
时间:2022-08-12 12:55:03 公文范文 来源:网友投稿




 2007 China Open 志愿者岗位描述

 中国网球公开赛招募 吉祥物志愿者



 9 月 8 日-23 日 工作地点:

 北京市丰台区光彩路 1 号,北京网球中心 工作职责:

 身穿中网吉祥物服装,为赛事娱乐助兴、活跃赛场气氛 职位要求:

 工作积极性高; 身体健康;需在室外阳光下工作; 有相关活动经验者优先。


 中国网球公开赛志愿者证件; 中国网球公开赛志愿者制服; 赛事期间免费餐饮; 赛事期间免费班车接送; 赛事期间人身意外伤害保险; 赛事期间优惠价格购买中国网球公开赛纪念品; 赛事期间免费观看比赛、参加球员签名会的机会。


 有权了解中网赛事志愿者管理政策; 有权参加赛会优秀志愿者评比表彰; 有权对赛会志愿者工作提出意见和建议; 有权申请退出志愿服务。


 遵守中国网球公开赛各项管理规定; 服从中国网球公开赛的指挥和调配,认真完成志愿服务工作任务; 自觉维护中国网球公开赛、志愿者和被服务部门的形象。

  2007 China Open Volunteer Job description

 8 Mascot Volunteers Wanted!!!

 Duration: 8 th -23 rd


 Location: Beijing Tennis Centre, 1 Guang Cai Road, Fengtai, Beijing Job responsibility:

 Wearing the costume of China Open to brings more funs to the spectators at the venue. Qualifications:

 Very enthusiastic;

 Healthy; Must be able to work in sun; Relevant event experiences desirable; Benefits:

 China Open volunteer credentials and uniforms; Free catering and shuttle bus provided;

 Free insurance guaranteed; Low discount to purchase official merchandise; Free match tickets and players’ autograph session guaranteed. Rights:

 Be entitled to understand the volunteer policy and regulation of the China Open; Be entitled to join in the Star Volunteer Campaign; Be entitled to provide the advice and suggestion on the volunteer management; Be entitled to quit the China Open Volunteering Programme. Obligations:

 Be subject to the volunteer policy and regulation of the China Open; Comply with the daily volunteer management of the China Open; Be subject to consciously maintain the impression of the volunteers and the China Open.

 *N.B. All the information above is subject to change by the COL without notification.

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