
时间:2022-07-25 11:05:03 公文范文 来源:网友投稿




 The sentiment of The Hurt Locker Today I watched a film which is called The Hurt Locker. This movie had been done in 2008 but it is very famous now. It is unbelievable that this movie was made by a woman--Kathryn Ann Bigelow because it is about a troop of USA Army called EOD, which has a special and dangerous work—to disarm the bombs. When I watched this movie I almost felt that I was together with these brave people in Iraq, because this film was made like a documentary, the sway scene, the sound of breathes, the sweat on their faces, everything is so real that made me feel being shocked. The film is very serious and strained. Sometime the bombs explode suddenly and made the native people feel scared, people cried and screamed, sometimes they just looked at the army working peacefully because they have been used to it. In the film, sometime we can see something which is relaxed, like James played football with a native boy, I was moved by the honest and simply dialogues between the two guys but the director just wants to tell us how cruel the war is because at the middle of the movie, the little boy was killed ruthlessly by the people who wanted to put the bomb into his body.

 In the movie, the main character named James, he is so good at this job, and he can finish the work quickly and easily. But on the other hand he is always personal heroism and he has a strange hobby, which is collecting the initiating systems of the bombs which he had disarmed. As the word in front of the movie “The rush of battle is often a potent and lethal addiction, for war is a drug”, James has an addiction to disarm bombs. The lead of film is the countdown of days they stayed in Iraq, at the end of the movie, James went back to his home, he couldn’t stand to the ordinary life, when he went to a market to buy some oatmeal, he almost didn’t know how to select, I felt a little sad and pity which is hard to say. So he went back to Iraq, went back to the dangers.

 There is some shortcoming, like the main idea of the movie is not clearly. It is hard to say what the character wants to tell us, anti-war or some others but it is definitely a good film.

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