A learning theory is an attempt to describe how people and animals learn, thereby helping us understands the inherently complex process of learning.
学习理论作为教育学和教育心理学的一门分支学科, 描述或说明人类和动物学习的类型、 过程, 以及有效学习的条件。
它重点研究学习的性质、 过程、 动机以及方法和策略等。
A language learning theory underlying an approach or method usually answers two questions:
(1) What are the psycholinguistic and cognitive processes involved in language learning? • (2) What are the conditions that need to be met in order for these learning processes to be activated?
第一, 在语言学习中, 心理过程和认识过程是什么?
第二, 为了使这些学习过程更加有效, 需满足什么样的条件?
与教学法相关的语言学习理论, 可能重视其中的一个问题或者两个都比较重视。
Although these two questions have never been satisfactory answered, a vast amount of research has been done from all aspects. The research can be broadly divided into two types: process-oriented theories and condition-oriented theories.
Process-oriented theories are concerned with how the mind organizes new information such as habit formation, induction, making inference, hypothesis testing and generalization.
过程理论基于学习过程, 比如, 习惯的形式、 推断、 归纳等。
Condition-oriented theories emphasize the nature of the human and physical context in which language learning takes place, such as the number of students, the kind of input learners receive and the atmosphere.
学习理论多种多样, 不同的学者有不同的观点, 由于时间关系, 我们今天在这里只介绍几种主要的学习理论。
通常, 我们所说的学习理论主要有四种。
There are four main categories under which learning theories fall: behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism and humanism.
学习 理论主要有:
行为主义学习 理论, 认知主义学习 理论, 建构主义学习 理论, 人本主义学习 理论。
• 理论的学习 主要掌握三点:
时间、 代表人物、 Key issues( 主要观点)。
During the 1920s and 1960s, Behaviorism as a learning theory was generally accepted. Behaviorism was initiated by American psychologist John B. Waston, and primarily developed by B. F. Skinner. It loosely encompasses the work of people like Edward Thorndike, Tolman, Guthrie, and Hull. 美国-心理学家-约翰·华生在 20 世纪初创立了 行为主义学习 理论, 在格思里、 赫尔、 桑代克、 斯金
纳等的影响下, 行为主义学习 理论在美国占据主导地位长达半个世纪之久。
斯金纳提出的操作性条件作用原理更是将行为主义学习 理论推向 了 高峰。
The key point of the theory is that ‘you can train an animal to do thing (without reason) if you follow a certain procedure which has three major stages, stimulus, response, and reinforcement’ (Harmer, 1983:30)
Behaviorists claim that all complex forms of behaviour—motions, habits, and such—are seen as composed of simple muscular and glandular elements that can be observed and measured. And emotional reactions are learned in much the same way as other skills. Behaviorists suggested that that language is a form of behaviour. It is learned by constant repetition and the reinforcement of teacher. Mistakes were immediately corrected, and correct utterances were immediately corrected, and correct utterances were immediately praised
行为主义者把“ 刺激—反应” 作为行为的基本单位, 学习 即“ 刺激—反应” 之间联结的加强, 教学的艺术在于如何安排强化。
行为主义者认为, 学习 是刺激与反应之间的联结, 他们的基本假设是:
行为是学习 者对环境刺激所做出的反应。
他们把环境看成是刺激, 把伴而随之的有机体行为看作是反应, 认为所有行为的方法,为学生创设一种环境, 尽可能在最大程度上强化学生的合适行为, 消除不合适为都是习 得的。
行为主义学习 理论应用在学校教育实践上, 就是要求教师掌握塑造和矫正学生行行为。
——把人比作动物, 把学习 简单地视为习 惯的养成 简化了学习过程的性质, 只能解释简单的机械学习
未能揭示学习的意识性和能动性 未能区分人类学习与动物学习的本质区别————机械性的学习理论
——随着教育学和教育心理学的发展, 开始质疑——
Noam Chomsky——Q: if all language is a learned behaviour, how can a child produce a sentence that has never been said by others before?
近二十年以来, 把学生作为知识灌输对象的行为主义学习理论, 已经让位于把学生看作是信息加工主体的认知学习理论。
随着心理学家对人类学习过程认知规律研究的不断深入, 近年来, 认知学习理论的一个重要分支--建构主义学习理论在西方逐渐流行。
Constructivism: main representative: • Constructivism was developed by Seymour Papert and his colleagues at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Papert had worked with Piaget at the latter"s Institute in Geneva.
• John Dewey (1859– 1952), Lev Vygotsky (1896– 1934), Jerome Bruner (1915-), Herbert Simon (1916– 2001), Edgar Morin (1921-) ,ect.
皮亚杰(J.Piaget)、 科恩伯格(O.Kernberg)、 斯滕伯格(R.J.sternberg)、卡茨(D.Katz)、 维果斯基(Vogotsgy)。
• Constructivist ideas about learning are based on the idea that learners must build their own
knowledge—it cannot be given to them—and that new knowledge builds on current knowledge.
建构主义所蕴涵的教学思想主要反映在学生观、 教师观、 学习观等方面。
Key notions of constructivism:
The nature of the learner: The learner as a unique individual The importance of the background and culture of the learner 关于学生观, 建构主义者认为, 学生不是不同的个体, 学生并不是空着脑袋走进教室的, 在日常生活中,在以往的学习中, 他们已经形成了丰富的经验, 他们对任何事情都有自己的看法。
教学不能无视学生的这些经验, 另起炉灶, 从外部装进新知识, 而应该重视学生自己对各种现象的理解, 倾听他们当下的看法,思考他们这些想法的由来, 并以此为据, 引导学生丰富或调整自己的解释。
The role of the instructor: Instructors as facilitators Learner should be responsible for their learning. 教学不是知识的传递, 而是知识的处理和转换。
教师不单是知识的呈现者, 也不是知识权威的象征。教师的角色应该是学生建构知识的忠实支持者、 学生学习 的高级伙伴或合作者。
学生自 己才是学习的主体, 学生对自 己的学习 负责, 而非老师。
The nature of the learning process: Learning is an active, social process Dynamic interaction between task, instructor and learner Learners with different skills and backgrounds should collaborate in tasks and discussions to arrive at a shared understanding of the truth in a specific field.
学习是一个动态的过程, 它具有社会互动性, 学习是通过对某种社会文化的参与而内化相关的知识和技能,掌握有关的工具的过程, 这一过程需要通过一个学习共同体的合作互动来完成。
比如说在儿童与成人或比他成熟的社会成员的交往活动中, 在他们的帮助下, 以自己已有的知识的基础上获得意义, 从而促使学习的进行。
Humanistic Leaning Theory 1. Humanistic psychology emerged in the 1950s.Some theories and views that were put forward by them had helpful implications for education and language teaching in 1960s. American psychologyAbraham Mallow, Carl R.rogers and Stevick are the main representatives in this area. 人本主义教学理论又称为情感教学理论。
人本主义心理学家认为, 真正的学习涉及整个人,而不是仅仅是为学习者提供事实。
真正的学习经验能够促进学习者发现自己独特的内在品质,教学的本质在于促进学生成为一个完整的人-a whole person.人本主义学习理论强调以下 4 点。
1.It emphasizes the importance of the inner world of the learners and places the individual"s thoughts ,feelings and emotions at the forefront of all human development.(Williams and Burden,1997) 2.It also stress the important of learning enviroment which minimizes anxiety and enhances personal security(Aronid,2005) 3.It maintains learner-centred educational thoughts,attachin importance to the development of the whole person and the affective relationship between teachers and students.
4.It emphasizes that affective factors play an important role in language lerning and teaching .Teachers could create a situation in which the students feel relaxed and have no mental pressure so that they can take an active part in the teaching process.In this way ,students will get good results in their language learning.