
时间:2023-03-16 17:25:05 公文范文 来源:网友投稿





this agreeent is entered int between the parties nerned n the basis f equality and utual benefit t develp business n ters and nditins utually agreed upn as fllws:

1 订约人:

ntrating parties:


supplier: ( hereinafter alled " party a ")


agent:( hereinafter alled " party b ")


party a hereby appints party b t at as his selling agent t sell the dity entined

2 商品及数量或金额

dity and quantity r aunt


it is utually agreed that party b shall undertake t sell nt less than _____ f the afresaid dity in the duratin f this

3 经销地区 只限在_____销售。


4 定单的确认


nfiratin f rders

the quantities, pries and shipent f the dities stated in this agreeent shall be nfired fr eah transatin, the partiulars f whih are t be speified in the sales nfiratin signed by the tw parties

5 付款



after nfiratin f the rder, party b shall arrange t pen a nfired, irrevable l/ a vailable by draft at sight in favur f party a within the tie stipulated in the relevant party b shall als ntify pary a iediately after l/ is pened, s that party a an get prepared fr

6 佣金



upn the expiratin f the agreeent and party b"s fullfilent f the ttal turnver entined in artile 2, party a shall pay t party b_____% issin n the basis f the aggregate aunt f the invie value already paid by party b f the shipents

7 市场情况报告


reprts n arket nditins

party b shall frward ne every three nths t party a detailed reprts n urrent arket nditins and f nsuers eanwhile, party b shall, fr tie t tie, send t party a saples f siiliar dities ffered by ther suppliers, tgether with their pries, sales infraitn and advertising

8 宣传广告费用


advertising & publiity expenses

party b shall bear all expenses fr advertising and publiity within the afreentined territry in the duratin f this agreeent and subit t party a all patterns and / r drawings and desriptin fr prir

9 协议有效期



validity f agreeent

this agreeent, after its being signed by the parties nerned shall reain f in fre fr_____as fr _____ t _____ if either party wish t extend this agreeent, he shall ntie, in writing, the ther party ne nth prir t its expiratin, the atter shall be deided by nsent f the parties

shuld enther party fail t ipleent the ters and nditins herein, the ther party is entitled t terinate the

1 仲裁



all dis*s arising fr the exeutin f this agreeent shall be settled thrugh friendly in ase n settleent an be reahed, the ase in dis* shall then be subitted t the freign trad arbitratin issin f the hina unil fr the prtin f internatinal trade fr arbitratin in ardane with its prvisinal rules f the deesin ade by this issin shall be regarded as final and binding upn bth arbitratin fees shall be brne by the lsing party, unless therwise

11 其它条款

(1) 甲方不得向经销地区其它买主供应本协议所规定的商品,如有询价,当转给乙方洽办。若有买主希望从甲方直接订购,甲方可以供货,但甲方须将有关销售确认书副本寄给乙方,并按所达成交易的发票金额给乙方_____%的佣金。

(2) 若乙方在_____月内未能向甲方提供至少_____的订货,甲方不承担本协议的义务。

(3) 对双方*间的贸易,甲方有权按其*的授权进行有关的直接贸易,而不受本协议的约束。乙方不得干涉此种直接贸易,也无权向甲方提出任何补偿或佣金要求。




为在*等互利的基础上发展贸易,有关方按下列条件签订本协议:this agreeent is entered int between the parties nerned n the basis f equality and utual benefit t develp business n ters and nditins utually agreed upn as fllws:

订约人ntrating parties

供货人(以下称甲方):销售代理人(以下称乙方):甲方委托乙方为销售代理人,推销下列商品。supplier: (hereinafter alled “party a”)agent:(hereinafter alled “party b”)party a hereby appint party b t at as his selling agent t sell the dity entined

商品名称及数量或金额dity and quantity r aunt

双方约定,乙方在协议有效期内, 销售不少于**的商品。it is utually agreed that party b shall undertake t sell nt less f the afresaid dity in the duratin f this agreeent。



订单的确认nfiratin f rders

本协议所规定商品的数量、价格及装运条件等,应在每笔交易中确认,其细目应在双方签订的销售协议书中作出规定。the quantities, pries and shipents f the dities stated in this agreeent shall be nfired in eah transatin, the partiulars f whih are t be speified in the sales nfiratin signed by the tw parties


订单确认之后,乙方须按照有关确认书所规定的时间开立以甲方为受益人的保兑的、不可撤销的即期信用证。乙方开出信用证后,应立即通知甲方,以便甲方准备交货。after nfiratin f the rder, party b shall arrange t pen a nfired, irrevable l/ available by draft at sight in favur f party a within the tie stipulated in the relevant party b shall als ntify party a iediately after l/ is pened s that party a an get prepared fr


在本协议期满时,若乙方完成了第二款所规定的数额,甲方应按装运货物所收到的发票累计总金额付给乙方*%的佣金。upn the expiratin f the agreeent and party b´s fullfilent f the ttal turnver entined in artile 2, party a shall pay t party % issin n the basis f the aggregate aunt f the invie value against the shipents

市场情况报reprts n arket nditins

乙方每3个月向甲方提供一次有关当时市场情况和用户意见的详细报。同时,乙方应随时向甲方提供其他供应商的类似商品样品及其价格、销售情况和资料。party b shall frward ne every three nths t party a detailed reprts n urrent arket nditins and f nsuers´ eanwhile, party b shall,fr tie t tie, send t party a saples f siilar dities ffered by ther suppliers, tgether with their pries, sales infratin and advertising 宣传费用advertising & publiity expenses

在本协议有效期内,乙方在上述经销地区所作宣传的一切费用,由乙方自理。乙方须事先向甲方提供宣传的图案及文字说明,由甲方审阅同意。party b shall bear all expenses fr advertising and publiity within the afreentined territry in the duratin f this agreeent and subit t party a all patterns and/r drawings and desriptin fr prir

协议有效期validity f agreeent

本协议经双方签字后生效,有效期为**天,自**至**。若一方希望延长本协议,则须在本协议期满前1个月书面通知另一方,经双方协商决定。若协议一方未履行协议条款,另一方有权终止协议。this agreeent, after its being signed by the parties nerned, shall reain in fre days fr t if either party wishes t extend this agreeent, he shall ntie, in writing, the ther party ne nth prir t its the atter shall be deided by the agreeent and by nsent f the parties shuld either party fail t ipleent the ters and nditins herein, the ther party is entitled t terinate this


在履行协议过程中,如产生争议,双方应友好协商解决。若通过友好协商达不成协议,则提交*国际贸易促进委员会对外贸易仲裁委员会,根据该会仲裁程序暂行规定进行仲裁。该委员会的决定是终局的,对双方均具有约束力。仲裁费用,除另有规定外,由败诉一方负担。all dis*s arising fr the exeutin f this agreeent shall be settled thrugh friendly in ase n settleent an be reahed, the ase in dis* shall then be subitted t the freign trade arbitratin issin f the hina unil fr the prtin f internatinal trade fr arbitratin in ardane with its prvisinal rules f the deisin ade by this issin shall be regarded as final and binding upn bth arbitratin fees shall be brne by the lsing party ,unless therwise

其他条款ther ters & nditins

(1) 甲方不得向经销地区其他买主供应本协议所规定的商品。如有询价,当转达给乙方洽办。若有买主希望从甲方直接订购,甲方可以供货,但甲方须将有关销售确认书副本寄给乙方,并按所达成交易的发票金额给予乙方*%的佣金。party a shall nt sup* the ntrated dity t any ther buyer(s) in the abve entined diret enquiries, if any, will be referred t party hwever, shuld any ther buyers wish t deal with party a diretly, party a ay d but party a shall send t party b a py f sales nfiratin and give party % issin n the basis f the net invie value f the transatin(s)

(2) 若乙方在*月内未能向甲方提供至少**订货,甲方不承担本协议的义务。shuld party b fail t pass n his rders t party a in a perid f nths fr a iniu f , party a shall nt bind hiself t this

(3) 对双方*间的贸易,甲方有权按其*的授权进行有关的直接贸易,而不受本协议约束。乙方不得干涉此种直接贸易,也无权向甲方提出任何补偿或佣金要求。fr any business transated between gvernents f bth parties, party a ay handle suh diret dealings as authrized by party a´s gvernent withut binding hiself t this party b shall nt interfere in suh diret dealings nr shall party b bring frward any deand fr pensatin

(4) 本协议受签约双方所签订的销售确认条款的制约。this agreeent shall be subjet t the ters and nditins in the sales nfiratin signed by bth parties

本协议于**年*月*日在**签订,正本两份,甲乙双方各执一份。this agreeent is signed n and is in tw riginals;eah party hlds

 甲方: 乙方: (签字) (签字) party a: party b:




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