
时间:2023-03-30 15:05:05 读后感 来源:网友投稿

《哈姆雷特》英文版读后感1  wereonetohavetheprofoundhatred,wereonetoavengeandharmhisfamilywhoseemstoofartoharm,h下面是小编为大家整理的2023年度《哈姆雷特》英文版读后感3篇,供大家参考。



  were one to have the profound hatred, were one to avenge and harm his family who seems too far to harm, he would be either a hero or a monster. should he fight the unbeatable foe and right the wrong, should he bear with unbearable sorrow, should he ruin himself in twisted enthusiasm, he would be hamlet.

  among all the masterpieces of william shakespeare, “hamlet”, undoubtedly is worshipped and as one of the most successful and admired tragedies, while the character hamlet remains one of the most loved dramatis personas in all-time history of literature.

  to have read shakespeares “romeo and juliet” by the age of 16, i was moved to tears, while having no empathy with his another great one “tempest”。 presumably when i get 60 or older, i could be wise enough to understand the latter, but find it nothing worthwhile to go over the former one, where lays a romantic story that the only youngsters are addicted to. but its a fact that whenever in our lifetime after gaining such experiences as getting through hard times, or, finding a real self, from “hamlet”, we always find something that we consider as perpetuation, which is worth deep thoughts. this is because it highlights hamlets choices of life, choices made under certain circumstances of history and society, requested by the fate extraordinary to hamlet himself, but ordinary to mankind. that is, to some extent, his experiences make a similar one to ours and, his destiny is something were facing sometime in our own lives.

  were possibly the same. we explore the truth in the dark. we discover facts from the mist. we lose ourselves in determinations. we trespass on which were forbid to be, hesitates at love and hatred, and struggle to rebuild system of values and spiritual prop in a world without standards and scales of standards.

  hamlet couldnt have been perfect. he is very much a person motivated by irrational enthusiasm, impetuous enough to kill polonius only to find its a mistake as the victim is not the king. but somehow it is for his poor enthusiasm, his weakness of humanity, that hamlet touches countless readers, as everyone makes out himself from the ill-fated prince.

  hamlets “revenge” isnt so much sim* the killing of claudius, as it is the purging of all the rottenness in the danish court. and although it costs him his life, he succeeds.

  at some time, we all consider how much wrong there is in the world. “hamlet” gives us a chance to watch an ordinary person consciously choose to say “no!” to the worlds wrongness and falsities, and to strike back with power. william shakespeare held up the mirror to something in us that is precious.

  i hear hamlet thinking, “too many people waste too much effort doing things that are not worthwhile. its a bad world, and i am far from a perfect human being. we all end up dead in the end. so i am going to do something worthwhile, and do it right.”

  i hear him wondering, “what is a man, if his chief good and market of his time. is but to sleep and feed? a beast, no more.”

  i hear him whispering “to be, or not to be, aye, theres the point. to die, to sleep, is that all? aye, all.”

  that makes a hero to me, regardless of his blindness and madness which haunt everyone for a while in his time. thousands of readers may have thousands of their own hamlet, but theres something that stays the same, that hamlet dares to run, where the brave dare not go. thats his quest.

  thinks about it.

  by ted


  First read Shakespeare, thought it could make people so crazy, its my fault, I have long heard to its, but has been reluctant to meet each other, this is a late to read, and yes, I missed a lot of things, but fortunately caught the both the tail of the train, I could also false mould false sample up to the world of ideas and human breath. Reading moment, I am happy, although it is only a short three hours, a moment of beauty is the dew of God, which has eternal happiness?

  Tell me why I read Hamlet. Its all so wonderful. I dont want to stay home, go to the bath bubble bath, and then to stay in the lounge of the bed, lying on a hour, bored, reminiscent of the new-found love of peace hotel, the former husband brother played by wanda top bandit, known as the three degree highest, mouth closed is Shakespeares classic lines, let a person in stitches, according to the interpretation of dreams "theory of consciousness, These images keep paying off in my mind, even when Im not watching the play, and at some point they send a message to my subconscious that leads me to Shakespeare, and Shakespeares most famous play is Hamlet, and it all makes sense.

  Mobile phone reading may not print reading more dee*, because the thinking of some action and potential opportunities, less for me this is broken, the second theater, the last is Oedipus the king, I found their own way, choose a no one place to reading aloud the dialogue of the characters, in my opinion, this is a repeat of the theatre, though it is so humble.

  I am a lonely person, both body and soul, but at that time, I found myself soul got the sublimation, for play, set satisfied, I at ordinary times is to himself, idea, some figures in mind, simulate their conversation, I am the dramatist of self, but the plot is too low, meaning description is not too much. Read Hamlets dialogue, with impassioned tone, with the voice of grief, enjoyable! Thats what I want! Later I will try to paraphrase the plot of the play, to exercise my generalisation skills while entertaining myself.


  As the saying goes, "There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand eyes." The key condition for the play to unfold is prince Hamlets act of foolishness, so I want to migrate. His charade can be *yzed on many levels.

  In that perverted Danish court, who could bear the fact that the princes uncle poisoned the emperor and married his sister-in-law after taking the throne? The spirit of the former king appears and lets Hamlet take revenge. Revenge, what a heavy word! For revenge, the prince was willing to play the fool.

  In the first place, he pretended to be a fool to confuse people. After Hamlet saw the first kings soul, the ghost explained to leave, Hamlet said some incoherently to the ministers to meet up, let the ministers swear not to reveal what they saw, and said: "No matter how strange my behavior, because maybe I deliberately pretend to be crazy." Hamlet was already aware of his need to feign madness. So many people up and down the court, how many different ideas. Make yourself a madman, no matter what you say or do, you will not be looked at and guessed as a normal person. People dont have much interest in someone whos crazy and stupid. Madmen are incapable of thinking; If there were any ideas, they were chaotic and illogical. Therefore, a madman can not be too much psychological guessing. Hamlet first by pretending to be a fool to confuse the people, let the people think that they are really crazy, and, because of the love of Ophelia and crazy.

  In the second place, his charade was a need for revenge. Revenge in the royal family is a hard thing to do. A mistake can not only be avenged, but also oneself. Hamlet must have a long and thorough plan for revenge. He played the fool, above all, for the success of his revenge. To test the truth of the ghosts words, he looked to see if those who had done evil were up to something else. He did it all as a madman. He made careful observations and devised a play for the court troupe to put to the test. When he had established the truth of the kings murder, he was about to take his most important revenge. Hamlet had an argument with his mother and accidentally killed the prime minister who was listening behind the curtain. It is not considered too much for a madman to draw a sword and kill. His act of being a fool also helped him communicate with the ghost of the king. Because he was the only one who could see the ghost, when he talked to the ghost, people still thought he was talking nonsense to himself.

  Third, his act of silliness is an outlet for his emotions. Revenge is how hard a thing, in the avengers heart must be full of strong emotions. If emotions remain trapped for a long time, it can be a painful process and can come to a bad end. So Hamlet needs an outlet for his emotions. Revenge was his plan and could not be made public, so he wanted to vent his feelings, but he also wanted to keep it secret and not let anyone know what he was thinking, otherwise all his efforts would be lost. Hamlet seems to say a lot of crazy things to himself, but in his words, he actually expresses his point of view. Its just that the listener doesnt understand. The speaker is intentional. As he said to Polonius: "I know you, and I wish you were honest. In this world, Sir, an honest man is but one among thousands." The prince who said this was certainly not random. An honest man is one in a million, showing his disappointment in the harsh reality of the world. So many people, are not honest people, they are hypocritical, they affected, they for fame and wealth and their own interests at all costs. Polonius also said, "Hamlets answers are sometimes meaningful; There are mad men who are happy with it, but reasonable men who are not."

  In addition, there are objective reasons for his charade. The people of the Danish court had accepted the new king, and had accepted the old queen to marry the new king and remain queen. This is already a place where ethics are subverted, where normal people can survive, let alone pursue revenge for their late father. For various reasons, Prince Hamlet made the bold decision to pretend to be mad! From the whole story, he pretended to be a fool, is really the best way for him to revenge.

  At the end of the story, evil people get their just deserts. The princes revenge was a success. But he also gave his life. So, absurdly and inevitably, came the end of a royal family. But, on the whole, Hamlets charade was quite successful.





  In the history of literature, there are many classic name will go down to posterity, but like "Jane" love so dee* into peoples soul, it with a kind of irresistible beauty attracted tens of thousands of readers, influence peoples spiritual world.

  "In love" by Charlotte.Bront and "Wuthering Heights" author Emily is sister.Although two people living in the same community, family environment, personality is not the same, Charlotte.Bront is more gentle, more like the pursuit of something better, though she was born in a poor family, small loss of motherly love, fatherly love rarely, plus her short stature, was not beautiful, but it is such a deep sense of inferiority, she in the character of mirror is a very sensitive self-esteem in order to self-esteem, as her deep inferior compensation.Her description of jane.Love is not a beauty, a short woman, but she also has a very strong sense of self.Her not to move or retreat to the pursuit of a wonderful life.

  Jane.Love living in a parents, Jirenlixia environment, grew up under treatment with peers, aunts mind, cousin contempt, cousin insults and beating……Alas, this is for a childs dignity of the ruthless trample, but perhaps because it all, jane.Love unlimited confidence and be firm and inflexible spirit, and a kind of inner personality can win.

  In Rochester, she never because he is an inferior status of the family and teachers feel inferior, but that they are equal.Should not because she is a servant, but not respected by others.It is because of her integrity, noble, pure, mind not subject to secular society of pollution, make Rochester great shock, and she can be seen as an equal in spirit and their own people to talk to, slowly and dee* in love with her.In his heart, let her be moved, she accepted him.And when they married that day, jane.Love know Rochester has a wife, she must go, she said, "I will obey God award recognized by law, I will hold me in the awake but not like now so crazy when accepted principle", "I want to hold this position".This is Jane love tells Rochester she must leave the grounds, but from the heart, a deeper thing is Jane love realized that he had been deceived, her pride had been teasing, because she was in love with Rochester, she is very painful, how about, what a woman can withstand being their most trusted, the most intimate person deceived!Jane love bear, but also to make a rational decision.In a very strong love forces under siege, in a bright, rich life under the temptation, she still adhere to their own personal dignity, this is Janes love most has the spirit of place.

  The novel design of a very bright at the end - although Rochester manor was destroyed, he also became a disabled person, but we can see, this is a condition, make love not the contradiction between love and dignity, and at the same time be met - she was married in Rochester there is dignity, simultaneously also has the love.


  It took me more than three days to finish Jane Eyre, and I knew it was a very difficult process. For the last few days I almost spent all my time in eating and sleeping, in a novel from a distant country. However, I have to admit its excellence and charm while complaining. Its rare to see such exotic exotic scenery. Its full of interesting stories in Britain in nineteenth Century, and it makes me sigh a lot. In fact, I should have contacted this book earlier, and a lot of people have introduced it. Unfortunately, I have a little bit of xenophobic feelings, till now to enjoy it, really some brief encounter.

  As a foreigner, Im a little hard on English peoples thinking and religious beliefs. However, the true feelings in the world are mostly interlinked. Whenever I read a little Jane suffered abuse and discrimination because of wuqinwugu, dunqi the hearts of compassion is really unforgettable; whenever Jane again change danger into safety let me how excited; when she rejected Saint Johns proposal bravely and adhere to the true love in my mind how to make encouraging and shock; especially to take care of the poor Edward in the end she abandoned everything, pleased and touched my heart burst out.

  As far as the novel is concerned, I think its greatest success is its remarkable integration in many artistic aspects. Im sure the author of this book is a versatile writer. First of all, when she paints landscapes, she appreciates them in the aesthetic sense of a painter, and grasps the harmony of light and shadow with a painters taste. Read Chinese novels, rarely see such exquisite scenery description vocabulary. Thanks to the translator of this book, Zhou Lingbens profound Chinese translation skills, make this glow, so original brilliance. Next, summer falls. Porant is also very accomplished in linguistics. As an Englishman, the author can say that he has at least three or more foreign languages. While reading this book, I feel I can feel the cultural atmosphere of Europe through it. British pride and gentlemen, for example, the atmosphere of German power and the natural beauty of French women. Even read the British colonial discrimination against the Oriental mentality, for example, they call India a barbaric nation. Once again, summer falls. Porant can be very good at dealing with emotional drama. Her little hero is love at first sight, this more realistic, but her love is always silent deep into the readers heart and soul. Such a clever emotional drama, I was surprised, very surprised.

  "Jane Eyre" if the author China and Cao Xueqin, there is no doubt that the cultural heritage to some more deep. Just as Chinese and British people fight history, the Chinese can say with a grain of salt, "Im older than you are.". The life of Cao Xueqin learned the result of lotte. Much more extensive, after all, Chinas cultural heritage to be much more abundant. To tell the truth, Jane Eyre can not compare with Chinas "dream of Red Mansions". The dream of Red Mansions is more remarkable, whether it is rich in characters or material. But there is also a place for Chinese to learn and appreciate in Jane eyre. For example, "Jane Eyre" on the psychological description of characters, you can say the most. This is not enough for many Chinese literary works.

  I read the book as if I had read the Bible, and it was admirable that western people had deep feelings and sincere faith in religion. China is a time of lack of faith. Reading "Jane Eyre", let me feel before they can get the religion has nurtured the human beauty, now it is really rare for China. In fact, many of the teachings in the Bible are interlinked and complementary to the classical ideas of Chinese Confucianism, but nowadays the Chinese people often ignore the wisdom of their ancestors. For example, the Bible advised people from the good, to persuade people to tolerate, to persuade people to Thanksgiving, and the old man to persuade the Chinese people, benevolence and righteousness, the two are the same. When I read "Jane Eyre", I was often inspired by the good ideas in the Bible. It reminded me of the present situation in China and seemed to have gained a lot in my mind. Let me firmly believe that the Confucian culture of China really needs to be re examined.


  There is such a person, carrying the world brought her all the misfortunes, when the world saw her various disadvantages, told her life does not have too much hope, she will not listen. Jane Eyre, the legendary woman, regretted us with her optimism.

  Maybe she is not pretty, but she has a strong personality. Maybe she is a weak woman in the eyes of people, but she still can control her own fate.

  This novel permeated with the female independent thought let me love, I love Janes misery, one disaster after another difficulties feel sad, angry for the eccentric Mrs. Reed, Mr. Rochester made for the loss of a hand eyes feel sympathy.

  Maybe thats it, the world is like this. Most people also have a "Darwin thought" the survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest in natural selection, the world is so indifferent, at least not too good. Human beings will only look at those who have the aura of their eyes. Those humble people are lonely and helpless. They should have chosen to throw in the towel, but some people are still so stubborn.

  Maybe they just think about it: just for life. But they work so hard for life that they believe that tomorrow is good and happiness.

  Perhaps we never worried about, never too difficult, not to what this world has too much hope --- can change our love Jane if we can really create a better tomorrow, be the master of your own destiny? I think we have a worry free life is not so much hardship and experience, we can understand from the books of Ce.

  Jane Eyre gives a strong feeling, but it makes people stronger after reading. Perhaps this is the unique character and imagination of Sherlock and Bronte, and the charm of Jane eyre!


  Jane Eyre, simple love, and open your name is such a lovely sound. As the name of the person, you have been trying to love others sim*, and at the same time, you are eager for this simple love. It is like a flower blooming in the deep valley, strong and bright, and extremely yearning for the sun.

  I still remember childhood you are so poor, is the aunt sister bully, shut the little black house, eat the leftovers, young you are under the sponsor of the pain, finally one day of liberation, only to another hell. The school you finally find your friends in your carefully maintained this friendship, she was like a wet places of flowers, quickly wither and die. Pity you, its a cold winter.

  Maybe God is poor you grew up, you finally found your sunshine - - Mr. Robert, at Thornfield Manor Filo you have you had never met happiness, can its just a series of feelings of frustration makes you look like a child does something wrong, wrong just hurry away, then not to stray. Its like your childhood. And when you return to the manor, you learn to be relieved, you choose happiness, the sun you have been longing for.

  I think you are the pure child of that year, your pure soul, in the sun, can not see a trace of impurities in the soul, unyielding and sad. You stumbled across the thorns, through the thorns, through the darkness, and all the bruises, and the arrogant head of your head. You are tender, soft, proud and beautiful in the deep valley. You are amazing in a resurgence in bloom, and tenaciously survived countless winter.

  I imagine that her children are not willing to allow her to suffer too much pain, but it is because of suffering that she really has a permanent happiness. The winter sun gently shines in the frozen petals, flowers began to wake up, start again.

  For some reason, it is very easy for me to think of you. That name is like &mdash, &mdash, Haizi, a poet on the plateau. He says: “ I only want to face the sea, with spring blossoms. ” Jane love Jane Eyre, I think you are also this kind of happiness full of imagination, the meaning of the pursuit of life.

  Jane love, Jane Eyre, let us face the sea, spring.


  Jane Eyre, is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl. After we close the covers of the book, after having a long journey of the spirit, Jane Eyre, a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think:

  We remember her goodness: for someone who lost arms and blinded in eyes, for someone who despised her for her ordinariness, and even for someone who had hurt her dee* in the past.

  We remember her pursuit of justice. It’s like a companion with the goodness. But still, a virtuous person should promote the goodneon one side and must check the badneon the other side.

  We remember her self-respect and the clear situation on equality. In her opinion, everyone is the same at the God’s feet. Though there are differences in status、in property and also in appearance, but all the human being are equal in personality.

  We also remember her striving for life, her toughneand her confidence…

  When we think of this girl, what she gave us was not a pretty face or a transcendent temperament that make us admire dee*, but a huge charm of her personality.

  Actually, she wasn’t pretty, and of course, the ordinary appearance didn’t make others feel good of her, even her own aunt felt disgusted with it. And some others even thought that she was easy to look down on and to tease, so when MiIngram met Jane Eyre, she seemed quite contemptuous, for that she was obviously much more prettier than ‘the plain and ugly governess’. But as the little governehad said: ‘Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulleand heartless? You think wrong!’ This is the idea of equality in Jane Eyre’s mind. God hadn’t given her beauty and wealth, but instead, God gave her a kind mind and a thinking brain. Her idea of equality and self-respect impreus so much and let us feel the power inside her body.

  In my mind, though a person’s beauty on the face can make others once feel that one is attractive and charming, if his or her mind isn’t the same beautiful as the appearance, such as beauty cannot last for, when others find that the beauty which had charmed them was only a falsity, it’s not true, they will like the person no more. For a long time, only a person’s great virtue, a noble soul, a beautiful heart can be called as AN EVERLASTING BEAUTY, just as Kahill Gibran has said, that ‘Beauty is a heart enflamed and a soul enchanted’. I can feel that how beauty really is, as we are all fleshly men, so we can’t distinguish whether a man is of nobleneor humbleness, but fleshly men, so we can’t distinguish whether a man is of nobleneor humbleness, but as there are great differences in our souls, and from that, we can know that whether a man is noble or ordinary, and even obscure, that is, whether he is beautiful or not.

  Her story makes us thinking about life and we learn much from her experience, at least, that is a fresh new recognition of the real beauty.




  I first read "Jane Eyre" in eighth grade and have read it every few years since. It is one of my favorite novels, and so much more than a gothic romance to me, although thats how I probably would have defined it at age 13. I have always been struck, haunted in a way, by the characters - Jane and Mr. Rochester. They take on new depth every time I meet them…and theirs is a love story for the ages.

  Charlotte Brontes first published novel, and her most noted work, is a semi-autobiographical coming-of-age story. Jane is plain, poor, alone and unprotected, but due to her fierce independence and strong will she grows and is able to defy societys expectations of her. This is definitely feminist literature, published in 1847, way before the beginning of any feminist movement. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why the novel has had such a wide following since it first came on the market. It is also one of the first gothic romances published and defines the genre.

  Jane Eyre, who is our narrator, was born into a poor family. Her parents died when she was a small child and the little girl was sent to live with her Uncle and Aunt Reed at Gateshead. Janes Uncle truly cared for her and showed his affection openly, but Mrs. Reed seemed to hate the orphan, and neglected her while she pampered and spoiled her own children. This unfair treatment emphasized Janes status as an unwanted outsider. She was often punished harshly. On one occasion her nasty cousin Jack picked a fight with her. Jane tried to defend herself and was locked in the terrifying "Red Room" as a result. Janes Uncle Reed had died in this room a little while before, and Mrs. Reed knew how frightened she was of the chamber. Since Jane is the narrator, the reader is given a first-hand impression of the childs feelings, her heightened emotional state at being imprisoned. Indeed, she seems almost like an hysterical child, filled with terror and rage. She repeatedly calls her condition in life "unjust" and is filled with bitterness. Looking into the mirror Jane sees a distorted image of herself. She views her reflection and sees a "strange little figure," or "tiny phantom." Jane has not learned yet to subordinate her passions to her reason. Her passions still erupt unchecked. Her isolation in the Red Room is a presentiment of her later isolation from almost every society and community. This powerful, beautifully written scene never fails to move me.

  Mrs. Reed decided to send Jane away to the Lowood School, a poor institution run by Mr. Brocklehurst, who believed that suffering made grand people. All the children there were neglected, except to receive harsh punishment when any mistake was made. At Lowood, Jane met Helen Burns, a young woman a little older than Jane, who guided her with vision, light and love for the rest of her life. Janes need for love was so great. It really becomes obvious in this first friendship. Helen later died from fever, in Janes arms. Her illness and death could have been avoided if more attention had been paid to the youths. Jane stayed at Lowood for ten years, eight as a student and two as a teacher. Tired and depressed by her surroundings, Jane applied for the position of governess and found employment at Thornfield. The mansion is owned by a gentleman named Edward Fairfax Rochester. Her job there was to teach his ward, an adorable little French girl, Adele. Over a long period the moody, inscrutable Rochester confides in Jane and she in him. The two form an unlikely friendship and eventually fall in love. Again, Janes need for love comes to the fore, as does her passionate nature. She blooms. A dark, gothic figure, Rochester also has a heart filled with the hope of true love and future happiness with Jane. Ironically, he has brought all his misery, past and future, on himself.

  All is not as it seems at Thornfield. There is a strange, ominous woman servant, Grace Poole, who lives and works in an attic room. She keeps to herself and is rarely seen. From the first, however, Jane has sensed bizarre happenings at night, when everyone is asleep .There are wild cries along with violent attempts on Rochesters life by a seemingly unknown person. Jane wonders why no one investigates Mrs. Poole. Then a strange man visits Thornfield and mysteriously disappears with Mr. Rochester. Late that night Jane is asked to sit with the man while the lord of the house seeks a doctors help. The man has been seriously wounded and is weak from loss of blood. He leaves by coach, in a sorry state, first thing in the morning. Janes questions are not answered directly. This visit will have dire consequences on all involved. An explosive secret revealed will destroy all the joyful plans that Jane and Rochester have made. Jane, once more will face poverty and isolation.

  Charlotte Brontes *e Jane Eyre, may not have been graced with beauty or money, but she had a spirit of fire and was filled with integrity and a sense of independence - character traits that never waned in spite of all the oppression she encountered in life. Ms. Bronte brings to the fore in "Jane Eyre" such issues as: the relations between men and women in the mid-19 century, womens equality, the treatment of children and of women, religious faith and hypocrisy (and the difference between the two), the realization of selfhood, and the nature of love and passion. This is a powerhouse of a novel filled with romance, mystery and passions. It is at once startlingly fresh and a portrait of the times. Ms. Bronte will make your heart beat faster, your pulse race and your eyes fill with tears.


  After reading Jane Eyre, I think Jane Eyre is a great woman. Through a serious of troublesome situations between Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester, the author set up a great female image before readers: insisting on maintaining an independent personality, pursuing individual freedom, advocating equality of life and being confident before hard conditions.

  Her early life at Gateshead was terrible, everyone seems harsh on her. She survives her parents at an early age, and has to live with her ugly aunt and three cousins. She suffers large quantities of bad conditions that others may not experience. However, she does not give up in despair, she does not destroy herself mentally, instead, Jane Eyre is filled with unlimited confidence, and she is a strong spirit, a victory over the inner personality.

  She is then forced to send to Lowood Institution, unfortunately, life there turns out to be terrible, too. She is still under physical and spiritual punishment. Mr Brocklehurst insults her to be a liar before all pupils and teachers. But there she meets one sincere friend Helen Burns and one sincere teacher Miss Temple. They always treat her well. She then behaves very well and get many people’s recognition. Six years later, she makes a teacher there.

  After two years teaching life at Lowood Institution, she plans to leave there to pursuit her own life and happiness. She was in a position of governess through a letter from Thornfield. Her life was totally changed after that. There she met a lovely girl, Adele and her master, Mr. Rochester. She has a special feeling about them. With the development of the plots, Jane Eyre succeed a large sum of money from his uncle, and through all bitter things which was caused by Rochester’s wife in Thornfield, Jane Eyre and Mr.Rockester finally get married and lead an ideal life.

  I think Jane Eyre is an autobiography of Charlotte Bronte. Although the story is made up, the *e and peoples life and the environment in the story were taken from the details of real people around and experience. Charlotte Bronte described a young girl’s struggling life to express her inner thought: everyone is equal regardless of his or her gender. The uniqueness of Jane Eyre is not only lies in its truth and the strong artistic appeal, but also lies in the particular female image. (.fwsir.com)The love story of Rochester and Jane Eyre vividly shows the fire of passion and sincere heart strongly reveals their notions of love. She looks down upon the upper class who only use their power to do what they intend to do and laughs at their stupid to show her independent character and beauty dream.

  In the actual fact, she wasn’t pretty, even herself knows that, and of course, the ordinary appearance make others have bad opinion on her, even her own aunt dislike her. And some others even thought that she was easy to look down upon and tease, but she was totally much more than “the plain and ugly tutor”。 And as a little governess she said to her master: “Do you think my poor, obscure, plain, and little has led me to be a soulless and heartless person? You have done a wrong thing!”Underneath these lines sees the equality of human in Jane Eyre’s mind. She has affection towards her master, Mr. Rochester, but when she finds that he has already had a wife, she leaves him and her love place without consideration. Although God did not grant her a beauty and wealth person, instead, God gave her a kind mind and a thoughtful brain. Her idea of equality and self-respect impressed us extremely much and make us feel the power inside her small body.

  In my mind, a person’s beauty on the face can only make others feel that he or she is attractive or charming, if his or her mind isn’t the same noble as the appearance, beauty of this kind cannot last for a long time, because other people will one day find that the beauty which had charmed them was only a superficial one, it’s not sincere, they will not like the person any more. For a long time, only a person’s great virtue, a noble soul, a beautiful heart can be called as an everlasting beauty, just as Albert Einstein said: “A person must be held accountable for their biological survival or all of the meaning or purpose, from an objective point of view, I think it is ridiculous. Everyone can have a certain ideal, which determines the ideal and his efforts to determine the direction. In this sense, I never easy and the enjoyment of life as an end in itself, the ethical basis of this, I call it the ideal pigsty. I lit up the road, and continue to give me new courage to face up to the pleasure of the ideal life is good and the beautiful and true. If it were not for like-minded between the warm feelings, but focus on the objective world, the arts and sciences in the field of work will never reach the target, and then it seems to me that life would be empty. There are efforts to pursue the goal of the vulgar - property, vanity, luxury living, I think it is despicable.”

  Now I get a better understanding of what real beauty is, as we are all human-beings, so we should distinguish whether a man is noble or vulgar.

  Jane Eyre’s story makes me thinking about our future life and I learn much from her experiences, I know everyone will have a better tomorrow if one holds his beliefs, regardless of one’s status and the situation he is in.


  this is a story about a special and unreserved woman who has been exposed to a hostile environment but continuously and fearlessly struggling for her ideal life. the story can be interpreted as a symbol of the independent spirit .

  it seems to me that many readers’ english reading experience starts with jane eyer. i am of no exception. as we refer to the movie “jane eyer”, it is not surprising to find some differences because of its being filmized and retold in a new way, but the spirit of the novel remains----to be an independent person, both physically and mentally.

  jane eyer was a born resister, whose parents went off when she was very young, and her aunt,the only relative she had,treated her as badly as a ragtag. since jane’s education in lowwood orphanage began, she didn’t get what she had been expecting——sim* being regarded as a common person, just the same as any other girl around. the suffers from being humiliated and devastated teach jane to be persevering and prize dignity over anything else.as a reward of revolting the ruthless oppression, jane got a chance to be a tutor in thornfield garden. there she made the acquaintance of lovely adele and that garden’s owner, rochester, a man with warm heart despite a cold face outside. jane expected to change the life from then on, but fate had decided otherwise: after jane and rochester fell in love with each other and got down to get marry, she unfortunately came to know in fact rochester had got a legal wife, who seemed to be the shadow following rochester and led to his moodiness all the time ----rochester was also a despairing person in need of salvation. jane did want to give him a hand, however, she made up her mind to leave, because she didn’t want to betray her own principles, because she was jane eyer. the film has finally got a symbolist end: jane inherited a large number of legacies and finally returned. after finding rochester’s misfortune brought by his original mad wife, jane chose to stay with him forever.

  i don’t know what others feel, but frankly speaking, i would rather regard the section that jane began her teaching job in thornfield as the film’s end----especially when i heard jane’s words “never in my life have i been awaken so happily.” for one thing, this ideal and brand-new beginning of life was what jane had been imagining for long as a suffering person; for another, this should be what the audiences with my views hoped her to get. but the professional judgment of producing films reminded me to wait for a totally different result: there must be something wrong coming with the excellence----perhaps not only should another section be added to enrich the story, but also we may see from the next transition of jane’s life that “life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you would get.” (by forrest gump’s mother, in the film “forrest gump”)

  what’s more, this film didn’t end when jane left thornfield. for jane eyer herself, there should always be somewhere to realize her great ideal of being independent considering her fortitude, but for rochester, how he can get salvation? the film gives the answer tentatively: jane eventually got back to rochester. in fact, when jane met rochester for the first time, she scared his horse and made his heel strained, to a certain extent, which meant rochester would get retrieval because of jane. we can consider rochester’s experiences as that of religion meaning. the fire by his frantic wife was the punishment for the cynicism early in his life. after it, rochester got the mercy of the god and the love of the woman whom he loved. here we can say: human nature and divinity get united perfectly in order to let such a story accord with the requirements of both two sides. the value of this film may be due to its efforts to explore a new way for the development of humanism under the faith of religion.

  life is ceaselessly changing, but our living principles remain. firmly persisting for the rights of being independent gives us enough confidence and courage, which is like the

  beacon over the capriccioso sea of life. in the world of the film, we have found the stories of ourselves, which makes us so concerned about the fate of the dramatis personae.

  in this era of rapid social and technological change leading to increasing life complexity and psychological displacement, both physical and mental effects on us call for a balance. we are likely to find ourselves bogged down in the sargasso sea of information overload and living unconsciousness. it’s our spirit that makes the life meaningful.

  heart is the engine of body, brain is the resource of thought, and great films are the mirrors of life. indubitably, “jane eyer” is one of them.




  After reading "A tale of two cities".

  "A tale of two cities" is one of Dickens"s most important representative works.The novel profoundly exposed the society contradiction before the French Revolution,intensely attacks the aristocratic social class is dissolute and cruel,and sincerely sympathizes with the depressed classes.The novel also described many magnificent scenes like the revolt people attacked Bastille and so on,which displayed people"s great strength.

  The novel has portrayed many different people. Doctor Manette is honest and kind but suffers the persecution actually , Lucie is beautiful and gentle ,Charles is graceful and noble,Lorry is upright and honest ,Sydney is semblance of indifferent, innermost feelings of warm,unconventional but also selfless and lofty,Miss Pross is straightforward and loyal,Evremonde brothers are cruel and sinister……The complex hatred is hard to solve, the cruel revenge has made more hatreds, loves rebirth in the hell edge,but take the life as the price.

  As an outstanding writer,in Dickens"s work,the language skill is essential.Each kind of rhetoric technique,like the *ogy,the exaggeration,the contrast,the humorous,and the taunt are handled skillfully,and the artistry of the work is also delivered the peak."A tale of two cities" has its difference with the general historical novel, its character and the main plot are all fictionalizes.With the broad real background of the French Revolution,the author take the fictional character Doctor Manette"s experience as the main clue,interweaves the unjust charge, love and revenge three independences but also incident cross-correlation stories together,the plot is criss-crossed,and the clue is complex.The author use insert narrates,foreshadowing,upholstery and so many techniques,causes the structure integrity and strictness,the plot winding anxious and rich of theatrical nature,it displayed the remarkable artistic skill.the style "A tale of two cities" is solemnity and melancholy,fills indignantion,but lacks the humor of the early works.




  it is known to us,even though living at gateshead,in such a beautiful house with the reeds, jane eyre`s childhood wasn`t filled with happiness. jane eyre`s uncle reed had taken her to his house when her parents both died.on her uncle`s death bed he had made his wife,anut reed, promise to look after jane eyre like her own children,but she didn`t keeping her promise.people thought mrs reed was a good woman,becasure they didn`t know how she hate jane and are cruel to her.mrs reed`s attitude made the others change their view to jane.her cousins did not love her even bullied and punished her all the time.the servant bessie is the only person who was kind to her.

  jane has spent most of her childhood in gateshead,no other than this special experience shaped her personality of brave and strong to challenge her new life.

  at lowood,she was both excited and nervous about the new place she had see and the new people she had meet.life at lowood wasn`t good at the beginning.people there must believed in hard work,plain food,simple clothes and no luxury of any kind.so most of them were offish except miss temple,the headmistress of lowood school.

  jane has made a friend here,the first really friend——helen burns.the girl was smart and kind-hearted but was hated by her teacher miss scatcherd and always be punished because of her “untidy and careless”.jane was so angry about that,on the contrary,helen told her:“life is too short to continue hating anyone for a long time.we all have faults,but the time will come soon when we die,when our wickedness will pass away with our bodies,leaving only the pure flame of the spirit.that`s why i never think of revenge,i never consider life unfair.i live in calm,looking forward to the end. ”

  that is true,her life was too short!when jane felt she was accepted,learned to like school and set to work to learn as much as she could,make as many friends as possible,helen`s illness was much more serious than jane first thought,she had got a tuber culosis.one morning miss temple found jane asleep with helen burns dead in her arms.helen have a great effect on jane,she teached jane how to learn to love,forgive and do as the bible tells:“sometimes you have to put up with some hard things in life even if other people hurt us.”

  jane stayed for eight years in lowood,for the last two as a teacher.she was busy and happy all that time,however,suddenly she realized she had never known any other world apart from lowood or gateshead.she wanted freedom, decided to change her life or at least a new master to serve.so she advertised in a newspaper for a job as a governess and then came to thornfield.

  the following story is as what happened in the film sound of music.

  the governess of no presence moved mr rochester with her beautiful,simplehearted and frank soul.the dialogue between jane and rochester was interesting. rochester was clever but a little peculiar,jane thought she didn`t really understand him and never sure whether he`s serious or joking.so she always speaking carefully and keeping serious to build a wall that she think are there to protect herself.fortunately,finally she had the courage to take down the wall and express her love to mr rochester.she said:“do you think i can watch another woman become your bride?do you think i`m a machine,whitout feelings?do you think,because i`m small and poor and plain,that i have no soul and no heart?well,you`re wrong!i have as much soul and heart as you.it is my spirit that speaks to your spirit!we are equal in the sight of god!”

  i believe when you heard what she said all of you will stand in awe of jane.when i thought the story would come to an end,a sudden,surprising change were taking place.

  on the wedding day,jane found the secret of rochester.the wedding cannot continue because mr rochester was already married and his wife was still alive!his explanation made jane forgive him at once in her heart because she knew what he said was true.however,in her heart she also knew it was right for her to leave.

  she left mr rochester when he was rich and health butcame back even though he was bland and disabled.i think that is true love.


  This is a story about a special and unreserved woman who has been exposed to a hostile environment but continuously and fearlessly struggling for her ideal life. The story can be interpreted as a symbol of the independent spirit.

  Jane Eyer was a born resister, whose parents went off when she was very young, and her aunt,the only relative she had,treated her as badly as a ragtag. Since Jane"s education in Lowwood Orphanage began, she didn"t get what she had been expecting sim* being regarded as a common person, just the same as any other girl around. The suffers from being humiliated and devastated teach Jane to be persevering and prize dignity over anything else.As a reward of revolting the ruthleoppression, Jane got a chance to be a tutor in Thornfield Garden. There she made the acquaintance of lovely Adele and that garden"s owner, Rochester, a man with warm heart despite a cold face outside. Jane expected to change the life from then on, but fate had decided otherwise: After Jane and Rochester fell in love with each other and got down to get marry, she unfortunately came to know in fact Rochester had got a legal wife, who seemed to be the shadow following Rochester and led to his moodineall the time ----Rochester was also a despairing person in need of salvation. Jane did want to give him a hand, however, she made up her mind to leave, because she didn"t want to betray her own principles, because she was Jane Eyer. The film has finally got a symbolist end: Jane inherited a large number of legacies and finally returned. After finding Rochester"s misfortune brought by his original mad wife, Jane chose to stay with him forever.

  I don"t know what others feel, but frankly speaking, I would rather regard the section that Jane began her teaching job in Thornfield as the film"s end----especially when I heard Jane"s words Never in my life have I been awaken so happily. For one thing, this ideal and brand-new beginning of life was what Jane had been imagining for long as a suffering person; for another, this should be what the audiences with my views hoped her to get. But the professional judgment of producing films reminded me to wait for a totally different result: There must be something wrong coming with the excellence----perhaps not only should another section be added to enrich the story, but also we may see from the next transition of Jane"s life that Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you would get. (By Forrest Gump"s mother, in the film Forrest Gump).


——秘密花园读后感英文版 (菁选2篇)


  The author of this book is Francis hodgson bernat.

  The book tells the little hero because Mary didnt get the parents care, childhood and obedient servant for her and made her temper, but due to inactivity but rarely eat, sallow and emaciated. Later, her parents died of cholera, so she came to the house. Little Mary was no longer so annoying, under the "instruction" of Martha, the maid. Later she came to the orchard met Ben and his lovely red bird, the birds take Mary found because the plantation owners hominids lun wen loses his wife and closed the key to the secret garden, from the little Mary came to "secret garden" to arrange the garden every day. She told the secret to Marthas brother dickon, asking him to help himself. Under the care of the two, the two made the flowers grow and grow, and the young Lincoln, who was afraid of death and the dark heart, became alive and well.

  This book tells us not to lose temper easily, which can be annoying. Do more exercise, breathe fresh air, feel the charm of nature in the flowers, and find the secret garden in your heart.


  During these three days, I read the book secret garden, which made me feel very deep.

  It in a magical and wonderful secret garden as the background reflected the story of the little girl Martha, she is a rude grumpy girl originally, but since his father mother India nurse and servant of all is that a merciless plague killed after life, her destiny changed completely, she in order to survive, to his uncles home, where she found the key to the secret garden and the door, and met his little maids brother, named Ken Lin. He is a little boy who can relate to people and talk to animals. He also identified himself as his cousin colin, who was physically emaciated and irritable. At Marys Ken Lin, two people with his secret garden and planting secret garden, he gradually fat up, also become very strong, in the end they created a miracle, let paralysed colin into a robust young man, run as fast as the deer.

  Through the book of secret garden, I understand that the road to ideal and destiny is not only one, but also that people can not blindly believe that they have not been seriously considered.


——英文版简爱读后感 (菁选2篇)


  Jane Eyre, is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl. After we close the covers of the book, after having a long journey of the spirit, Jane Eyre, a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think:

  We remember her goodness: for someone who lost arms and blinded in eyes, for someone who despised her for her ordinariness, and even for someone who had hurt her dee* in the past.

  We remember her pursuit of justice. It’s like a panion with the goodness. But still, a virtuous person should promote the goodness on one side and must check the badness on the other side.霸气女生网名

  We remember her self-respect and the clear situation on equality. In her opinion, everyone is the same at the God’s feet. Though there are differences in status、in property and also in appearance, but all the human being are equal in personality.

  We also remember her striving for life, her toughness and her confidence…

  When we think of this girl, what she gave us was not a pretty face or a transcendent temperament that make us admire dee*, but a huge charm of her personality.


  As Jane Eyre, in her plainness and solitude, walks to and fro in the Thornfield Hall, her unfortunate childhood, conflicting love, and religious forbiddance all cannot stop her seeking a better life and cherishing the human nature. She broke loose the chains that jailed her spirit, and through her struggles she overcame the poverty, customs, social standards, and piety which all blocked her from her dream of happiness, and finally became the master of herself! It could be said that Jane"s life was earned through retaliation and pursuit, that she fought tooth and nail until the sunlight was won. The sunlight now in her palm, shines brightly unto her!

  In fact, one has endless thoughts for the most effulgent sunbeam that shines after the storm. I always think in a difficult situation, if and when the hardships of this life is done, if and when the road of time no longer curves, if and when I try my best to walk to the end, will I be able to see the blinding sunlight? For the most important meaning in life is that, struggling through your trials you realize the value of your life, while taking away all the bitter misfortunes. Only then will we see the true radiance of the golden sun...


















  《哈姆雷特》,英国著名戏剧家莎士比亚笔下的一部悲惨的`现实主义小说,被称为莎翁四大悲剧之首,其最重要的原因在于主人公哈姆雷特身上的悲剧性。哈姆雷特身上至少有三种悲剧,性格悲剧,命运悲剧,历史悲剧。哈姆雷特,一个矛盾且犹豫的人物形象。他挣扎在现实与仇恨之间,从哈姆雷特感叹“生存还是毁灭,这是个值得深思的问题”这句话的时候,看得出他内心的挣扎。明明内心很善良,不想这么做,但他却被命运所控制,被仇恨多蒙蔽,哈姆雷特改变了自己,他不相信任何人,基本靠自己的力量与叔父作斗争,势单力薄,且优柔寡断,最后造成了奥菲利亚和母亲的死亡,自己与叔父的同归于尽。《哈姆雷特》中令我印象最深的是这句话:“真正的伟大不是轻举妄动,而是在荣誉遭到危险的时候,即使为了一根稻干之微,也要慷慨力争。”是啊,正真的伟大,不是不假思索就怒发冲冠,而是在我们荣誉受损的的时候,不管多么的微小,也要用尽全力,慷慨力争!莎士比亚在这部作品上倾注了大量的心血,才赋予了这跌宕起伏的故事情节。一个站在巨人肩膀上,洞悉一切的人,被生活欺骗了。他想一块口香糖,被生活咀嚼干净且榨干灵魂后,如废物一般吐出来。生活就是这样残酷,让你明白,原来拥有的一切竟是那样的难得,而已前所追求的,又是那样的遥不可及。或许《哈姆雷特》之所以能成为传世佳作,深受人们喜爱,不是这个悲剧有多惨,而是它有着照亮天空般深邃的哲理。 《哈姆雷特》灵魂的救赎!



















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