatly, but father and mother give me pressure, want me to practice sports, to finish the homework. And I, at the request, had completed the task carefully, and now suddenly I found my body strong, with perseverance, and my writing improved. So I thought, if my parents didn"t give me the pressure to do it seriously, and let me manage myself, I"m afraid there wouldn"t be any progress.

  Stress not only leads to progress, but there is also a goal of stress, and there is an incentive to move forward, and everything will be done better and faster.

  In times of stress, try to turn the stress into motivation, instead of cutting corners.

  Stress limits us, sets goals and gives us the motivation to get things done. It can be said that stress makes our task better, faster and more efficient!

  So, stress is not necessarily a bad thing. We need to change the pressure for motivation and the goal. To be honest, I think pressure gives us efficiency and success. Isn"t it?


  Have a scientific career plan. According to the need of society and their own conditions, early do their career planning, strengthen employment and entrepreneurship ability, for college students is very important to the smooth employment in the future. For many graduates is not so much "employment difficulty", "jobs lost" rather, the lack of scientific planning for their future development, it often becomes a feel overwhelmed when they face the employment pressure is an important reason. A survey showed that 62.2 percent of college students had no plans for their future development and career, with a 32.8 percent ambiguity and only 4.9 percent having a clear design. As the saying goes, chances are always good for those who are prepared. College students to find the ideal career in the future, the first thing to save for a rainy day, as soon as possible a clear career goals, career planning in advance, targeted for knowledge reserve and social practice; At the same time, through the scientific method and means of cognition, for their own interests, temperament, personality and ability to conduct a comprehensive *ysis, the right to know their own advantages and disadvantages, trying to make their own "long board", the "short board" for long. In addition, "where there is a will there is a way", as long as it has persistence and perseverance, it is bound to succeed.

  Have a good career mindset. Employment is itself a competition. Because college graduates are young, they often have a tendency to rush for success. Once you encounter setbacks in employment, it is easy to be demoralized and demoralized. Therefore, it is also important to maintain a good attitude of employment and to obtain employment for college graduates. Faced with the severe employment situation, university graduates should be confident, brave to face the competition, cannot little, timid, afraid to "sell" yourself; Also can not be arrogant, be choosy to the unit, finally "gao no, inferior". Should know clearly that employment difficulties, setbacks, injustice is temporary, inevitable, blindly complaining doesn"t solve problems, the key is to be fully prepared for setbacks and firmly believe that "inherent my material will be useful", positioned, adjust the mentality, variable pressure, make oneself can calm, calmly facing the employment the important in life, and make a correct and rational choice. ,


  There are so many people under the unbearably high pressure in China. Heavy work demands and intense competition pile enormous pressure on the individuals who desperately try to pursue a more well-paid salary and push for a higher position. For students, exam pressure makes them overburdened and overwhelmed. Stress is a personalized phenomenon but confronts everyone at different degrees.

  This phenomenon divides people. Some have a depressing and gloomy attitude toward the physical and mental strain. So stress is always blamed for someone‘s mental disorder, violence and even xxxx. In contrast to their negatively reacting to stress, others may face up to the mounting pressure and keep a excellent mood.

  How to properly and effectively cope with the huge pressure? First, people under the tremendous pressure can select a proper way to relax, such as pampering themselves with a long hot bath and immersing themselves in the favorite CD. Repetitive tasks and no break will propel people to pay a hefty health price. Second, the over-high expectations leading to the strong strain must be lowered. Third, a chat with close friends is a favorably good way. Talking to them will alleviate enormous pressure.


  With the development of society, the competition of the entire society is more and more intense, causing increasing pressure to people. Stress of study, work and life are ubiquitous, but how can we deal with it? Here are some tips that I hope can be useful.

  Firstly, keep good health. A healthy body is the premise to face presure. It’s the least capacity to cope with stress when a person is sick. Secondly, to accept the pressure. The reason why many people can not cope with stress is that they resist and escape it. Actually, there always is trouble and problems once we chose a path to go, because almost everything worth doing is not so easy. Thirdly, solve the problem, rather than complain about it. Many people complain about the surroundings and don’t think about the solutions when faced with problems. We all know that complaint can do nothing but only let you down. As long as the problem not solved, the pressure is always there. Fourthly, tell others your pressure and get help from them. Lots of pressure can’t be solved by our own and the rational way is talking the pressure to workmates or friends to get help from them. But the premise to do so is that we don’t intend to put pressure to others but to seek help and support to solve problems.

  Of course, there also are some other ways to cope with stress, such as readjusting goal and expectation, playing games to relax, even shopping or eating. But no matter how, solving the problem that causes stress is the best way.




  Is Stress a Bad Thing?

  According to a recent survey, in the last few years, quite a number of young people have chosen to quit their demanding but highly-paid jobs. I dont think their decisions are wise in reality.

  Its true the case is not unique. Some people choose to do something less competitive so that they can lead a comfortable, easy life that a highly-paid job cannot obtain. They are afraid that the stresses and strains of work will rob them of joy and happiness and do them harm both physically and mentally. In fact, however, stress isnt the bad thing it is often supposed to be. A certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and challenge. People under stress are likely to express their full range of potential and to realize goal of a human life.

  Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. What we can do is to learn to deal with it rather than to escape from it.




  Some people thank their parents because they grow up healthy and happy with love; some thank their teachers because they teach themselves with knowledge; some thank And I would like to thank the pressure, because it makes me unremitting pursuit forward!

  Pressure, perhaps for some people, is a burden. If you stop yourself from moving forward and carry it on your back, you will have the idea to give up and let yourself lose your goal. However, some people take it as the source of power and let it spur you. Because of it, you will become more firm, face difficulties and move forward!

  One Sunday morning, my homework was done. After a rest, I had to review and finish the unfinished picture homework, read and recite knowledge, and then I did it seriously. I thought it would be done well, but that day when grandma and auntie came to visit, I had to put down my painting homework and accompany them for a while before continuing to do it, but I still owe several. After painting, I still need to paint black, dye and finish reading back. I cant help but feel a little bored, thinking: when is this painting going to be? After painting, I need to read back knowledge, not better Lets draw. Lets review. I want to close my painting homework and think again: how can I do this? I cant draw well today, but I have something to do tomorrow. Besides, its a burden for me. Should I give up in front of the pressure? I should have more motivation in front of the pressure! I should do this well first! I am full of fighting spirit, and suddenly I have a firm source. So I insisted on playing fast to get the picture right, and then I read and memorized the knowledge

  Pressure, with it, will release a forward force - power, so that you can well complete the task of this pressure! Let yourself fight bravely, impeccably!

  Pressure, thank you, its you that make me have the power to push people forward, let me know: pressure has power, let me look forward!

  Pressure, there is a kind of pressure that can make people afraid to retreat, there is a kind of pressure that can make people turn this force into a driving force for progress.

  I remember once that I delayed my homework because of my playfulness. I thought it was a big deal before. Anyway, if I didnt want to do it, I wouldnt do it. How could the teacher take me? But later I found that when I played, I always felt like I had an alarm clock in my heart. If I didnt do my homework, it would be called non-stop. Sunday night, I came home from outside, just now Just remembering that there was still homework left, I felt very sad. At that time, I thought I couldnt finish it, because it was already 8 oclock. I thought that my pressure at that time was like ten mountains pressing on me, but I had a brainstorm. I thought on the contrary: I would finish my homework even if I stayed up all night today, and I must change my painful pressure into a driving force. I immediately opened the book, picked up the pen and did it. As a result, I wrote it at 0:00 in the morning.

  Another time, I can clearly remember what happened on that day. That day, I went to the street dance class. I remember that I didnt know the homework assigned to me by the street dance teacher. I felt full of pressure. I immediately practiced once, twice, three times I dont think I have the face to see the teacher, so I hesitated to choose to withdraw. My heart is very unstable, so I didnt go to the hip-hop class.

  Pressure, there is a kind of pressure that can make people afraid to retreat, there is a kind of pressure that can make people turn this force into a driving force for progress. With the driving force for progress, you will work hard and pay hard, and then you can get what you want.


  Everyone has pressure, too much pressure will crush people, and the appropriate pressure can become power.

  I also have pressure, which my mother gave me. On the first day of last semester, my mother said to me, "if you do badly in this semester, I will let you go back to your hometown to study." I panicked and said, "if I fail in the exam, do you really want me to transfer?" "Who lied to you! As long as you do well in the exam, Ill keep you reading here. " My mother replied solemnly.

  After listening to those words, I really worried that my mother would one day send me back to my hometown to study, so I changed my learning attitude: in the morning, I got up early and arrived at school as early as possible; during the break, others went to play, but I was fighting in the classroom; after school, I went home to do my homework seriously. I dont know how long this kind of life has passed. I find that since I have the pressure, I have become diligent and full, and my academic performance has also improved.

  Finally, the final exam is coming. I answer every question carefully. After the exam, my heart is waiting for the fate of the judgment, as long as it cant be relaxed. When the teacher told me that both Chinese and mathematics had been "excellent", I was ecstatic, and ran home as fast as I could, saying loudly to my mother, "you cant send me back to my hometown to study!" "What are you talking about?" "You didnt say..." "Oh, thats a lie to X." After listening, I said angrily, "Mom, dont make such a joke in the future. But I still want to thank you for the pressure you put on me. Its your pressure that makes me find the motivation to learn and makes me make great progress in my study. "














  我们来到郑和公园,想看别人放大的烟花,可是,我们等了一会儿,却没有发现有人放大的烟花,那种飞得特别高、炸得特别响的,只能看放小的鞭炮和烟火了。好多人都买了“蝴蝶”样的鞭炮来放,二舅也为我买了几个“蝴蝶” 鞭炮,我小心地将鞭炮放在地上,让二舅用火点着,看到鞭炮的引信冒烟后,我向二舅大喊一声:“快跑!”我也赶紧往后跑,生怕火焰伤着,那烟火立即飞了起来,发出了刺眼的亮光,最后还发出了一声震耳的声响。我们放完了手中的全部烟火,又看了别人放了几十个鞭炮和烟火,真是“火树银花、炮声隆隆”啊,我们感到特别有趣,可是耳朵也实在受不了了。我问二舅:“今天是什么日子啊,怎么有这么多人放烟花爆竹?”二舅哈哈一笑:“今天是财神爷来到的好日子,人人都想将他引回家啊!”我听后转念一想,今晚我也放了烟火,财神爷今年会不会来我家啊?……










  我只得把红笔交给专业笔医生黄子茵同学,她有许多经验。一次我的蓝笔就这位专业笔医生给治好了。但是这次专业笔医生也像我那样,用上了种种方法 倒着装弹簧,看有没有少零件,把笔头防滑胶反着装,正着装,不装弹簧等等,可没一次成功。下课了,她遗憾地看着我,然后说:您就是此笔的主人吧,我已经尽全力救它了,但它还是


































  This morning, I take my first taste on seeking family education with a high heart-lever. In latest, I have summonned up my encourage to carry out this travel, and regulate myself that I will not do work at a payment lowing 20RMB per hour at least for self-thought that I am hold an impressive proficiency of English and an outstanding condition.

  After a string of waiting time, I welcame the first customer, a couple. Leading a mutual chinchin, our talking seemed going smoothly before refering to the wages. The man said:" How much you want get per hour." I though dee* and gave a re*:" OK, 20 is moderate." The women interfered:" But I have noticed that other tutors just require for a specific pay under 15!" I promptly conscioused that all my particularly excellent conditions descend to an ignorable position when refering to wealth. Merely I can leave an so-called engagement for excluding unexpective circumstances.

  Yes, I am on the way of reaching *ness, the bricks-and-mortar world is not as absolute as I believe. Not a popular character I can be only in own mind. Yes, I should on days ahead conduct every step on the sea-lever. Illusion is virtual, my agenda is need to be foot by foot. I am sure that one day current days are abount to become to what I fantasize now!


  In our life occur a lot of things nearly every day. Some we may forget and some we may remember. There is one thing I won’t forget forever. It is the birth of my little sister. Before she comes to the world, I have imagined thousand times what she looks. In fact, although I have guessed so many times, I still couldn’t hit the point. I never know that a newborn child will be so tiny and wrinkle. But she just likes an angel.

  Seeing her, I feel my heart get warm right away. I couldn’t forget the moment I saw her.


  Whenever I saw the pot in my home, I could not help but think of the memorable thing.

  It was a sunny day, I was in the living room to write homework, feel thirsty, and found that there is no water. Mom and Dad are busy, I could not help but a burst of joy, this time I can finally show their talents, so I got the pot with a small pot on the induction cooker, pour cold water, cover the lid, open the induction cooker switch The Hear the sound of the induction cooker, heart felt waves of pride, I can help father and mother to do things. I stood next to wait for a while and found a little movement of water, I gently touched the pot gently, or cool, it seems to have to wait for a while, I might as well go to write for a while.

  Came to the living room, I continued to write my homework, written to write the things to burn the forgotten a clean and clean. I do not know how long, suddenly heard the induction cooker rang, I think this is burning water, I rushed into the kitchen and found the whole kitchen a white, induction cooker has been automatically closed, the pot of water are dry , The bottom of the pot becomes dark. Dad said Fortunately, the induction cooker has overheating protection function, or dangerous, and I was in a row of scared. Although my father did not blame me, but I still feel very sad.

  I will never forget this thing!


  This year I have a happy spring featival with my family.

  On New Year"s Eve,all the family people get together to have a big dinner in the resturant.During the dinner we have a small talk and play some games.We say some good hope to each other.For example,keep good healthe,try your best to do everything,have a good mood in this year,happy everyday and so on.

  Thanks to this spring festival,it make our family people get toghther.We enjoy ourselves and in the new year we all strive hard.


  When I was a little child, I was so naughty that I always did something angry my parents. They always blamed to me, but I never listened to them. I thought they were too strict with me. But I changed in someday. My parents always told me to be careful when I went out. However, all I thought was they worried too much. On my way to take the bus home, there was a traffic light. That day, when I got to the cross road, the light was red, but there was no car crossed the road anymore.

  So I went across the road without the light turning to green. At this moment, a car rushed quickly towards me. I was suddenly scared, so that I couldn’t move but stood still. Luckily, the driver broke the car quickly and I did not get hurt. But I did scared. I couldn’t image what would happen if the car did not stop in time.

  I told my parents what I experienced. At first, they blamed me as usual and I knew I was wrong that time. Therefore, I did not say anything. They realized that I was frightened, so they comforted me patiently.

  I finally knew that all they said and done was good to me. After that, I was much more careful and I listened to my parents.


  In the life of life, we are in the happy growth, in the process of growing brigade, is often Kankan rough, in this rough happy happy days, often there will be some things that make you memorable.

  It was a sunny afternoon, I happily ran home, suddenly, a stone stumbled me, pants broke, and blood flow in the wound, I hurt the "quack" barking, Suddenly, the next came a cordial greetings caused my attention: "children, how, and pain?" I heard, turned and looked at the past, "nothing, I can go." Finished, try to stand "I"ll help you go home!" She helped me up and asked, "where is your home?" I told my home address, she was slowly To help me go home.

  On the way home, she said to me: "You go home only after it, do not hand to touch the wound, use disinfectant cleaning, and then ap* medicine, this time to pay attention to, know? I heard, should be a cry. After a while, I got home and said to her, "I am here, thank you." "No thanks, the next time be careful, do not be so careless." "Ah" I looked at her back, tears In the eyes of the spin, slowly, drop by drop across my cheek. Although aunt and I never met, but she is so meticulous care about me, take care of me, thank you, aunt!


  In my growth, experienced a lot of things, they are like a boat, echoed in my mind, from time to time roundabout. They are like the shells on the beach, some "brilliant" and some are "ugly". But the most forgotten or childhood of a past.

  It was when I read the second grade, the weather was sunny, sunny. I am accompanied by a good mood to go to school, when I go to school waiting mood does not seem as good as that, because I found that I forgot to take this with the operation. My mood suddenly like fifteen bucket of water - seven on eight, the action is also hurriedly chaos, I do not know what to do? If you go home now to find the job, then back and forth time is not enough, if the re- Time is not enough When I was so embarrassed, my desk said, "What"s the matter?" I told him the truth of the matter. He gave me a new job and said to me, "With me!" I took the job and told him, "Thank you, I will give you." Heart is extremely grateful to him, he really is my savior ah. When I was writing, I was worried about the teacher. The classmate told me not to be afraid, and then looked at the teacher for me. The classmate is like a soldier for me. I paid the job in time. The heart of the stone finally came down. Soon the teacher came ...

  From this one thing, I feel the power of friendship, this power is extremely powerful; this makes me overcome many difficulties, can Qi Qi Jin. It made me memorable for a long time.


  Time flies, sun and the moon。 Blink of an eye, I have become a fifth grade students, the thought of three years ago and my sister went to Shanhaiguan to Shanhaiguan happy ocean park to play, my heart was particularly happy。

  When we got there early, we saw the sea of people there。 I can not wait to go there, there are three areas where there。 The first is the entertainment area, where there are fountain square, diving pool, combination slide, pirate castle, surfing…… the second on the embassy district, where there are white whale, dolphin, sea lions, seals Museum, shark museum, Turtle hall, sea dog hall, mermaid hall ……

  The most memorable thing is to steal the performance, the staff first come up with a circle hanging on a pole, after the dolphin from the circle inside drilled out。 Dolphins can also be the top of the ball, the staff hand the ball hanging in high places, and then dolphins on the hard jumping up from the top of the ball up。 Dolphins can also use the mouth of a circle of nuisance up。

  A pick up a look, we have played for a day, we reluctantly left Le Island。 Although the time has passed for a long time, but I am this memorable thing or memorable。


  When I was a little child, I was so naughty that I always did something angry my parents. They always blamed to me, but I never listened to them. I thought they were too strict with me. But I changed in someday. My parents always told me to be careful when I went out. However, all I thought was they worried too much. On my way to take the bus home, there was a traffic light. That day, when I got to the cross road, the light was red, but there was no car crossed the road anymore. So I went across the road without the light turning to green. At this moment, a car rushed quickly towards me. I was suddenly scared, so that I couldn’t move but stood still. Luckily, the driver broke the car quickly and I did not get hurt. But I did scared. I couldn’t image what would happen if the car did not stop in time. I told my parents what I experienced. At first, they blamed me as usual and I knew I was wrong that time. Therefore, I did not say anything. They realized that I was frightened, so they comforted me patiently. I finally knew that all they said and done was good to me. After that, I was much more careful and I listened to my parents.



  One of my roommate often talk when he sleeps. He talked about all kinds of things.For example ,last night, I had a hard jod to fall asleep .I read a novel to make my eyes feel sleepy.When I was concentrated to the story ,I heard he said:"how much do you want?" It sounds like he was arguing a price with somebody , I was very strange ,so I asked:" Are you awake?what are you talking about?" there was not re* . At that time , he begain to talk agin:"OK, OK."It was the first time I heart him talk, so I did afraid of that and unforgettable.




















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