
时间:2022-08-02 13:45:03 公文范文 来源:网友投稿




 2004 年记者会 目光投向中国了 turning their eyes to china 雄关漫道真如铁, 而今迈步从头越” the strong part of the enemies is like a wall of iron,yey with firm strides we are conquering its summit 不亚于 are no less severe than 适时适度、 有力有效 at a wise time and with an appropriate intensity 突出矛盾和问题 outstanding problems and imbalances 中国的崛起不会妨碍 stand in the way of any other country 任何人 也不会牺牲任何人 or be achieved at the expense of any other country。

 海不辞水,故能成其大.the ocean never turns away a stream, so it becomes wide and deep. 山不辞土石, 故能成其高 the mountain never turns away stones,so it becomes towering and strong 从本届政府一开始 when i assume my office 社会公示和公证制度 consultation with the people and the holding of public hearing 程序完善 put in place full-fledged proceedure、 公平公正 fair and just in administration、 高效便民 provide high-efficiency service to the convenience of the people、 诚实守信、 权责统一 power and responsiblity。

 信念不会动摇 unswerving conviction 转译 高票通过 overwhelming suppot 指导思想 guiding ideology 具有重大和深远的意义 far-reaching and profound significance 以最大的努力 exert our upmost efforts 势头良好 sound momentum 有着地缘优势 advantage of geographical proximity

 人们非常关注的问题 close concern for many 或者 draw keen interests of the people 艰苦奋斗 live plainly and work hard 在糖衣炮弹前倒下 succumb to the sugar-coated bombshells 不正之风 unhealthy conducts 也有他们焦虑的要求 putting forward their demands or requests out of sorrow 互谅互让 mutual understanding and mutual accomodation 道德风险 moral hazard 背水一战 make or break 对国家的注资实行保全 safety measures, 也就是保值增值 maintainence and appreciation of the value of state injected capital 东欧剧变 drastic changes 2005 要求我们这个民族不畏艰险、 百折不挠、 坚定信心、 永远奋斗。

 must have courage to overcome difficulties , confidence to win and dauntless spirit to work hard and prevail.


 combined a series of policies。

 遭遇战 facing a battle of contact 经济生活这根弦绷得还很紧。

 In the economy,

 the supply chain is overstretched.

 说到底 boil down to/ in the final analysis 经济生活长期处于紧张阶段, 难以为继。

 make the economy to stretch out for a long time in an unsustainable situation.

  土地的经营权 right to manage land by farmers.

 法条 explanatory notes related to the law.

  要害 essence

 法律明确地规定 provided for 台湾去实行劳务输出 contract labour services in Taiwan.

 放开 eased many of the control 消除阻碍经济增长和造成经济不稳定的体制性根源 to remove the structural integument/impediment to economic growth 健全公司法人治理结构, 加快股份制改革 focusing on corporate governance and share-holding systems.

  中俄睦邻友好条约的实施规划 programmes on the implementation of the Sino-Russian Treaty on Good-Neighbourliness,

 Friendship and Co-operation 抗日战争 War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression 给农民生产经营的自主权 give greater autonomy to the farmers in production and management 一尺布, 尚可缝; 一斗粟 millet, 尚可舂。

 同胞兄弟何不容? Even a foot of cloth can be stitched up;

 even a kilo of millet can be ground.

 How can two blood brothers not make up?"

 中国人总是受人欺侮的 China was subjected to bullyingand humiliation.

 《奥义书》 Upanisad, 可能是梵文 Sanskrit 充分认识 come to grips with 上收死刑复核权到最高人民法院 taking the right to review death penalty to the Supreme People" s Court.

 股价下跌得比较厉害 prices of stocks have continued plummeting.

 2006 2007 本届政府工作走过了四个年头 It has been four years since this Government took office 有关政府部门 competent government authorities 股市上涨或者发展过快、 过猛 the rise of the stock market over the past two years went too far too fast

 股权分置改革 reform of listing non-tradable shares of listed companies 美元资产 US dollar denominated assets 拟定 draft a plan 生活困难群体 disadvantaged groups 去问开化的大地, 去问解冻的河流 Go and ask thethawing land, go and ask the thawing river". 从政治上、 法律上和事实上 on the political,

 legal and factual basis 沉舟侧畔千帆过, 病树前头万木春 A thousand sails pass by the wrecked ship; ten thousand saplings 幼树, 树苗 shoot up beyond the withered tree.

 欣慰 relieved,

 权钱交易 power-for-money deals 水能载舟, 亦能覆舟 while water can carry a boat,

 it can also overturn it.

 都要依法严肃惩处 must be brought to justice. /held accountable.

 并举的方针 two pronged approach

 相悖离 mutually exclusive 首要价值 core value 硬性指标 obligatory targets 就是投资增长率过高, 信贷投放过多, 货币流动性过大, 外贸和国际收支顺差过高 overheated investment as well as excessive credit supply and liquidity and surplus in foreign trade and international payments.

 西藏流亡政府 Tibetan Government in Exile 从绝对数量还是比例大小 absolute and relative terms 2008 地方大员

 top local leaders.

 突发性灾害 sudden disasters

 南方冰雪灾害 the disaster of sleet and snowstorms 行事见于当时, 是非公于后世 What one did at the time will be judged by history 物价过快上涨 excessive price rises 经济大起大落 drastic economic fluctuations/wild swing in the economic development

 苟利国家生死以, 岂因祸福避趋之 One should uphold his country" s interests with his life.

 He should not do things just to pursue personal gains and he should not evade his responsibilities for fear of personal loss 加强社会主义精神文明建设 promote socialist cultural and ethical standards 物价涨幅控制在. . holding price rise to a level of about … 鞭策 inspiration 民之所忧, 我之所思; 民之所思, 我之所行 What people are concerned about is what preoccupies my mind and what preoccupies the minds of the people is what I need to address 事实上的“台独” 宣言 a de facto declaration of

 TW independence 法理台独 de jure TW independence 国统纲领 national unification guidelines 我们有足够事实证明, 这起事件是由达赖集团有组织、 有预谋、 精心策划和煽动起来的。

 There is ample evidence that this incident was premeditated,


 incited and organized by the Dalai clique.

 铁的事实 indisputable facts.

 标榜 claims 一派谎言 totally unfounded.

 立场是不会动摇的 never waver in this position.

 入联公投 referendum scheme for Taiwan joining the United Nations 两岸关系的主题和主旋律 general goal /mainstream in growing cross-Strait relations.

 找到一个平衡点 strike a balance.

 事不避难、 勇于担当、 奋勇向前。

 never shy away from difficult decisions ,have the courage to meet the difficulties head on and press forward.

  分裂破坏活 separatist and sabotage activities 我这个人是一个充满忧患意识的人" m always prepared for adversities.

 廉租房和经济适用房 low-rent apartments and affordable housing

 不可告人的目的 hidden agend 为了台湾同胞的利益, 我们甚至愿意作出必要的牺牲 To meet the interests of our compatriots in Taiwan,

 we are ready to suffer some loses ourselves.


 万古下泉诗 I have always longed 渴望; 极想 to see a reunified China,

 an aspiration shared by all our people 度尽劫波兄弟在, 相逢一笑泯恩仇"we remain brothers despite all the vicissitudes and let" s forgo our grudges when smiling we meet again 国内法与国际法相衔接问题 the issue of compatibility between China" s domestic laws and international law 在阳光下运行 operate in the open.

 independent eyes 独立的媒体或者独立的人士 “定心丸” a reassuring force 居高不下 hovering at a high level 人民币汇率形成机制的改革 reform of the RMB exchange rate system 权衡利弊 weigh up their costs and benefits “解放思想, 实事求是, 团结一致向前看 the principle of freeing our minds,

 seekingtruth from facts and being united and forward-looking

 2009 迷茫 at a loss 莫道今年春将尽, 明年春色倍还人 Do not regret that the spring is departing,

 come next year as it will be twice as enchanting.

 标本兼治 addressing not only the symptoms but also the root causes.

 技术改造 technological upgrading and transformation 经过论证的 fully debated and evaluated 预留了政策空间 reserved a leeway for ourselves in our policy formulation 外汇“安全、 流动和保值” 的原则 adhere to the principle of safety,

 liquidity and good value of our foreign exchange reserve management 任何国家不能对人民币升值或贬值施加压力 No country is in a position topressurize the Chinese side to appreciate or depreciate the RMB.

 对香港扩大服务业的开放 further increase the access to the mainland’ s market by the service sector in Hong Kong.

 补住窟窿 plugthe loophole 取火莫若取燧, 汲水莫若凿井 we’ d better fetch a flint than beg for lightwood; we’ d better dig a well for ourselves than beg for water from others 对外支付的能力 capacity to pay in external transactions and trading 意向书 letter of intent 山重水复疑无路, 柳暗花明又一村 after encountering all kinds of difficulties and experiencing all kinds of hardships,

 at the end of the day,

 we will see the light at the end of the tunnel.

 辩证地看待财政赤字的问题 take a holistic approach to this issue/take adialectic 实际上是政教合一的政府 a de facto theocratic government 白纸黑字 written words on paper/ written in black and white 2010

 行百里者半九十 If the journey is 100 miles, traveling 90 is half of it. / Half of the people who have embarked on the 100 journey may fall by the wayside(张璐版, 有误)

 亦余心之所善兮, 虽九死其犹未悔 For the ideal that I hold dear to my heart,

 I" d not regret even a thousand deaths to die 实际有效汇率 real effective exchange rate 共赢或者多赢的渠道 a win-win or all-win solution.

 二次探底 double-dip 人或加讪, 心无疵兮 My conscience stays untainted in spite of the rumors and slanders from the outside 共同但有区别的责任” 原则 the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities 早期收获 early harves 关税减免 tariff concessions 国际收支基本平衡 basic equilibrium in our balance of payments 中国傲慢论. /中国强硬论/中国必胜论 theory of China" s triumphalism 征求群众意见 solicit public opinions 公开招标 public tendering.

 政权的巩固 the stability of state power.

 时进则进, 时退则退, 动静不失其时 Timing is essential in deciding when one should act and when one should stay put rough patch 困难 better to have dialogue than confrontation,

 cooperation than containment,

 and a partner than a rival.

 对话比对抗好, 合作比遏制好, 伙伴比对手好 在国际上扬眉吐气 head held high on the world stage

 每个人也有自由和全面发展的机遇 have the opportunity to achieve all-round development in a free environment.

 尽最大的努力 ex...

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