
时间:2022-08-30 14:15:03 公文范文 来源:网友投稿

《杀戮部队》中英文对照剧本10篇《杀戮部队》中英文对照剧本 内华达州某处布瑞特妮凯瑟凯瑟女士从奥马巴竞选团队中的理想主义实习生Ms.Kaiser,youseemtohavetraveledalo下面是小编为大家整理的《杀戮部队》中英文对照剧本10篇,供大家参考。



达州某处 布瑞特妮凯瑟 凯瑟女士 从奥马巴竞选团队中的 理想主义实习生 Ms. Kaiser, you seem to have traveled a long way from an idealistic intern in 到给这样一家机构工作 与讨厌的人为伍 Barack Obama"s campaign to working for an organization 你似乎走了很长的路 that keeps pretty unsavory company. 剑桥分♥析♥ 这一点儿也没让你觉得不自在吗? Didn"t that make you uncomfortable at all 你提到过拥有两组名片 You referred to having two sets of business cards. 你在替谁干活? Who did you work for 别误会 Don"t take this the wrong way. 你的人生中 是否为任何国家的情报机构 In your life, have you ever worked for 效力过 或提供过信息? or provided information to any country"s intelligence agency 纽约市 嗨 请来一小杯咖啡 Hi. A small coffee, please -2.25 美金 -好的 - Uh, $2.25. - Great. 好的 All right. 有谁看过一则广♥告♥ Who has seen an advertisement 让你坚信 that has convinced you 你的麦克风正在监听你的对话? that your microphone is listening to your conversations 我们很难想象这是如何实现的 It"s hard for us to imagine how else it could work, 但现在的情况就是 你的行为 but what"s happening is that your behavior 正在被精确预测 is being accurately predicted. 所以那些看似准确度惊人

 So, the ads that seem uncannily accurate, 肯定在对咱们进行偷听的广♥告♥ that have to be eavesdropping on us, 更可能是 are more likely to be evidence 这种定向在运作 that the targeting works, 并且在预测我们行为的证据 and that it predicts our behavior. 可能因为我成长过程中 互联网已经是一种现实了吧 Maybe it"s because I grew up with the Internet as a reality. 所以广♥告♥没那么困扰我 The ads don"t bother me all that much. 情况是什么时候恶化的? When does it turn sour 这是一列开往布鲁克林的 Q 线特快列车 This is a Brooklyn-bound Q express train. 下一站是运河街 The next stop is Canal Street. 是从世界互联的那个梦想开始的 It began with the dream of a connected world. 一个空间 让人人得以分享体验 A space where everyone could share each other"s experiences 觉得少一点孤单 and feel less alone. 谢谢所有生日祝福!

 这个世界没多久就变成媒人 It wasn"t long before this world became our matchmaker, 即时事实核查员、私人娱乐者 instant fact-checker, personal entertainer, 记忆守护者 甚至治疗师 guardian of our memories, even our therapist. 我之前在传授数字媒体和开♥发♥程序 I was teaching digital media and developing apps. 所以我知道咱们线上活动的数据 So, I knew that the data from our online activity 不会凭空消失 wasn"t just evaporating. 随着我深入挖掘 我意识到 And as I dug deeper, I realized... 我们的这些数字痕迹

 these digital traces of ourselves 被挖掘成一个年值万亿美元的产业 are being mined into a trillion-dollar-a-year industry. 我们现在是商品 We are now the commodity. 但我们如此迷恋 But we were so in love 这种免费连接带来的好处… with the gift of this free connectivity... 人们懒得去阅读那些条款和条件 that no one bothered to read the terms and conditions. 我的全部互动 All of my interactions, 每一次刷♥卡♥ 每一次网页搜索 my credit card swipes, web searches, 定位、点赞 locations, my likes, 都被实时收集 然后附在我的身份中 they"re all collected in real time and attached to my identity, 让任何买♥♥家都能 直接把握我的情绪脉搏 giving any buyer direct access to my emotional pulse. 在这种知识的武装下 他们争夺我的注意力 Armed with this knowledge, they compete for my attention, 给我稳定持续地投放为我量身定做 只适合我一个人看的内容 feeding me a steady stream of content built for and seen only by me. 对我们每个人都是如此 And this is true for each and every one of us. 我喜欢的… What I like, 我害怕的… what I fear, 吸引我注意的… what gets my attention, 我的界线所在 以及让我越界的条件 what my boundaries are, and what it takes to cross them. 返回华盛顿 Go back to Washington. 骗子希拉里撒了很多谎 Crooked Hillary tells lots of lies. 股市要崩♥盘♥了 这会导致内战 The stock market"s gonna crash. I mean, this"ll cause a civil war.

 我们看到 2016 年大选中 We saw the fallout of our filtered realities 过滤现实的劫后余波 in the 2016 election. 唐纳德特朗普说出来的时候 你没有被冒犯 ...you were not offended when Donald Trump said it! 滚出这里!

 Get the fuck out! 真实世界成为深度割裂的残骸 The rl world became a deeply divided wreckage site. 干♥死♥这帮墨西哥豆娘养的烂货!


 Fuck those dirty beaners! Build the wall! 连接世界的梦 是如何撕裂我们的? How did the dream of the connected world tear us apart 我女儿 8 岁 我儿子 4 岁 My daughter is eight, and my son is four. 每个应用程序在安装前都被精心审查 Uh, every app is carefully scrutinized before ins... being installed, and... 现在我是一名父亲 在阅读隐私政策 我说 And, like, now, I"m the dad who reads the privacy policy and says, “不 你在这看到了吗? 他们在看你的短♥信♥ "No, you see here They read your messages. 你没意见吗?” Are you okay with that" 这像是我惹孩子心烦的新方法 That"s, like, the new way I"m gonna be an annoying parent. -嘿 -嗨 -Hey. -hi 很长时间我一直在担心 I"ve been concerned for a long time 对我们的数据和信息的滥用 about how the misuse of our data and information 可能会如何影响我们孩子的未来 could affect my children"s future. 但直到 2016 年大选之后 我才意识到 But it wasn"t until after the 2016 election that I realized 这已经发生在眼前 it had already happened on our watch. 真的有一种感觉 好像… It was really, like, a feeling of, like... 关于技术的最坏情况已经出现了

 ...the worst-case scenario has happened with technology. 我变得痴迷于寻找答案 I became obsessed with finding answers. 我一直在问自己的问题是 And the question I kept asking myself was: 谁在给我们灌输恐惧?以何种方式? Who was feeding us fear And how 这是我们的“阿♥拉♥莫计划” 是操办特朗普竞选活动的 This was our Project Alamo, where the digital arm of the Trump campaign 数字部门 operation was held. 阿♥拉♥莫计划如火如荼的时候 When Project Alamo was at its peak, 他们每天在脸谱网广♥告♥上 they were spending one million dollars a day 花一百万美金 on Facebook ads. 我们有脸谱网、视频网站 和谷歌♥网站的人 We had the Facebook, and YouTube, and Google people. 他们会在这里聚集 They would kind of congregate here. 他们基本上算是我们的实操合作伙伴 I mean, they were basically our hands-on partners 能够尽可能高效地 as far as, you know, being able to utilize the platform 充分利用平台 as effectively as possible. 但我们还发现 But what we also learned 一家名叫剑桥分♥析♥的公♥司♥… is that a company called Cambridge Analytica... 也致力于阿♥拉♥莫计划 was also working on Project Alamo. 剑桥分♥析♥之前在这里 Cambridge Analytica was here. 这里算是数据的大脑 And this is kind of the brain of... of, you know, the data. 这是数据中心 This was the data center. “我们要瞄准这个州 我们要瞄准那个州” "We gotta target this state. We gotta target that state."

 -他们怎么知道的? -在那个… - So, within that... - How would they know that 那是他们的秘方 That"s... That"s their secret sauce. -保尔奥利维? -我在 - Paul-Olivier - I"m there. 好的 我来设置一下屏幕 Okay. Let me just, uh, set up my screen. 我和保尔奥利维德荷 I connected with a mathematician based out of Switzerland 一位瑞士数学家连线了 named Paul-Olivier Dehaye. 我关注剑桥分♥析♥一年多了 I"ve been looking at Cambridge Analytica for over a year 觉得还可以继续挖 and I think there"s more to be found. 保尔和我都明白 Both Paul and I understood that 要给人们发送个性化的消息 in order to send people personalized messages, 就需要人们的数据 you need people"s data. 让世界天翻地覆的数据 剑桥分♥析♥声称每个美国投票者 And Cambridge Analytica claimed to have 5,000 data points 都有五千个数据点 on every American voter. 每个美国人有五千个数据点 但这是隐形的 But it was invisible. 所以问题在于 如何让隐形的东西显形? And so the question is, how do you make the invisible visible 这是最难的部分… That"s the hardest part. Um... 保尔奥利维德荷有一个假设 Paul-Olivier Dehaye had a hypothesis, 假设美国选民的数据 and the hypothesis was that US voter data 是由位于英国的剑桥分♥析♥的 was processed by Cambridge Analytica"s parent company 母公♥司♥处理

 in Great Britain. SCL/剑桥分♥析♥ 总部 如果这是真的 And if it was true, 我可以找一名英国律师强迫剑桥分♥析♥ I could use a British lawyer to force Cambridge Analytica 把我的数据还给我 to give me my data. 我觉得戴维这个案件的美妙之处在于 I think the beauty of David"s case is it encapsulates 其中包含了为何数据权应该被视为 基本权利、简单的权利 why data rights should be considered just fundamental rights, simple rights. 因为他想知道的就是 Because all he wants to know 你们到底做了什么? is what did you do 如果戴维发现他个人资料中的数据… And if David finds out the data beneath his profile, 个人数据申请表 你就开始能用各种方式把线索串起来 you"ll start to be able to connect the dots in various ways 串起脸谱网、剑桥分♥析♥ 特朗普和脱欧 with Facebook and Cambridge Analytica and Trump and Brexit 以及所有关系不紧密的实体 and all these loosely-connected entities. 因为你能看到野兽的内部 Because you get to see inside the beast, 能看到这个体系的内核 you get to see inside the system. 我不是机器人 我曾经是剑桥分♥析♥或 SCL 集团的 I used to be the COO and CFO of the Cambridge COO 和 CFO Analytica, or SCL, Group. 如果你和在剑桥分♥析♥上班的 大部分人交谈 If you spoke to most people that worked at Cambridge Analytica, 他们会说一样的话 they would say the same thing. 这是伟大创新的环境 It was, uh... an environment of great innovation. 哈啰 我叫亚历山大尼克斯

 Hello, my name is Alexander Nix. 我是剑桥分♥析♥的 CEO I"m CEO of Cambridge Analytica, 世界领先的数据驱动型通讯公♥司♥ the world"s leading data-driven communications company. 从过去的“广♥告♥狂人” 到如今的“数学天才” From Mad Men of old to Math Men of today, 专业数据科学家的洞察力 expert data scientists whose insight 能告诉你更多你想接触的受众的信息 can tell you far more about audiences that you want to reach 以及如何触及他们 and how to reach them. 亚历山大尼克斯非常专注于 打造强势的选举业务 Alexander Nix was very focused on building a strong elections business. 奥巴马的竞选非常成功地使用了数据 And then the Obama campaign very successfully used data 和数字化通讯 and digital communication...


王时期的英国 很久很久以前

 英国由 A long time ago, Britain was ruled 乌瑟 潘德拉贡国王统治着 by King Uther Pendragon. 乌瑟去世后

 没有留下继承人 But when Uther died without an heir, 致使整个王国在战争中分崩离析 the land was torn apart by war. 人们为了抢夺王位大打出手 Many tried to claim the throne 战火连天

 无休无止 and fought bitterly and endlessly. 民心涣散 People"s hearts grew hopeless and hollow. 家国倾覆

 群龙无首 The country became lost and leaderless. 因此

 巫师梅林 So the wizard Merlin 打造了一柄石中剑 conjured a magical sword in a stone called Excalibur 宣布只有乌瑟的真正继承人 and declared that only Uther"s true heir 才可将其拔出 could pull it free. 很多人尝试过 Many tried, 然而只有一个人做到了 but only one succeeded. 一个叫做亚瑟的男孩 A boy named Arthur, 乌瑟王流落民间的儿子 who had no idea he was Uther"s long-lost son. 亚瑟长大成了一位伟大的国王 Arthur grew into a great king. 化敌国为友邦 He turned his enemies into allies 设圆桌议政

 人人平等 and ruled at a round table, so that all were equal. 他和他的骑士们

 秉持着骑士精神 He and his knights lived by a code of chivalry, 内心纯洁又高尚 their hearts pure and noble. 而他们最大的敌人

 But their greatest foe 就是亚瑟同父异母的姐姐

 莫甘娜 was Arthur"s own half-sister, Morgana. 坚信自己才是合法的继位者 Convinced she was the rightful heir, 为了夺取石中剑

 无所不用其极 and desperate to possess Excalibur, 最终投身于黑魔法 she turned to dark sorcery. 亚瑟经过一番鏖战 Arthur fought a fearsome battle against her, 把她封印在了地底 and bound her into the bowels of the earth. 印成之际

 她立下复仇的毒誓 But not before she swore dark vengeance. 总有一天 When you are long gone, 你将身死魂消 when hearts are hollow 这片土地会再次群龙无首 and the land is lost and leaderless again, 那时我当归来 I will return. 吾剑亦将同归 And so will the sword. 亚历克斯

 你要迟到了 Alex, you"re gonna be late. 好了

 知道了 Okay, okay! 马上来了 I"m coming as fast as I can. 你的作业摆得满餐桌都是 Your homework"s all over the kitchen table. 你知道吗

 睡懒觉 You know, every time you sleep in 又不吃早餐

 就好像 and skip breakfast, it"s like... 昏昏沉沉开始一整天的生活 ...starting the day on an empty battery. 我知道了 I know. 也许你不应该 Maybe if you hadn"t left that 把它放在这里那么长时间

 till last thing the night before... 糟糕 Damn. 来 Here. 颜色不太一样

 但是 It"s not exactly the right color, but... 你可以说它是太阳的耀斑 Maybe you can say it"s a solar flare. 谢了

 妈妈 Thanks, Mum. 您现在收听的是 BBC 早间新闻 You"re listening to the BBC. 现在时间早上 7 点 30 分 7:30am, it"s time for the news. BBC 7 点 30 早间新闻 BBC NEWS at 7: 30. 专家声称 Experts are warning that 自几个世纪以来

 这个世界正在变得 the world is becoming more unstable 更加不稳定 than it has been for centuries. 随着越来越多的国家前所未有的 With dictators and strongmen 落入独♥裁♥者和强权势力的掌控中 gaining power in more countries than ever before, 全球分化正在以惊人的速度激增 global divisions are increasing at an alarming rate. 来自贝德斯的信息 亚历克斯

 他们一直跟着我 你在哪 亚历克斯

 你在哪 亚历克斯

 救我 不

 糟了 Oh, no. 借过 Excuse me. 抱歉 Sorry. 不好意思 "Scuse me. 贝德斯 Bedders!

 有人看见贝德斯了吗 Has anyone seen Bedders? 贝德斯

 你在哪啊 Bedders! Where are you? 放开我

 别碰我 Let go of me! Leave me alone! 放我下来 Put me down! 不放


 就不放 No, no, and no. 你想在这所学校里生存 You wanna survive in this school, 你得付出点代价啊 you gotta pay for the privilege. 我喘不上气了 You"re cutting off my circulation. 我要晕过去了 I am going to pass out. 给我小点声 Keep your voice down 不然打断你的腿 or I"ll punch my PIN number into your legs. 我的脑袋都充血了 My head"s filling up with blood. 感觉要炸了 It"s going to explode! 我感觉不太好 I feel weird. 救命啊 Help! - 来人啊


 - 嘿

 放开他 - Somebody help me.

 - Hey! Let him go. 看啊

 这不是小矮子乐高人吗 Oh, look. It"s the Lego Minifigure boy. 我说了

 放开他 I said, leave him alone. 给个理由先 Ooh. Why should we? 因为你们以多欺少 Because there"s two of you, 以大欺小

 还因为他是我的朋友 he"s half your size, and he"s my friend. 我跟你说过多少次了 How many times do I have to tell you?


 不值当 Don"t be a hero. It"s not worth it. 在这里

 我就是王 I"m the king around here. 小心别在那个小水坑里淹死了 Careful not to drown in that puddle. 拜拜了

 小娘炮们 See you later, girls. 下去


 你这个小虾米 Off me! Get off me, shrimp! 别打了

 别打了 Break it up! Break it up! 让开

 都让开 Move aside, move aside! 亚历山大 艾略特 Alexander Elliot! 我再给你最后一次机会 I"ll give you one last chance, 否则你就跟他俩一起留堂 or I"ll just have to give all three of you detention. 谁先动的手 Who started it? 没人动手 No one. 你的表现将直接关系到你今后的生活 Your behavior here directly affects the rest of your life. 难道你不知道吗 You know that, don"t you? 外面的世界很残酷 It"s a tough world out there 而且会越来越残酷 and it"s getting tougher all the time. 这个国家有很多孩子 There"s millions of kids in this country 比你有更好的上升台阶 with a better start in life than you. 外面的世界不会改变 And the world is not going to change. 需要改变的是你 It"s you that has to change. 亚历克斯

 你救了我 Alex, you saved my life, 以后我会死忠与你 and now I owe you my undying loyalty.

 就像魔戒里的弗罗多和山姆维斯 Like Frodo and Samwise 汉和丘巴卡是《星球大战》里的好友 弗罗多和山姆维斯是《魔戒》中的好兄弟 星球大战里的丘巴卡和汉 or Chewbacca and Han 怪物史莱克和他的驴 or Donkey and Shrek. 我们一定要每天一起坐公交车 We"ll make sure we"re on the same bus every morning. 午饭后放学后我都会等你 And I"ll wait for you at lunch break and after school, 如果他们胆敢再欺负我们 so if they ever dare try anything-- 我们已经还不了手

 贝德斯 We already do that, Bedders. 兰斯和凯伊统治着学校 Lance and Kaye rule the school. 你却无能为力 There"s nothing you can do. 我们都无能为力 There"s nothing either of us can do. 现在已经不是中学那会了 This isn"t junior school anymore. 我们什么都不是 We"re nothings now. 我们是学校里最弱小最无助的人 We"re the most insignificant, powerless people in the school. 等等 Hey. 嗨 Hey! 我学会了一个小把戏 I learnt a new trick. 伸出你的手 Hold out your hand. 用力握着它 Now squeeze as hard as you can. 阿布拉喀达布拉 Abracadabra! 阿♥拉♥卡赞 Alakazam! 张开手 Open your hand.


 这不对啊 Wait, that"s not right. 应该有两个硬币才对啊 You"re supposed to have both of them. 这是一种镜像魔术 It"s a duplication illusion. 成功了的话

 效果很炸裂的 It"s really good when it works. 别想了

 贝德斯 Don"t worry about it, Bedders. 我现在没有变魔术的心情 I"m not in the mood for magic anymore. 亚历克斯

 你没事吧 Alex, are you okay? 今天的事是真的吗 It"s not true, is it? 你怎么会动手打人呢 What would make you jump on someone and start punching them? 亚历克斯 Alex. 他们在欺负贝德斯 They were bullying Bedders. 我想阻止他们 I tried to stop them. 没人说过这件事 No one said anything about that. 你为什么不说呢

 为什么不解释 Why didn"t you say something? Why didn"t you tell someone? 亚历克斯

 你都受伤了 Alex, look at you. 说出来只会让事情更糟 Because it would just make everything worse. 说出真♥相♥怎么会让事情变糟呢 How could telling the truth make everything worse? 你不会懂的 You wouldn"t understand. 如果是爸爸

 就会懂 Dad would understand. 可他不在这里 Well... he"s not here. 如果他在

 我也知道他会怎么说 But if he was, I know exactly what he"d say. 他会说

 讲出真♥相♥ He"d say that telling the truth


 永远不会搞砸任何事 and doing the right thing never makes anything worse. 这不是你一直以来都坚信的吗

 亚历克斯 You always used to believe that, Alex. 没错 Yeah. 但以后不会了 Well, not anymore. 我从雨滴中

 品尝到 I can taste it... in the rain. 从土壤里感受到 Sense it in the soil. 他们曾秉承的一切 What they once had... 已不复存在 is long lost. 不复存在 Long lost. 他们已四分五裂

 四分五裂 They are divided. Divided. 充满恐惧

 恐惧 Fearful. Fearful. 群龙无首

 无首 Leaderless. Leaderless. 无首

 首 Leaderless. Leaderless... 他们越弱 As they grow weaker... 弱

 弱 Weaker... Weaker... 我即越强 ...I grow stronger. 强 Stronger. 黑暗就要降临 Soon, darkness will dawn. 我的时代将会到来 My time will come. 醒醒

 别睡了 Come on, no doodling. 这是留堂

 不是艺术课 This is detention, not art class. 集中精神 Concentrate.

 你 死 你 死 定 了 ! 喂

 亚历克斯 艾略特 Oi! Alex Elliot! 等等我们

 我们想跟你聊聊 Wait for us. We wanna talk to you. 你要去哪啊

 别跑啊 Where are you going? Don"t run away. 怎么了

 你在怕什么 What"s the matter? What are you frightened of? 快点

 抓住他 Go, go! Run, get him! 你跑的也太慢了吧 That fast as you can go? 我们就在你后面呦 We"re right behind you! 你死定了

 小贱♥货♥ You"re dead now, you little snitch! 亚历克斯 艾略特 Alex Elliot! 过来吧你

 别跑 Oi! Come here! Here, boy! 兰斯

 我找到他了 Hey, Lance! I"ve got him. 哎

 你跑什么呢 Oi. What you running for? 咱俩的架还没打完呢 You and me have got a fight to finish. 我们还是赶紧走人吧 We"d better leave. 喂

 有人吗 Hello? Is anybody here? 贝德斯


 你要来我家写作业 Bedders, tell your dad we"ve got homework together. 从后花♥园♥进来找我 Come across the garden walls. 你一定要来看看我发现了什么 You"ve gotta see what I found. 剑已归来

 The sword has returned. 归来

 来 Has returned. Returned. 有人拔出了那把剑 The sword has been drawn. 以树根为五感 Let the roots be my senses. 五感 Senses. 以土地为耳目 Let the land be my eyes and ears. 耳目 Eyes and ears. 找出拔剑的人 Find the one who drew it. 找出新王 Find the new king. 我必夺剑弑王 The sword must be mine. The king must die. 王


 找到他 The king. The new king. Find the new king. 找到新王 Find the new king. 也许只是个恶作剧 Maybe it"s a prank. 像油管上的那种

 社会实践 A YouTube thing. A social experiment. 可能会有隐藏的摄像头 Maybe there were hidden cameras. 看 Look. 剑柄上面有字 There"s something written on the guard. 用谷歌♥翻译一下 Put it into Google Translate. "Gladius...Arturi...filius Tintageli." 这是拉丁语 It"s Latin. 意思是


 廷塔杰尔之子 It means, "Sword of Arthur, son of Tinta-gel." 廷达格尔是谁 Who"s Tinta-gel? 你干什么呢 What are you doing?


 好几年前 My dad gave me a book once, years ago... 关于亚瑟王和圆桌骑士 about the Knights of the Round Table. 我以前都能倒背如流的 I use...



 - 你们怎么还没走 Hi, Mom. - Why haven"t you left yet? 我们也不知道 - 爸爸呢 - We don"t know. - Where"s Dad? 他在里面 He is inside. 你为什么还没走 Why haven"t you left? 斯德哥尔摩的警♥察♥打电♥话♥过来了 They called from Stockholm, the police. 他们要我过去一趟 They want me to come up. 为什么 Why? 我不知道 I don"t know. 我和你一起去 - 不用 你和女儿们待一起吧 I"ll go with you. - No. Stay with the girls. 她们可以睡在... - 没必要 - They can sleep over at... - There"s no need. 我想我最好一个人去 丽贝卡也会在那 I think it"s better if I go alone. Rebecca will be there, too. 要我送你去机场吗 - 我叫了出租车 Shall I drive you to the airport? - I"ve called a taxi. 你到了能给我打个电♥话♥吗 - 好的 - Will you call me when you get there? - Yes. 片名:红心女王 浴室里有人 - 只是工作上的同事 There"s someone in the bathroom. - It"s just someone from work. 你找到你的鞋了吗 - 没有 - Did you find your shoes? - No. 那就再另找一双吧 Find another pair, then. 我以为我们说好了的 I thought we had an agreement. 是的 我们是讨论过 但未达成一致 No, we had a discussion, where we couldn"t agree. 我就不会把我的病人带回家 I don"t bring my patients home. 那是因为他们患有各种传染病 Because they suffer from all sorts of infectious diseases.

 这是我们的家 This is our home 我们不能让闲杂人等在这里瞎晃悠 and we can"t have all sorts of people roaming around here. 他们不是闲杂人等 他们是需要帮助的人 It"s not "all sorts of people". It"s people that need help. 我们不是在说他们是否需要帮助... We"re not discussing if they need help or not - 但如果他们必须在这里 在我们的家里 but if they should be here, in our home. 我不想这么做 - 那等古斯塔夫搬进来后就不能这样了 - I don"t want to do this. - It won"t work when Gustav moves in. 我不同意 No. 我们就不能有个地方让女孩们不受到你工作的影响吗 Can"t we have just one place where the girls can be free of your work? 一个能让女孩们和妈妈独处的地方 One single place where the girls get to have their mom to themselves? 把真实的生活带入我们的家并不会伤害到她们 Letting real life into our home won"t harm them. 你为什么不能说 好的 皮特 我明白 皮特 Why can"t you ever say: "Yes, Peter, I understand, Peter."? 为什么每件事都要变成无休止的争论呢 Why does everything have to become an endless discussion? 拜托 亲爱的... - 不 我有权说出我的感受和想法 - Come on, honey... - No. I can say what I feel and think. 好的 皮特 我明白 皮特 Okay, Peter. I understand, Peter. 不 不 不... - 好的 你是对的 皮特 - No, no, no... - Yes, you"re right, Peter. 我太幸运了 你知道的 对吧 I"m so lucky. You know that, right? 是的 我知道 Yes, I know. 那天晚上你喝酒了吗 Did you drink any alcohol that night? 喝了 - 你喝了多少 - Yes. - How much did you have? 两三杯吧 Two or three drinks. - 两杯还是三杯 - 三杯

 - Two or three? - Three. 在过去的一年里你和多少个男人约会过 How many men have you been dating in the past year? 少于十个 还是超过十个 - 少于十个 - Less than 10? More than 10? - Less than 10. 你和他们中的多少人有过性关系 And how many of them did you have intercourse with? 听着 你必须做好为自己辩护的准备 Listen, you should be prepared for the defense coming down hard on you. 他们想要创造一个浪荡♥女♥性的形象 They want to create an image of a woman who asked for it. 那么有多少个 So, how many? 我想应该有七个吧 - 你想 - Seven, I think. - You think? 不是 我...七个 No, I... Seven. 好的 Good. 你会在法庭上表现很好的 You"re going to do fine in court. 你觉得很多吗 Do you think it"s a lot? 你没有什么好羞愧的 You have nothing to be ashamed of. 完全不用觉得羞愧 Not at all. 兔子洞像隧♥道♥一样笔直地向前延伸... The rabbit hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way - 然后它突然转动 以至于爱丽丝没有时间... - and then it turned so suddenly, that Alice did not have a moment - 去想怎么停下来 于是她摔倒了 掉到了井里... - to think about stopping, and she fell and fell down a well. 要么井很深 要么是爱丽丝下落得很慢... Either the well was very deep, or Alice fell very slowly - 因为她有足够的时间下去环顾四周... - for she had plenty of time as she went down to look around - 并思考接下来会发生什么 - and to wonder what was going to happen next. 妈妈 Mom?

 为什么我不能等到古斯塔夫来再睡 Why can"t I stay up until Gustav arrives? 他们会很晚才到 They"ll be here very late. 我保证不会告诉弗丽达的 I promise I won"t tell Frida. 你醒来的时候他就会在这儿了 - 那我们现在是他的家人了吗 - He"ll be here when you wake up. - So are we his family now? 我们一直都是 We always have been. 那他为什么不和我们住在一起 Then why hasn"t he been living with us? 他之前一直和丽贝卡住在一起 你知道的 He"s been staying with Rebecca, you know that. 为什么 - 因为她是他妈妈 - Why? - Because she"s his mom. 他不能同时生活在两个国家 And he couldn"t live in two countries at once. 所以爸爸更喜欢和我们在一起 是吗 So Dad preferred to be with us? 没那么简单 小南瓜 It"s not that simple, pumpkin. 别想了该睡觉了 - 好的 No more thinking. Time to sleep. - Okay. 晚安 - 晚安 - Night-night. - Night. 你好 Hello. 嗨 这么早到啊 Hi! That was early. 欢迎 古斯塔夫 - 谢谢 - Welcome, Gustav. - Thanks. 很高兴见到你 It"s good to see you. 旅途还愉快吗 - 还不错 - Did you have a nice trip? - Sure. 我给你的新钥匙做了钥匙链 I made the key chain for your new key. 是我画的 你喜欢吗 I made the drawings. You like them? - 谢谢 - 我用木头做了一个木心

 - Thank you. - I made the wooden heart out of wood. 我们学校有一个车间 有一台机器可以切割... We have this workshop at school with a machine to cut... 你们俩去坐下吧 Go sit down, you two. 爸爸 你今天会来接我们吗 Dad, can you pick us up today? 不会 妈妈会去接你们的 我和古斯塔夫有点事要做 No, Mom will pick you up. I have stuff to do with Gustav. 我能去吗 - 不行 只能我和他去 - Can I come? - No, it"s just him and me. 这不公平 That"s not fair. 我知道 这个世界就是不公平的 I know. The world isn"t fair. 弗丽达 坐到你的椅子上去 Frida, go sit on your chair. 我想和爸爸坐在一起 - 不可以 你已经是个大姑娘了 - I wanna sit with Daddy. - Come on, you"re a big girl. 我想我们今天可以为你的房♥间买♥♥些新东西 I thought we could buy some things for your room today. 好的 如果你愿意的话 Sure. If you want to. 我想也许你喜欢按自己的想法装饰它 I thought maybe you"d like to make it more your own. 好的 Sure. 能帮我拿一下这个吗 - 好的 Will you take this? - Yes. 我还以为他不想见你 - 不是... - I didn"t think he wanted to see you. - Nah... 他又被学校开除了 He"s been kicked out of school again. 丽贝卡想送他去寄宿学校 Rebecca wanted him off to boarding school. 我们说服她让他在这里完成学业... We talked her into letting him - 他暑假后就要开始工作了 finish school down here instead. He"s starting after the summer break. 他懂丹麦语吗 - 其实跟瑞典语也差不多 - Does he even understand Danish? - It"s almost the same as Swedish.

 不管怎样他都很不乐意 Either way he"s against the very idea. 你也不能因此责怪他 You can"t blame him for that. 他离开了他所有的朋友和事物 - 但这也不是长久的 - He left all his friends and stuff. - But it"s not going to be forever. 我希望他以后还会搬出去 I hope he"ll move out again at some point. 但始终他也是你儿子 But still. 皮特心情怎么样 - 他很期待 - How does Peter feel about it? - He"s looking forward to it. 当然他也有点焦虑 But of course he"s a little anxious too. 我想这对他们两个都有好处 I think it"ll be good for both of them. 是的 Sure. 妈妈最近怎么样 How"s Mom doing these days? 她又住院了 肺出了点问题 She"s been in the hospital again, something with her lungs. 我相信你要是看她会让她高兴些 I"m sure a visit from you would cheer her up. 好的... Yeah... 你这样拖延下去是完全不能让人接受的 It"s completely unacceptable that you drag out the case like this. 是的 如果你仔细想想 Yes, and I think you"ll agree that it"s ridiculous, 我想你也会同意这很荒谬 if you give it a thought. 当然 Sure. 很好 Good. 你可以随时给我打电♥话♥ 谢谢 再见 You just call me anytime. Thanks a lot. Bye. 嘿 Hey. 对不起 我不知道你在家

 Sorry. I didn"t know you were home. 我只是把你的东西整理一下 所以... I was just bringing some of your stuff down and... 谢谢 Thank you. 这书好看吗 Is it any good? 是关于什么的 What"s it about? 一个男人 - 好的 A man. - Okay. 就这些吗 - 是的 - Just a man? - Yes. 那好吧 Alrighty then. 对不起 我知道现在很晚了 - 发生什么事了吗 - Sorry. I know it"s really late. - Did something happen? 我觉得这事不会有结果的 I don"t think it"ll work out. 我知道这很难 但我会一直陪在你身边 I know it"s tough. But I will be right beside you the whole time. 我做不到 I can"t do it. 我真的做不到 I just can"t. 我不怪你 你只是想让一切都过去 I don"t blame you for just wanting to let it all go. 但你不仅仅是为了你自己 But you"re not just doing it for you. 你也是在为其他女孩做这件事 You"re also doing it for all the other girls out there. 我只希望我从没有挑起这一切 I just wish I hadn"t started all this. 你在害怕什么 - 他们不相信我 - What are you afraid of? - That they won"t believe me. 我完全理解你的担心 I completely understand your concern. 也许他不会被定罪 And maybe he won"t be convicted. 但如果你不出庭作证的话就是你释放了他 But if you don"t testify, you"re the one that lets him off.

 我想你会为此后悔一辈子的 And I think you"ll regret that. 我来帮你拿吧 Let me take that for you. 谁先洗澡 - 上次是你先洗的 - Who showers first? - Well, you went first last time. 是的 因为那匹马把我甩下来了 Yeah, because the horse threw me off. 进来吧 把你的头盔给我 - 但这不是个好理由 Come on, your helmet, please. - But that"s not a good reason. 我真的很脏 - 是的 好吧 今天我闻起来最臭 - I was really filthy. - Yeah, well, today I smell the most. 别吵 你们俩都很臭 Easy now, you both smell a lot. 那我们就抛硬币决定吧 We"ll have to flip a coin, then. 我不想住在瑞典 也不想住在这 I can"t live in Sweden, and I can"t live here. 你还不没到年龄 等你到了足够的年龄 你想干什么就干什么 You"re not old enough. When you are, you can do as you like. 这借口太烂了 - 你还未成年 - That"s a bad excuse. - You"re still a minor. 在你成年之前 妈妈和我会决定什么是对你最好 And until you"re old enough, Mom and I decide what"s best for you. 妈妈和你吗 - 听我说 - "Mom and you"?! - Listen to me! 我们认为你还不够成熟 所以你不能自己搬出去住 We don"t think you"re mature enough to move out on your own. 因为你和妈妈现在在交流了吗 - 我不想再争论这个了 Because you and Mom are talking now? - I won"t debate this any longer. 你要去哪儿 - 我要出去 - Where...


干吗 Hey, what"s this? 大 D Damage? 你♥妈♥的♥ Fuck. 我给过你三次警告

 骰子 I gave you three fuckin" warnings, Dice. 丹尼



 兄弟 Hey, Danny, fuck, I aint got the cash, man. 我看你就是不想交钱吧 Yeah, not for fees, aye? 我不会区别对待你的


 坐下 I"m not treating you no different, Dice, sit down. 伙计

 我明天就去借钱 Bro, I"ll do a burg, tomorrow. 骰子

 你♥他♥妈♥坐下 Dice, fuckin" sit. 去你♥妈♥的♥

 你这么做为了什么 Get fucked man, what"s it for? 摩西

 他用我们的钱去买♥♥那些破玩意儿 Moses, buying fuckin" toys with our fuckin" money! 好好看看你周围吧

 兄弟 Take a fuckin" look around you, bro. 你真以为这些都不用花钱吗 You really think this costs nothing, aye? 那他为什么给自己买♥♥了辆豪车

 大 D So why"s he got a fuckin" limo then, Damage? 塔格就不会 Aye? Tug wouldn"t of... 塔格会怎么样 What about Tug? 赶紧把手放在桌子上

 骰子 Put your fuckin" hand on the table, Dice. 这就是为什么大家都恨你 See this is why everyone hates you. 手放在桌上

 骰子 Hand on the table, Dice. 去你♥妈♥的♥ Get fucked! 把你的手放在该死的桌上

 Put your fuckin" hand on the fuckin" table! 丹尼 丹尼 丹尼

 操 Danny Danny Danny... Fuck! 你♥妈♥的♥ Fuck! 你这个贱♥人♥ You fuckin" cunt. 你这个王八蛋 Fuck you, you fuckin" cunt! 你等死吧 You"re fuckin" dead to me! 萨维奇 1989 年 我得来一杯 I need a fuckin" drink. 要烈酒 Hardcore. 兄弟

 把我的钱给我 Bro give me my money 你这个不要脸的混♥蛋♥ you fucking dropped nuts cunt 那是我的钱 在我跳上这个桌子 That"s my money! Before I jump over this desk 把酒瓶插在你眼球上之前

 赶紧还钱 and put this bottle in your fuckin" eyeball. 我在试着 I"m tryna be... 兄弟 Bro. 摩西 Moses. -老大好


 好好干活 - Hey Pres Hota! - Hota! Hota 为毛利语

 可表多种情感 你还好吗 You good? 老大

 蛋糕的保释金呢 Hey, Pres, where"s that bail money for Cake? 蛋糕为帮派某成员 马上就有了 It"s comin".


 -你♥他♥妈♥说什么 - What"s the fuckin" hold up? - What the fuck did you say? 嬉皮样的混球 Fuckin" hippy looking cunt. 这群巨婴真的是越来越差劲 Fuckin" babies are getting worse. 塔格在挑事 Tug"s stirring shit up. 那个王八蛋想顶替我 Cunt wants my fuckin" job. 我明白了 I got it. 妈的


 好吗 Fuck, let"s go on another fuckin" fishing trip, aye? 钓刺鳐可不叫钓鱼 Sting rays ain"t fishing. 你♥他♥妈♥唯一捕到的鱼就是"疱疹" Fuckin" only thing you ever caught is herpes. 此处双关

 指摩西染上了疱疹 但是它闻起来像鱼

 兄弟 Smelled like fish, brother. 我们去吗 We on? 老大

 你看那场比赛了吗 Hey, Pres, fuckin" see the game? 看到了

 天哪 Yeah oh fuck... 巴克·谢尔福德

 他太猛了 Buck Shelford bro. Too much aye! 太厉害了 Too much. 她真漂亮

 是不是 Oh she"s pretty, was that? -那是谁

 -我男人 - Who"s that? - That"s my man. 我想认识他 I wanna meet him. 库兹 Couzie! 芭布丝. - 大 D. - Babs. - Damage.

 她是谁 Who is she? 弗洛

 新加入的 Flo, our new mate. 她建立了我们的公社

 替女孩们工作 Started our commune, works for the girls, 做做园艺之类的 gardening and so on. 把她和其他女孩子带出去 Get her out and the girl. 为什么要我们出去 Why do we have to go? 你呆在这里不安全 You"re not safe. 谢谢你 Thanks. 你做园艺吗 Gardening? 怎么

 你从那些女孩身上赚钱吗 What, you"re makin" money off these girls? 不

 我们互相分钱 No, we share it. 那你从你的这些兄弟身上赚钱吗 You makin" money off these boys? 不

 我们也互相分钱 No, we share it. 你为什么用刺青遮盖你的脸 Why do you wear that mask? 这样你就可以看清我的真面目 So you can see who I am. 骰子 Dice? 我明天会给你钱的 I"ll pay you tomorrow. 大 D Damage? 你再来我们这收账试试 Fuck your fees. 操♥他♥妈♥的摩西 Fuck Moses. 他到底他妈要买♥♥多少辆车

 How many fucking cars does he need? 让他滚吧 Get fucked! 这是我们的钱 It"s our fucking money 你最好给我小心点 Be fuckin" careful. 我们走 Hota! 这个下流的小偷 Thieving cunt! 干 Fucking... 别管他们 Get rid of it. 去他妈的

 我才是老大 Fuck them, I"m the Pres. 一群懦弱的混♥蛋♥ Fuckin" jelly cunts. 我会找出来是谁在搞事 I"ll find out who. 老兄


 离开这里 Bro, let"s just get the fuck outta here. 天哪

 这太棒了 Oh my god, that was so good! 芭布丝 Oi, Babs. 你到底要不要给我们互相介绍一下 You gonna fuckin" introduce us or what? 这是帮派首领

 摩西 This is the gang president, Moses. -你好

 -这是弗洛 - Hi. - Flo. 弗洛 Flo. 我的豪车停在这

 里面还有啤酒 This here"s my limousine, there"s beers inside, 我想邀请你们去我家 I would like to invite youse back to my fine establishment 那里有一些 for some


 还可以听有趣的故事 some refreshments, some amusing anecdotes. 都有谁去 Who"s going? 我

 大 D

 还有我的一些弟兄 Oh me, Damage, couple of the bros. 真不错 Sweet. 那里有很多吃喝玩乐的东西

 都是最好的 Too much. Only the fucking best. 大 D

 我可以去吗 Damage, can I come? 求你了 Please? 小心玻璃 Watch out for the glass, aye? 把大门打开 On the fuckin" gate. 你真好

 大 D You"re the man, Damage! 车牌号MO5E5 即为摩西

 表明为首领的爱车 这首歌♥是献给莉莉的 This songs going out to Lily. 我见过的最美丽的女孩 The most beautiful girl I"ve ever seen. 宝贝让我们乘船离去 ♪ Baby let"s cruise away from here ♪ 别犹豫

 前途一片光明 ♪ Don"t be confused the way is clear ♪ 愿你想要的即你所得 ♪ ♪ And if you want it, you got it forever ♪ 你这个少女杀手 You little lady killer! 这不是一♥夜♥情♥ ♪ ♪ This is not a one night stand ♪ 你♥爸♥是干什么的 What"s your old man get up to? 他是银行经理 He"s a bank manager. 为什么银行家的女儿 So why"s a bankers daughter

 要和我们这些帮派分子混在一起 hangin" out with gang members? 我是为了那些女孩来的 I"m here for the girls. 看起来不像啊 Don"t look like it. 我们是个集体


 一起工作 We"re a collective, we live together, we work together- 你是社工吗 You"re a social worker? 只是想帮点忙 Just tryna help. 通过做园艺吗 Gardening? 你需要个男人这样就不用出去工作了 Need a man so you don"t have to work, aye? 我工作是为了不让自己依靠男人过活 Working so we don"t need a man. 我们可不需要通过挖泥挣钱 Well, we don"t have to dig in the mud for money. 那可说不定 You wouldn"t know how. 我们穷得叮当响

 每个人 We"re broke as shit, everyone"s 都想他妈买♥♥♥房♥♥子 buyin" fuckin" houses. 我连个烤面包机都没有 I don"t have a fuckin" toaster. 你可以用我的 You can have my fuckin" toaster. 我才不要你的面包机 I don"t want your fucking toaster 我们其实过得挺好的 We do all right, aye. 试试这个 Breathe that in. 你不用非得这么做的 You don"t have to. 去你们的吧 Get fucked. 我要去操莎伦了

 I"m gonna go fuck Sharon. 你多大了 How old are you? 8 岁 18. 好小啊 It"s small. 摸摸它 Touch it. 之前做过爱吗 You had sex before? 挺多次的

 你呢 Heaps, you? 你想给我口吗 Do you wanna suck it? 不 No. 我是你见过最漂亮的女孩吗 Am I the most beautiful girl you"ve ever seen? 如果你保证做完之后抱抱我 I"ll let you cum on me 我就允许你射在我身上 if you promise to cuddle me after. -好吧

 -对上帝发誓 - Yeah. - Honest to God? 我发誓 G-o-d. 好 Okay. 你不需要男人

 是吗 Don"t need a man, aye? 不需要 Nah. 那你现在在干什么 What"s this? 我在利用你 I"m using you. 不 No! 按我的方式来 We do this my way.


 女士 Got fuckin" stones, lady. 温柔点看着我 Look at me softly. 别告诉我该怎么做 Don"t tell me shit. 放松 Relax. 你的眼睛很漂亮 You have nice eyes. 去你的 Fuck you. 你也是 You have nice eyes too. 不行 No. 妈的 Hota! 我该走了

 看看芭布丝怎么样了 I should go. Go and check on Babs. 1965 年 我没碰它 I didn"t touch it. 随便了 Whatever. 我真没有 I didn"t! 大伙儿

 吃饭了 Everybody up to the table! 好了 All right. 感谢主赐予我们食物 Thank you God for this here food, 赐予可避风雨的屋顶 this roof over our head 以及身边人的陪伴

 阿门 and for each other, amen. 阿门 Amen. 妈 Mum.


 谢谢你 No. Thank you 凯蒂家每天晚上都有肉吃 Katie"s family gets meat every night. 你这个小瘪三 You little shit! 你妈什么都没教你吗 Your mother not teach you nothin", aye? 无须哭泣 ♪ No need to cry ♪ 我知道你心里所想 ♪ I know what you need ♪ 妈妈在这里 ♪ Your mama is here ♪ 照看你入睡 ♪ ♪ To watch while you sleep ♪ 接住 Catch. 接到了 Caught it! 再接一个 Catch again. 把那个摘下来

 你又不是个死基佬 Hey, take it off, you"re not a faggot. 过来 Come "ere. 你再也不会让我们蒙羞了 You don"t ever bring shame on us. 先生 Hey. Mister! 你在哪 Hey, where are ya? 布莱曼


  Berryman, new kids in with you, 给他讲讲规矩 show him the ropes. 女士

 我不想和其他人住一起 Miss, I don"t what no one, miss. 赶紧照我说的做 Hop to it. 你因为什么进来的

 What"re you here for? 我把我爸捅了 I stabbed up my old man. 为什么 Why? 因为他活该 "Cause he fuckin" needed it. 其他人迟早会来搜刮你身上的东西 Hey, they"re gonna find out what you"ve got. 到时候别太软弱了 Don"t be soft. 你下次用牙刷试试 You"ll be doing it with a toothbrush next time. 你脖子上戴的是什么 Hey, what"s that you"re wearing? 让我们看看 Give us a look. -给我

 -不行 - Give it "ere! - Nah. 摘下来 Take it off! 给我 Give it! 好好走


 排成一队 Walk, don"t run, single file, 否则所有人都回来重等 or you can all go back and wait. 想来点吗 Want some? 这些是什么 What"re these? 是刀叉 Knife and fork. 你应该说"是刀叉

 先生" Knife and fork, sir. 是刀叉

 先生 Knife and fork, sir. 我们为什么用它们来吃饭 And why do we use them? 因为它们用起来比筷子简单

 先生 "Cause they"re easier than chopsticks, sir.


 因为它们很恶心 No because it"s disgusting. 你的脸才恶心 Your face is disgusting. 在此地 ♪ Around the place ♪ 我们曾经欢跳嬉戏 ♪ We"d romp and play ♪ 如今感到孤独

 时常不知所措 ♪ So lonely now and oft" times wonder ♪ 在未来某一天

 他们会回到家里吗 ♪ Oh, will they come back home some day ♪ 想起亲爱的孩子们

 我感到寂寞 ♪ I"m lonesome for my precious children ♪ 他们住得很远 ♪ They live so far away ♪ 哦


 呼喊 ♪ Oh, may they hear my calling, calling ♪ 然后在某一天回到家里 ♪ And come back home some day ♪ 我把一切献给了亲爱的孩子们 ♪ I gave my all for my dear children ♪ 即使他们遇到麻烦

 我的爱依旧在 ♪ Their problems still with love I share ♪ 我勇敢面对生活的风暴

 抵抗风雨 ♪ I"d brave life"s storm, defy the tempest ♪ 把各地的孩子们送回家 ♪ ♪ To bring them home from anywhere ♪ 胳膊抬起来

 布莱曼 Arms up, Berryman. 胳膊抬起来



斯坦·李 哈拉 克里文明首都 至高智慧 克里文明的人工智能领袖 托法 克里边境星球 百视达 C53 星球 地球家园 睿侠 耍酷一族 温迪·劳森博士

 飞马计划 潘乔酒吧 潘乔酒吧 加州

 罗莎蒙德 该设备已断网或被占用 飞马计划 太空总署美国空军联合基地 神盾局

 三♥级♥ 在目标地点遭到扣押

 需要支援 地下五层

 档案馆 档案馆 项目中止 信息收到

 凯勒 著名女飞行员 摇滚女星 卡罗尔·丹 弗斯 玛威尔的实验室 克里帝国巡航舰 方子 太空入侵者

 最高分 弗斯 保护者计划 "复仇者"卡罗尔·丹弗斯上尉 复仇者计划 惊奇队长 全球失踪人数 肯尼亚失踪人数 惊奇队长将在《复仇者联盟 4:终局之战》中回归 你知道现在几点吗 Do you know what time it is? 睡不着

 Can"t sleep. 有药片治失眠的 There are tabs for that. 没错

 但吃了我不就睡着了 Yeah, but then I"d be sleeping. 又做梦了 Dreams again? 想打架吗 Wanna fight? 我滑倒了 I slipped. 是啊

 你滑倒了 Right, you slipped 因为我一拳打在了你脸上 as a result of me punching you in the face. 你打到我脸的时候 I was already slipping 我就已经要滑倒了 when you happened to punch me in the face. 这两件事毫不相关 The two events were not related. 跟我说说这个梦 Tell me about this dream. -有什么新内容吗

 -没有 - Anything new? - No. 你必须放下过去 You have to let go of the past. 我不记得我的过去了 I don"t remember my past. 这让你产生怀疑 It"s causing you doubt, 怀疑让你有弱点 and doubt makes you vulnerable. 控制住 Control it. 如果你再次失控 Lose control again, 就得去找至高智慧密谈了 and you"ll have to commune with the Supreme Intelligence. 对于战士而言

 情绪是最危险的 There"s nothing more dangerous to a warrior than emotion. 幽默使人分心 Humor is a distraction. 而愤怒

 And anger? 愤怒只会帮助你的敌人 Anger only serves the enemy. 距最后一次斯库鲁侵袭已过去了 120 天 One hundred twenty days since the last Skrull attack. 有人见过 Has anyone ever seen 至高智慧的真面目吗 what the Supreme Intelligence really looks like? 没人能看到至高智慧的真面目 No one can look upon the Supreme Intelligence in its true form. 你知道的 You know that. 我们的潜意识会选择我们所能看到的形象 Our subconscious chooses the way they appear to us. 因此它是神圣的 So it"s sacred. 也是私密的 It"s personal. 克里人绝对不会泄露这个秘密 No Kree divulges it, ever. 你会看到谁 Who do you see? -你哥哥吗

 -不是 - Your brother? - No. -父亲

 -不是 - Father? - No. -你以前的指挥官

 -弗斯 - Your old commander? - Vers. 你看到的是我

 对吧 It"s me you see, isn"t it? 我知道你想干什么 I see what you"re trying to do. -这招有用吗

 -有用 - Is it working? - Yes. 但你别想转移话题 But you won"t succeed in changing the subject. 如果你不希望我使用这力量 What is the point of giving me these... 那还何必把它给我 if you don"t want me to use them? 我希望你使用这力量 I want you to use them. 至高智慧让我负责

 The Supreme Intelligence gave me a responsibility... 教会你如何使用这力量 of showing you how to use them. 我知道怎么用 I know how. 如果你真会用 Yeah, if that were true, 就能不用它也可以打倒我了 you"d be able to knock me down without them. 控制你的冲动 Control your impulses. 不要用这儿

 而是用这儿 Stop using this, start using this. 我希望你成为最好的自己 I want you to be the best version of yourself. 弗斯 Vers. 至高智慧 Intelligence. 你的指挥官坚称你已可以服役 Your commander insists that you"re fit to serve. 是的 I am. 你在苦苦纠结你的情绪 You struggle with your emotions... 和你的过去

 这助长了它们 with your past, which fuels them. 你只是斯库鲁扩张的受害者之一 You are just one victim of the Skrull expansion... 几世纪以来

 他们一直威胁着我们的文明 that has threatened our civilization for centuries. 这些卧底暗中潜入 Imposters who silently infiltrate... 然后占领我们的星球 then take over our planets. 你只记得些许可怕之事 Horrors that you remember... 而大部分已忘却 and so much that you do not. 我的人生一片空白 It"s all blank. My life. 你的形象应该是 You"re supposed to take the form 我最钦佩的人

 of who I most admire... 但我甚至都不记得这人是我的什么人了 but I don"t even remember who this person was to me. 或许这样也好 Perhaps this is a mercy 让你免受更多痛苦 sparing you from a deeper pain. 让你放开手脚去做所有克里人该做之事 Freeing you to do what all Kree must... 将人♥民♥的需求置于自身之上 Put your people"s needs before your own. 我们赐予了你伟大的赠礼 We"ve given you a great gift. 一个为全体克里人而战的机会 The chance to fight for the good of all Kree. 我想要尽忠 I want to serve. 那就学会自控 Then master yourself. 赐予你的也能收回 What was given can be taken away. 我不会让你失望的 I won"t let you down. 我们很快就会见分晓了 We"ll know soon enough. 你有一项任务 You have a mission. 尽职尽忠

 恪守荣耀 Serve well, and with honor. 一定是出大事了 This can"t be good. 肯定又是斯库鲁侵袭 Must be another Skrull attack. 反正是大事 Whatever it is, it"s big. 有斯库鲁人模仿过你吗 Has a Skrull ever simmed you? 有过一次 Once. -让我深感不安

 -为什么 - It was deeply disturbing. - Why? 因为当我凝视死敌之时 Because I stared into the face of my mortal enemy... 看到的却是我自己

 and the face staring back was my own. 也许你要是再帅点 Maybe if you were more attractive, 就不会那么不安了 then it would be less disturbing. 你觉得自己很幽默

 可我并不觉得好笑 You think you"re funny, but I"m not laughing. 你从来不笑 You never laugh. 我只是笑不外露 I laugh on the inside. 我现在并没笑 I"m not doing that now. 说来好笑

 因为客观来讲 It"s funny "cause, objectively speaking, 你还挺帅的 you"re quite handsome. 多谢 Well, thank you. 好了


 别闹了 Listen up, team. Knock it off. 好 All right. 准备去 Prepare for... 搜救我们的间谍

 索拉 a search and rescue of our spy, Soh-Larr. 斯库鲁人又入侵了一个边境星球 The Skrulls have invaded yet another border planet. 这次是托法 This time, Torfa. 索拉发来了警告 Soh-Larr sent us a warning. 但信♥号♥♥遭到了拦截

 他的身份也曝光了 The signal was intercepted, and his cover"s blown. 斯库鲁将军塔罗斯 The Skrull general, Talos, 派了击杀小队去找他 has sent kill units to find him. 如果他们在我们之前找到他 Should they reach him before we do... 那他这三年来收集的情报 the intelligence he"s acquired over three years 就等于送给他们了

 is as good as theirs. 指控者将轰炸南部这里的一个斯库鲁要塞 The Accusers will bomb a Skrull stronghold here in the south. 我们潜入

 找到索拉 We slip in, we locate Soh-Larr... 然后出来

 神不知鬼不觉 and we get out, leaving them none the wiser. 托法人 The Torfan populace. 我们不要干扰他们 We are not to interfere with them, 也不要被他们缠住 nor them with us. 我们任务的机密性是第一位的 Nothing compromises the security of our mission. 务必万分小心 Proceed with caution. 撤离他前遵循规程 Follow protocol before extracting him. 此次任务很危险 This is a dangerous mission. 我们要做好加入大集体的准备 We must all be ready to join the Collective 若那是我们今日的命数 if that is our fate today. 为全体克里人而战 For the good of all Kree. 为全体克里人而战 For the good of all Kree! 弗斯

 追踪索拉的信标 Vers, track Soh-Larr"s beacon. 阿特拉斯


 找到高地 Att-Lass, Minn-Erva, find elevation. 外♥围♥有本地人 Locals on the periphery. 可能有十几个 Maybe a dozen. 米涅瓦 Minn-Erva? 收到吗

 有人收到吗 Do you read me? Does anybody copy? 重复 Repeat. 他的信标信♥号♥♥在那个寺庙里


 His beacon"s coming from that temple. Let"s move. 不

 这里太适合伏击了 No. This is a perfect spot for an ambush. 只有一条路进出 Only one way in, only one way out. 我们可以绕过本地人 We can get past the locals. 我们都不能确定他们是否真是本地人 We don"t know if they are locals. 太冒险 Too risky. 你不用跟我一起去

 我可以自己去 You don"t have to go with me. I"ll go alone. 不

 不行 No, you won"t. 好吧

 我们不要走远 Right. We keep a close radius. 如果断联

 就回氦核飞船碰头 We lose comms, we meet back at the Helion. 走吧 Come on. 阿特拉斯

 你看到了吗 Att-Lass, you getting this? 收到

 看到了 Copy. I see them. 退后 Get back! 指挥官 Commander? 退后

 退后 Get back! Back! 米涅瓦

 你看到了吗 Minn-Erva? Do you have eyes on this? 拦住他们

 米涅瓦 Keep them back. Minn-Erva? 有人收到吗 Does anybody copy? 我不想伤害你 I don"t wanna hurt you. 别过来 Keep back! 别过来 Stay back! 他们是本地人



 They"re locals. I found two dead. No green. 他们只是饿了 They"re just starving. HGX78 Hgx-78. TRT79

 VVX6 Trt79-vvx6. 退后 Get back. 斯库鲁人 Skrulls! 弗斯 Vers! 弗斯

 斯库鲁人 Vers? Skrulls. 是埋伏 It"s an ambush. 敌舰 Incoming! 回氦核飞船去 Back to the Helion. 弗斯

 收到吗 Vers. Do you copy? 回氦核飞船去 Back to the Helion. 回复

 弗斯 Come in. Vers. 你怎么会知道密♥码♥ How did you know the code? 我可以告诉你我的秘密 How about I tell you my secret... 但你先说你的 when you"ve told me yours? 敞开她吧 Let"s open her up. 我们在哪 Where are we? 就绪 Stand by. 你想什么呢[脑袋在哪] Where"s your head at? 想云彩[胡思乱想]

 你呢 In the clouds. Where"s yours? 在我肩膀上

 On my shoulders. 要让这些男的见识一下我们的本事 About to show these boys how we do it. 你准备好了吗 You ready? 更高



 亲爱的 Higher, further, faster, baby. 没错 That"s right. 这不对 This can"t be right. 再往前倒 Go back even further. 你开太快了

 你得慢点 You"re going too fast! You need to go slow! 这人是谁

 我们找对... Who is this person? Are we in the right...? 你怎么想的 What the hell are you thinking? 你不该来这里 You don"t belong out here! 我们好像倒得太多了 I think we went back too far. 你让他开了 You let him drive. 我试试吧 Let me try something. 放弃吧 Give up already! 你不该来这里 You don"t belong out here! 你不够强壮 You"re not strong enough. 你会害死自己的 You"ll kill yourself. 他们绝不会让你飞的 They"ll never let you fly. 只有我一个人看糊涂了吗 Am I the only one that"s confused here? 你是个好飞行员 You"re a decent pilot. 但你太情绪化 But you"re too emotional. 你知道那为什么叫驾驶舱[屌♥坑]吧

 You do know why they call it a cockpit, don"t you? 一声贯穿宇宙的巨响

 震动了月亮 A huge rumble throughout the cosmos shook the moon... 太阳

 和天上的星星 and the sun and the stars in the sky. 于是 And so, 小阿露蒂整夜飞上天空 little Alouette flew up throughout the night. 你看到她了吗

 那是小阿露蒂 Did you see her? It"s Alouette. 给我进来

 该吃饭了 Get your butts inside, it"s time to eat. 准备起飞

 捣蛋中尉 Prepare for takeoff, Lieutenant Trouble. 有趣的记忆 Charming memory. 等等 Hang on. 我好像找到了 I think I"ve got it. 咕咕喜欢你 Goose likes you. 她一般不怎么亲近人的 She doesn"t typically take to pe...


听了 Listen closely. 我只剩不到一分钟的时间告诉你接下来的事情 I"ve got less than a minute to tell you what you need to know. 收起手♥机♥注意听 Put your phones away and pay attention. 不然你可能会变成别人的晚餐 Or you could end up as someone"s dinner. 这些可都是机密内容 All of this is classified. 额 至少到刚刚之前还是机密 Well, I guess it was, until now. 全国各地开始出现 Isolated cases of a zombie virus 个别的丧尸案例 started popping up around the country. 是的 就是丧尸 Yup. Zombies. 一个秘密机构为了阻止它的传播而成立 A small covert agency was formed to quietly contain it... 不论采取任何手段 By any means necessary. 任何 Literally. 我和其他同仁都被招了进来 I was recruited, along with others like me, 因为我们... because of our... 我想你也知道 我们有特异功能 I guess you could say, special skills. 后面再介绍我自己吧 More on me later. 我们对病毒依然所知甚少 We still don"t know much about the virus, 甚至不知道是怎么开始的 or how it started. 我们唯一知道的是 All we do know is 它会把人变成喜欢吞噬器官的丧尸 it turns people into zombie freaks who eat all of your organs. 什么都吃

 Even the nasty, ugly ones. 呕 恶心 Ew. Yuck. 对于所有管不住自己下半身的人 And for all of you who can"t keep it in your pants, 做好保护措施吧 use protection. 因为它是通过性传播的 Because it"s transmitted through sex. 该死的!你太性感了 Damn! You"re sexy. 我简直不敢相信我和学校里最辣的妹儿勾搭上了 I can"t believe I"m hooking up with the hottest girl in school. 我都是你的 杰克·斯蒂芬斯 I"m all yours, Jake Stephens. 你想对我做什么? What do you want to do to me? 我真的很想吃掉你 I really wanna eat you. 上吧 Touchdown. 嗷!

 Ow! 等等!你在咬我吗? Wait! Are you biting me? 抱歉 我做错什么了吗? Sorry. Am I doing this wrong? 我希望我可以说这是今天发生过的 I wish I could say this was the most disturbing thing 最烦人的事了 to happen to me today. 但还远不止这样 But it isn"t even close. 别停呀 Don"t stop now. 你正准备上枕头的二垒了呢 You were about to get to second base with your pillow. 不 也不是这个 Nope. That isn"t it either. 你在我房♥间里做什么 What are you doing in my room?

 恶心 Gross. 你要吃你的药了么? Need your morning medicine? 你想来一口么? You want a hit? 你真是个好榜样 You"re a great role model. 嗨 爸爸 Hi, Daddy. 我在帮杰克起床 I was helping Jake get up. 谢谢你 亲爱的 Thank you, sweetheart. 你记得你这周参加的那个职业能力测验吗? You know that career aptitude test you took this week? 是的 亚当在他考卷上画了个阴♥道♥ Yeah, Adam made his sheet look like a vagina. 他的父母一定很骄傲吧 His parents must be proud. 额 结果出来了 Well, the results came in. 我做的怎么样 How"d I do? 你没过 You failed. 职业考试还没过? Failed a career test? 你是测试历史上第一个没过的人 You"re the first person in the history of the test to do it. 你还说亚当的父母会感到骄傲呢 And you thought Adam"s parents were proud. 我是认真的 杰克 I"m serious, Jake. 不只是这个测试 It"s not just the test. 副校长说你好像提不起兴趣 The vice principal said you show no interest 似乎对任何事情都是这样 or appear to be engaged in anything. 没有的

 That"s not true. 我有兴趣啊 I have interests. 比如? Like what? 你知道吃掉她不是那个意思的吧? You know that"s not what eating her out means, right? 嗯 Yeah. 我不觉得你是真心的 I don"t think you do. 可怜的梦中阿曼达 Poor dream Amanda. 跟你约会已经够糟糕了 As if hooking up with you wasn"t bad enough. 你们在聊些什么? What are you guys talking about? 杰克就算在梦里都会把和阿曼达的约会搞砸 How Jake can"t even dream about nailing Amanda without fucking it up. 如果是我就没问题 I could. 她到底看上了查兹杀马特什么啊? What the hell does she see in Chazz Slade? 你不喜欢他只是因为 I mean, you only don"t like him "cause 他总是把你的头往马桶里按 he"s always shoving your head in the toilet. 很明显这就是为什么我不喜欢他 Yeah, obviously that"s why I don"t like him. 嘿!

 Hey! 你♥他♥妈♥的在看什么? What the fuck are you staring at? 我?我没看 我和我的朋友们只是在... Me? I wasn"t staring. Me and my friends were just... 只是想捣鼓下我的储物柜... Just trying to get my locker to... 总是打不开 It never opens. 醒目点 别再视奸我女朋友了 Get to it and stop eye fucking my girl.

 我不再是你的女朋友了 I"m not your girl anymore. 你的储物柜? Your locker, huh? 嘿 你 呃... Hey, you know I, uh... 我很认真听了你早上的课堂演讲 I really dug your speech in class this morning. 我只说过一句话啊 The only time I said anything 而且我只是在请假去看医生 was when I asked to go see the nurse 因为我肚子疼 because my stomach hurt. 就是那个 我 嗯... That"s the one. I, um... 因为那时候我的肚子也疼 My stomach"s been hurting, too, 所以那时候我真是感同身受 so it really spoke to me. 这个怎么样? How"s this for a speech? 放开他!

 Let him go! 啊!

 Ugh! 查兹 和你聊天很开心 上课见 Nice chatting with you, Chazz. See you in class. 多谢你们抛弃了我 Thanks for bailing on me. 看看费尔南德斯 Check out Fernandez. 他在口袋里切了个洞 方便他上课的时候手♥淫♥ He cut holes in his pocket so he can jerk off in class. 真♥他♥妈♥是个天才 Kid"s a fucking genius. 早上好 同学们 Good morning, students. 今天我们要在课上看一部电影 Today in class we"re gonna be watching a movie. 看《太坏了》

 Superbad. 好啊 Yeah! 不 不 No, no. 我们要看一部有关不安全性行为的后果的电影 We"re gonna watch a film on the dangers of unsafe sex. -有露点镜头么? -别这样 - We"re gonna see some titties? - Now, come on. 这可是美国政♥府♥规定的 This is mandated by the U.S. government 每个年级都要看 for every grade level. 所以我有义务来提醒 So it"s my civic duty to insist 大家都用心看看 that you all pay attention. 试着学点东西 Try to learn something. 我实在不想看这个 I"m so not in the mood to watch this. 为什么不呢? Why not? 那天晚上你和那个朋克小妞光着身子干的好事 You went bareback with that punker chick from Landmines the other night. 嘘 嘘 嘘 Shh, shh, shh. 不!

 Oh, no! 我一到家就倒了漱口水在我宝贝上面 I poured Listerine on my junk when I got home. 它可以杀菌 It kills all the germs. 对吧? Right? 那感觉如何? How does that feel? 德卡洛先生 Mr. DeCarlo. 你有什么想和其他同学分享一下吗? You have something you wanna share with the rest of the class?

 杰克有话要说 Jake does. 你不如来告诉大家 Why don"t you tell everyone the story about 你和那个妹子下♥体♥娱乐的故事? stuffing your unwrapped hotdog in that girl"s dirty buns? 好啦 好啦 成熟点 Okay, okay. Come on, come on. Grow up. 电影结束后 还会有个小测验 After this film, there"s gonna be a pop quiz 等下就知道这为什么不好笑了 on why that joke"s not funny. 好么? Okay? 用心看 Keep your thinking caps on. 这可不好笑 Dude, not cool. -你真的觉得我从她那里染了什么病吗? -嘘 注意 - You really think I got something from her? - Shh. Pay attention. 这是个十几岁的普通男孩 Meet your average teenage boy. 那个乐队很烂 对吗? That band sucked. Am I right? 我喝醉了 I"m drunk 很无聊 and bored. 他还认为自己很幸运 He thinks he"s going to get lucky. 但是这几秒钟的愉悦是要付出代价的 But there"s a price to pay for a few seconds of pleasure. 这故事是关于... This is the story of... 杰克犯下的错 Jake"s mistake. 他当然也叫杰克啦 不意外 Of course his name is Jake. 我今天早上抽的大♥麻♥里究竟有些什么料? What was in that weed I smoked this morning? 杰克遇到了一个在寻觅伴侣的嗜性野猫

 Jake"s just met a sexual wildcat on the prowl. 我们叫她马兹 We"ll call her Mazzy. 你带避孕套了吗? Have you got a condom? 马兹说她不相信避孕套 Mazzy says she doesn"t believe in condoms. 但是有人愿意和杰克发♥生♥关♥系♥ 杰克是肯定不会拒绝的 And Jake doesn"t believe in saying no to anyone willing to have sex with him. 当然 现在感觉很不错 Sure it feels good now. 真的很好 Really good. 如此之好 So good. 但是我敢打赌第二天杰克低头看自己裤裆时 But I bet Jake won"t feel so good the next day 肯定就没这么快乐了 when he looks down his pants and sees this. 别学杰克 Don"t be like Jake. 他怎么了? What the fuck"s wrong with him? 哦 他觉得性病大学那个叫马兹的女孩传染给他艾滋病了 Oh, he"s convinced that Mazzy girl from STD University gave him AIDS. 那你能怎么样 不和她做♥爱♥么? What were you supposed to do? Not have sex with her? 我能选吗? Was that an option? 是我的话我会更担心把她弄怀孕了 I"d be more worried about knocking her up. 至少怀孕问题也不大啊 At least pregnancy is an easy fix. 任何女生和杰克那个后只要 I mean, anyone that let Jake nail her has probably got 去一趟堕胎诊所就行了 还"买♥♥♥二♥送♥一♥"呢 a "buy two and get one free" punch card at the abortion clinic. 哦 他妈的 摄像霍尔德来了 Oh, fuck. Here comes Head-Cam Harold. 你们有见过机器人先生吗? Have you seen Mr. Robot?

 她不见了 She"s missing. 最近怎么经常有狗失踪? What"s with all the missing dogs lately? 你见过机器人先生吗?她不见了 Have you seen Mr. Robot? She"s missing. 就叫做 Itty Bitty Twitty It"s called Itty Bitty Twitty. 就像简易版推特一样 It"s like Twitter"s adorbs little baby. 但不能输入 140 个字符那么多 But instead of 140 characters, 只有 20 个 you only get 20. 这样就可以消除所有无聊的废话 Cuts out all the boring small talk. 你觉得如何 阿曼达? What do you think, Amanda? 你想成为 Itty Bitty Twitty 委员会的成员吗? You want to be on the Itty Bitty Twitty Committee? 这是我听过的最糟糕的主意 That"s the worst idea I"ve ever heard. 人们用推特可不是为了废话 People don"t use Twitter for small talk. 他们一般都是用来发表很正经的言论 They use it for, like, important statements and stuff. 你直接说不就够了 A simple no would have been fine. 对不起 I"m sorry. 我有点不舒服 I haven"t been feeling well. 我看得出来 I can tell. 你看起来很糟糕 You look terrible. 你们觉得她俩以前在一起过吗? Think those two ever hook up? 当然 Of course. 不然她们为什么会一起加入啦啦队呢?

 Why else would you join the cheerleaders, right? 现实生活中不会发生这种事的 You know, that shit doesn"t happen in real life. 不是吗? Right? 想赌一下吗? Wanna bet? 我很想说这是我在做梦或者是我的幻觉 I"d love to say this was another dream or hallucination, 但这确实真的发生了 but this was really happening. 如果阿曼达·布雷克都这么做了 And if Amanda Blake was doing it, 谁会拒绝呢? who was I to say no? 快点 我们必须离开这里!

 Come on, come on, we got to get out of here! 然后事情就发生了 And that"s when it happened. 你的脸怎么了? Dude, what"s wrong with your face? 顺便一提 For the record, 这是今天发生的最令人不安的事情 this is the most disturbing thing that happened...


y you running, Frank? 你跑什么,弗兰克? You don"t wanna play with us? 你不想跟我们玩吗? I know a game,but we need another player. 我知道一个游戏,但还需要一个参与者 It"s called pound the hillbilly. 叫做揍乡巴佬 Mom! 妈妈!

 Mom, help! 妈妈,救我!

 Mom... help! 妈妈


 Mommy, not coming, little Frankie. 妈妈不会来的,小弗兰克 What about your daddy?

 Doesn"t have one. 你♥爸♥爸会来吗?

 他没爸爸 I do have a father. 我有爸爸 Fight, Frank. 反抗啊,弗兰克 Fight. 反抗 Mom! 妈妈!

 Thanks, Corky. 谢谢,科奇 Good boy. 好孩子 Who did you piss off this time? 这次谁惹你了? I get my face smashed in and it"s my fault? 我是被打的那个,这是我的错吗? I called for you. 我叫你好久 I had the radio on. 我听广播呢 Corky heard me.

 Dogs have better hearing. 科奇都听到我的声音了

  狗的听力比人好 Frank.

 弗兰克 Life is tough. 生活很坚难 Sometimes there"s nobody there to help you. 有时候你会孤立无援 Corky. 科奇 Dad? 爸爸? Dad! 爸爸!

 Hey, Corky. 嘿,科奇 Hey, Frank. 嘿,弗兰克 Ow, ow, ow.

 Ooh, what"s the matter? 噢,噢,噢


 这是怎么了? What happened? 怎么回事? Trouble at school. 在学校的一些小事 Hey, you should see the other kids. 嘿,你该看看别的孩子怎么做的 Yeah, well, does you mother know? 好吧,你妈妈知道吗? Where is her ladyship? 她的温柔贤淑哪儿去了? Think she"ll be happy to see me? 你觉得她会想见我吗? Yeah. 会的 What are you doing here? 你在这做什么? Well, I just came to see your beautiful smile. 好吧,我只是想来看看你美丽的笑容 What do you want?

 I want to see my son. 你想做什么?

 我想看看我儿子 Well, you just saw him, now leave. 好,你已经见过他了,现在走吧 Come on, Frank, let"s go inside. 来吧,弗兰克


 Let"s go inside!

 No! 我们回屋去!


 Frank is gonna stay right here. 弗兰克就待在这儿 Give us a chance to catch up, okay, son? 给我们点聊天的时间好吗,儿子? Sure, Pop. 好的,爸爸 How the hell did you find us? 你♥他♥妈♥怎么找到我们的? Well you"re not exactly Miss Inconspicuous. 嗯,其实你并不难找 I told you to leave. 我说过了,你走开 And I"m telling you the judge ordered you to stay in Chicago 我跟你讲,法官要求你在芝加哥待着 and to notify the court and or me 如果你打算离开的话 if you intended to leave. 法官会告诉法♥院♥或告诉我 Well the judge only knows the law, 嗯,法官只懂法律 but I know what"s best for my son. 但我知道怎么做才是对孩子是最好的 To raise him without his father? 难道是让他没有父亲陪伴着长大吗? I only married you out of pity. 我只是出于同情而嫁给你 A promise I made to my mother on her death bed. 只是为了遵守对于母亲死前的承诺而已 God knows what she ever saw in you. 天知道她到底看上你哪一点了 I know you never wanted me. 我知道你不爱我 But I also know that you never wanted him. 但我还知道,你从不想要这个孩子 You just don"t want me to have him. 你只是不想让我陪着他 Get the hell out! 滚吧 I love that boy.

 我爱儿子 Something that you"ll never understand. 有些事你永远不会懂 So you can runaway, hide, 你逃吧,躲起来 and whatever your deranged mind can think up, 多到你那死脑筋能想到的所有地方 but I promise you this, 但我告诉你 that if I can"t see my son, 如果我哪天看不见我儿子了 the judge hears you skipped town, 法官听说你逃走了 and I get full custody. 我就能拿到全部监护权 Fine! 好吧!

 Fine. 好吧 Now you know I have to be in the city for work. 现在你知道我该在这个城市打工 Can"t stay here. 但不能住在这 But what if you came to visit me 那么如果你可以每个周末 every other weekend in Chicago? 来芝加哥看看我呢? Really? 真的吗? Yeah. Pick you up on Saturday. 对,周六来接你 I want you to go now. 现在你快走吧 Can Pop stay for dinner?

 No, he can"t. 爸爸不能和我们一起吃晚饭吗?

 不可以 But it"s gonna get dark soon.

 Well then he better get going. 但天快黑了

  那么他该快点走了 It"s okay, all right? 没事的,好吧? We"re gonna see each other on Saturday. 我们周六见

 Promise? 你保证? Well, there"s only one way to make a promise. 嗯,只有一种承诺的方法 Get up, stand on that side of the fence. 起来,站在篱笆的那边 Cowboys binding contract. 牛仔签约方式 I stand on this side. 我站在这边 Now we shake hands. 现在来握手 I give you my word. 我答应你 I wish you could stay. 我希望你能留下来 Well, you got a hug for your old man? 好吧,你能抱抱爸爸吗? Oh, man, how"d you get so strong? 哦,伙计,你怎么这么壮了? Chocolate. 因为巧克力 Chocolate, huh? 巧克力吗? Well, maybe this will tide you over till Saturday. 好吧,这个可以让你一直快乐到周六啦 Just don"t let your mom see it. 别让你妈看到哦 Now I"ll always be with you. 我会一直陪着你的 Thanks, Pop. 谢谢,爸爸 So long, cowboy. 再见了,牛仔 Little hot. 有点热 A little too hot. 有点太热了 , 13-11, come in. 13-11, 13-11, 进来吧 License and registration,please.

 请出示证书和登记文件 Is there a problem, officer? 有什么问题吗,先生? I clocked you going 69. 请去 69 号♥ 9, huh? 69 号♥码? Mm-hmm. 嗯-哼 We were going 55. 我们应该去 55 号♥呀 What"s your name, son? 你叫什么名字,孩子? Brad. Why? 布拉德,怎么了? Well, Brad Why, 嗯,布拉德 为什么 I"m talking to Candice here. 我在和坎迪斯聊天呢 You see, if I was talking to you I"d be looking at you 你看,如果我在跟你说话时我就会看着你了 and words would be coming out of my mouth. 同时我的嘴也会对着你说话 Kinda like what"s happening right now. 就像现在这样 You gonna put cuffs on me? 你要铐住我吗? Not this time. 不是现在 But I do have your address 但我确实有你的地址 so if there"s any more misbehaving, 如果不乖的话 I"ll pay you a visit. 我就会去抓你哦 Now you think you can keep out of trouble? 现在你觉得你能不惹事吗? Get outta here. 走开 Remain in the vehicle. 去车里待着

 Keep your hands where I can see "em. 把手举到我看得到的地方 License and registration, please, ma"am. 请出示证件和登记文件,女士 Hey, calm down, lady.

 Pig! 嘿,冷静,女士


 Scum! Go to hell!

 Hey, hey! 垃圾!



 Ow, you"re hurting me! 噢,你把我弄疼了!

 Get off.

 Stop fighting me! 别碰我


 Get off! 别碰我!

 Ziggy! 兹吉!

 Kick his ass, Ziggy. 打他,兹吉 Get off! 别碰我!

 Get him, baby. 打他,宝贝 Get off. 别碰我 Oh! 噢!

 No. 不 You okay, baby? 你还好吗,宝贝? You okay, Frank?

 Fine. 你还好吗,弗兰克?

 还好 Just went 12 rounds with Bonnie and Clyde over there. 只是和雌雄大盗斗了十二回合 What do you want, Pig? 你想要什么,猪? Assaulting a police officer, huh? 侮辱警官是么? Maybe it was your dumbass boyfriend. 可能他是你的蠢男友吧 Hey, you leave him alone!


 You know what happens when you assault a police officer? 你知道侮辱警官会怎样吗? You go to hell, you asshole! 去死吧,混♥蛋♥!

 You got a dirty mouth. 你嘴真脏 I"m gonna ask you one more time. 我再问一遍 Do you know what happens 你知道 when you assault a police officer? 侮辱警官会有什么下场吗? Leave "em alone. We"re done here. 别碰她,我们完事了 This happens. 这常见 No!

 Enough. 不!

 够了 Enough.

 And this happens. 够了

  这很常见 You"re gonna kill the guy. 你会杀了他的 Stand the hell down. 走开 Ziggy, baby, can you hear me? 兹吉,宝贝,能听见我说话吗? You goddamn psycho! You killed him. 你这个疯子!

 你杀了他 Ziggy. 兹吉 No more. 别这样了 Please. 求你了 This is motor 10-91 requesting immediate medical assistance. 这是摩托 10-91 号♥请求即刻医护求助 Ten miles south of Bullhead city. 牛头城南部十英里处 Approximately mile post 201 on State Route 95. 在 95 号♥国道上大约 201 英里处

 What in the hell is going on here? 这发生了什么? I had both suspects cuffed on the ground... 我把嫌犯都铐在地上了 Both suspects are drunk. 两个嫌犯都喝多了 Male suspect became aggressive I had to subdue him. 男性嫌犯开始表现攻击性所以我必须降伏他 He was cuffed on the ground. 他被铐在地上了 What"s he gonna do,bite your legs? 你能做什么,咬你的腿吗? This all you?

 Yeah. 这都是你干的?

 对 Why in the hell doesn"t that surprise me? 我他妈怎么一点都不意外呢? Who"s Kel-Lite is this? Hmm? 这是谁的手电筒? 嗯? It"s mine. 我的 Oh, for God"s sakes. Both of you get cleaned up 噢,我的天,你们弄利索啊 and get these two hippies in the back of my car now. 把这俩乡巴佬丢我车后面 Now! Come on. 马上!

 快点 Sorry,we don"t serve food. 抱歉,我们不提供食物 Tony. 托尼 You want another one, Frankie? 你想再要一个吗,弗兰克? Who"s the funny girl? 这个有趣的姑娘是谁? She"s never been in before. 没见她来过 All right. 好吧 Come here. 来这儿 Why not?

 为什么不呢? Why not come here? 怎么不来这儿呢? Do you always do that? 你经常这样么? Approach strangers in bars? 随便搭讪酒吧里的陌生人? No. I approach strangers everywhere. 不,我到哪儿都搭讪陌生人 Oh. 噢 Do you always tell people what to do? 你经常唆使别人该做什么吗? Generally? Yeah. 通常吗? 是的 Does that work? 有用吗? Only every time. 每次都有用 Except this time. 除了这次 Gonna dance with me tonight, Frankie, 今晚跟我跳舞吗,弗兰克 or what?

 Give me a minute, honey. 还是做什么?

 等等,宝贝 Now, I want you to pick out a song for me and her to dance to. 现在,你来为我和她选一首歌♥跳舞吧 I think you"ll know what she likes. 我觉得你知道她喜欢什么歌♥ I think she would like any kind of music. 我觉得她什么音乐都喜欢 Any kind of song. 什么音乐都喜欢 She"s not picky. 她不挑 You can tell all that just by looking at her? 光看着她你就知道这么多了? I can tell all that by looking at you. 光看着你我也能知道很多哦 I love this song. 我喜欢这首歌♥

 So long, cowboy. 再见,牛仔 Whoa! 喔!


 Well what? 嗯?

 怎么了? What the hell happened up at Bullhead? 牛头镇发生了什么? Tom Wells happened. 汤姆

 威尔斯那种事 Yeah, well,Mason"s talking to Tom. 嗯,曼森和汤姆聊天了 I wanted to hear your side of it. 我想听听你那边怎么说 I had it all under control then shit for brains used my Kel-Lite 我都有把握,之后脑子有泡的人用我的手电筒 to knock the guy"s head off. 把那人脑袋给打了 Well, we haven"t heard the end of this. 我们没听过这件事的结尾 I"ll keep you in the loop. 有消息我会及时告诉你 Shouldn"t you be in school, son? 孩子,你不应该在学校吗? Uh, this is Mitch Myers. 嗯,这是米奇

 梅耶斯 He"s rookie.

 No shit. 他是新人

 是么 Been training down in Phoenix.

 Good for him. 在凤♥凰♥城受训了

  那挺好 It"s a real pleasure to meet you, Officer Shankwitz. 很高兴认识你,山克尾兹警官 The newest member of our team.

 Lucky us. 我们队的新人

  我们可真幸运啊 No, Frank, lucky you. 不,弗兰克,是你很幸运 No. 不 I"d rather take Tom Wells. 我倒想带走汤姆

 威尔斯 Then we had four months additional academy training.

 之后一起去四个月的额外补课 And that included self-dense, 课程里有自卫课程 uh, firearms operations, first aid, 嗯,消防演习,急救演练 uh, hostage negotiation,uh, high speed driving, 嗯,人♥质♥救助谈判,高速驾驶 traffic control,crowd management, 交通管制,群众管理 an...


下啊 Stop-ah! 照明娱乐公♥司♥ Illumination! ♪ 离开布鲁克林

 我来到翠贝卡 ♪ ♪ Yeah, I"m out that Brooklyn, now I"m down in Tribeca ♪ ♪ 紧靠德尼罗旁边 ♪ ♪ Right next to De Niro ♪ ♪ 但我永远属于街头 ♪ ♪ But I"ll be hood forever ♪ ♪ 我是新一代的辛纳屈 ♪ ♪ I"m the new Sinatra ♪ ♪ 既然我雄起于纽约 ♪ ♪ And since I made it here ♪ ♪ 我便能展望世界 ♪ ♪ I can make it anywhere ♪ ♪ 我人见人爱 ♪ ♪ Yeah, they love me everywhere ♪ ♪ 在纽约 ♪ ♪ In New York ♪ ♪ 水泥森林孕育梦想 ♪ ♪ Concrete jungle where dreams are made of ♪ ♪ 你无所不能 ♪ ♪ There"s nothin" you can"t do, okay ♪ ♪ 来到纽约 ♪ ♪ Now you"re in New York... ♪ 啊小孩 Ah, kids. 大家都爱小孩

 对吧 Everybody loves them, right? 你可能也喜欢小孩 You probably love kids. 我必须承认 Hey! I got to admit... 我不喜欢 ...I don"t. 这就是我

 我叫麦克 That"s me, by the way. I"m Max. 我就是那边的那只小狗 I"m the little dog right there, 幸亏我不用被一群熊孩子骑来骑去 grateful I"m not being piled on by a horde of children. 等等我 Wait for me!

 你能相信吗 Ugh. Can you believe that? 有个小孩看起来蛮有意思的 Having a kid looks like fun. 老天爷啊

 好玩个鬼啊 Nah, man, it ain"t fun. 讲真

 一旦人类往家带回个小孩 I"m telling you, once the humans bring a kid home, 你的整个狗生都会大变样的 your life ain"t the same. 都见过千百回了 Seen it a billion times. 会完全改变你的 It changes you. ♪ 我来自帝国大厦

 那里 ♪ ♪ I"m from the Empire State, that"s... ♪ 我以为我根本 Now, I thought I never 不会有这方面的顾虑

 直到有一天 had to worry about any of that, but then one day... 我的主人凯蒂遇到了查克 ...my owner Katie met Chuck. 你还好吗 Are you okay? 我没事 Oh. Uh, yeah. 没过多久

 他俩就结婚了 A little while later, they"re married. 其实

 是很棒的事 Which... it-it"s great. 查克真的

 他是个好人 Chuck is really... he"s a good guy. 但是 But then... 半路杀出来个程咬金 Aw. ...something happened. 凯蒂和查克有孩子了 Katie and Chuck had a kid of their own. 他叫利亚姆 His name"s Liam. 一开始

 他根本睡不醒 At first, he slept all the time. 一天就只做梦了 Dreaming about, you know,

 咱也不知道他都做啥梦 whatever it is that babies dream about. 谁是可爱的小家伙呀 Who"s a cute little baby? 他有他的位置 He had his place... 你这个小可爱呀 You little cutie pie. 我有我的小窝窝 ...and I had mine. 生活仿佛风平浪静

 大家好像其乐融融 Things seemed like they were gonna be fine. 直到这小崽子开始说话了 Until he started talking. 然后终于

 他会爬了 And eventually, he started crawling. 就算会了吧 Sort of. 一夜之间

 我温馨的小家变得很危险 And suddenly, my own home wasn"t safe anymore. 这小地头蛇霸占了我的地盘 Th-There was a tiny monster taking it over. 我可是一直努力保持安全距离的 Now, I did my best to keep a safe distance. 直到有一天 But then, one day, 利亚姆做了一件超级出我意料的事 Liam did something I never expected. 麦克 Max. 我爱你麦克 I love you, Max. 从那以后 And from then on... 一切都变得不一样了 ...everything was different. 我和杜老大好像变成了他的榜样 Duke and I, we became like role models to him. 我能说啥呢

 这娃是个粉丝 Like, what can I say? The-the kid"s a fan. ♪ 我的爱温柔绽放 ♪ ♪ My love blossomed tenderly ♪ ♪ 生活愈发美妙 ♪ ♪ My life grew sweeter through the years ♪

 ♪ 因为我知道我的小宝贝超爱我 ♪ ♪ I know that my baby loves me... ♪ 我们努力地成为好的榜样 We try to be a good influence. 我们尽自己所能帮助他 And we help him out whenever we can. ♪ 我的爱永不停息 ♪ ♪ Our love just won"t end... ♪ 这娃懂我们 This kid gets us. 泡泡 Bubbles! 我们玩得很开心 Yeah, we have fun. 泡泡 Bubbles! 顺带说一句

 我还是不喜欢娃 And by the way, I"m still not a kid person. 我只爱这个小不点 I"m talking about this kid. 这是我的小不点 This is my kid. 他堪称完美 He"s perfect. 我绝对不会让任何不好的事发生在他身上 And I"m never gonna let anything bad happen to him. 但是讲真

 保证利亚姆的安全可是个全职工作 But I got to say, keeping Liam safe is a full-time job. 不


 不 No, no, no, no. 好吧 All right. 你好

 你们好 Uh, hey. Uh, hello. 一切顺利 Everything"s cool. 我们不想惹麻烦 Uh, we don"t... we don"t want any trouble. 利亚姆 Liam? 你没事吧

 小老弟 You okay there, buddy? 世界总是这么危险吗 Was the world always this dangerous?

 好狗狗 Good doggy. 2 不不不不别吐 No, no, no, no, no, no, no! 你敢 No. 早上好啊小白 Morning, Snowball. 谁是世界上最好的小兔子 Who"s the best bunny in the whole wide world? 接招吧

 大坏蛋 Take that, evildoer. 送你上天和太阳并肩 Off into the sun with you. 太棒了 Yeah! 竖耳朵 Ears up. 我称这次会议为 I"m calling this meeting 动物超级英雄会

 现在开会 of the Superhero Animal Friends to order. 小马指挥官

 请你读一下上次的 Commander Horsey, please read the minutes 会议记录 from our last meeting. 谢谢你 Thank you. 大家都记住

 罪犯正在逍遥法外 Now, remember, everyone, crime is out there. 我们一定要做好准备 We have to be ready. 快点


 该走了 Come on, Molly, time to go. 我上学要迟到了 Ooh, I"m gonna be late for school. 小白队长

 我不在的时候你掌权 Captain Snowball, you"re in charge while I"m gone. 首先

 我要欢迎白雷同志 First of all, I want to welcome White Thunder back 从洗衣机凯♥旋♥归来 from the washing machine, 他当时与一条红毯子一同作战

 who was put in there with a red blanket 所以从今以后他就是 and henceforth will be known as... 粉雷同志 Pink Thunder. 完毕

 我现在去巡视周边 Okay, I"m-a go check the perimeter. 早上好啊

 纽约城 Good morning, New York City! 小白 Snowball. 小白

 你在干啥呢 Hey, Snowball, what are you doing? 你看我像是干啥呢 What"s it look like I"m doing? 我要惩奸除恶

 小狗狗 I"m looking for crime, Tiny Dog. 我在做超级英雄的事 I"m doing superhero stuff. 我跟你讲哦 Let me tell you something. 只要有人来这里找麻烦 Anybody comes in here looking for trouble, 就必须经过我搭档的同意 oh, they gonna meet my partners. 秩序和我的爪子都不容许他们胡作非为 I"m talking about Paw and Order. 好吧

 你是知道 Uh-huh. Okay, well, you do know 你的主人只是在扮演超级英雄

 对吧 that your owner is just playing superhero, right? 你仅仅是穿着超级英雄的睡衣 You"re just wearing some superhero pajamas. 小小狗

 你太幼稚了 Ha! Tiny Dog, you so naive. 告诉我任何需要帮助的动物们的方向 Point me in the direction of any animal 我就上场了

 您就歇着吧 who needs my help, and stand back. 绝杀 Death blow! 好的吧

 我明白了 Okay, okay, uh, I got it. 所以


 So, uh, did your kid leave for school yet? 是啊


 她今天有个小测验 Yeah, yeah, no, she"s got a quiz today. 是高级拼写

 不过她肯定考的超好 Advanced spelling. She"ll ace it, though. 你知道


 不用铅笔的 You know, she writes her answers down in ink. 我家宝就是这么自信 That"s how confident she is. 听起来是蛮厉害的 That sounds really smart. 但你知道吗

 利亚姆也超聪明 But you know what? Liam is smart, too. 讲真

 我听凯蒂说 In fact, I heard Katie say 利亚姆的头围超过了百分之八十的同龄人 that Liam"s head circumference is in the 80th percentile. 好酷啊

 那么多头 Oh, that"s cool. That"s a lot of head. 我就问你一句

 他还是到处尿尿吗 Hey, quick question: Is he still peeing everywhere? 控制不住自己的膀胱吗 Can"t control his bladder? 是


 他还是乱尿 Yeah, he-he"s... he"s peeing. 但是每个宠物都知道的

 尿哪占哪 But-but every pet knows, if you pee on it, you own it. 利亚姆只是特别有远见 And Liam, he"s just thinking ahead. 好吧

 你最好还是 Yeah, well, you still better 在他上幼儿园之前训练他怎样上厕所 train him before preschool starts. 你不想利亚姆得到个 You don"t want Liam to get a reputation 尿尿娃的名声吧 as one of those pee-pee kids. 是啊

 那当然了 Yeah, totally, like... 等等

 啥幼儿园 Wait, preschool? 对啊

 他年龄差不多了 Yeah. He"s around that age. 雏鸟要离巢了


 The baby bird is leaving the nest, TD. 不


 小雏鸟哪儿也不去 No, no. Baby bird is staying put. 他不需要上幼儿园 He doesn"t need preschool. 他会

 你懂的 He"ll, you know... 和我


 这样才安全 stay home with-with me, where it"s safe. 你好

 麦克 Hey, Max. 这


 不需要太紧张 It"s, uh, no big deal... no need to overreact... 但


 利亚姆刚刚走了 but, uh, Liam just left. -等等



 -我不知道 - Wait, what? Where"d he go? - I don"t know. 他们从不把细节告诉我们狗 They never tell the dog specifics. 好吧

 好吧 Okay, okay, okay. 这里是大本营

 通知各单位 This is Homebase to all units. 目标已经离开本建筑 The package has left the building. 是否有人能够监控到目标 Does anyone have eyes on him? 我没看见

 完毕 I don"t see him. Over. 他不在这袋薯片里

 完毕 Well, he"s not in this bag of chips. Over. 好的


 等等 Okay. Keep... Wait a minute. 他为什么会在一袋薯片里 Why would he be in a bag of chips? 大本营

 这里是鹰眼 Homebase, this is Eagle Eye. 无需担心 Don"t you worry. 目标一离开建筑 I had eyes on the package 我就看见了

 完毕 as soon as he left the building. Over. 目标很安全

 Subject is safe and sound, 正在享用一块麋鹿形状的饼干 enjoying what looks to be a cookie shaped like a moose. 吃吧 Here you go. 不

 等等 No, wait. 是驯鹿 It"s a reindeer. 好吧


 诺曼 Okay. Thanks, Norman. 你又在挠痒了

 朋友 Scratching again there, buddy. 我只是

 只是非常不喜欢 I just... I really don"t like it 他们带他出去的时候不带我 when they take him out without me. 你好

 杜老大 Hey, Duke. 这是什么 What"s this? 我知道

 这是个球 Oh, I know this! It"s a ball. 快捡回来 Go get it. 你好

 小麦克 Hey, Maxie. 我们去散个步怎么样 What say we go for a walk? 话说


 这很不错 You know, I got to say, this is nice. -放松一下


 -不 - Good to stretch the... legs. - No! 我不想去看兽医 I don"t want to go to the vet! 兽医


 不不不不不 The vet? No! No, no, no, no, no! 这可不好

 你耍花招 Oh, not cool. You tricked me. 小麦克


 小伙子 Maxie, come on, boy. 你最近压力很大

 兽医会帮助你的 You"ve been so stressed lately, but this vet is gonna help you. 来吧


 Let"s go, buddy. 好的 All right. -第一次来吗

 -是啊 - First time here? - Uh, yeah. 弗朗西斯医生可是业内最好的兽医了 Oh, Dr. Francis is the best veterinarian in the business. 你会喜欢他的 You"re gonna love him. 他是治疗行为障碍方面的专家 He specializes in behavioral disorders. -行


 -没错 - B-Behavioral disorders? - Yeah. 可我没有行为障碍啊 But I don"t have a behavioral disorder. 我



 我是有点操心 I-I-I mean... I-I mean, I worry a little, sure, 但


 这个世界确实很危险啊 but it-it"s a... it"s a dangerous world. 不

 不操心才是疯了吧 You-you"d be crazy not to... to wor...


私家老黑枪是所有女人的行乐机器? 片 名: 《沙夫特》 说对了 谁会为兄弟以身犯险 沙夫特 明白吗 又是谁面对危险时 从不退缩 沙夫特 没错 都说沙夫特不好惹... 闭嘴 我在说沙夫特呢咱们好好琢磨琢磨 他的来头可是不简单 可除了他的马子谁都不了解他 约翰 沙夫特 嘿 什么事? Hey, what"s up? Looking good. 看来这孩子挨了一棒子 Looks like the kid got clocked with that. 他能挺过来吗? He gonna make it? 脑袋给打个大洞够戗 Got his head stove in pretty good. 有目击证人吗? - 没有 Witnesses? - Nope. 他从那儿出来的? - 看穿着好像是... - He come from in there? - He"s dressed like it. 你没放走人吧? You let anybody leave? 我知道该怎么做 - 嘿 我也只是例行公事罢了 - I know the job. - Hey, I"m just doing mine. 让 让 Excuse me. Excuse me. 让 让 Excuse me. Excuse me. 让 让 Excuse me. Excuse me.

 有什么不寻常的吗?听见吵闹了吗? Was there anything peculiar? Any commotions? Did you see...? 你给她打电♥话♥ 我告诉你怎么说你就怎么说 All right? You just call her and say what I told you to say. 挂上电♥话♥ Hang up the phone. 你别就知道看我老爸脸色 我也够你受的 You don"t worry about my father. You worry about me. 我不打算跟你扯... I"m not gonna argue... 什么事? - 哪来的血? - What? - How did you get that blood on yourself? 血 什么血? Blood. What blood? 我再问你一遍 I"m gonna ask you again. If you give me attitude this time... 你再跟我不老实 我就揪着头发把你拖出去 I"m gonna drag you out of here by your hair. 你怎么弄得身上血迹斑斑? How did you get that blood on yourself? 是这样... It was like... 他先挑起的争端... he started it... 然后我给平息了 and I finished it. 呣 听着 我不过是跟他打打趣 谁知道他开不得玩笑 Look, I was razzing the guy. He couldn"t take a joke. 所以你就把他脑袋打破了 我想得通 So you cracked his head open. 他怒气冲冲地出去了 我跟出去道歉 - Hey, I can dig it. - He left all pissed off. I followed him out to apologize. 还没等我回过神儿来 他拎个棒子冲我扑过来 Next thing I know, he"s coming at me with a silver bat. 我不过是正当防卫而已 I was defending myself. 有谁看见你吗? Anybody see you?

 没有 警官当时就我们俩在那儿 No, officer. It was just me and him out there. 知道我老爸是谁吗? - 不知道 你知道吗? Do you know who my father is? - No. Do you? 把他带出去 - 走人了 - Take him out. - Let"s go. 你叫什么? What"s your name? 黛安 帕美艾丽 - 你都看见些什么 黛安? Diane Palmieri. - What"d you see, Diane? - 什么也没有 - 那你为什么跟我指那小子? Nothing. So why you point that guy out to me when I came in? 我没有 I didn"t. 那是什么? - What"s that? - What? 什么? 那是什么? - What"s that? - What? 什么? 噢... 看见什么了 黛安? - What did you see, Diane? - Nothing, I swear. I... 噢... 看见什么了 黛安? - What did you see, Diane? - Nothing, I swear. I... 我发誓什么也没有 我... 看见什么了 黛安? - What did you see, Diane? - Nothing, I swear. I... 我发誓什么也没有 我... 这儿乱哄哄的我要是工作的话 哪还能瞧见什么? It"s a zoo in here. And if I"m working, how can I see anything? 探长 我们很可能有一个目击证人你来看看 Detective. We have a potential witness you should see. 我马上回来 找人陪着她 I"ll be back in a minute. Keep her company, okay? 他干的 那个种族主义混♥蛋♥ He did it. That racist bastard. That"s the one that did it. - 那家伙干的 - 你怎么知道? 你看见了吗?

 How do you know? Did you see it? 没有 他就坐在那头儿... No. He was sitting over there... 从我们进门他就一直在骚扰 崔 and he was hassling Trey from the minute we all walked in the door. 这边 这张桌子 Right this way. This table over here. 你小子! Yo! 对不起 先生 你小子! Excuse me, sir. Yo! 哥们 什么事? - 他们这儿没有麦芽酒 - What"s up, man? - They don"t serve no malt liquor here. 没有麦芽酒 行吗? No malt liquor, all right? 不...“成吗”? No. All right? 没事儿 All right. - Okay. 你到底什么毛病? - 咱们走吧 我想走了 - What the hell"s your problem? - Let"s go. I wanna go. 不用没关系 没关系好吧? - No. No, we"re fine. We"re fine, okay? - So embarrassing. 没什么可担心的 Don"t even worry about it. 行 这边坐 All right. Have a seat over here. 你朋友 崔做了什么? - 什么也没做 - What did your friend Trey do? - Nothing. 他尽量不理他可那个混♥蛋&hets;没完没了 He tried to ignore the guy, but the bastard just wouldn"t let up. 没有 40 多岁的家伙没有“南方大♥麻♥”... No 40s, no chronic. 还没有 呃...没有印度佬“成吗”? And no... No indo, all right? 嘿 嘿 老狗你聋了吗? Hey. Hey, dog, is you deaf? 冲我叫几声! - 什么 真不是东西 - Holler back! - What? What an asshole. 听到了吗 Tupac? (一个著名的黑人歌♥手 96 年遭枪击毙命) You got that, Tupac? All right?

 然后发生些什么? - 崔朝那家伙过去了 And then what happened? - Trey turned the tables on the guy. - 你干什么? - 他拿了餐巾和餐叉... What are you doing? He took one of these white napkins and a knife... 在上面戳了两个洞 and he poked holes in it. - 他走到那家伙跟前 - 我想你掉了这个 Then he walked over to where the guy was sitting. I think you dropped this. 然后把餐巾罩在那家伙头上 正中靶心 And he dropped it on his head. Bull"s-eye. - 给“耍”喽! - 大家都笑了 And everybody laughed. 受用吧 笨蛋! Take that, chump! 想来那混球糗大了 I guess that little prick was pissed. 他朋友也都取笑他 He was embarrassed that all his friends laughed at him. 谢谢你 过去看看你朋友吧 Thank you. You can go and check on your friend now. 脉搏越来越弱 - 得赶快走 - Getting a low pulse. - We gotta move. 他不行了 快点 - We"re losing him. - Let"s get rolling. 别告诉我他主管这事 Tell me he is not the primary on this. - 正是他的差事 - 罗 It"s his catch, lieu. 小沃尔特·维德 你是那个 有名的老沃尔特·维德的儿子? Walter Wade, Jr. You big Walter Wade"s son? 对 正是一点不错 - 那个房♥地♥产♥开♥发♥商? - Yes, I am. - The real estate developer? Correct. 老爹是个大人物 对吧? - 大人物 - Daddy"s a big man? - Big man. 的确是个大人物 Big man. 那个女侍应 她看见了对不对?

 The waitress. She saw it? 你打算干嘛直娘贼 威胁她? So, what you do, motherfucker? Threaten her? 噢 啊 她去厕所了 She had to go to the john. 又怎么了? What the...? 她去哪了? - 她走了 - Where"d she go? - She left. 妈的! Shit! 上车后给他插管 When we get him on board, I"m gonna intubate. 准备好分离纤维 Let"s get that defib ready, guys. He"s starting to seize. 他开始抽搐了 He"s starting to seize. 他开始抽搐了 痉挛 He"s having a seizure. - I think he"s dying. 乡下孩子还挺有节奏嘛 - 你说什么? - Homeboy"s got rhythm? - What? 糟糕 Damn it. 是我说错了什么吗? Was it something I said? 我鼻子骨折了 I think my nose is broke. 我来清他的呼吸道 I"ll clear his airway. - Excuse me. 他把我鼻子打折了 - 他不行了 - He broke my nose. - He"s going fast. 没有呼吸了 - There"s no air exchange. - Come on. 打开这个 测不到脉搏 Let"s get this thing open. I can"t even get a pulse right now. - Clamp an airway! - There is chaos on the scene... 妈的 救不了他! Damn, we"re losing him! - 狗♥娘♥养♥的! - 崔!

 - Son of a bitch! - Trey! 这一天我盼了很久了 I"ve been waiting for this all year. 你现在不归本警局了 You are gone from this precinct. 让我走人为什么? Gone? For what? 就为这个? For that? 他没什么背景也没有犯罪记录 His roots in the community couldn"t go deeper. He has no criminal record. 法官大人 指控是谋杀 Your Honor, the charge is homicide. 以前没做过并不能成为辨辞 Not having done it before is not an excuse. 保释金定为二十万美元 Bail is set at $200,000. 那顶个屁! That don"t mean shit! 你个杀人犯! You"re a killer, man! 去你♥妈♥的♥! Fuck you! 有什么要说的吗? Can I get a statement from you? 沙夫特 - 我是 沃尔特·维德 - Shaft. - It"s Walter Wade. 多亏你那晚打破我鼻子 Thanks for breaking my nose that night. 我律师说我因此才得到保释... My lawyer says that"s why I got bail... 也正因为如此 我现在才能在瑞士滑雪 and that"s precisely why I"m skiing in Switzerland right now. 以后再见 老滑头 See you when I see you, slick. 噢 噢 啊 行了你可真差劲 Oh, come on, man. You suck. 嘘 约翰·沙夫特 - 卡门·维奎 - John Shaft. - Carmen Vasquez. Welcome to Narcotics.

 欢迎加入毒品组 Jimmy Groves. - Jack Roselli. - 吉米·戈如 - 杰克·罗塞里 欢迎加入毒品组 Jimmy Groves. - Jack Roselli. - 吉米·戈如 - 杰克·罗塞里 你从 3-5 处调过来的? You transfer in from the 35? - 吉米·戈如 - 杰克·罗塞里 你从 3-5 处调过来的? You transfer in from the 35? 对 你是约翰·沙夫特? Yeah. You John Shaft? 听说你不干了 - 还没呢 - Heard you quit. - Not yet. 卢戈 你♥他♥妈♥快点 Luger, hurry the fuck up, man. 加把劲你个杂种 Come on, you bitch bastard. 快点 直娘贼赶紧撬开门 Come on, you Billy Bob motherfucker. Open the goddamn door. 快把门弄开 Let"s go. Open the fucking door. 要三份套餐 还是四份? That"s three Happy Meals or four? 四份 快去快回 - 好的 - That"s four. And hurry up. - All right. 别动直娘贼 不许动! Freeze, motherfuckers! Don"t move! 赶紧让道! Move your fucking ass out of the way! Police! 别动! Freeze, goddamn it! 警♥察♥ 都给我趴地上! Police! Everybody on the fucking ground! 都不许动 抓住那个操蛋趴地上! 快! Everybody freeze! Grab that motherfucker! Down on the floor! Now! 谁把那鬼音乐关了! Somebody turn that fucking music off!

 Get down on your fucking knees. All right... 手背在身后 - put your hands behind your back. - Shaft, I got one. 噢 不“讲英文”现在你们到不会说英语了 Now you can"t speak no fucking English. 我打赌你们知道“千克”怎么说 对不对? I bet you can say "kilo," can"t you? 嗨 嗨 妈的! - Hey! Hey, goddamn it! Hey! - Come here! Come here! 别逼我追你 你可要惹火我了! Don"t make me chase you! You"re gonna piss me off! 停下 妈的! Stop, goddamn it! Stop! 告诉你别跑 小子! I told you to stop, damn it! 啊! 帮我”! “帮忙”“帮忙”! 扔点别的! 扔点别的! Throw something else! Throw something else! 滚远点直娘贼! 滚开! Disperse, motherfuckers! Disperse now! Come on! Come on! 看着点儿 女士们! Watch your backs, ladies! “开门”“开门”! 瞧我一会儿怎么收拾你! I"m gonna fuck you up for making me run! 你逮住我了. 我认输了 老爹 You got me, papa. 没事 你个直娘贼 Peace, motherfucker. “运气不错”! 愚人节大傻直娘贼 April Fool, motherfucker. 没告诉你别逼我跑吗? I told you not to make me run, didn"t I? 铐得太紧了 老小子! This shit"s too tight, yo! 坐里面好好想想你会有什么待遇吧

 Sit in this car and think about this ass-whooping you"re gonna get. 到警局的路可不近 It"s gonna be a long ride to the precinct. 身上有什么吗? 啥也没有 Paraphernalia. Nothing. 让我给老婆打电♥话♥ - 闭嘴 玉米包 Let me call my wife. - Shut up...


班奈特) (演员:维尼琼斯) 疾速追杀(港译:疾速追杀) (演员:马克格里芬) (导演:罗斯博亚斯克) (绅士俱乐部) 住手 Stop right there. 趴在地上 Get on the floor now. 女士们 Ladies. 我可不会那么做 I wouldn"t do that. 你是哪位? Who the fuck are you?

 你想做什么? What do you want? 露西史汪森 Lucy Swanson. 露西一周前的晚上跟朋友来这里玩 Lucy was here a week ago on a night out with her friends. 而这里是她最后被目击地点 Thing is, this is the last place she was seen. 你知道有多少无聊的千金逃家吗? Do you know how many bored little rich girls run away from home? 这种事在大城市天天上演 Happens every day in the big city. 很不幸地 Unfortunately, 你们灭证的手法太粗糙了 your boys did a terrible job of disposing of the evidence. 警方昨天发现她的尸体 The police found her body last night. 露西的父母是我朋友 Lucy"s parents are friends of mine, 所以我来了 so here I am.

 所以你来了 So here you are. 那现在要怎样?

 So what now, then? 去自首和认罪 Now, turn yourselves in and confess. 若我们不听你的呢? And what happens if we say fuck you? 就会像那样 That.

 杀了这家伙… Kill this fucking prick. 看来你身手依旧 Haven"t lost your touch, I see. 佛斯特,你怎么会在这里? Frost. What are you doing here? 有事情要跟你说 Got something to tell you. 不 Nope. 你不想知道我是如何找到你的? Don"t you want to know how I found you? 肯定是卫星和监视器之类的 Satellites, cameras, et cetera? 约翰,听我说 John, look,

 我必须当面跟你谈谈 I needed to speak to you face to face. 关于一项工作 About a job. 我得说多少次? How many times? 没兴趣 Not. Interested. 这次不一样 You will be this time. 是提格 It"s Teague. 尚恩提格死了 Sean Teague is dead. 这是昨天拍到的照片 This was taken yesterday. 寄照片的特务过去两年深度卧底 The operative who sent it was deep undercover for the past two years.

 他本来即将拿下目标 He was about to take his targets down 有人介绍他一名军♥火♥商 when he was introduced to an arms

 结果发现对方是提格 dealer that turned out to be Teague. 我正在召集捕捉提格的队伍 I"m putting a team together to catch Teague,

 我希望由你来领队 and I want you to lead it. 你要我去抓提格 You want me to bring Teague 而且是活捉 in... alive? 我知道他对你和你的队伍做了什么 I know what he did to you and your team,

 但我们需要提格活着 but we need Teague breathing. 光是他的情报和线人 His intel and contacts alone are enough to 就足以让我们拿下最邪恶的家伙 bring down the baddest of the bad. 别这样,当作是为了国家付出吧 Come on, do it for your country. 说得可真好听 Oh, that"s rich coming from you. 好吧,那就当作是为了你自己 Okay, do it for yourself, then. 什么意思? Meaning?

 只要你把提格毫发无伤地抓来 Meaning you bring Teague in, 局里就会删掉你的纪录 in one piece, the department wipes your slate clean. 一切都能赦免 All is forgiven.

 你不必再逃跑 No more running. 考虑看看吧,约翰 Think about it, John. 活捉提格

 Bring Teague in alive,

 你就能重获新生 and you get your life back again. 先生们 Gentlemen.

 女士们 Ladies. 你们都认识葛瑞森指挥官 You all know Commander Grayson. 大家早 Morning, everyone. 早安 Morning. 我们的目标 Our target:

 尚恩提格 Sean Teague. 诚如各位所知,提格曾是出色特务 As you all know, Teague was an elite operative, 菁英中的菁英 one of our best,

 直到他在几年前的东欧任务 until he turned on his team during their final mission in Eastern

 背叛自己的队伍 Europe several years ago. 导致其中许多人面临惨烈结局 Many of them met with rather grisly ends. 非常惨烈 Quite. 叛逃后,提格害死数十位人员 After going rogue, Teague was responsible , 在全球许多雇佣任务中 for the deaths of dozens of personnel as well as countless

 亦造成无数平民伤亡 civilians in mercenary operations across the globe. 军♥火♥交易 Arms deals,

 走私国♥家♥机♥密♥和刺杀等 smuggling state secrets, assassinations. 你想得到的 You name it,

 提格都曾从中获利 Teague profited from it. 这个嘛 Well,

 确实是这样 yeah, he did. 直到据报两年前他在民♥主♥刚果遇害 Until he was reported killed two years ago in the ?.R.C. 我们都听过那个故事 Yes, well, we"ve all heard that story. 当地人员确认提格已遭杀害 Authorities on the ground confirmed that Teague had been killed, 但如今他出现在这里,我们要活捉他 but he"s here now, and we"re going to bring him in. 那个猛♥男♥是哪位? Who"s the tree trunk? 我们追踪提格的行踪… We"re tracking Tigger 不是吧? You"re kidding.

 是独一无二的约翰高德 It"s only John fucking Gold. 别开玩笑了 Get away.

 不知道他这周杀了几个人 Wonder how many people he"s killed this week. 五个 Five. 到目前为止 So far. 幸会

 我也是 Nice to meet you. 林奇和夏佩洛,既然都已经认出来了 Likewise.Lynch and Shapiro, you"ve somewhat preempted me. 各位… Everybody,

 这位是约翰高德 meet John Gold. 没有人比高德更了解提格 Nobody knows Teague better than Gold,


 especially in the field. 也没有人比他更有理由抓住他 And nobody has a more compelling reason to bring him in. 我听说的你应该更想一枪杀了提格 From what I"ve heard, you"ll more likely put a bullet behind Teague"s ear 而不是让他坐牢 than put him behind bars. 人们都喜欢聊八卦 People do like to talk, don"t they? 你们的任务是渗透提格的地点 Your mission is breach Teague"s location, 将他带到机密空军基地 transport him to an off-the-books airbase, 再将他移送到最高机密安全机构 then fly him to an ever-so-hush-hush black site secure facility, 他将在那里的铁笼中度过余生 where he"ll live out his days in a steel box. 老大,计划是什么? So what"s the play, boss? 高德会负责带队 Gold here will lead, 你们两个无赖负责地面支援 with you two reprobates providing ground

 外加飞行和驾驶服务 support and flying/driving services. 一如往常的烂差事 Shit work. Standard.

 毕竟收了钱 That"s what we get paid for. 什么?他们有付你钱? What? They pay you for this? 你们两个够了 That"s enough, you two. 凯索,派屈奇和史戴尔斯 Kelso, Plachecki and Stiles,

 你们在这里待命和支援 you"ll serve and support the operation from here. 有任何问题吗? Any questions? 当然没有 "Course not.

 我们会合点见 I"ll see you at the R.V. 约翰,很抱歉这次任务无法提供援助 I"m sorry we can"t give you the support you need for this one, John. 你知道我不能公开下令召集队伍 You know I can"t be seen to authorize a full team. 若提格还活着的消息走漏 If news about Teague being alive got out, 上头绝对会非常不高兴 top brass will have a major flap-on. 但林奇和夏佩洛是最佳菁英 But Lynch and Shapiro are two of the best. 看起来不像就是了 Believe it or not. 团队可能是累赘 A team can be a liability. 这是提格教我的 Teague taught me that. 早安

 老大好 Morning, lads. 老大好

 很棒的早晨 - Boss. - Nice morning for it. -珀尔来消息了吗?

  -还没 - Heard from Pearl yet? - Not yet. 我们同意她抵达时再进行联络 We agreed on radio silence until she arrives. 没错,以防万一 Yeah, yeah, just in case. 挺聪明的 Pretty smart...

 以你们来说啦 coming from you. 在珀尔来讯前,我们在这里等待 Okay, lads, we"re here for the duration until we hear from Pearl. 若遇上问题就全杀了 Smoke "em if you"ve got "em. 跟我来 Come on. 怎样? What"s all this? 什么怎样?

 What? Oh, uh,

 没什么 nothing. 你到底想干嘛? What is all this? 我… [, uh... 我真的得去尿尿 I-1 really need a piss. 那就去尿 So go take a piss. 当我是你妈妈? What am I, your mother? 这比滚床单还赞 Better than sex! 那显然你根本没做对 Then you"re doing it wrong. 可恶 Fuck! 不准动 Steady! 真没想到,约翰高德 As I live and breathe. John Gold. 提格 Teague.

 你要跟我走 You"re coming with me. 想得美,动手 Yeah, of course I am. 班奈特,行动 Bennett, move! 走 Go. 快走… Go, go, go. 提格 Teague! 提格 Teague!

 手举起来 Hands in the air!

 别阻止我们,好戏才正要开始 Don"t stop us now. We"re just starting to have some fun. 给我待在原地 Assume the position. 不然呢? Or what? 走着瞧吧 To be continued. 你确定赶得上? Are you sure you"re going to make our window? 让那架飞机升空的时间不多 We"ve got a tight timeframe to get that plane in the air. 我们会搞定 Yeah, we"ll make it. 预计 60 分钟后抵达 Our E.T.A"s about 60 minutes. 把提格带到空军基地就好 Okay, great. Just get Teague to that airbase, 让大伙们都能松口气 and we can all breathe out.

 收到 Yep, copy that. 林奇和夏佩洛正在看守提格 Lynch and Shapiro are securing Teague,

 我们几分钟后就出发 and we"ll be on our way in a few. 确保飞机准备起飞就好 Just make sure that plane is good to go. 这家伙准备好移送了 Twat"s ready for transport. 你哪都别想去 Hey, you"re going nowhere, mate. 万人迷来了,之后再跟你联♥系♥ Here"s Prince Charming now.I"ll keep you updated.

 保持警戒 Stay frosty. 真幽默 Yeah, funny,

 说得好像我能放松似的 I"ve never heard that before. 对了,这玩意真好喝

 This is excellent, by the way. 我知道 I know. 可以出发了 Good to go. 信不信由你,但这么做是为了你好 Believe it or not, Teague, this is all for your own good. 你将被送到某个遥远机密地点 You"re being flown to a remote, black site prison 因为外头有太多人想要你的命 "cause there"s too many people out here that want your head on a pike." 像你这样的人吗? People like you? 你是个叛徒 You"re a traitor,

 杀人凶手 you"re a murderer,

 还牺牲了自己的整个小组 and you sacrificed our own team. 你若不是这样偿还罪孽 Now, you either pay for those crimes this way, 就是有人会把你手脚一只只卸下来 or someone"s going to tear you limb from limb. 那些罪行都只是传闻 Alleged crimes. 我该相信最希望我死的家伙说的话? And I"m supposed to believe all this from a man who wants to see me dead more than most? 这是为了我好? For my own good, eh?

 别开玩笑了 That"s bullshit. 走吧 Let"s go. 进车里

 进去 Get in! Get in! 我就知道你们想杀我 I knew it... you"re trying to kill me! 别傻了,我们会让他自己来 Don"t be ridiculous, we"d just let him do it. 有人看到枪手吗? Anyone got eyes on the shooter?

 需要有人自愿引起枪手注意 Right, we need a volunteer to draw their fire. 想都别想 Fuck off. -可恶

 -对方在哪? - Fucking...! - Where are they? 三点钟方向的高塔 Three o"clock, tower. 大概是提格的人

 不对 -Probably one of Teague"s... - No,

 提格才是目标 Teague"s the target.

 怎么可能 Bollocks. 有可能 Maybe. - 立刻出发 Let"s go. 知道了 On it. 我来开车 Mine.

 你确定? Really? 林奇,立刻出发 Lynch! Step on it. 坐稳了 Hold onto your balls back there. 汇报情况 Talk to me. 有意外访客,但我们已经出发了 We had an unexpected guest, but we"re on our way. 知道对方身分吗? Any idea who it was? 不清楚 Not a clue,

 但对方想要提格的命 but they wanted Teague"s head. 而且差点得手了 And nearly got it. 我再跟你汇报

 I"ll keep you posted. 我们上路了 We"r...

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