
时间:2023-03-30 11:25:05 公文范文 来源:网友投稿

harmless的汉语是什么意思1  英[ˈhɑ:mləs] 美[ˈhɑ:rmləs]  基本解释  形容词无害的,不致伤的;没有受到损失或免于法律责任的  相关例句  形容词  1.Thedogs下面是小编为大家整理的2023年度harmless汉语是什么意思3篇,供大家参考。



  英 [ˈhɑ:mləs] 美 [ˈhɑ:rmləs]


  形容词 无害的,不致伤的; 没有受到损失或免于法律责任的



  1. The dog seems fierce, but he"s harmless.


  2. Several harmless spectators were wounded during the rioting.



  1. The majority are harmless, but if left untreated a very small percentage can become cancerous.

  2. They are certainly better than general categorical announcements that such products are now harmless.

  3. One scientist warned that with cloning it is possible for viruses that are harmless in animals to be introduced into humans.

  4. Although evidence of cancers caused by hair dyes is not conclusive, few people believe they are harmless.

  5. Some said advertisements are harmless and frowned on the move and questioned whether the outlawed outdoor ads really disturb the city"s peace and appearance.

  6. If it bothers you that much to be the object of someone"s harmless curiosity, try wearing big shades and practice looking straight ahead.

  7. The mayors initiating Friday"s meeting disagree with the results of a Defense Ministry study that the radar base is harmless.

  8. As harmless as these time traveling fantasies may sound to children, parents have been frightened to discover " time travel guides " on the Internet.

  9. People carrying liquids must drink it first to prove it is harmless.





  英 [ti:t] 美 [tt]


  cheating 基本解释

  形容词 欺骗的.

  动词 作弊; 欺骗,哄骗( cheat的现在分词 ); (尤指在游戏、比赛、考试等中)欺诈;


  Skin somebody alive-(活剥某人的皮)

  A:What happened to Pat this morning? I saw him leave the classroom soon after the exam began.


  B:He was found cheating and was driven out.


  A:If the principal caught him cheating, he would skin him alive.



  1. A court in East Chinas Zhejiang province on Wednesday upheld the death penalty for a businesswoman for cheating investors out of several hundred million yuan.

  2. The CIRC Shanghai bureau has often received complaints about agents cheating or misleading customers who are buying products.

  3. " And Yangs cheating was exposed by accident in March, " police said.

  4. Yangs cheating was exposed by accident in March 2004, local police said.

  5. The new rules also clarify the role of surveillance cameras in exam administration, as the devices are an important means of collecting evidence if cheating is suspected.

  6. The new rules also clarify the role of surveillance cameras in exam administration, as the devices are an important way to collect evidence if cheating is suspected.

  7. The revised campus regulations also offer university officials more say in punishing students who are caught cheating in an exam or plagiarizing research achievements.

  8. A commitment letter was signed by millions of participants in this years CEE in an effort to purge cheating in the test rooms.

  9. This may not only reduce cheating but also ease the pressure that the only one chance exerts on students.





  英 [hm] 美 [hom]

  名词 家; 家庭; 家庭生活; 终点

  形容词 家庭的; 家用的; 本地的; 本部的

  副词 在家; 在家乡; 深深地; 深入地

  不及物动词 回家; 有家; 朝向; 自动导航

  及物动词 把…送回家; 送…回家; 给…提供住处; 使有安身之处


  1. Her home is far away.


  2. Now he has his home in Manchester.



  1. These wide ranging products include indispensable items for the home and the office, for business and for pleasure.

  2. The Chinese Mexican kept the two marriages secret by claiming he was doing business abroad and could not return home frequently.

  3. The company has three major business segments - multimedia digital products, communications products and home appliances.

  4. Although the trend toward home working is fueled by technology and employee demand, proactive employer initiative driven by business needs is equally important.

  5. Although the trend toward home working is undeniably fueled by technology and employee demand, proactive employer initiative driven by business needs is equally important.

  6. He said customers were getting familiar with home delivery services and had begun to trust the business model.

  7. Police said Wang initially posed as a businessman and conned the family into letting him spend the night so he could scout their home.

  8. The traditional Chinese Qingming Festival period is a busy period when people from home and abroad come to pay their respects.


  1. (比赛的)主场

  When a sports team plays at home, they play a game on their own ground, rather than on the opposing team"s ground.

  e.g. I scored in both games against Barcelona; we drew at home and beat them away.


  2. 像在家一样舒适自在;无拘束

  If you feel at home, you feel comfortable in the place or situation that you are in.

  e.g. He spoke very good English and appeared pleased to see us, and we soon felt quite at home...


  e.g. I am not completely at home in any Protestant Church.


  3. 使清楚地领会;使深切地感到

  To bring something home to someone means to make them understand how important or serious it is.

  e.g. Their sobering conversation brought home to everyone present the serious and worthwhile work the Red Cross does.


  4. 大功告成;稳操胜券

  If you say that someone is, in British English home and dry, or in American English home free, you mean that they have been successful or that they are certain to be successful.

  e.g. The prime minister and the moderates are not yet home and dry.






  英 [kwt] 美 [kwt]

  第三人称单数:quits现在分词:quitting过去分词:quitted; quit过去式:quitted; quit

  及物动词 离开; 放弃,抛弃; 停止,中断; 偿清

  不及物动词 辞职; 停止; 放弃斗争

  形容词 自由的; 摆脱了责任或义务的



  A:I quit my job.


  B:Are you joking?



  1. He quit a stable job as an English teacher at Peking University and started up a business to help students develop their English skills.

  2. He quit his job and began looking for a location for the butcher shop.

  3. The Times of India on Tuesday splashed its front page with " Quitting buzz grips the capital " despite strong official denials that Singh would quit.

  4. The women all quit their jobs after discovering that they had been poisoned by cadmium, an extremely hazardous metal used to make some kinds of batteries.

  5. Her question struck a chord with many Russians and some officials expressed remorse or offered to quit over the carnage.

  6. It has been delayed several times, had a main actress quit and suffered numerous accidents that have left several actors hospitalized.

  7. Fred Thompson quit the Republican presidential race on Tuesday, after a string of poor finishes in early primary and caucus states.

  8. His success has already seen him linked with Celtic, who are looking for a manager after Gordon Strachan quit on Monday.

  9. But some enumerators have already quit their post ahead of the sixth national census over fears they will not be able to complete the task.


  1. In any case mentioned above, you can return back to DOS by quit command.

  在以上提到的任何情况下,你都可以通过quit命令返回到DOS 。

  2. He quit love with hate.


  3. Unfortunately, there is a time for learning task is too heavy, just quit.


  4. Sorry the pictures are not so clear because my seat is quit far away from the stage.


  5. And they won`t quit the concert stage for the rest of their lives.





  英 [əˈpɪərəns] 美 [əˈpɪrəns]


  appearance 基本解释

  名词 外貌,外观; 出现,露面; [哲]现象


  1. He had an unhealthy appearance.


  2. His sudden appearance surprised her.


  3. She"s made a number of television appearances.


  4. The appearance of the old house completely changed.



  1. 出席;参加;露面

  When someone makes an appearance at a public event or in a broadcast, they take part in it.

  e.g. It was the president"s second public appearance to date...


  e.g. Keegan made 68 appearances in two seasons for Southampton, scoring 37 times.


  2. 外貌;外表;外观

  Someone"s or something"s appearance is the way that they look.

  e.g. She used to be so fussy about her appearance...


  e.g. He had the appearance of a college student...


  3. (尤指出乎意料的)到来,出现

  The appearance of someone or something in a place is their arrival there, especially when it is unexpected.

  e.g. The sudden appearance of a few bags of rice could start a riot.


  e.g. ...last Christmas, when there"d been the welcome appearance of Cousin Fred.


  4. 出现;开始使用;问世

  The appearance of something new is its coming into existence or use.

  e.g. Flowering plants were making their first appearance, but were still a rarity...


  e.g. Fears are growing of a cholera outbreak following the appearance of a number of cases in the city.


  5. 样子;表现

  If something has the appearance of a quality, it seems to have that quality.

  e.g. We tried to meet both children"s needs without the appearance of favoritism or unfairness...





  英 [ˈfeɪvərɪt] 美 ["fevərɪt]


  favourite 基本解释

  形容词 特别受喜

  名词 特别喜爱的人(或物)

  favourite 情景对话


  B:What’s your favourite (subject/ class/ teacher).


  A:This one, of course!



  1. And that can only be good news for Sarah who admits that spaghetti bolognese with lashings of butter and parmesan cheese is her favourite food.

  2. It also said that more than 53 per cent of local children cited Chinese chess, go or chess as their favourite game.

  3. The woman grew excited as we admitted the tea was something else, and claimed that such tea sets were a favourite of addicted collectors.

  4. Clams are a local favourite, and many people like to cook at home.

  5. Li"s exit was not overly surprising as clay is not her favourite surface and the disappointment of the women"s doubles rankled Jiang more.

  6. Paris came to Singapore confident in its role as clear favourite, but IOC president Jacques Rogge has repeatedly said the vote looked too close to call.

  7. Thanks to the eggs and oil that comprise this favourite salad spread, just one tablespoon of the real stuff contains 11 grams of fat and 100 calories.

  8. Her favourite sweet was manju, a Japanese confection made of red bean paste.

  9. The raspberry panna cotta served in a small cup was my favourite because of its proper sweetness and strong creamy flavour.




  英 ["lʊkɪŋ] 美 ["lʊkɪŋ]



  有…样子的,有…相貌的;寻找;看,瞧( look的现在分词 );注意;面向;


  1. The company"s refrigerators and washing machine business in China is also looking gloomy, with fewer models and no price advantages.

  2. While Chinese machine tool producers are looking to gain international presence, leading global groups are also seeking business opportunities in China.

  3. He noted that the government is looking forward to working with the business sector.

  4. Looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life, the booming middle class of China has begun venturing into the great outdoors.

  5. He quit his job and began looking for a location for the butcher shop.

  6. Were Alice a Roman gentleman with a penchant for purple velvet, a journey through the Looking Glass may have landed him in Beijing"s LAN Club.

  7. Google disclosed in an additional filing that the SEC and other states were also looking into its offer to buy back the illegally issued shares.

  8. It was not an impulse buy but she didn"t spend much time looking.

  9. And as The Fighter debuted recently in major US cities, it is looking very good with Oscar buzz and solid reviews working in its corner.

推荐访问:汉语 harmless harmless汉语是什么意思3篇 harmless的汉语是什么意思1 harmless的中文意思是什么
