
时间:2023-07-11 19:30:02 公文范文 来源:网友投稿






It is commonly believed that the great English dramatist and poet.












Many people believe that commitment are the foundations of 。.












The sheets are damp with sweat.You"re cold,but your heart is.。.。













Why it matters that teens are reading less?

36、[E] That may be true, but that still does not tell us much about what happens across a whole generation of people when time spent on digital media grows.Large surveys con-ducted over the course of many years tell us that American youth are not going to the cinema nearly as often as they did in the past.

37、[B]Analysis of surveys of over one million teens in the United States collected since 1976 reveals a major shift in how teens are spending their leisure time. Paper books are being ignored, in favor of screens.……。

38、[G] Indeed, the number of senior high school students who said they had not read any books for pleasure in the last year was one out of three by 2016. That is triple the number from two decades ago.……

39、[D]If teens are spending so much time using electronic devices, does that mean they have to give activities? Maybe not. Over the years, many scholars have insisted that time online does not necessarily take away time spent engaging with traditional media or on other activities.…

40[。A] Most of us spend much more time with digital media than we did a decade ago.But today"s teens have grown up with smartphones. Compared with teens a couple of de-cades ago, the way they interact with traditional media like books and movies is fundamentally different.…

41、[H]] This might present problems for young people later on. When high school students go on to college, their past and current reading habits will influence their academic per-formance.…。

42、[c] Teens did not always spend that much time with digi-tal media. Online time has doubled since 2006, and social media use has moved from a periodic activity to a daily one in the same period.By 2016, nearly nine out of ten young women in the 12th grade said they visited social media sites every day.……

43、[F]But the treads related to movies are less disturbing compared with the change in how teens spend their time. Research has revealed an enormous decline in reading.In 1980, about 60 percent of senior high school students said they read a book, newspaper or magazine every day that was not assigned for school.By 2016, only 16 percent did.

44、[B] Analysis of surveys of over one million teens in the United States collected since 1976 reveals a major shift in how teens are spending their leisure time. Paper books are being ignored, in favor of screens.……

45、[E] That may be true, but that still does not tell us much about what happens across a whole generation of people when time spent on digital media grows. Large surveys conducted over the course of many years tell us that American youth are not going to the cinema nearly as often as they did in the past.…。


How to no be boring

36、(F) The most interesting people aren"t those who"ve gone on some Eal,Pray,Love jourmey to find themsclves.Instead,Pirson says,they"re those who examine the ordinary.

37、(J)Of course, it"s possible to be a fountain of knowledge and a boring person,says public relations consultant Andrea Pass.Paying attention to the listener is an important part of.。.。.。

38、[B] To tell the truth,interesting people are more popular among their friends.If you don"t arouse somcone"s curiosity or brighten somcone"s day,you probably come.…。.

39、(I) Television veteran Audrey Morrissey, executive producer of NBC"s The Voice,is always looking for what will make a person or story interesting to viewers…。.

40、(M)I have now come to realize that being boring,in actuali-ty, is not only about who you are as a person,but also how you present yourself……

41、(C)Recently, I was at a gathering of colleagues when some-one turned to me and asked,"So,what"s new with you?" Ordi narily, I think I"m a good conversationalist……。.

42、(G) This is essentinlly how Jessica Hagy starts her day a lot of time thinking about what"s interesting to her.。.。.

43、(A)Humans are creatures habit. We love to establish a rou-tine and stick with it.Then we often put ourselves on auto-pi- can be incredibly useful in helping you get things done…。

44、(K)"If the listener is not paying attention, it"s your sign to shorten the story or change direction.

45、(E)"If someone is making up some conversation that might be interesting, it"s probably not going to land well," says Pirson, whose expertise includes trust and…。


36、[H]Like Ms,Li, many women try to manage the added stress to reach what Dr Joyce said was an unattainable ideal“Some professional women aim to do it all They want to reach the top of the corporate ladder and flylikesuper-mom,"she said.

37、[E]ference,however,is in the nature and scope of these responsibilities in the home ent in particular,“DrJoycesaid.For example , the United Nations reported that nearly three times as much unpaid domestic work as men.

38、[C]It"s a common story- one we frequently ridicule and readily dismiss ,for example,by claiming that women tend to complain more than men, despite the growing sumofre-search that underlines the problem 。

39、[K] Disconnecting from work and home responsibilities is also obviously important 。Butit"smuchcasier said than done 。Itis important to understand what causes your stress in the first place 。

40、[F]it"s not just inside he home ,though. Research from Nova Southeastern University found that female managers were more likely than male managers to 。display or forcing emotions that are not wholly felt.

41、[I]The stress problem extends beyond mental health when you consider the link between stress a anxiety and heart health 。Worse, most of what we know about heart dis-ease comes from studies involving men.。.。.

42、[B]Ms.Li said her stress led to sleeplessness 。 When she did sleep she experienced"problem-solvingdreams,“which left her feeling unrested when she woke up.After I became a first -time mother,I quickly realized i was so busy caring for other people and work that I felt like I"d lost myself,

43、[G] Surface acting is a prime example of "emotionallabor "a concept that the writer Jess Zimmerman made fa-miliar in a 2015 essay. The essays parked a massive thread ,on the Internet community blog Meta Filter 。

44、[J]The good news is, women are more likely than men to take charge of their stress and manage it,the American Psy-chological Association reports 。The concept ofself-care, atitscore,is quite simple.”

45、[D]e difference is not really news to me,as a clinical psy-chologist said ErinJoyce



As many office workers adapt to remote work, cities may undergo fundamental change if offices remain under-uti-lized.

46.C)It benefits employers at the expense of employees.

47.D) It negatively impacts productivity.

48.A) To provide convincing data for serious discussion

49.C) Employers"gain from remote working should go to employees as compensation.

50.A) It should be avoided if possible.

The human thirst for knowledge is the driving force behind our successful development as a species.

51.B)It is the force that pushes human society forward.

52.A) It motivates people to seek information.

53.D) They work in conjunction with the environment.

54.B)They prefer to go after all that is novel.

55.A)The cost of humans" curiosity to explore.


With obesity now affecting 29% of the population in England, and expected to rise to 35% by 2030, should we now recognise it as disease?

46、 C) It should be regarded as a genetic disease.

47.D) It results from a lack of self-control.

48、 A)Obese people would not feel responsible to take any action.

49.B)It is too inclusive and thus lacks clarity.

50.D)It may do little good to patients.

Nationwide, only about three percent of early childhood teach-

51.C)It is negatively impacted by a lack of male teachers.

52.A) The importance of broadening children"s horizons.

53.D)Many of them feel prejudiced against socially and cultur-ally.

54.A)Higher pay.

55.B) Taking measures to attract prospective male teachers to work in the field.


Have you ever wondered how acceptable it is to hug or touchsomeone ?

46.C)Its absence might suggest a lack of warmth in interpersonal relationships 。

47.D)How close the communicator‘s relationships are 。

48.B) They take touching as a cultural norm in social interactions.

49.A)Men can show friendship in public through physical affection.

50.D)Take other people"s preference into consideration 。

From climate change to the ongoing pandemic (大流行病) and beyond ,the issues facing today"s world are increasingly complex and dynamic 。

51.A)It faces problems that are getting more varied and compli-cated.

52.C) People are divided about the nature of interest 。

53.D)How a growth mindset of interest can contribute to crossdisciplinarythinking.

54.C) Making innovative products needs multidisciplinary products.

55.B) Broadening their interests 。



题目:Proposal to Organize a Speech Contest


Dear Sir or Madam,

I"m 名字, a second-year student from Business Department. I"m writing to make a proposal about holding a college-wide English public speaking contest with the topic of "University as I see it"。

The aims of the contest are twofold. First, students all over the University are offered an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to communicate effectively in English. Second, the contest could serve as a forum for students from different background to share their insights and experiences. It is important to note that only a current undergraduate student is eligible for the contest. Each of the contestants would be asked to deliver a prepared speech of 5 minutes and an impromptu speech based on the topic assigned after the prepared speech. The contest would be an off-line event at the International Conference Hall on 日期。 A panel from the ESL faculty shall select five finalists from all participants. The finalists would present their speeches after which three winners (and two honorable mentions) would be chosen.

I"m looking forward to your reply. Thank you very much for everything you"ve done. Wish you all the best.

Yours sincerely,


题目:Proposal for an Orientation Program


Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m 名字。 I’m writing to make a proposal to conduct an orientation program for freshmen. The major purpose of the orientation program is to enable freshmen to adapt to the campus environment and academic life as soon as possible. The duration of the project is expected to be one week. Participants include all freshmen, teachers and academic staff.

The orientation is divided into three parts: a school lecture, a student activity and a campus tour. In the school lecture, we will introduce the school background, professional training objectives and how to select courses, so as to help students quickly embark on their learning journey. At the student activity, there will be some interesting games to help freshmen get to know each other quickly and make contacts. The last part is a campus tour, where students will visit the school"s teaching building, library, restaurant, and so on, so as to help them to quickly adjust to campus life.

I hope the freshmen can quickly adapt to the new environment and academic studies through this orientation. I’m looking forward to your reply. Wish you all the best.

Yours sincerely,


题目:Report on Used Books Collecting on Campus


I have just participated in a school project of collecting used books on campus which I find really rewarding. Here are some details of the project.

The aim of the project is to donate books to a primary school in a small village outside the town. Meanwhile, it"s also aimed to protect the environment by recycling old books. Both the students and the teachers on campus participated in the project. What"s more, some of the graduates also came back and gave away their books. All the books collected were to enlarge the collection of the primary school"s library. There were two activities in this project, book donation and charity bazaar of old books. Both achieved great success in collecting used books.

We are very happy to report that, by now, about 1,500 books have been collected and the number is still growing. I hope more and more activities of this kind will be held on campus in the following days.









推荐访问:英语四级 答案 22年12月英语四级答案 2920年12月英语四级答案 12月英语四级答案解析 12月英语四级答案完整版 12月英语四级答案听力 2022年12月英语四级答案什么时候出 12月英语四级答案最新 2022年12月英语四级答案 2020年12月英语四级答案 2021年12月英语四级答案
